#201 - RT Podcast

RT puts knobs in clunges.

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-201

Recorded: 2013-01-16 23:49:14

Runtime: 01:38:40 (5920.95 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Jack Pattillo, Jordan Cwiers




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    "Bow Tie Podcast" => "http://s3.roosterteeth.com/uploads/1358369625_1.jpg"
    "Gus Ear Gunk" => "http://s3.roosterteeth.com/uploads/1358370097_photo.jpg"
    "Podcast Award" => "http://s3.roosterteeth.com/uploads/1357838204_photocopy.jpg"
    "Let's Play Left 6 Dead 2 DeathCraft" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6Ch6h7pNQI"
    "Mixed Messages" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcvNYnrs6tc"
    "Secret Door" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc3KxTXp3Ss"
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    "Jacks Adult Entertainment Article" => "http://www.aintitcool.com/node/39782"
    "Illumiroom" => "http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/illumiroom/"
    "Video Game Industry Talks to Congress" => "http://kotaku.com/5975012/joe-biden-will-meet-with-video-gamings-chief-lobbyist-on-friday"
    "California Revokes Video Game Ban" => "http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jun/28/nation/la-na-0628-court-violent-video-20110628"
    "Lego Lord of the Rings" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQifZvHLZJ0"
    "Simple Walk Into Mordor" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiWJZEZX4Ak"
    "The Hobbit" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0k3kHtyoqc"
    "Bioshock Infinite" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvIU1e7k7Oc"
    "Dead Space 3" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71MZlPqChX4"
    "Gears of War" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccWrbGEFgI8"
    "Godfather II" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vICa7y_lSQk"
    "Driver 3" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4WocqTfuIQ"
    "Skate" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6JqElFb9Uig"
    "Rock Star Table Tennis" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWUBH3AJTAM"
    "Grand Theft Auto 4 " => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlF6fbIFiCM"
    "Watchdogs E3 Demo" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU7WGAJPRRw"
    "The Phantom Pain" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdmjofEyIdg"
    "PAX East" => "http://east.paxsite.com/"
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    "Mega 64" => "http://mega64.com/"
    "Red Dead Redemption" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gBctl1h_2o"
    "Hot Line MIami" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgXM7ivgYTo"
    "Retro City Rampage" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgZBpC0agjQ"
    "Company Sending People to Mars" => "http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/07/24/is-mars-one-serious-about-suicide-mission-to-red-planet/"
    "Big Top Candy Shop" => "http://bigtopcandyshop.tumblr.com/"
    "Zarkana" => "http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/shows/zarkana/default.aspx"
    "Penn and Teller" => "http://www.pennandteller.com/"
    "Penn on Sabrina the Teenage Witch" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pM6zXp94D8"
    "Dan" => "https://twitter.com/DanielGruchy"
    "Ashley" => "https://twitter.com/jinxcellent"
    "Mandalay Bay" => "http://www.mandalaybay.com/"
    "Podcast 200" => "http://roosterteeth.com/podcast/episode.php?id=200"
    "Dredd" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PifvRiHVSCY"
    "Sam Raimi" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000600/"
    "Robert Tapert" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Tapert"
    "Robbie Coltrane" => "http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/C/Robbie-Coltrane-10770035-1-402.jpg"
    "If Chins Could Kill" => "http://www.amazon.com/If-Chins-Could-Kill-Confessions/dp/0312291450"
    "Spider Man" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l7i9jF9DLos"
    "Evil Dead Remake" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvDLWlxxcak"
    "Drag Me to Hell" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUZTybLlWKI"
    "Darkman" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L58rdhCfDIU"
    "Golden Globes" => "http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-207_162-57563749/golden-globes-2013-list-of-winners/"
    "Alan Rickman" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000614/"
    "Video Game Awards" => "http://www.spike.com/events/video-game-awards"
    "FreddieW on Podcast 198" => "http://roosterteeth.com/podcast/episode.php?id=198"
    "Video Game Highschool" => "http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/freddiew/video-game-high-school"
