#211 - RT Podcast

RT gets friendship necklaces.

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-211

Recorded: 2013-03-26 21:50:36

Runtime: 01:51:42 (6702.3 seconds)

Participants: Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Brandon Farmahini, Michael Jones




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Transcript (in progress):

Grand Theft Auto Stephen Carbonite Online Backup Carbonite backup your computer files for you to the cloud automatically and continually start your free trial Carbonite.com no credit card required Mr T 2 bonus months with purchase pack you buy audible.com internet provider of audio book Danielle gaming 4 Dead production of the mention of Miracles as coming audible on March 26th and to check out the publication audible Sonny 1 working 1 or 2 New York Comic on every chance to win a trip for two to New York City including round trip airfare 4 nights at a hotel into 4 day passes to New York Comic Con in October 2013 visit audible sign in to your email for a chance to win. And April 12th episode of the audible pack of your choice Brandon no the people have spoken I replace Gus on the podcast a person that my mom actually watch the podcast as she watches everything understands nothing about what I do nothing literally nothing my mom's like his daddy is Persian and his mother is Agent what causes a rotten Brandon accelerated butter like Pacific it's like you go there and it looks nothing like you who say you're not technically will you go there and just come right out of these people it was like a different species have you been I have been to some of their wonderful it's just different yeah I grew up there so is that so lets a good interview what do you did you ever go to New Orleans when you were in high school just like road trips New Orleans no I think in junior high I want my dad to as things game so that probably doesn't help although we were still selected to go to titty bars life random dude what does that mean what do you want them the t-bar look like I'm 12 with my dad discrimination about the stuff in sketchy places of people Alfie Michael and I'm sure that nobody got his gun you can do it I have another yellow 1 who defines a mansion American equivalent of that but I am absolutely positively dead Vic of everywhere I fucken go to shop everywhere they want me to sign up for the card at that place now like they're anything like a credit card it's just like the car voice as you get up there and I don't want to do that just reminding everybody Prime it takes 8 seconds I go there all the time anyway while and I have to give if it was on record that I could say no my name is Gavin Free wire on that I would do it but I'd like in your day to look on your license you can just scan it and then they have your things Kyle you only wear the Jersey Mike's everyday like Jack when he does that thing at the bar down the street with the 50 beers that's like the greatest thing he's ever done with Life 2 calendars calendars coupon the car I'll take it it's one place I go to I'm not saying I signed up for every single place but I go to Jersey Mike's life what are the biggest mistake you ever made we moved in this on was we bought stainless steel desk tops and we moved you and your guys move up into the Loft as well the center for the production area for stainless steel tables together and acting like the first 15 days it looked like they had just like like a hurricane what does Andrew a the God damn calendar they were still alive right I just a the meaning of the terminal East a real thing all the time all the time regardless of who's sitting there right isn't what you're saying Monty Williams but don't count my desk by far is the most bro in desk in the whole the whole in the front of it signed where did the end up that dead Michael Kudos because your framing on that when you smack that bread down bug delete of straight the breakdown you keep him in framed into split-second decision I'm walking and I was like I thought I saw you Gavins desk 1 and Gavin he's like the messiest person ever know he doesn't like to throw anything away he just like Thrones life throws at a screen and as that was what he has Gavin running out there a price limit on parking lot as I walk in there was like one tiny little spot for space shuttle moving at the end but with no contact just cut it and like everyone doesn't charge anymore well before that well before that Jeff is tried using and he's like your cable sucks my phone's not charging cable with his like it was wet bread at the house the bread 2 voice United with life bread ruined it done so I turned around and it was one of the ways that how long have you been Brandon the black button that's Brandon over there Injustice T that's funny on that one hey how you doing button that one that's what we were supposed to have the uncorking of the beer but I'm not here and it smells like feet bug chick my goddamn head out of the studio because it's cat apparently smelled and then what did you do the first Dan beer Vic has been rolled up like a new RT I told her that as we have very similar hair yeah I almost put the Hat on today alright bro quick question Twitter RT Podcast Samara Tobuscus wants to know is Gus dead and we were there in Boston Massachusetts pack Barbara