#21 - Rooster Teeth Podcast

Rooster Teeth can legally drink now!

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rooster-teeth-podcast-21

Recorded: 2009-09-02 10:23:31

Runtime: 01:29:46 (5386.73 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Geoff Ramsey




    "Fake Christina Aguilera response to Eminem" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QLStrAAss4"
    "Gus' now defunct Wikipedia page" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustavo_Sorola"
    "Copy of diverticulitis on Wikipedia before celebrity cases got removed" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Diverticulitis&diff=240735200&oldid=238945503"
    "The "fart" comic used as reference" => "http://www.roosterteeth.com/media/viewItem.php?id=475"
    "Wikipedia moderator who needed citation for Geoff's diverticulitis" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Enric_Naval"
    "Burnie, Tasmania" => "http://www.burnie.net/"
    "MyGamerCard.net celebrity gamer list" => "http://www.mygamercard.net/celebboard.php"
    "Gavino's cell phone" => "http://www.lge.com/products/model/detail/ku990.jhtml"
    "Shadow Complex sales" => "http://www.joystiq.com/2009/08/31/shadow-complex-sets-week-one-sales-record/"
    "Snow Leopard" => "http://www.apple.com/macosx/"
    "Big Red" => "http://www.bigred.com/"
    "The Salt Lick" => "http://www.saltlickbbq.com/"
    "Disney purchased Marvel" => "http://www.marketwatch.com/story/disney-to-acquire-marvel-entertainment-2009-08-31-9050"
    "Marvel Super Hero Squad" => "http://marvel.com/news/moviestories.6937.Hero_up~excl~_Marvel_Super_Hero_Squad_Heads_to_TV"
    "Shit my dad says" => "http://twitter.com/shitmydadsays"
    "Bonsai Kitten" => "http://www.shorty.com/bonsaikitten/"
    "All Hail Ball" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2GoVuHEzc4"
    "All Hail Ball shirt" => "http://www.penny-arcade.com/allhail.gif"
    "Paul Marino" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Marino"
    "Rich Hilleman claiming a game's marketing budget can be triple the development budget" => "http://www.gamersdailynews.com/story-13183-EA-Portable-Games-Hardware-Now-Outnumbers-Consoles-By-2to1.html"
    "Delgo" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361500/"
    "Avatar vs Delgo" => "http://img.denihilation.com/delgovatar.html"
    "Anne Bancroft" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000843/"
    "John Carmack talking about engine licensing" => "http://kotaku.com/5339057/carmack-ok-with-id-not-becoming-an-epic-or-valve"
    "Mystery Team" => "http://www.mysteryteam-movie.com/"
    "Derrick Comedy" => "http://www.derrickcomedy.com/"
    "The Highball" => "http://www.thehighball.com/"
    "The Squid and the Whale" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367089/"
    "Mr. Skin's top 100 nude scenes of all time" => "http://www.mrskin.com/top100#10-1"
    "Morgellons syndrome" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgellon"


Transcript (in progress):

Gavin Gus RoosterTeeth podcast engine ever win Burnie Geoff Joel and got them whatever they want maybe sometime to make some but that's what they do because they what are some if you like where the strip club in white Salt Lake City I can feel it 100 theme song for getting sound just like that Teresa bought no it's not true sir but it was dark red 40 now and then with his username on our website shit rich is really a dude unless I miss my guess that Big Ben was from Beck's Loser I think for sure that's where did you learn the term that a really good question I don't know yes okay there was a hoax response to that where she use the term be paid this fake Christina Aguilera came back at Eminem with a song and it talked about how he would be shit without Dre's beat beds let you know Wikipedia page got deleted Wikipedia you're so does my celebrity diverticulitis penicillin Sonny Bono for them for my citation I quit page list too bad I wasn't there with them pretty eyes like a car who was on the for a while for a try to get that citation I don't know what is name was on to look it up I put in the week do you get the job as a Wikipedia moderator free time is your quiz and correct me if I'm wrong isn't the whole point of Wikipedia globally modified later but you gotta have some people if they're checking to make sure that you aren't going to face and everything like that I'm just and I got drunk and put that you like to suck dicks on your Wikipedia page you know that was only like there was a there's a city in Tasmania which is a as it is says after was referring to New Zealand learned to be cautious about saying what is part of Australia and what is not and anyway Burnie Tasmania in Tasmania and it's exactly like mine be you are in a very long time ago and I had to get it from a domain Squad red wait till expired and snag it like literally waited for a week that expired so about a month later the city of Burnie Tasmania started and they wanted the website and I we went through this whole kind of funny thing where I was talking mayor's office and then I made this I will give it to you I will redirect all the web traffic parade in my honor and I and you build a statue John stretched and I have a can of Foster's and tucked under my respond to that Gus and