    "My Drunk Kitchen Kickstarter" => "http://www.indiegogo.com/HelloHarto"
    "Hannah Hart on Podcast 183" => "http://roosterteeth.com/podcast/episode.php?id=183"
    "RTX 2013 Tickets" => "http://rtx2013.eventbrite.com/"
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    "MLB Votes No One Into Hall of Fame" => "http://espn.go.com/mlb/story/_/id/8828339/no-players-elected-baseball-hall-fame-writers"
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    "Lance Armstrong Admits to Doping" => "http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/01/15/lance-armstrongs-oprah-interview-promo/"
    "Becca Frasier" => "https://twitter.com/bexmix"
    "Ramen Tatsu Ya" => "http://bit.ly/UusbnN"
    "King Gus Shirt" => "http://roosterteeth.com/store/product.php?id=361&carousel=1&cid=1"


Transcript (in progress):

list of celebrity podcast Rock You by the Starz Network it's ear East Spartacus the final season of Spartacus premieres Friday January 25th at 9 p.m. Eastern exclusively on Starz catch up on previous Seasons witch Starz On Demand iTunes or DVD and don't miss the red carpet premiere on Machinima this absolute list of podcast is also brought you by Gamefly Gamefly is the largest online video game rental service offering you a choice over a thousand titles across all consoles and handhelds GameFly members can rent one II 4 games at a time and keep them for as long as they like our listeners GameFly is offering a free 15-day to destroy I'll just go to gamefly.com / RT Podcast to sign up today that's GameFly.com / RT Podcast can you guys shut up Penn and I go looking for of Life shop what's the title for the element and it was the one red light I have never ever click click Gavin threw up we're recording something oh yeah we should probably 30 minutes ago Dead Crone Armstrong on the floor and bonus one I love 30 minutes before we're supposed to go live with the podcast we totally lost all power at the studio in the normal building so it was a mad rush to bring all the equipment over here and I said up in this rudimentary fashion to make sure we still at Lake Lawn to on time so it was we had a very hectic past 30 minutes lost everything in the studio and the whole building lost power today what would cause door to enter Studio driver you're the shirt with the image that I should Gavin was if I found a red line when I get to Dad's of Reddit here's a quick way to make a ponytail for your daughter I am Arnold transverse chemistry on its head sometimes when I play Hitman... Gosh door store Lance can you send me the pictures and show me Dredd with water all over Gavin one what make him throw up something to me earlier tennis Brandon Paul could we can't cut to this weekend you'll feel fine. II so over the weekend like I woke up one morning and I left your kind of her but I thought infection the doctor today and I told her what's wrong with it Penn bookstore GameFly yes there's just some some some build up in there it's just kind of impact as well just going to go ahead Konami list of the nurse comes in and she's got like this spray bottle with like a little attachment the end of it I guess it like mixed the pressure I stream of liquid it's like alright well I'm going to and what's right and get it out like that and she's like this my 4 II well we have that witch red on your ear tiny for the solution to 6 insulin needle in your garage and start poking about to give you like a week okay the me red no Globes are podcast where the ear piece II want to know the pricing how did we win a bucket of War you think so game II life no more Dead deathcraft 2 Minecraft Left 4 Dead skins exactly like Minecraft but you can spray Wetzel II Brad Pitt sprayable different photos of white bread and then I think he had a picture of a bow Dan from the pain and then it red should I text dead people or you can just a friend things to do shirt that we shot it was the only door that you were in witch was the Clone one right mixed messages because you had to take a bite of sandwich with the family still in your mouth ya but it was really good Penn to the short we did with the interdimensional sandwich Alan War if I have it till like late afternoon and sitting out all day and it was like Ashley Bow Wow like you mentioned we one podcast award for gaming and Wii podcast 200 comedy last week at the release 200 we talked Jack if you want to move on comedy with the top one and I was like one or two others and like there was no gaming no Hobbit on the internet the other Awards with the iawtv awards 4 Red vs. blue now that's during CES don't always the first weekend actually 2111 my credentials over then come over okay 4 one time I never saw more guys in football jerseys and one side than anywhere else on the plane it was like the weirdest thing just lines of people lined up to get a photo and an autograph of one star that one of those if I