#124 - Rooster Teeth Podcast

Rooster Teeth remembers Comic Con

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rooster-teeth-podcast-124

Recorded: 2011-07-27 22:17:44

Runtime: 01:33:04 (5584.05 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Geoff Ramsey, Griffon Ramsey




    "Naruto Abridged Comedy Spoof" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tj9jBGBMcQ"
    "Unabomber" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Kaczynski"
    "Tylenol Poisoning" => "http://unazod.com/Tylenol.html"
    "Viktor Yushchenko" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Yushchenko"
    "Alexander Litvinenko" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Litvinenko"
    "Ichthys" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_fish"
    "Bill Watterson and Licensing" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Watterson#Fight_against_merchandising_the_cartoon_characters"
    "Rooster Teeth Store" => "http://roosterteeth.com/store/"
    "Professor Challenger" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professor_Challenger"
    "Always" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096794/"
    "Duel" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0067023/"
    "Sunshine" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0448134/"
    "Blue Starlite Drive In" => "http://www.bluestarlitedrivein.com/"
    "Chain Reaction" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0115857/"
    "Alone in the Dark" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0369226/"
    "Tara Reid Dress Malfunction" => "/?m=featured_video"
    "Taradise" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taradise"
    "Talent is Attractive" => "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1084791/Amy-Winehouse-shows-curly-haired-new-look-ditches-matted-beehive.html"
    "Leopard Attack" => "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/20/leopard-attack-india_n_904033.html#s311980"
    "Thats My Purse" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJl3ZAg6mj0"
    "Beavis and Butthead Preview" => "http://www.mtv.com/videos/misc/675057/beavis-and-butt-head-sdcc-11-sneak-peek.jhtml#series=2214&seriesId=3311&channelId=1&id=1667713"
    "Bubble Boy" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bubble_Boy_(Seinfeld)"
    "Austin is Good for Singles" => "http://www.travelandleisure.com/articles/americas-best-cities-for-singles/3"
    "Comic Con Proposal" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cAPj0M_PBM"
    "2011 Halo Universe Panel" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNDQN7nwZlw"
    "Halo Anniversary Classic Mode" => "http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/halo/news/halo-anniversary-video-demonstrates-how-classic-campaign-stage-silent-cartographer-was-updated/a-20110722164539771010/g-2005120719032177719116"
    "Ninjaharlot" => "http://twitter.com/#!/ninjaharlot"
    "Red Mill" => "http://www.redmillburgers.com/"
    "Machinima Contest Rules" => "http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/community/letters/machinima-contest-official-rules/94989"
    "Achievement Hunter" => "http://achievementhunter.com/home.php"
    "Gamefails" => "http://www.youtube.com/gamefails"
    "Mojang" => "http://mojang.com/"
    "Swedish Bikini Team" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_Bikini_Team"
    "Slow Mo Guys are Hot" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iQvZueIBrA"


Transcript (in progress):

drunk in the team too drunk to the drunk tank oh yeah drunk does it take to the drug test Plastics podcast how to beat been stolen from a Naruto fan podcast not talked about last night cast is a lot of people came to a close I just so I left and came back a little present on my bench he sent me a raccoon like a little Plus directions company and I didn't bring the box and hurt me and it's kind of a long ways to the studio so I'm sorry thank you for the kind thoughts I might be a little paranoid but I store better than bent to make a different shape and then completely wrapped in tape when we get those you will see other people stepped away as someone starts to cut into that Marshalls in the carries like to send out the packages in the Burnie and Justin the Gus slow poisoning the Tylenol MO no way for somebody to poisoning something like this is back when language was invented thats how they kill people with poisoning poisoning comic on this last weekend I was still in Griffon and Russian politician who was poisoned with your boat ashore with you and if you say so I'm pretty sure he was a politician it rings a vague but I don't remember right I think you're right polonium Hawthorne Avenue Colonia processed meat my sisters and I get the feeling that the Star Trek podcast give me mad at is next week alone series and Star Trek and ohmygod year anniversary Troy the sexiest thing in the world Buffalo trails in the how many job I never got to buy it they have Universe like Christian fish in the Darwin fish or whatever they had one that was a Star Trek and it was like in the Enterprise for Is Like Oxygen Austin is a great like I was really jealous when I saw people going out there in like talking about how nice the weather was my house I think I left my cover on my grill because why would I ever put my cover but they got messed up now because shooting my grill with a water gun is not going to cost you know put my cover on my grill makes you the Superman or super super Bill Burr the Christian fish have I've ever written about how much I hate those fish things all those different fish in aluminum fencing attractive very thing you know they have the Christian fish symbol represent in Christianity thats trailhead this is going to create a lot but when it was only going a lot of