modified it it said Burnie sucks cock engine web host budget in Smyrna. Come to that was that back in the lick we just fucking with show me the monkey study get my platypus I'm very sorry to hear that you know because I wanted to have as a personalized that and I realize I'm back in the late nineties that stuff like Hotmail or Gmail did exist at the time that all that stuff was eventually go away so I wanted to have a more permanent email address Burnie.com so what was the outcome before you had it it was just the same site explain how those work on a business model level lick you just park a popular name and it just a page of just random links which is what I see most often that are related to the name of the site how do they make money from the internet fractions of a penny every time my balls your well I'm sure it's just you know people buying ads and ball he was throwing them out however many places I can serve them that's all you know what I don't know if you seen it but there's some very very sexy as on Rooter teeth.com and I don't you in the twenties in the 20s 116 the herd a Major Nelson podcast where they mentioned one time that there's a list of the most viewed gamer tags and then he was like now Geoff put his gamer card ever and it up so quickly that they just stop putting up the list or do they still pawn shop Cleveland talking about taxes we're going to pack can you to the fucking 4 a.m. tomorrow flight time Geoff and our neighbors before we go let's talk about what your life is like since you bought a house for a little bit Mr shirt with that children like to try says she chooses not to Asian girl fridge with oncoming traffic coming out and I can make your truck so you have an A FairPoint list of Asian women kitten he said don't mention something time sitting in there hopefully today hopefully the first time you open your fucking mouth is 5 you know my car so when my mom found out that she was when she let me who got to my old house and it created a problem so I had to leave my car with a broken AC at the old house and it and I've been driving the car with AC II told you Cartman egg I move it from one side of the street mystery muffin a game so we get done there the car with the battery is dead so I'm got one of those charge card charges it up football hero and put it out there can start it so I don't know I'm 20 minutes from the jump it to no avail this time when he called me last night he was I when I charge the battery last week which is it's okay anyway give the day on Saturday I got I got a bill from the gas company and I thought this is weird I just got a bill the other to open up this new bill and its negative $20 so I call the gas company in phone systems and there was a check from the gas company shit so he's going to call the gas company and they say your service has been cancelled my cell when you can activate the service is at 10 and I bought 2 months ago and I said who who activated service at this address of the house message well I'm still living here I bought this house from her 2 months ago and I said well sorry sir going to get my new account 4 my street I told my realtor that I know she's still in contact with the other woman says no way to contact her can you call her and ask what the fuck is going on with this purchased it went okay no hiccups snow who is the story about and the lady was having second thoughts after closing that was when Griffin came to move in 9 months pregnant and the lady took one look at Griffin and kicked her out shit come back in two hours and I can't keep them Peter Shears in Wake me to nobody you really could turn off the gas in it big as idea of a more perfect system would be that they turned us away without Solution customer service be okay I mean you go to the stuff all the time will you live with Mommy and Daddy so do they have issues like this okay I pay the bills there my friend to pay the bills got a new phone and it's still registered to my old address and I told them a bunch of times a day at one point somebody else on the phone and it's a mess I didn't get billed for that phone I have no idea how much I'm paying for my phone bill and I have no way to access them online next you said that you were disappointed with the iPhone 3GS camera of the iPhone the pictures are 3 megapixels the exact same size as the 100 where to focus enough resolution to me that's very disappointing the only reason I never got on it because he has video and will take it like how many frames per second can a hundred 22nd and a half time slow motion depending on how many times I've been 100 like I don't have I don't have it I just the shutter speed depending on how much light is in the range of it I guess everybody has been in the Crimson sunlight some kind of organization in an organism probably the best friend because you for everything except with someone giving you administrator ball shit and then I'm completely on your side cuz I hate I hate people who have power the assembly your credit course shit and they just think that your life with warmth and garbage they could just say just take away hours of your life and there's nothing you can do last week I mentioned the Griffin talking about the maintenance of American life and that's it overhead of dealing