forget 3 podcast ago we were talking about people we sending people to me honey doesn't spoil Konami doesn't tell me to Hell people just don't me honey doesn't expire honey doesn't spoil all the time like once or twice at least a day maybe 4 or 5 times a day they all think you're doing it ironically liked it there if you are the number on it no one meal ya ya it looks like I can do whatever I want yellow the singular existed highest level possible mr. hero adult entertainment to clarify the nation saying a different name the avian and I change like the WWF what is 20 like when it one of the funniest things I saw that there was there was literally one Hall that was like the whole room and it was another part of it was what are people from strip clubs trying to convince the Nerds go to the strip club later that night the hot girls with anything Glee actually Stephen Curry stuff that I was there but I wasn't around the event the entire time and not actually part of it and all the devices you're playing Call of Duty Call of Duty shirt with the way you're looking but like all around you are all the building like if you're running through talks it for around TV top projected on the normal what is the building that like you're running bow King 4 One I think it was sending line up to what time is it in me ya mixed I'm glad that the power went out we were frantically bring it over the equipment I'm glad that someone thought to bring the beer Warehouse building earlier today but the power coming from illumiroom welts on it the article titled you know I have used lately I have used to the kiosk I used to go out to Vegas because whatever to the 4 US Airways tactile feedback on what I was doing are you sure messages in English language English my back is the dumbest confirmation that the teller never is when I call in places I have determined it Siri and voice activated things don't understand my voice thing just can't get two words out and then voice recognition stuff for I like texting so I can get a little like a little microphone button you can talk and I'll write it out for me I'm really worried gears line appear on the TV ya kill count Congress is considering a bill that penalize is video game companies 4 shooting or something like that but I did hear from Alex Jones of Premium has been talking to people about my game and bringing different groups that kind of talk about Americans talks mental health people they brought in the president of the association and talking about video games for their impact on me it's even showing up that is like saying too much industry to show up and dependent on them it makes it seem like there's adult on that organization industry Congress like the into the freezing cold and now they're actually having to make this debate that should have been dead cream Court ruling about the California law for the game store game store games that were rated M my house because we're playing the Lego Lord of the Ring and we're like a hundred million hours into that fucking game to finish it but we got a discussion about how much would you like to play a Lego Halo game that be a lot of fun right could switch characters everything is Lego hell where they will be Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings adult Halo running store in Lansing running through the witch Hunters Penn talking go back and meet Lee and watch the fellowship is crazy today tie Dan from Hobbit to normal it will never could during the could never stay to myself I'm not just like in the story and all that stuff was like watching a movie watching a movie that I have a bias against 3 and it's gone it's okay the walking 4 the walking in the most throwaway moment but then dead completely different resolution not completely but the source of the resolution of the trolls is different than in the book and I don't know why they did that GameFly.com GameFly if it's over 8000 video games like Netflix for video games to send you the disc in the mail. Send it back whenever you're done playing no late fees no hassles with access to all new releases PlayStation Wii Xbox and now people score of the shirt you get a trial if you go to the GameFly battery for go to gamefly.com star to podcast could just go check it out 15 day if you like it or not it's actually cost $1 game and you can check out the game 2 Jack talks about Artie podcast actually more than most really really of War March best time to write back in January good luck the 3rd of November 2013 MLB if I stop at your one and I don't know why I lost track of the time. But a lot of fun when you realize this is a really really good if we have a game where the default weapon is my favorite and I don't answer is to me ya ya ya bow with and I was like what the hell like you used to play that rock star table tennis ball I'm all about that game just to test facial animation