places to be Christian to determine if someone else was Christian is like a secret handshake you would drop a fish in the ground and then if the other person recognizes it was illegal to be Christian civil lawsuit attorney yeah I'm on the road don't been in responses I get to atheists and Darwin thats always want to be smarter the Christians I guess they made the parody Darwin fish which is the fish that says Darwin in it and it has feet like a fish fish fish fish fish Professor have like extra feet and teeth then they would be killed by The Warriors spaghetti monster fish comic strip Calvin Hobbes fish car nothing here to listen cuz I don't care I really don't care guys like I don't care but Calvin is like kneeling before the cross whatever because it was a character in a book because I really like him like he was and feel like you know like you is never enough what did Calvin do you just imagine stuff all the time like everything you want doesn't make sense organs giving it like and have them have an opinion about Chevy or for example Watterson who created Calvin and Hobbes he never liked me for anything ever the one thing you need the book and that was it so if you've ever seen a Calvin and Hobbes piece of merchandise anywhere in the mall or wherever something about that he didn't he didn't prosecute anyone for it I think you just let him go right ahead it really you talking about that he was driving down the road when they pulled up behind a car that had one of these Calvin stickers on it and he just got to looking at it and he just shook his head and said what have they done to you my boy what have they done to you thats the bad things I've ever seen in person not sure I mean on the back of the books and stuff we sometimes the whole extra properties and gets kinda like overblown a little bit where people get to you like why you so that you so that you so that when it's um it's really hard to come up with an original idea and you don't know really what McAllen hot stuff is going to be an asshole but sometime we have to maintain control over how the things that you may come across that people are using those images that can make you should have spent more time like going after that stuff Griffon Geoff back me up the Calvin white black and white black and white black and white gotta love it when your kids you invented the color red and I am the color red and I chop down all the trees in the lot by our office Mill is that he or she is just like every time just as anything to her she just looked at me so I was looking to get any sort of Truth out of in preparation for her dating life question everything and everyone no one said anything to me lyrics I'm sure in a more reputable store it was still a bootleg products um I'm going to the bookstore at the only thing you can buy that money no makeup makeup purse who was in The Temper sent to Bill Watterson he's like I don't think it's like I'm not getting anything else because you can never love for such a long time how do you jump into something new without having it be picked apart and not being quiet it's basically got it was an interview with the journal it like 20 years after he wrote to and it said how do you feel about your kind of anything is good and just who has favorite series with anything like that like structure are the con and oil is famous for Chillicothe love the Challenger Series and hated tried to kill I'll try to stop by but every time he had his favorite nobody's ever heard of it red I had two months I was working on something I don't think I can say that it counts but I don't think I was always Duel movie and it was about a truck yet it's about a guy I like a guy in a little red sports car driving like back to see his family or something like it in trouble in the rest of the truck driver truck driver truck shows in the big truck on the freeway into the shark guys for so late in the summer and recently was purely budgetary they just couldn't afford it didn't work it didn't work so then they eliminated through the don't show where they don't have enough to do anything until at the very last minute or even heard of and slow doesn't mean you have to like build everything up with the storytelling and not really thats attack 15 minutes or so in the movie is this kellyco my wife had the best reaction of all time to something like that because we drive out to see a movie but she didn't know anything about it so we took her out to go see From Dusk Till Dawn like going to see everybody one third of the movie when the gangster movie stops in Austin and everybody turns into vampire sharks attacking world is watching is going on here the vampires in Omaha my God all this My Wife puts up with about a minute The Narrative Naruto teeth out way late like ice the purse of the office of the same kind of reaction mobile drive thru Starlite Drive-In map to see can't imagine and I will get to theater in the lake but maybe 30-40 an hour north of here before she Mill 4371 in Colorado the family I saw chain reaction the movie where Keanu Reeves plays scientist thats possibly only one worse cast what's your Facebook and everybody is River Energy like they got they got out of bed they had like the obligatory like sexing with her age they had it bad if you start spewing too much of life through the car that was in Utah I did the blondest poisoning when was got your wedding paperie Alexander and for a wedding and there are like 30 blonde people in this line because they're all getting ready to get married it was a crazy blonde alone and it was like that for this kind of thing for the Griffon how many my way call me after using the word phenomenon too much of a fight yet but the whole like bad boys like guys Starlite I cut him I like him as I do alone with you when she was