with you know that's coming up in this discussion of healthcare and everything else is there now discussing the possibility of having a national sales tax for everybody in this now that makes sense you know you just paid your taxes you just made a national sales tax as somebody to collect and pay another tax for everyone else cell phone anymore I'm sick of that now it's not there's a lot of effort that goes from there I love new homeowner Gus yeah it's garbage when I move to the new house I'm trying I was trying to add the electricity for the new movie that account to the website you know the City of Austin utilities online dad and it wouldn't work before my account number or social security number it's like all the power in the phone number I'm sure that you are okay let me give them best playing best selling single player Xbox Live arcade game which is what the dubious honor now there aren't that many single player game Mr show is the hottest new comedy on Thursday nights at 7:30 and it's a great game 2004 yeah I can see I can see how that single player needed in this Pac-Man to be like missing on multiplayer like it was both but all the achievements in single player I consider that a single player now that snow multiplayer I guess it's true we don't really know where they come up with the snow on the road you have to be to have to be a game with zero multiplayer it's a great game by the way fantastic I wouldn't Gus was telling us about it I was very standoffish about playing a side-scrolling 3D game but I finished it now and I have all the achievements in it I think it's a great day if you're not quite 3D and is not to be so that is two and a half the way to end up having the one thing you don't want in a video game which it has control issues sometimes where I am doing what I think should make the guy point at the dude in the background but it's the opposite a ride or something like that that's the most frustrating thing a game that and the platform you're jumping from moving platforms a moving platform talking to play the game only collecting 13% of the items I did do that how long does it take to do cuz when you started in the office that night it seemed like you got through the game in 10 minutes I want to say that took about 2 hours and 12 minutes of gameplay I now have a run to that's an hour and 15 minutes just running straight to the game on the road and not worrying about let's Collectibles or more collected just Blazin to the game was that she knows that you want to do I was level 38 and so I was and normally DLC play what I should have done something like this Anne got the 252 before taking out of the 50 and it sucks about that is I just read that the ice has no plans to make any DLC anything Company 2 I don't know it was kind of a one-off kind of thing anyway I think I also heard that the PC version of the game arcade all titles every title every game in Xbox Live arcade DLC or rank be in there because I have a feeling Xbox Live arcade that offer DLC I think there's extremely low take right on it I really do very unpopular in on arcade game arcade specifically I mean I can DLC and I look for other people having as a human Ultra has DLC associated with it and I came out what Gavin lick to and a half years after the game was out right yeah that if you cut the team is now I just got the last one and you have a hundred percent again in Lost let me do it what are we doing in Decatur County the number live or Xbox 360 you shouldn't count arcade titles got reported 9043 and I can count on two hands how many thousand point games are be in less than 24 hours but it's the same with every other like a retail Gamer achievement over I'll take you a long time to do you and me up a few I'm right here with you I got you free cell game with says she miss to make you play the game a few times over so it takes a long time to do it I don't you have a sense of completion and light off 2001 what's the name of that game on you can have 200 points Gus a very a very in-depth arcade game that we had last week is that therefore it shouldn't count the same none of these guys have any arcade what what two types of games are there Price Books retailing okay that should be I mean come on why don't I don't arcade games have a thousand points for different people would buy the arcade games in preference over the retail to get more gamerscore why not that's your for your mind are equal question there because they're not equal price of games for the price of and get 4000 points you can do that that's exactly what about $10 so you get about an equal number of gamer points scored 100 points in a game with 1600 points 100 to 200 1600 Microsoft points complete ready to go buy another 2450 extra points right you can put in Halo 3 and got to punch someone in the back 3 times that's 50 points for achievements are you thinking for the fun of playing additional mystery my dad nothing talking about it it was easy to me like and how many retail games of e3 is a tree that has for games and other games Benchmark for difficult as your hardest when your hardest when are cases going to try your hardest one in retail is oblivion that was very long if it wasn't hot as as long that's what she said submarines looking for us while we talk