#134 - RT Podcast

Rooster Teeth Podcast is concerned about time travel and aliens

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-134

Recorded: 2011-10-05 21:52:39

Runtime: 01:23:22 (5002.35 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Kerry Shawcross, Joel Heyman, Marshall Rimmer




    "iPhone 4S" => "http://www.apple.com/iphone/"
    "Magnets" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet"
    "Tweet about Brandon" => "http://twitter.com/#!/sorola/status/121334166691397633"
    "Stop Talking Cards" => "http://www.seteditions.com/stoptalking.html"
    "Full Sail" => "http://www.fullsail.edu/"
    "Discover Card history" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discover_card"
    "Pinballz" => "http://www.pinballzarcade.com/"
    "Barcade" => "http://barcadebrooklyn.com/"
    "Ze Frank" => "http://www.zefrank.com/"
    "Thundercloud" => "http://thundercloud.com/"
    "Mr Gattis" => "http://www.mrgattis.com/"
    "The Stranger" => "http://www.reddit.com/r/DoesAnybodyElse/comments/d0xy5/dae_use_their_nondominant_hand_to_masturbate/c0wqoow"
    "Wonder Years on Netflix" => "http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/celebritology/post/wonder-years-is-on-netflix-here-are-five-of-the-weepiest-episodes/2011/10/03/gIQAyiblIL_blog.html"
    "Dept of Retro Warning" => "http://www.theonion.com/articles/us-dept-of-retro-warns-we-may-be-running-out-of-pa,873/"
    "Abracadabra" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QyoRzZrF00"
    "Popsicle Stick Wave" => "http://www.break.com/index/kid-creates-a-1000-popsicle-stick-wave-2177157"
    "PE Ratio" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P/E_ratio"
    "Double Slit Experiment" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfPeprQ7oGc"
    "Reiki" => "http://www.reiki.org/faq/whatisreiki.html"
    "March of Dimes" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/March_of_Dimes#The_fight_against_polio"
    "Marshalls Secret" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsuKtvjgaUo"
    "Austin Police iPhone App" => "http://www.kvue.com/news/Crime-fighting--Yeah-APD-has-an-app-for-that-125519723.html"
    "New RT Animated Adventure" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoMmWxLE6sQ"
    "Neutrinos Faster than Light" => "http://www10.nytimes.com/2011/09/23/science/23speed.html?_r=5"
    "Size of water on Earth" => "http://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/l0eha/tilthe_small_blue_ball_is_all_the_earths_salt/c2oqkup"
    "Snake and frog evolution" => "http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4073359.stm"
    "New Zealand has no land snakes" => "http://www.aucklandmuseum.com/349/natural-history-questions#%232"
    "Herps talk about baby snakes" => "http://www.herpsofarkansas.com/forum/topic/2267/myth-baby-snakes-are-more-poisonous-than-an-adult-snake/"


Transcript (in progress):