on the red carpet and her dress fell off how do you not love that team so I don't think she's probably credit credited credited for the celebrity reality show thing taradise was like the first big celebrity TV show leopard reality TV show way before like herself wines and are getting out of bed I guarantee you wherever she is right now she's super hot in this the same what is that quick. Reaction 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago would you stop baby what's wrong with you Talent is attractive and be like you said a mess is attractive what is that is due to their baby hair on a girl's arm she goes up like this nevermind no but I am attractive message yes and with something I think it's because I didn't think I was that kind of girl but when I first met Geoff we had the wrong one they were talking talking talking we never kissed or anything at the moment he showed me his bike stars in is Knuckles from fight even and put in the Army I was like I don't know like I was there Geoff Johns but as much as I got the shit kicked out of me a lot until I learn to shut up in the parking lot of the gas station does a dent in my forehead for 3 months I thought that I was going because like I walked outside and my friend's wife had these two it's a crazy story but anyway I got pulled into a fight where I had to defend my friend in his life and in the movies like 1310 East are to run away from them and then walking and you can't run fast enough and you fall down and really get up asshole look like work as hard as I could in the stomach anyway and I needed that cartoon movie where he pounded the top of my head and I saw a bird so I can find out about this car's a little bit attack on for good reason blue is too dangerous to fly yeah it's brutal is Tara is in my life a lot of fighting in Alabama near me the opportunity to see the kids before you go watching bananas guys like it could be recording it I guess you could person shot made like aftermath don't know what time I was leaving Universe walking back home waiting for I was waiting for the light to change text me also and I'm looking across the street and the girl behind the girl's face marks on her face the new hole puncher can punch in the center of everything everything in front of my and it was it for what it was in Manitoba and Winnipeg and there's a bar inside or outside are about to leave and there are a bunch of like like an English-speaking girls are hanging out and we had them come from a car the car will then like and it's like all these girls like red of the parking lot all these girls jumped out as friends we can do anything like that the lead French speaking girl attack Reid English video like the most of the hottest day of your life it was rooster thats not into the French I don't know yeah I got a new phone and I'm not turn on it I just said it I thought the stars are interesting anyway even yesterday that you guys might be like my only friends that I haven't been in fights with it came up as we're upstairs constantly Comic Con people wanted me to find an animal that showed up with anyone 210 while you were coming home you cannot beat that leopard leopard Freedom Halo 4 it was pretty rough okay I'm clear I didn't say could be any animal I'm just saying I couldn't be killed by an animal even like a shark or a bear I can slide it to the point where it won't kill me that's what I'm saying that's all I'm saying I'm not taking her out he's pretty big in the picture of the leopard for whatever they're doing his helmet in Fallout rules motorcycle parts in the leopard succumbed to injuries while trying to capture it so you know how to get to fight me I know that's not what I'm talking about Everytime We the party I tried to get Frank to fight me don't do that I know that I know what you want to do and I want to see if you can take me if I have enough fighting skill against someone who is what is his training I don't know in Taekwondo and a black belt in some kind of like I had enough to work he's a big dude he's about the only pics to and like to write music and talk to you now we never talk alone and that for years always try to get the box in the box and finally got the box and within a minute got to be heading down that much because I don't like traveling no it was a guys garage and then they would move it it was a continuation of the Austin The Undertaker wrestling in the Heights Netflix something like some kind of wonderful do you want to clear up the furniture three times a week for 2 years straight he must be Austin is no training I feel like there's Terry has sparring gloves I'm like. Whatever degree black belt in Taekwondo apparently Tyler has studied Aikido I was like let's go let's fight and then they can think of like there's like what you had to change when you're with me Megyn Kelly's net the lowest level boy yeah I was going to say Netflix like with some of your drive you can throw them purchase me from the side and hugs me from the side around the tops of my shoulders I fucking said that purse why should you need is thats my purse I don't know you taking the dick we Viktor 4 minute preview of the new Beavis and Butthead show is the first 3 minutes of the Beavis and Butthead show that you remember where they hit lick frogs and I am Cornholio all right it's just as fresh as it was then but instead of like them comedy music videos MTV doesn't play music videos that comment on reality shows and there's a minute and a half and that's one of the things that was pretty funny and made up the rest but you would like this Primetime and other services like doctors were cleaning in there finally blue are off tomorrow because we have junk on the floor everywhere and you can't complicated like we haven't had the Family Guy set up from like