miles Monty and Shane Michael Lindsay and Ray also Man on the Moon as a really cool email just now at PAX East is that you don't or if you listen to podcasts a regular basis you probably know this April 1st is the anniversary of our company and this year is our 10th anniversary as a company and so we're going to love doing lots of different stuff to celebrate our 10th anniversary what are the things that we're going to be doing is going to be into the Rooster Teeth store or anything in this Burnie bobble head what you may have seen behind the last couple weeks 1 Burnie.com soggy story that I told his Mother Russia animated adventures as dead little platypus in his hand right here and can of Fosters and if you can read the inscription it says Carpe platypi to focus your mind losing my vision alright will think Kyle is the Bobble and I got his first in the store I just like looking statue this week and is very serendipitous timing with all of this there is a group of rooster Chief and our people in the community who were a side quest at RT as last year last summer and one of the items that was auctioned off during the side quest Child's Play Charity Auction was a Burnie statue a local artist Kayla Kromer also the same artist who made a recent his couch she made a Burnie statue based on the story and the guy who wanted his taking it all the way down the Burnie Tasmania and taking her to the park in Burnie and is taking pictures and he just literally sent me to your other dude or posted them yet so I'm going to put a real quick but they will also pull it email to Christopher posters you can pull it up there okay Alan to email his left I don't set that up on here or email it to new things we have coming out April 1st when was toilet on my posters RT double shot in here everyone in the fingers and it is that just going to show up we don't plan on April 1st release into new DVDs a best of RT Shorts probably the worst kept secret and actually passed out animated adventures that I don't think anybody knows about the reaction shown at the Pax panel we showed the 3D animated Rooster Teeth Animated posters yeah that has 3 who is going to pick Tower watching the show Ruby Black trailer we showed one of our new RT Shorts that were recently to be coming out soon actually on the DVD the DVD Gavin in particular that is memorable to say the least 45000 people in that room and it just like talking like bread bakeries in Burnie Tasmania those people can 20 minutes here and then come in between bug there's me there's making sweet sweet love war clip Jordan is looking you know how your nose looks really small he's looking as if he were glasses really know what kind of smart you brought it up but I'm coming to get you guys are crazy the beer is made does not make you like beer it cannot be helped beer as long bro this stuff like how to people find out if you do this and then leave it for a month or whatever private water on the floor for a month pickling makes sense though because they need to keep it around without Refrigeration so that's what the hell do you know that she got it figured out definition of circle triangle the triangle I'm sorry I did not Kayla who is 1 + 1 + 2 + 3 exit PAX Prime a few years ago and you at a bar and you handed out your phone too much of people and let them sleep for the rest of his account his trip audible on Die Rise and all that stuff but to party we like to have a Pax our way we just agree or any kind of convention is it is rented a car and then we have an open Tab and lets them do what they need to do and then we had that we're on the rooftop bar Gavin cleaning play the music for the DJ play the music really great it was like cool to cat 4 bug like the the terrorist 1000 Ways as you were the one that was really windy I feel like you just tell to people of good in the wind a good thing getting a good in the wings when the wings. I know how you feel it's like that so my hair is like as I Kyle from South Park let me take the head off as I like if I let my hair done while that's what it would do it it's a problem for you I understand things like the Pax East a week and remind me that it's 2 things you should never ever fucking do and people should never use the phrase make them moist world Vic Bono walking New York audible head I like traveling trip the weather is like some road like Oblivion and then vote early like genesis and every one of them the curse is without you new ever if you do this if you do this you're a terrible person you're part of the problem if you're in front of a crowd of people and you have chick like a t-shirt or desk and you take it you hold it up and throw it in the crowd fuck you you fucking fuck in like and I don't know what things would you like 4 mic stands are crowds like Firefall like a bug hit the homerun and the ball goes into the crowd I don't go to the bathroom and it's kind of chick that pack I can't on what I was walking by and I'm just like walking around show me Thrones tshirt into a crowd and advertising the build-up to it there was going to throw as sure it does it turns into like the segment before the credits for Walking Dead like whatever horrible Tim and 8 years ago you lets you when I first to another East to find somewhere to talk a child's life famous in England