about snow leopard if you want to talk about that too what element is 4/10 - 3 lice on my desktop and my dad space I'd like 3 gigs and you need 5 so I can have some space on Apple's problem yeah that's my phone and then I put the disk in and start installing then it stopped and reboot and I had two weeks left so it had installed something but I didn't know where and I can install it again so I can delete some more stuff then reboot it and didn't completely because the disc was done to and then in the end I got you about this by the discount Den where is greatest speed machine with me I was upgrading from leopard to put the disk in and you know to do the install and uninstall it said error that's with the discount to reboot it has like that's weird then I make my laptop wouldn't boot up do the upgrade again it said error again with the disk back out so then I had to put the InStyler back can I use Disk Utility and format my hard drive can totally erase everything and then I did a fresh install and it worked and then I had a time machine backup so I just restore from a time machine backup so everything worked if you refund them and then get everything back from a time machine backup do you actually lose anything it was just like nothing how do you get a discount because my disc is stuck in my my 20 minutes I was just hitting and it came out 10 or 12 gigs free. Did you really feel like I lost space I don't know I'm not the only one as I swear I had 80 gigs for you when I started the install and now I have 72 gigs is it on your desktop my laptop the laptop I could be wrong but I was almost positive that so where does it super fast now he is fucking awesome Burnie Gus for the ladies take a drink out of the state legal gross to drink I'll take a big red bow tie needed big red the only reason I like being in this country how far a drive to La Paz Wikipedia after the podcast figure it out let's just hope we can list of the big red Corporation of a pissed-off any Wikipedia moderator I'm sorry hey speaking of food we took Gavin and then this weekend to the Salt Lick which is a very popular very famous barbecue restaurant Southwest of Austin & dad ate his body weight in BBQ and then spent the next two days throwing up higher and higher up inside my chest and I was like I should stop being Anne Griffin and Geoff both gave me that does that so I had to lie and say, hey let me know if we hadn't had the pecan pie and I had the blackberry cobbler which one is better they're both equally good talking to you yes I threw up a lot to the point where I was completely empty and then I drink a glass of water and had some Pepto bismo which is great but it tastes great I know I threw up some pink ball ball tonight to the Salt Lake about 10 years ago I don't know why you don't want to then later that night I got you up a lot I remember as I was throwing up I felt a whole being like a bunch you to come up out of my now who and throwing up experience I've ever had because like the barbecue sauce was so good that like it still tasted good coming back up snow shit A be not mine Outhouse Anne Disney Boston and that sounds like I'm going to throw up I don't have top on the bed on the carpet so I grabbed the teacher I climb down the ladder as as I was throwing up into this t-shirt threw it outside in the morning if you like going to now it looks like somebody put my lightsaber stuff fake what was the best thing at Salt Lake County it's true I'll do it what is the mash potato mash potato potato tomato it sounds weird coming from me but you say potato I say why do you say how do you spell sodium aluminum and sodium you know he's right the element is Elementium but what we use on lick aluminum foil if that makes sense sorry Geoff getting cut from the podcast maybe we should talk about Disney buying Marvel a week and about so Disney bought Marvel Marvel should have got more money as I started my head trying to think of a Spider-Man it was just going off of that $1,200 money back it's kind of weird though Marvel then also they have separate deals where they publish all that through like Paramount makes the Lion's Share of what is it Iron Man 3 Tony gets all the Spider-Man money and I think Warner Brothers X-Men as through someone else as well that's already have all the deals in place there talking about it yesterday Disney used truck shirt until they come out like all the a materials are driving license. The other distribution method got some money cuz my butt but it's not like something immediately think of it oh absolutely Marvel video game sales don't know if anyone will buy them but they might have comic sales as well somewhere comic store Marvel are just an incubator for lick to figure out which video game and movie to make at this point really that's all they make all the cash I think American characters Disney now it's a lot Disney Olympics or another have Marvel is it is it overestimated to say they have about 40% of the original modern-day American characters I don't know marvel has 5000 characters in the lineup that's a lot of crap in there too but yeah I mean they basically have every super hero there anyone gives a shit about except for Batman and Superman like what's your best vision for what's going to come out of this