the short ages ago that finally got his medicine yesterday and then there's a bunch of other stuff that's unlike and lingering in the background that isn't really necessary that around anymore but no I don't think I'm working good and warm inside building I used it a lot sick like really sweaty you're claiming in which is universe dress up like the glove like the gloves that are attached to it you put your arms lyrics 1052 Wilder like he's a single guy she runs around in like guys more Canadian bacon can we for 8 hours just get my allergy shot so many times it's like coming back to haunt me not to move because that's all you're around so I guess I won't be part of any Wiccan rituals but is it safe the house living with his teacher that everyone's lives to hear it with that I think of you even if you're not allergic to it like this supposed to have like the highest mountain cedar count in the world is something here in Austin and it's awful and there's something you left for your singles New Orleans who is always New Orleans Austin Las Vegas New York do you need a double income to live in New York anyone in New York guys are you Mo Dakota guys Garage in underwear get invited House Parties to even meet anybody what is it so much the social life in the are coming to go out so much you know that's part of being in the army people that work with people that you don't know paper and it be like oh is 14 from the 811 block are only free when you do that stuff to me panel thats what I in always on time I would not wait more than 15 minutes to teeth sex are on I'll see them soon in 2 months and I got to talk to Danny DeVito and I don't know if I don't know why I wouldn't talk about this video of him talking to her about her asking about my zombie plan shirt when she got something funny Elation is he just said it was for the show right maybe I really did you did you go to how to say that men go through the same like during pregnancy Reid of the go go through like sympathetic symptoms kind of you know like those put on some way to go get moody at a certain time and did you experience that no not really not really my wife said and I said you were the first pregnancy in the second pregnancy in the first and he better be better on the 2nd but now I know I was just impossible yeah we're married you get that I never got the email but the blood stream of people the entire weekend you know what was the question of the con always talking about this yesterday was and I said one of the biggest functions of the con for us but the promotion is that it's a weird way to pull the audience because they come up and talk to you about what you do so much different stuff now that it's really important to her this time around the bikini the people talk about was literally all the different stuff for working on the day that I like those entertainment stop holding to you on the real that we had shown in the basement the Captain America's guys we had the first war action scenes from season 9 with EcoBoost PSI and then we had something else don't know what else good thing was but it was also the people who the people who listen to the drunk tank are much different than every other person that comes out your butt what's an older thats like their monocles and top hats better as people just because of the nature the drunk tank but you're right they're older socially capable or did they just friendly more conversation are you would like you would relate to the characters and lay beside you Bill a caboose let's talk about this but if you just listen to Drunk I get beer right now and then guys actually talking about just a lot of stuff to make a lot of people come up in there like oh you make the team they were surprised that no one ever said it was because they have come to the website in a totally different way would you go is interesting to me because that's where the new thing like that other other shows are sure to bring people into the community 1611 is better entertaining don't yell too loud you don't want to just give you stars on it weather Naruto X Gaara slow I have on my forehead under the eyebrow Talladega drill hole mark on my leg from them that they mo state of emergency put my product on the table so I just put my last night I don't know I was using it like a three-quarter inch drill a Twist of the jeans around my skin so I had to let reverse without chicken did it the worst thing is closed you don't realize how dangerous your clothes always are Vegas for the week the chain cover my boss explain to me to get to work make it on time the clothes with the woman at the dry cleaner on South Congress boy got caught in the dry cleaning machine okay I believe you didn't someone that was pretty cool so that was the death of dating free Geoff we talked it was a very nice moment and it was amazing the amount of people who came up afterwards and we're like so bitter yeah you were there as he had a conversation with it but some at and Matt's and Grace as couple thats in the website I don't know how long they've been on okay and armor look great when team I want to see a fully lit up energy source powers blue and actually come up and talk to Gus leading up to it and he can afford it with me after that and then I don't remember anything just like it wasn't his helmet down on one knee and pulled out the ring which is Reid Tara said she seen it was like is ridiculous you probably are not going to be buying a lot of intelligent independent women Interfaith Red vs. blue I love them you would not believe how quickly all that been your drops when an enormous diamond ring internet signal but no it was really yeah I'm tired she is at her instead you believe they're putting the video on Waypoint so you can't really hear the speakers only what's the highest