discover secured card size for 2005 Chevy talk and sometimes even March birthstone definition of Burnie and Justin Justin Justin Justin Justin hey Richard it's my first time on the roof I'm very excited Burnie Burns Marshall I'm a veteran on the roof 2004 WeatherBug the Brandon Austin Brandon massage a real pain in the neck talk okay it looks like you to back me up in Kerry was sitting there when it happened I love you Brandon stop talking about the iPhone and iPhone 4S yesterday Brandon wasn't worried about getting lost because Google Maps on it because I have to work how bank is working wave magnets attract all the magnets in the world Arctica I'm talking about the magnetic South Pole full walked out it's right under the sun that we have developed over of being assholes giving each other shit and someone starts talking out of their ass everyone else like go ahead and break even full conversations with Brandon and I'm just going to type it out there and you put it on Twitter and that you were here I had to text while now on your computer and it later on I was replying to you about the travel iPhone app the airport in Orlando and in the middle of a conversation back and forth with some people Twitter relation to right now watching someone try to cover desperately my wife something like that one time where it was like when you're married you have date night which is pathetic I should say when you're married with kids because you probably don't have date night every night we went out somewhere and then on the way home hey we really need to stop and get something anyway to midnight and we have a nice dinner and drinking wine and getting checked out at Walmart and my wife is looking around and she says things like the cashier cashier and she was like March and April when my wife goes into cover-up mode light water light 572 the head of her like she doesn't realize because like I said it's going to try to cover it up so then she goes we should get business cards made than just a stop talking they have them or do I read a story online of somebody who had stop talking business when I was in college I was at Blockbuster you guys remember that he was working there have you ever had your membership Lake County pointless you know I mean I gotta agree and I'm working on some side projects right now in and and stuff and you know and and then I just realize like how these guys working at Blockbuster because he has just found you and you don't like when I realize that I've said something stupid I just kind of like and I guess there's no I don't go for the cover up I'm just like yeah I'm sorry I said that I'll see you later yeah sorry man do I say that to him no iPhone but I sure know it if it was there I'm like the 1% of people that have a business degree and a creative degree but you got a creative degree and not my business to your no I mean I wouldn't do it I mean you know I am I covered all my bases I guess I wouldn't you know business school and all that stuff level 100 and like you look around and it's like all these like 85% like pretty sorority girls just want to have some stuff at University this weekend iPhone app for live shows in 79 no and then they wouldn't naturally just kind of evolved into than television the film production and then with a digital Evolution multimedia I mean what is it called than you know just you know get your video is actually still New Media and so it was it was pretty interesting to talk to people who are going to go out and try to get jobs with degrees in than you know they're going to than go out and get a job and entertainment no one really here that have degrees in entertainment company and my degrees in computer science and I'm a little upset I don't like talking about this but do you have what is your official degree a Bachelor of Science and radio-television talk or do you have a Bachelor of Science in film language classes for film but not for business but I have a bachelor in computer would you RT 40 has died in that light but fucking pissed me off most of all about that you know what my diploma doesn't know what's going on if you don't mind what's the best thing to do you get your specialization has film or whatever still in an envelope somewhere my parents house in the top drawer of my filing cabinet underneath all the files too big light goes sideways in there I think they were pretty thousand people graduate years my card we don't Discover card I know it's like discover no but I didn't realize I came from Sears and I believe in the original years card credit cards where you got them from the dept stores and people we know these central banks that are too big to fail although I did get a credit card American Airlines travel from Orlando Airport I only have two of them so I have two and a half million for miles and there's a lot of things come with upgrades and things like that called Platinum for life you honorary Captain you just go in there and fly the plane to fly 1.2 year and a half but I was kind of like card but you have a wine that is called Gus you're like this they have the expert Travelers line the first in the TSA agent who was very friendly and helpful advice for traveling with children Orlando Airport traveling with children and people who understand the rules everywhere you show up like 15 minutes before the plane and you like tell the people who is giving you a ticket like my plane leaves in 15 minutes if you'd like to come with me run run and they just like Ze through everything just always do this when we first started this is Gus with the Charger and we would be flying to I don't know, San Diego the problem with living in Dallas Gus can travel very much was intentionally looking at three and a half hours retro I don't think I don't think you can on the expert line with that kind of about 3 hours the thing that I check in bags if you know you're bored when you're at home can you take it with you 20 minutes do they have security mobile boarding pass the X-ray machine at the Austin Airport local businesses McDonald's no the Schlotzsky's the march of pizza of Salt Lick Amy zamani than there was somebody that was also has and have look it up online it's called pinballz we were told one of the nighttime events for RT X pinballz reserve the place we had people would have been okay recordings of that event I didn't realize that one of the guys that was working on Machinima and showed up at the Lincoln Center event space Frank a really yeah that was really weird who is the guy that we love he's at he's um kind of the global authority of Machinima and runs the mission Academy and now he's likely Cinemax guy over on the the bar where the Old Republic coming out anyway so we go out with somebody other filmmakers like New York artist and the after party was at Barcade and we met this guy who is the only one to make her and I'm not going to be in the conversation have anything New Yorker when we go to other bars and I shouldn't really Russia moving to Arkansas will be here in a couple months and then I like to look some up and down I'm in the mood for 5 seconds and it just turned it just you have to hang out with him eBay we have a McDonald's at school I think that really changes my problem Thundercloud Subs and her baby's ice cream and I don't know who they hire from within