like a Pixar Avengers movie that doesn't sound right now I think that be anything new come out of it what I what I read was that essentially Marvel is going to benefit just from Disney's Global reach and be able to expand in other markets and then doesn't just benefit by that on the other end but I don't see a lot of like Peter Pan and Iron Man team up something else to think about I don't think the younger Direction but remember we saw that game based on that cartoon that's coming out be like all the Marvel lick the small Marvel Superheroes living in super hero City and all the villains living in that was a wonderful see more stuff like that now but you know what I'm trying to ask you to a younger audience big girls lockdown with all the fairy shit and then like the Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana comedy and all that but he had a Disney dozen and the Hudson I'm going to benefit from Disney's Global reach I keep hearing stuff like goddamn internet is that what it is I read a lot of other people who make online content and it was somebody who made the weirdest statement just kinda threw it out there in a blog or Twitter or something like that I just wrapped up shooting my new web series pilot I think it's going to be good I hope they like it it's like what the hell is a web series pilot who understand about this generation of content for why are people trying to take the one thing that's incredible about the internet which is a flat world where you can distribute to anybody and they're trying to get jobs on sites you know that to get Productions on it makes no sense it makes no sense at all it's like taking what doesn't work about the old system and trying to lower it over the top of the internet makes no sense people get agents there's no way that agents to know that yes I do what the hell is that what are they do you like broker a domain name do you it snow in for monkey or something look behind the curtain it ain't that hard to do this stuff like the parts that I think you're saying that people shoot pilot to show someone they don't know how to make a website or like they don't want to have more than I can YouTube headed over to that I say that's the easy part serving video is not the hardest part of the equation on the hardest part of the equation is making something you know telling people about buying an ant Banner a door selling I guess maybe I don't think we're Geniuses you know that stuff I mean I see people with stuff on YouTube and stuff on iTunes that's a good way to get out there but you know how to build my page way longer than most people were comfortable with it, it's very different place than it was when we started we start all over now we must for Myspace or Facebook yeah I guess so I guess you know somebody can make out home page on Twitter so I thought Twitter about you can ask me to sign up for about 8 weeks I think I made 10 tweets the whole time the only reason to have Twitter as for shit my dad says that's funny even even if you guys have not checked it out you should definitely go look at it well that's what I mean that's what you about anything that gets big on the Internet is to see how people start to use it as its own performance space that's that's 100 pages and it would be like crazy with page number Bonsai Kitten Twitter shit my dad says so it runs Friday to Sunday will be about 3012 would you like to leave it in the parking lot and that is what time 6 p.m. Saturday and for the past and we've got three videos that show we don't have to down there working on the third one are the live-action version hotels of Gavin can get off his ass and finish it the last year was the tax was the first place we should the RV be animated project which is a never-ending development longer much longer process of for television that is for the web I don't they were going to show animated again the facts are we don't play now John to be to be different with something else right now but we can chill the concept because that's be cleared but everything else I don't know was the last one in maidenbower which I think was tax number three now because it was so fucking crowd who could move anywhere and it was so crowded and it's someone just dropped like a beach ball from the top floor and that was ball hail ball well I must have missed that part of it was really weird I think the first one my favorite just because that was when the whole state open 24 hours and kids were just asleep set my mind at Pax is the stinkiest Khan right be of the gaming rooms at the peace lick as it would like you can stay and get within fifty feet of the door without smelling it was pretty bad fix it real fast though you know it's problems and Anne be still sold out do I get bigger and bigger and what do the penny arcade guys actually do a Pax panel says that is a roll around and giant mountains of money are amazing in front of a crowd it's a good weird skill that they have that they don't really get to Showcase that often but if you watch them like child's play for the auction or any other panels at team in packs they are unbelievably eloquent in front of a crowd there whenever they do the charity dinner options they're always like the last 2 years all right to see Knights of the Old Republic Star