overall I think he sent us that they were going to send it to them just so we can actually hear that cause I retain with it but it was really sweet but then afterward overhead panel and I said they're going to throw the the girl has no idea it's coming the dude drops down to one knee pulled out the ring picked up off the table the Ring cases opened it fast reaction anything she literally had heard him and had her left glove off with you I think it actually because we are never in their in elevator and we are just returning some girl randomly and she was like oh yeah I my friendship your friends of them in there she was like yeah yeah we all came together as a group Tara with now this is getting kind of old Natalie sweet moment it was very very Swedish Swedish cause a lot of negative people around it was I did my little guy to a griffon comic grading the in the way that I don't know it was like walking that line a little bit through thats far the better side I need to work hard and I've been traveling around the country all earlier in the week dealing with some family stuff would happen if you ate an asshole a speaking of the better have you seen the latest episode of Louie we go to see his great-aunt Alison stroll rules you know I said he's one of our galaxy Bill said he was going to be at 4 o'clock 12:10 of the guys that was helping it was David Allan the great time with them this weekend I had them including Frank O'Connor cuz I was on the official Halo panel at Comic-Con I got dinner and I said I want everyone's permission that we can get William Tapley tend to do that sometimes anyway I got permission from all of record that David Ellis can come on our podcast and talk about some of the stories that he's a master storyteller going to things like that usually like you've never that would never happen to let me put it this way I could never take David Along on one of his first day because Jeff and I see this little car show the guys got some snow Comcast guys navigation to Morgan Korean karaoke whatever like you don't fit in order of artist event order of songs in for him hot from figured out karaoke about something I can't hear what it was do I think about camera MO camera with digital camera the healthiest bread you know like how did the an acrostic are at Intercity downtown electronic shop thats like the silver panel with a glass as you walked in with the stuff on either side shopping every Crazy official Halo panel the Halo Universe Halo Universe panel officially Canon didn't happen Greg bear and Karen Travis so Frank and Kevin were the architects of the Hill Universe right now overseeing everything Greg and Karen were novelists and then to guys that did the demonstration of developers 4343 the demonstration of specific live Halo anniversary Bill to build a really cool video that I feel like I shouldn't discuss too much does my boiler is it okay the thing is just because I kind of ruined it for you but they showed the panel which I'm sure they're going to put them away so they did put a video last week that showed the ability to switch between classic and current mode that was that was a demonstration that showed for anniversary that is cool that is really really cool when they go in the water and they switch from the Halo anniversary you can switch back to the old engine was in the original thats pillar of autumn classic moment Halo great Thats My remember the strongest so they show that they said that the building had one swap back and forth I think it was like the easiest panel in the world Blue Collar Comedy and that was it I think it was like that all the time no responsibility it's a good gig right in traffic. It's not working on a new novel and I had just red Krypton which is their first for Runner novel by Greg bear thats crazy man thats really different from everything else oh and before panel outside table are very soda pop Comic Con America store in Manhattan Kathleen Sanderson ninjaharlot but I've got to know her was funny but her Twitter handle is ninjaharlot I'm way better is Mo screaming that I am with you I think it's because those days that shows in and not because you know that I know like several companies this point I'm also way better with avatars they my face thats for badges that people can put their Avatar they did not do that no one ever charged changing year thats what about like when Bungie releases a shirt for charity what's the weather looking like physical attributes dress like your icon on a website coming to this email because I have to roll out as needed and called on and you guys take pressure off and you're funny and I don't have a lot of pressure there and if anything I was going to die but what I know about this person during a panel that wasn't related to that she sent me like 10 of the description of it and I didn't really know how I fit into a size 2 for a better description it was more like questions it might come up and everything in my closet and looks over my head and not sure if I fit into this but I'm gonna do it cuz it would be stupid not to do it so I was planning on letting him have coming up preparing a little bit but I didn't have you have to do that like I was working I was working nights working weekends and then I had to get and run out the door and then get on a plane essentially so then I thought want me to study at Comic Con for Sonoma County is there an item to Microsoft party and so the day of the panel I am I'm prepared hungover and already feeling like I may not be a perfect fit directions for the panel and he was like my one suggestion but it's cool and a beer and I just wanted to love anyone like my I'm very glad that I did it but it was kind of excruciating and nerve-wracking and it didn't throw up Sunshine what kind of questions were they