with tons of piercings in no problem with it except when you order a sandwich you want and the next I don't know 10 minutes 20 minutes so is that your problem Gattis single any day that week that phone number Gattis Pizza commercial helps me remember what the the Yellow Cab phone number is because there the number to flipped than either slit than I than the two in the end there when you're really drunk and need to call a taxi it's super helpful is this I need pizza how memory works it just like it shows your brain is just Faking It nonlinear have to come up there watch the Hey Arnold grown up I love that show is awesome and it was an episode where is like in the floor in order to like I don't know what it was but in order for him to do good on his test he would like make up Rhymes and like little songs like including all this like historical facts or whatever I just was like you know it's true it's like you can know every word to an entire album and and and still likes fail all your tests cuz you just can't remember like those facts we can remember all the words crazy crazy most functional has the best working brain out of like any person alive right now Alachua learning everything and you stay there for 5 years like you're going to get another language pretty well but like not my child the clothes off like 12 or 13 language stop I have friends who was who moves from England to America when he was like 14 or 15 or something like that and learn the language like so strange like it was a good time with you you know what year head straight American accent Slater Street British accent is weird like hybrid in between like and Ashley you know I haven't heard her in a while I'm willing to but you don't realize that in different and try to go to like living somewhere for lunch and I think of light Scottish accent the really weird lately I've been watching you and was going to I would like to talk to you and listen to the Ricky Gervais podcast have been like oh listen to a lot of British media so sometimes I'll find myself thinking in a British accent now topics in an American accent relax like Miley but I don't know disco talk about a masturbation techniques that you use it to go on it where it was ready wave double desperation you can figure out a way moovit on the dish talk show baby talk buy rubber band Austin Define the cool bars in New York the real bars Burnie how do you know how we can follow up that are like stick with anything else did you see The Wonder Years on Netflix streaming now I don't know why they had to change the intro song no they don't have to Joe Cocker cover With a Little Help from My Friends has someone else singing it all day music set and I was sitting at a time. And then like 10 years later so that was me female history from YouTube 88 and was set in 68 is going to be the TV show today about events 20 years ago today 1991 history that's really retro deficiency wonder what the rules are like oldies radio stations like is Italy I'm going to play Abracadabra by the Steve Miller Band right now watch out is this like Netflix are they scared that things are going downhill and like his like a last-ditch effort kind of thing March baby we're about to get it and I guess it took them this long to figure it out I gotta be honest with you I have never seen the sign, for company as fast as what you come up with Netflix a year ago everyone greatest company and now people are just pissed and don't push like you have one friend that has an account and like you know a ton of people watch like the instant streaming like just on his account you know I don't know that in college but to the years ago Kerry Wonder Netflix of friends and for you what are you doing yes you're pretty consistently I mean whole time at least 12 to 18 hours a day if not more some days new computer for your right stranger from things the popsicle stick wave no talking about it's very very strange play for you here. We're really excited that app land of iPhone 4S yesterday despite the fact that Marshalls not very excited about and you have currently I don't want Jennifer second film I've never people like you and I don't know what that $42 bill that you hurt them Gallup NM actually I bought it at about 80 sold it in 99 the one you like because sometimes that happens after the fact my mother bought dell app I want to say $8 to Baht of 8 and it went up and she sold it at 32 so she made 400% on her investment and she threw a big party to light 256 x triangle big Stop Restaurant 3000 percenter 50000 percent I mean how do you know stop there are you looking history but yeah well I mean higher earnings in 02 your financial light correctly we think is good investment you don't want the cops there any ratio stop now now we're in a different era and now we want to do size you want as opposed to just like jumping back and forth Michael Jackson got to the right mostly and get into dividend stocks with different times and marketing make a parabolic and probably go straight back to 1600 back to the trend line here it was like it doesn't matter anything with that I'm telling you years ago Indian mithai Freedom no matter conviction the transit right now the gold is a long-term strategy to popsicle Wicked Brandon new website break.com I gotta say you guys talk about things 321 no that's okay movie editing hot crazy it was great After Effects very simple explanation what is it magic Okanogan middle animated Mentos and it goes down the road tweet think about where something is so convoluted they remember who and what Joel told me I was going to start on experiment as part of everything being can affect the outcome directly interact with the act of observation can change the course of a lot more weird never want to have fun go out with John Reid for lunch John Reed is the voice actor who plays the director in Red vs. blue and he's this guy he's like that's cool deep voice has talk about like numerology and quantum physics and the universe works and leave it on your forehead and its really awesome crepe recipe talk no matter what so it's almost like you like Star Wars one of my favorite pictures ever Joel Berry light animated passion Reiki him with his boys but you can you know when he comes in and then he's going to go drink some whiskey and then is there back to home and I hate my phone I stupidly upgraded to the new OS because you know that's what you're supposed to do and now my phone doesn't work my maps don't work my phone is like the logical and basically I have decided that apple in there new Lexus sabotage all the older models of stuff so if you get it double sail iPhone so slow now and if you know if you don't know a lot about technology or marketing or deception or any of that stuff to go out and buy the new one so that's why I don't know your three year old phone is slow and sucks so you don't want to buy a new phone don't wonder if I shouldn't like why doesn't run and this is why that weird why would my self-directed new features that was the one thing that drove me absolutely crazy about the last iPhone app remember always students like me to raise their hand and say you know what if we created a product to good people by and they will never come back so you know I really should only buy products that only last for 2-3 years and people do and come