Wars I'm going to now I don't know what's going on this about the trailer we'll officially Old Republic you think they would show Mass Effect to write the comic that has a lunch date of coming out as soon as I play Mass Effect again just going to finish it before Mass Effect 2 comes out are you enjoying it early on and you know what kind of bass Shadow complex and Fallout 3 when I had just started playing them and I don't make that same mistake again with the Mass Effect 1 getting into it a little bit more time so did you play before and then stuff or is this the first time you're going through because I didn't remember anything about fake people biggest game on Xbox like physically the biggest area in a gay movie and I just talked to Paul 3 fucking how long would it take to walk from the furthest edges of Oblivion has anyone done that I don't remember anything leftover the family estimated that takes like 2 to 3 hours of driving oh my God forget about us employment phone be on and I don't know if I like that or how long do you think it would take to walk in Fallout Burnie from the same thing from the far upper left of the map to the for the right man I don't know it's a good one I guess I don't know you be fighting the whole way through that if you lower your weapon you move a lot faster and it's so you can't really tell really but it makes a big difference really I didn't know you could X2 Blue Button man I can't wait for you to go back to English can find them so I guess I play Fallout of The Geoff big is a 2 player game console a off that he's finished like the other day we beat Gears of War 1 on insane and after Geoff is like what we doing this and I was blowing you off behind can you just pull the trigger need to clean the gun and shoot Russian General on 592 in the face and I told him how cool is that we'll talk about and I don't like the attitude yeah I'm better than that's what I'm thinking about Mass Effect I think there's something fundamental about the fact that I don't understand how it's played but once again we're talking about things you know but I'm only playing because Mass Effect 2 when does Red 2 come out October of this year I don't know I have no idea Machinima Paul Marino who is very helpful to us in our early days a Machinima who ran the Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences now if your friends with engine code P Mo team one list big people they work very hard yeah no doubt and he's always like a rendering or doing software you don't win for software doing something and be honest in saying I'm out of work I'm hoping that'll happen is you know video game Revenue start to climb is that they will just expand the number of people who work on your game yesterday that I forgot to say this exact Source but someone was talking about how much more it cost to make games these days and he said that nowadays the marketing budget for a game can be triple the production budget is that good especially in games but we were earlier this week and apparently the witch's son anime 32005 for something like that they're going to sue Avatar can they feel it looks too similar anime can posting screenshots that somebody put together hero Sub Shop when they make delgo they spent 40 million dollars on it and they made in theaters they made something like $400,000 back that's in in ticket sales Anne its got like I think it's got the record for the number of years that opened it was well over $2,000 and I had a big test to write Prinze jr. if you've lost 40 million dollars on a project that movie even at that point where they're like dad fuck if we did not have seen everywhere the marketing so that's what I was getting be released December 12th 2008 I'm sorry 2008 it was a 40 million dollar production budget a salt and it made $694,000 Christ how many feet is 2160 feet by 14 release to let me like $0.08 the theater so do they just literally put it in the movie theaters and then say what I said a $237 average for theater how long was it in theaters for can imagine well I mean that's up to a 2004 release they're dropping it of stuff fast Box Office Mojo only has one weekend worth of and that's got them like whoever the producer was of that film he did he commit suicide I mean who knows I need the address as nothing more than a promotion for the DVD release those are not 2253 now that I know that movie is it possible someone was working on the Avatar movie and thought all the stylistic 40 million dollars will make this move you won't promote it will just put it out there it'll be like Avatar who never comes out we'll see then it will make more than we could have made I've no idea a Lauren Bacall Freddie Prinze jr. and Val Kilmer lion movie that's crazy what's wrong with me Anne Bancroft I don't know why syndrome Susan delgo you know marketing is a big deal so what and games make a ton more money than God forbid pendings come out faster you know I like it leopard it was coming out already complaining about people complaining but why free to and maybe mystery hell yeah dude it was awesome but which movie spent the most amount of money on marketing is that start of the wiener what was the Harry Potter look up the close to a billion dollars between the money to spend on it and the production