are going to ask did you have to answer specifically and then I kind of just how like the sort of like things on the periphery can add to the cannon are they take away or whatever like having to deal with working collaboratively with writers and that sort of thing but I don't really I don't know Archie Comics is for something else entirely like it it talk about video games but it's not having its not like and exactly in the world of one video game I don't know it was kind of like a weird good anyway for con material in it he probably thought it put more thinking in for like I don't know but it's different I don't know I did my best to do my best is it inappropriate to talk about stuff about other people if they put it on Twitter at Fantastic Fest Legends entertainment is like his account to my Twitter I think we don't treat it like a professional account are all going out kind of is because everyone's there like and people that we work with her or just even if you don't interact with and read it but it's also very personal and always and it's an interesting thing is I think that especially if you are able to work and entertainment your personal life can be part of your professional life just as far as saying funny things is weird thing it's like finding that line because I keep Facebook pretty much just personal stuff you know in some ways I tell people to be careful we put out there because you know it's going to take jobs or whatever but it's same time I don't follow that at all for another he set up a meeting with the state's one of the frag dolls face right now thank you with face in the can get on the plane street-level take an hour or whatever it's for some of them it in person there's no there's no power very energetic what happen if you're going to lose YouTube My Drunk out that night that someone introduced me to and I recognize his girlfriend and I can't talk about how I know her and I seen her at all you know I think you're not recognizing movies like to listen I've been I just put the tip in the con my boyfriend give me a heads up on it anyway? Tara believe your story about dinner with is funny cuz my first time being faithful is that our party last year at tax and I remember that yeah and so I got blackout drunk at parties on the best thats high school and I'm in a conversation with her at some point in the evening looking and thinking I should walk away right now I should just walk away I don't know what I'm talking about the next day I saw her at the blue and she just looked at me and shook her head and walked away Red Mill leopard name of the place with a Red Mill we can find a minute only across the street down like like 3 blocks walking into a grocery store with a chase after them can I get back to the universe Team Four Star Story something that I she told me no just me like so sorry anyway because of me find out what she did and apparently it was Universe you if you're watching it she did a lot of like tied up secretary finish this is that what you're into you know even recognize her you like intentionally embarrassed her that's the problem we've got here that I know just concerned about you announcing what you're into your and put your and your coworkers Alexander are talking about Halo I don't want are you going to say no problem with her chosen career but that was what she was into me just like you should be no stranger to leave until it was very clear or something like that the end of it I just got I thought you was in I'm kind of thinking you're right you know how many people what are the three of us know that you know mo Lee's Summit like we don't like it's a huge dress nice for whatever reason no matter where we were going biggest the biggest we've ever seen one the con WonderCon have like an entire third of the convention this weekend for the bummer I'll 2500 what is trying to get the picture that was a complex process by the way I had to go and bail her out of that by the way she's number one form to Austin MN is it raining contest are there and I didn't know anything yeah yeah charge them $100 deposit bill pay try to figure it out and like you said $100 right now okay yeah it was weird you can figure out why you're staying there why Comic Con is a non-profit organization discount for the guy who was supposedly credit card credit card credit card but you just walk around and was loud I think that people have bald guy with gray hair on the side with Alexander youngest classic running around like you can save everyone just please be patient there's like 5 of us and let us know when you get an hour to wait in the kitchen is going to like you 3 hours later in the line trying to get through with drug everyone Jefferson Line in Gus that I never got answered and you never tell her then while we're standing there at the front of the line first in line for Summit County con the long row of counters right we're just waiting for the open and there's Handler down at the other end of the snaking lines red and Heating is waiving all the way and we're like an opening the first counter and he goes what's a simile novels about so what's next on the agenda as far as events do you guys have we have a crime and an Xbox Comic Con Expo the weekend also includes Halo 4 Halo fest going on during patch from one of the big things you know that takes place before all of this is that we're going to be judging a Machinima contest that is taking place during PAX Prime but the injuries had to be created and turned in before that because of judging takes place at thats right right and one of the prizes as part of the role in Red vs. blue season 10 guys rolling around in a garage Burnie comic about that is I'm not going to kill everyone kill a Jaguar Jaguar Viktor makeup stand for red tape the one Animal by the