and character animation stuff like that in there when into like you know like Grand Theft Auto 4 and red dead table tennis 94 6 hours of GTA 4 Bow Man transition between anime and dudes and then rifle super cool and let me to New York City you check out Grand Theft Auto 4 came out and the thing that blew my mind was at one point the guy who's controlling the game was walking around in a taxi cab in the leg and he put his hand down on the hood of the taxi edible of the game one into being right that is II it really begs for a theater mode 2 or just I want to let the license Red Rooster restaurant in the red light camera goes black and white Cameron Dallas of that I don't know man dead of CES by good I mean game Alan of War console Xbox or PS3 nationality list if you were going to come play tweet of this year they wouldn't big E3 4 than in 2011 and they came out in fall 2012 what sort of you know you know teacher is going to let him know that this is coming major titles and 60 like what they're in there now the big rumor was that the Watchdogs demo from last E3 was running on New Hardware like I really got to people telling them everything that's been coming out and we never talked about weird trailer for that game people think it the next year big guy tweet II dead Mega 64 that you like their stuff or something I know the mega 64 guys are very friendly so who knows get rock on the phone who was called the Moby Dick Studio demo 312 Pax this past year into Konami party and mega 64 was there you know we went and we ran into them and what we were saying I was wondering can I do could you walk in and everything behind into the sun one into the video of the guy watching the chase in Los Angeles is like a police chase the guy Return of the street and you can hear cars coming and that she was right behind the guys like Windows my back is pretty pretty funny phantom pain is the name of his car that's really awesome list of GTA one two and three play the ton of ice City but I never me to do Gears of War 3 main protagonist me jumping back and forth between the three of them and I mean I think that generation consoles numbers to of called hot line Miami ya 2 minutes would like that very very old school ya ya you hear about it enough on the 4 that I downloaded lately thank you Ashley have a key and you have an iPhone you can 5 degrees if your cat is no longer working crazy cold in Austin of me tickets but he was dead because he didn't come out to help me eventually like I looked up a drop ceiling and he was up there that's like a tube of insulation that doesn't work and he was just City food places that war the predator girls in the tightest ball possible it does what the problem is he's like him and his face is close to his crotch as possible if you're going your crotch for warmth that's like the last stage of just like panel Macross War really company if you the one of these the door I don't know who is doing this but they're looking a private company is looking for people who want to go to Mars but not come back would you do that Martin University Powerball of list see you we just on Mordor zarkana Penn people on the game of the space craft like making tape lines on the line working on it what what what Red Dirt stop taking photos of your freeze dried ice cream Penn the Neapolitan freeze dried ice cream downtown Space Station big lots of different witch Jordan always looks like he's going into town for a Dan freestyle and as always North America tie ties for ya okay 3 gears industry didn't understand why this II he said that we were talking about weddings and I do witch on at Lindsay's party will probably be in that I wouldn't do it wouldn't do it wouldn't be too much no flex anyway he wasn't even look man anything else just can you imagine if you would I would only people on the planet Smile Zone Edmonton and you would say to Gavin get you me in the hallway today you think I'm so sick of these other people on the ship I don't know what other people say would you like to go eight months and not meet anybody on this ship somehow we would avoid everybody and not heard any buddies name in about 10 years I think about why would you bring a tie email me when I really needed that Burnie talk about this at all before we went to Vegas for New Year's and he was in London I posted this on Twitter he was in London and I bought tickets to go to the show the day before so you going to be in town because yes I'll be in town tomorrow night but I said okay we're going to show he's getting in till 10 p.m. at night so I had tickets for like 10:30 tickets para Cirque du Soleil show at the Aria witch one hotels in Vegas and so Gavin is coming from London to Las Vegas I didn't realize how far away is Philadelphia from and usually 5 and a half hours from Philadelphia King 8:30 and 8:30 door Gunk my luggage II just dump it at