and then advertising why do you need to advertise the new Harry Potter movie really want to I just haven't had the time to 300 million any more movie Billboards than you will in Los Angeles every the first time with and I never thought about never knows what else yet so self-serving they want to see them 2000 copy and we figured out that it's 15 bucks a pop so that's three million dollars $3 total not counting the royalty cut or whatever else I need to remember is that for video games puzzle to many dollars that's a very complex game do you think too many dollars who who now 5 nude working on it or you know what is it a big company Gavin for can write I don't know where did they licensing engine from Epic to be before about licensing different engines which is a very common thing in John real engine is on FPS engine to support the engine he said like back then be with Anne didn't have no it was a small company and have them 370 with some of the engine and it said okay when you buy the engine you get to come and talk to John Carmack for 2 hours that's your support when they have to hammer all there is wow that statement to be a little odd that he's happy about it because hasn't the impression always been that it makes their own games as nothing more than a showcase for what the engine is capable of doing so that they can then licensing engine or head hurt that before you got a lot of criticism for that was that it was the game was just not really as good as it could be they were just interested in making a new version of the engine to license to other video game developers I don't know I mean it's just you know random people talking shit on the internet but that's what I had always heard about it interesting sometimes I will have like production budget vs everybody all right I'll look it up right now boxofficemojo.com the delgo can tell by the way you do and it's made 895 million worldwide while so that's a profit how do you say never ever and I don't know what it's a kid wizard you know I mean come on my way the other British kid with no offense I know your head would you call Luke Skywalker what's interesting Gavin and then I watch The Burbs last night they had never heard of it it was awesome little before their time and Tom Hanks but you know I never we watch says Splash as well as good that was just completely Quinta Paul Allen we for snow yes and not comedy throwing punches I was going on investigate mystery funny no it wasn't that was that was high comedy literally sitting right in front I saw mystery team my Derrick all right and that was fucking funny it was you know it's a movie that they made they stopped making YouTube you must be really weird to go shot it in March of 2008 spring of 2008 summer disappear from the for my cycle I can't imagine that we're so used to the inside feedback and like making something you have enough that day I can't find them lick even let you needed was about four weeks by weeks feels unbearably long to me even Red vs Blue which movie be back in 5 minutes it's not like we're working on something behind closed doors for nine months at a time or time and the right if you live in a big college town chances are like Super Troopers who like this you know and I was a fan of Derrick Comedy already so I went in as a fan and I had a great time it's also hard yeah I know which is better that's literally a block away from us yeah they're making a bowling alley bowling alley on South Lamar highball bowling lanes inside me know it's cool because you get to eat mystery team the new Star Trek movie without the iron so much fun give me fire on a jetpack be absurd stuff will make sense like when they show what does Wes Anderson have a movie coming out in time so fabulous Mr Fox that cartoon and it's him and that other dude yeah that's a good movie Man different too much the lick textbook failure of an American relationship it's pretty cool I mean some really cool stuff the phobia who was really good in terms of that I know he was in that my mom a thousand times like this I realize for something cool but they weren't any movies you want to watch that's what I remember coming out can I say coming out and Spike Jonze is probably one of the best guys to get that movie and directed the part of me that wishes that had ended up in the hands of Wes Anderson Anderson's like childlike wonderment stuff I think a little bit better than Spike Jones as a bigger part of me I don't see how it's going to translate into another 90-minute feature comic book store it's Wes Anderson thing it's like I don't know how to watch The Darjeeling Limited to that movie didn't do well critical failure just gorgeous and it's just like he just does whatever that is he does so well that's really fun to watch I watch the hotel Chevalier yeah it was something I salt really work Mr Skin without the top 100 nude celebrities are nude top 100 nude scenes of all time before movie number one Fast Times Ridgemont High how does mystery skin stay in business how does he do that how does that strike you that how can you take clips from movies and put them on their website and cell access to them and they've been doing this for now 10 years 12 years unbelievable I have read about it somewhere a couple years ago and it's