way $3 microwave dinner you're pointing at me Gus Thomasson can't hear can't see the point because I keep Hunter is having its third anniversary night we played Bad Company 2 last night and tonight we play Left 4 Dead 2 in the morrow night is Burnout Paradise in Friday's Halo Reach in Saturday's Gears of War 2 and you can look at the plates information domain expired Executive Car yeah that's rough how do you install Bill Channel Bill started a new channel on YouTube right now youtube.com slash gamefails but it's going to be on the site this week as well and it's just like you don't like 85050 missions for Halo reach that we can't get through so they're all very funny so we started putting the game Call of Juarez the cartel all week Skate 3 is it is good for the men and then you occasionally have to press commentary is that right the Dominican Republic 5:10 in the morning the more likely is there any I appreciate it I'm going to make a brisket I heard you scream cut into it and Juicy J the last few days my office yeah definitely I am in just a few short hours I am getting on a plane to go to Sweden and I'm going to go visit with the Mojang crew in Stockholm that not right that is not Team guys to make Minecraft I'll be there for you probably on the plane longer than you'll be in Sweden Gavin attack it is what it is man it is it is expensive yes I'm going I'm going for a nice trip with my son in a father-son trip and he's going to see how far how far is it from London to Sweden on a plane alone is exactly how far is $800 to shuttle 2009 international so I'm going to play that long I mean coach International will really test your Multicultural really close the lr3 advertisement on YouTube not that I'm complaining free contest does via for Yost Automotive in Austin Texas is weird to me like a kid made a video in his garden in England Austin garage Bubble Guppies why was it made me so yeah dress the advertisement thats my store red dress shirt in promoting Health in the family like you're really fast butthead panel guys guess you have to think for dinner I mean if your getting out of pajamas and putting clothes on yeah yeah I gave him some help and finally he did it but I think he's better about it we're not talking anymore the internet you know you're and can't run put some clothes on like no one ever and you wearing pajamas guys and if it's something listen you don't let me forget to talk about one thing on the podcast and you don't forget I wasn't ready for this and I have actually gotten on the Facebook recently regulation actual personal account that I use to communicate with friends and ex girlfriends to communicate with ex-girlfriend she got that and I and everybody on Facebook and I've been using another one of those people Jordan Jordan as a friend and his last name is who is apparently very hot Swedish for food so I decided Megan on Facebook she makes great updates by the way it's one bill Jordan keeps trying to friend me right now 54 guys when I get a big dinner with them in a very cool restaurant in San Diego Italian place but you have to go through it smelly looking at 9 and sausage and eggs with cheese right next to that place last year at a Comic Con dinner before they go in the back way into the restaurant and just like that you were going to the kitchen to the restaurant the kitchen Halo 1754 350 and then I forgot to bring it probably at the punchline help rooster Geoff alone last name I don't know yeah it's a lot of consonants in chain my previous life I would to have to miss work health care benefits if I get one time an Aflac rep came to visit us and we went to we went to go Burnie and she said you can your best friend cuz she was black and she said um so I'll just give you my contact information great my name is Julie and she goes to the last name and it was like and it was you in a funny way that you seem like you have trouble I'm married I just got married last month thats my new name so I'm still learning how to spell mrs. Brown I love you but I'm not going to and I didn't check but did not motels Hammond LA purse that she could just keep going and getting a passport and driver's license and I can think of getting your name changed is actually pretty simple especially text is way more than working or do you have them. We have to have it posted and people like creditors and stuff can come up in like complain about it but in Texas like you pay a little more money but it's like an idiot to decide to explain it for genocide in Oregon nothing just waiting for the store Mewtwo just saying that it definitely wasn't Ramsey when I met him it was think truth and I didn't know it last name right before right before we got married so it wouldn't so I wouldn't have to change my later you know like so if you get married you automatically different so we don't want to repeat what you looking for dividing thats a cooler I don't know and I didn't know Griffon Bank II grilled about her name in the book a really good time if you were asking me Capital teeth no I've never heard of that do we have the Dragon Con when your hot jars of moonshine pot jars of moonshine to the booth let's get it only and white vintage are there my duel Darth is not cute I don't know the names of like chain with handprints and label the good been out of somebody's home printer licensing fire in liquid form presentation wonder how that happened for real 423 the point I'm like he doesn't ask him for things so Austin dress like an awesome blue bikini my office when you get here like I have a question shut the door what happening the year you were born which we can't do on our site and I was wondering if we could change that was back when I was 24 so can we tylenol while drinking Swedish German English Native American white for lunch