the hotel and then immediately get back into a different Hotel I arrived at 8:28 go to the show a minute and 45 seconds before the show started set alarm the shirt was light outside is it really that bad actually Drag Me to Hell Alan II used me like everything's play it all and we went over and the thing that struck me the most liked even after having him teach me everything going your table so I was really nervous witch my first time to help me make the bed and everything I had questions was everyone's getting together I mean like obviously don't like you cuz you're facing off at the people with everyone there table blackjack dealer II red if we screw up the one no Blackjack ya you supposed to play cornhole in a certain way certain number if you the number Penn and some of those gray areas like Jews against is that you it's really complicated and there are Jack asses who play Blackjack if you don't play exactly right they complain that you that you're messing up the table witch fucking impossible actually pretty actually knew what he was doing how often does a pocket and they go in the blind into making something like to believe that hand or like someone play with someone's life because when you're with a girl and you're trying to to try to play Black Jacks play for the first time and you like don't worry about it it's nobody cares what you do II like to do everyone cheering together like tweet your people he knows remake and I did have kind of experience one point it was one table over there and then shirt T-shirt with guns on it there Southern AG better role well to make up for that and looking ahead if you want money I remember the first rule of 7 ya I me I want you got you and Dan did a few better than you but one little better but I still text me Gavin back $200 and give it back to you alright because Dan gave that to me Dan Lego guys that you brought out 200 and I want to give it back if I want to have the story more than I want to have the money Dan of why you owe me the $200 because Dan is a Ashley Ashley Gavin and Dan and lovely Meal Time still like crazy there big fish Mandalay glowing ice-cubes iTunes ya to run of course is war stat and all that so it was really nice and I said I said well what did he get he told me he doesn't understand menus and I thought it was a joke industry interaction between him and a waitress takes forever Rings explained what is an appetizer I'm sorry I just I need an understanding of vertical columns red straight across chicken Big Mac what is the restaurant where everything is white but the walls are white the decorations only one table to write no no it's not it's really cool of you get a glass drinking glasses for some reason we're ordering food there and I'm buying them dinner after that was really very nice to hundred pictures with who is the president if charge of charge of The Last Tango of blue TV pain for all of these rings the coffee of engines goes I'll have a coffee to and Gavin I'm fine and then Gus an Irish coffee and I'm like the next night we go to this restaurant the Rings all white and ordering Dan gets it Dan is trying to order his food and it gets an argument with the waitress like he's like he's like scallops the appetizer and we want this I would have 4 thing steak dinner the big play WhatsApp if you like to me driver and she was like I just had a great time and I'm there please give money to debit Gavin so I can pay you back for shirt Mordor into dinner is and that's table East Ridge it was a blast in Bay afterwards the perfect guy to go to be up for anything whatever you had a very Auto the me back right away remind everyone that this podcast also brought to you by the final season of Spartacus on Starz Network season Friday January 25th at 9 p.m. Eastern Star you catch up on previous seasons on demand downloading iTunes or purchase DVDs on an Xbox video myself don't mixed red carpet premiere on the screen from the new season so whatever we go through a process to try to watch this but I bought like the Spartacus seasons on Xbox video and I've been watching them and really really if something is really cool. I didn't know Spartacus was a real person I was one of the first season according to the author graphic novel feel ya he shot some Dredd and his life over something that really watching watching the movie Dredd the love that one was the most BCG Kors there's a lot of green screen work and then from that point on some real actual actors in like one of the guys is one of them actually from 300 into the instructor the losers like the other Gladiator school if they're all I noticed one of the guys behind us there's a dude I didn't know that The Three Stooges wear suits that are one size too big and I never noticed that before I've never smoked never showed up for the last the last shot of Annie movie The Last Shot 4 jobs could you