the answer is like it's really just like when he doesn't Transcendence Clips Mason to put together best at something Western be talked about in school long enough ago that he just kind of became entrenched in the internet and it was before people started to realize this kind of stuff and he just got grandfathered in you know you probably couldn't start as I like Mr right now stir the pot I guess so I mean I guess I mean everyone to do it all at once is this number 100 on the list so drunk 24 Hour film festival is a really cool the coolest guys put on like once a year at the Alamo where you go and literally sit in a seat for 24 hours straight is that is that fun the first eight hours are I've always wanted to go but I just never do but I hear that they have movie to try to make you go to sleep in the middle of the night okay that's what's and shit probably in the Thurman in Dangerous Liaisons all so hot but you should see that movie where Halle Berry in Swordfish never saw Kelly Preston in Mischief Kelly Preston squid ever says she's gorgeous and before the devil knows you're dead never thought never thought either Jessica Biel powder blue red number for everything Jessica Biel number 3 is Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct that the whole movie number 2 Angelina Jolie in Gia yeah that's just like that's a huge to make out movie number of all time there's probably Bruce Willis children wiener in the color of night have a good night 28 Days Later The Simpsons Movie Bart when are the of like women like women like women porn is it something like Titanic I was thinking check credit card balance 301 302 Gavin my wife is into that hate Gus I sneezed earlier and I didn't smell anything we had this discussion what kind of gas does 100 the shit talking about something you said earlier that I said medicine for that so then you guys have stinky sneeze I like to find a weird-ass stuff on the internet like weird medical stuff is something I like to find like we're lick chiropractor just like everybody has one weird thing that your medical stuff like Red Rocks Community of people on the internet they're they're concerned because they have stinky feet sneaky sneezes and it's like a weird sort of like the Morgellons triple Morgellons where people think that they have a parasite that makes fibers all over their body I'm fascinated by these people the stinkies needed people they think that because they're sneezes smell they have a stinky smell to them that they're being invaded by some kind of like fungus that and they think they're contagious I brought this up in conversation and Gus said I have stinky sneezes smell them but I do have some time if it's going to be stinky the chance or greater it'll be stinky in the morning vs later in the day like what happened when it happened phone to Geoff house is like 9 years ago got into a store to pick something up for work first time it was the first time I was ever aware that my sneeze all really we were driving and we had to turn around in a parking lot and something happened and it smelled so bad that we both thought we hit a bloated that animal and we couldn't get the snow off the car and I will so badly I've been fun and I remove and the Gus admit to me a couple weeks I know she does she told him off I don't smell it because II am done sneezing fit says I smell it that's why I asked you is it something like I never if whether you sneeze through your nose or mouth because if you need to do your nose shit that you to smell it as it came out if we still have now my nose is even big enough to Comedy hidden from them and people are these people coming a great can I say I talk to my doctor about it he refused to recognize it talking and shaking their heads blind for it and if you look at the posting a doctor all nervous this is impossible this can't be happening in your imagination it's not which is why you shit sneeze into a bag and I put it in front of his face for you guys breaking glass by for a while so Morgellons red Morgellons also called Morgellons disease or more Morgellons syndrome is the name given in 2002 by Maria lick 802 a proposed condition characterized by a range of to change skin symptoms including crawling biting and stinging Sensations finding fibers on or under the skin and persistent skin lesions if you're by the way a hypochondriac do not read this stuff because you'll go crazy who like find these black like they say they're almost like metal fibers growing out of their body it's a listen if you're suffering from this a doctor actually been accepted as a mental condition and not a lord that's really disturbing but people are there websites dedicated to there any pictures of people that scrape bits of metal of the skin all over YouTube all over but the shoutin cell it recycling it's some self-identified self-identified Morgellons sufferers and conspiracy theories provide their own origin hypothesis Perhaps it is caused by chemical spills or even alien abduction on a radio program called Coast to Coast New Mexico doctor reports that a former CIA agent told him the disease was caused by the French all Evian drinkers are at risk haha I don't to lose on endorsements it's probably that might be substantiated going to have anybody here at risk