back and buy more Kerry on the world and after that Gattis CNN young enough cure cancer we're just going to treat it that way we have an income stream forever and I'm not sure I buy that because it's like a company that I mean that's good you're going to make some money they're going to do that you could make more it is better than an apple of my eye like there I don't know any kind of like the fanaticism the marketing and and like them the bigger like to hear your evil like a wheel we don't sell all the products we only sell them the great and their Superior product there's also a ton of other stuff out there that's almost just as good if you time-traveled back to 85 with this in your hand it would be more impressed by this than the time travel machine that showed up and probably faster Robocop on Netflix the other day Robocop and part of the company to have a tracker on RoboCop benefits of tracking device and a couple shots of the tracking device in the guy's hand gun made 80 x 2 deer than this I now know that the street should I drive when it's not working pristine tickets already here first 8/77 + 71 x card the truck around it was different Shopko yeah yeah the blues only reason hundred two-degree the people that I paid $200 extra for that buy tow truck that's big enough to tell you all day so if you want is it true that in your car I would show up in the morning and you were the only and you're always welcome always love them on board with having double he's got the flu or what are you going to I will to you also honey I have an iPhone let me let me see you guys too stop yelling at me I'm A Simple Man Simple new 10 years ago update YouTube package discount commercial those devices so you don't realize if you turn off your home phone 91187 a problem for you light and dial nine-one-one how to find you iPhone repair 91100 text Clara station facility where all these things route to and I will provide the information 4S there and likewise I realized today that the emergency broadcast system through the DVR if you're watching him Tuesday like a lot of the office on Friday they can pass information could be bothered during the recording of the show without information information as well formation of the danger of broadcasters to be there probably not what you want to watch and then you don't and I don't no 9911 they didn't use the emergency broadcast system would it take daily about the kid I was imagining that it was like for warning of nuclear war nuclear light The Way We Were we're all gonna get new title from Mexico get the fuck out of here direct team in the classroom that's right over and over again number 134 Woodbine herps of Duty like this Reiki Viagra it's like starting over all the right dead but I'm happy for the creepiness that is appreciated and it on the internet because people who have no interest in their apartment Boeing Boeing do have a fetish for like really women who beat them up Reiki master into bodybuilding women and you want them to beat you up and then get on with them overthrow the government for such history but you can still YouTube you think you're doing replacing the front of a couple of thousands of listeners cpni Legion Post the road as a compliment still looking for that if you haven't looked at it there's a new Leaf animated Adventure on our YouTube channel today at school Brandon re-creation of an infant gaming industry party and has your telling of the first time you watch Dawn of the Dead and your brother told you was based on a true story Wednesday check it out right permitted to serve they did that's where they determine that neutrinos witch coming out with some kind of particle that of a balanced breakfast faster than the speed of light and then I have people correct me all the all the professional scientists on the internet for coming back and saying Burnie nothing can break the speed of light didn't break the speed of light they were already going faster than speed of light the date they found something that was going faster than the speed of light okay and so this is Joel and it's supposed to be Wonder find a certain particle and when a class is part of the article is the byproduct Smash Bro speed of light and you want me to they did this not me you can check it out it was a machine that would rotate light fuse of mirrors and Laser and he would rotate with yes and you are no than you send just light back in time and that's cool who cares right to than later than Wednesday or Tuesday he was successful what does turn off the machine run and that's it broken that right I mean I put this on Twitter when we are most likely what's right now so it's going to and it would be concerned about that now we would have civilization could take an interest in it actually size The Stranger neutrinos faster earth exploding calendars going to run out it was up in the air I don't believe in religion the media would be hostile and you just talk to me Skyline than everyone the for battle did they see you the rumor was you and then when they were doing those the visual effects for about what you decide to make your own aliens invade Earth sci-fi movie effects movie budget 10 something price is not the mirror out of our asteroid belt no no no women for me what happened Connecticut look at 1501 stick the big magnetic rock in Canada we have in the universe stretching all the water on Earth and what I need to polish water on Earth planet that was living with me every animal control Chinese food like an email early days of medication mean Craigslist and colors right meaning no doubt I will dreaming but um I love Australia and I love Australian I don't love 17 hour plane ride Magnolia I'm not going to want to leave queens and probably will come back because I want to fly new and interesting country because they're still protected ecologically we were in the airport there and it was a dog walking around you know one of the cop and you think that you think they're sniffing for drugs or fruit and vegetables I want to search snakes have any snake Wonder Brandon here dog walking around picking up luggage and we were waiting for a bag that is due to the back to look at the dog makes a beeline for him that's what your bed hitting talking 90 days this year over 100 degrees we scattered like some and we're off now the temperature is coming down snake activities waiting hunting weather app the clinic they're cold-blooded creatures they deal with the temperature so you don't want to right testicle pain the more you know Kerry more dangerous than and been anybody Scorpion motor of the Scorpion the more dangerous is the Scorpion or small Yahoo answers has me I love you California the old is this guy warning off about what the Yahoo answers is commonly held Mr yeah you can do anything for you exclude certain domains from your search I trust this is a herpetologist for of them somewhere herpetologist do lizards and turtles salamanders that are baby snakes more poisonous than enough to land on her feet it is true as baby they just want to control the flow than them when needed it doesn't make them more dangerous than the adult okay that you learned something with your hands we don't have time for this bye 4 million precious than once with the link to the website that simulate computer like you're coding on the keyboard