go into water with shark left your every move he never shows up to the last wedding gown for super sensitive Robbie Coltrane transit directions to 20 Dawson walk around to jump back on there's a book hell II chins could kill by Bruce Campbell ya and it talks about him growing up like me Sam Raimi best friends growing up together Spider Man one into write one two and three Ya that's not the new one Drag Me to Hell movie Penn door II and Dumber 4 years older Sum 41 pieces Alan simple everything River doing American accent but that what I do I don't want door Stringer Bell from The Wire the black director ya who likes to snuggle up with Amy Poehler no she was with her for Lopez never like Alan George Clooney big ya ya Penn and every time they were so brave to make his crazy Golden Globes comedy and Musical together Mega cruiser with Jim Carrey Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind they were the nominees for best actor Golden Globe more legitimacy long-running show Jordan industry Center ya like cuz right now we have to be 2 days what's wrong with my TV and it would always come back to you for that was 3 years ago they have the awards painted on naked women and it's supposed to be big like the rest of the world how important we are and here we are movies are people really II as much more Revenue than proper award ceremony 4 start one into it dump Alan Arkin to Pastor season one total in one week so far with the rate they're going man Hannah didn't know that she's a hundred 50k in 6 hours if you're probably no stranger to the hospital for 3 days 238 118 we're also told spill events will be at RTX School in Fillmore Bay star look like super sending II my fingers Jack me 2 days from now Fame is going to go on Oprah and revealed that he took yesterday if you have an idea for panel the minute we're taking all suggestions and it will narrow it down panel Jordan at his panel panel last year that we were hiding in the table so I walked up to the room secret entrance door and I walk in and Jordan and Teller Dan extra Rock latest fight 4 200 2011 but they're not supposed to and leaving your phone on on an airplane table why is he just a month ago he was saying no and I sit there and that's not affecting him directly but it's affecting his charity organization I think he's going to own up to their highest lyrics to Francis II Red Dead in the UK because you sue them for libel and one also no 18 wheeler spill if you if you talk about a lady part 2 the lady how would you respond casual conversation or Dirty Talk Cellular in the act and it's my life it doesn't matter we have to look like twins I have no idea why no lovely Mandalay ya know Dan no questions what would you call it Dead 2 now you think of anybody who's ever list of the podcast they are going to think that you would hear in the bedroom Konami no never ever the c word the to wait for the guy so this is a surprise her doing nothing after I power when I can't believe you guys got this thing set up in like 20 minutes we were sitting on the couch in a dark room podcast Studio we spent hours getting everything just right again 30 minutes walk to the building goes out ya leather color ya know you're close I'm curious what you do just remember Tumblr story entertainment II believe we should go to Vegas to go to Vegas is it company everyone Mega stoutland Facebook into having a wedding in Vegas in May I'm actually just waiting on my mom said that she placed on her before I mean that's like getting in the building Penn and Carolyn back off of everything is very specifically like I'm not going to ruin it chastise if the Man Lego door and we should try to get a new Ramen place at North industry Ramen okay great thanks will let you know when I do try to go having trouble finding a place for Gavin I drove on the parking lot 120 big after the dinner the line goes out the door 2 hours bow 530 you're probably ok but Ramen Barber tie to join us we completely fucked over bar North Central Austin driver Ramen and she's like what the fuck is this Pappadeaux's Frasier this mother fucker adult underwear sending from current location to do it and I was in the wrong location wherever we were Dan third dinner who works here but I might be a story for another time it wasn't Robert Brandon Friday made plans you like ever going to the bar tonight 8 p.m. you know just be there and nobody liked left the office so like we were all meeting around 8 and we were like oh what you want to do that and I don't really want to go all the way out there just like what's to eat around here so we go to Trudys and hot in here text Alyssa Spartacus Teller game maybe we can driver check and get up there real quick but that was a good run the very first time with the flu what's the next in the line of Gus shirt with your face on them one that I finished it was just your 6 Flag ya ya