get a fucking lineup in Boston and 30 degrees cold girls out waiting half a block away from the opening of the club when the door they're out there they're just crazy New Jersey and if working outside always freezing to death in Canada never used to it yeah I don't know man she's there is a picture of her from forever ago as she had to be like 17 or something in the picture which she was walking home from somewhere and pick her up and her hair is starting to freeze as well that's my bicycle something you told me the other day you said that like life gag reflex where even when he's working like a Hebrew word like really weird and he constantly like crutches for nothing I just on his own I told her I almost threw up every single morning and I have to as soon as I change temperature and makes me want to throw up like every time girl like you walk out of his house will be cold and then the thing about it is because it's really cold outside you going to die in her place like that why did that then you go back outside and you're freaking wet so then you're cold then you're like dying she said like to be freezing walking the die the shower same deal or Mr up every time pressure temperature or voice as naughty as you put it is it makes me cat normal game where there's a lot of things that happened to me when I think I should go to the doctor but the doctor I'm scared about finding out things that are wrong with me so I don't know so I can't really I don't really relate to what you just said I got that I got the other way giant dildo too bad you asked beforehand or during dieting as he was using I forget or like oh my God this is normal and we talked about the position but anyway so I can bring it I wouldn't do it 2 or 3 times schedule Z working right fine working bro like shove something up my ass audible East Motocross new left like a roto rooter from New Jersey which up with Johnny and then just bring it up there without somebody had to try the vinegar right why not be the guy that tries this today's podcast is brought to you by GoPro double gaming new gaming prevents production of Dimension a miracle is coming audible on March 26th and the kick-off the publication audible of sending one lucky winner 2 New York Comic Con and you're pretty chance to win a trip for two to New York City including round trip airfare 4 night stay at a hotel and to 4 day passes to New York Comic Con in October 2013 is it audible.com / suite and enter your email in for a chance to win and you. And April 12th and be sure to visit audible podcast.com for a free audible book of your choice lets set up I was perfect when they first came out his father was World War Z ever heard in my life I think it's really relevant people always message me about World War Z because we talked about Vic and trailer came out for World War Z the movie I think in trailer tshirt on the trailer then there's a new trailer out this week for World War Z watch it at all any of you read the book at all this back and forth and I double the second one I can see some justifications for it based on the book and the audiobook but now the new trailer for the movie I'm just like really recognize anything 2 the movie what's the best adaptation on display with every single one so crazy of Harry Potter movies will there even still there still stuff missing that you can pick but I would say in the grand scheme of things it wasn't some stuff maybe a different movie from the book 190 pages Gavin Free double Man the movie what's moving desk a bunch of a bunch of Ryan the wait wait stop stop stop we'll talk about it you know and it's just like that's bad thing about me is how people go out with style I'm sure every one of us if we would have Facebook but it would die like a bitch we don't be like play in their own blood in the lungs Mike Brown in car accident I mean like if you want to say we were like you could be kidnapped and like have all your fingers and your limbs to torture you like that but I mean if you mean like in normal means of Life common occurrence of dying for me the worst thing that I can think of is being stabbed to death because it's just like creeps me out thinking like man shot and stabbed the shot will look good and people stabbing you over and over again burn to death but also like I do not want to get burned out actually running around cuz it's like I can't breathe I can't breathe you're falling you're falling from a huge distance like from a plane Club Milano San Jose the seven-year-old contemplated at that you can't answer you must not have much to live for at 7 when you just like that whatever had a good run first grade not bad who is the mother bug put you on a donkey Gavins don't want to live in a foreign country and Donkey that's all you're going to say that will Bono it is there a way to die that you don't believe that could kill you anything on Thousand Ways To Die actually no it seems like you can't even like I don't know I don't think most people don't trip will appreciate on table commercial of on the table what kind of shoe is that what is that called what do you call a group of anything new as your nose to stop water from rushing into you double yes cuz I always have another kid if I jump in the pool water Road should a man weigh with water shooting up I was dying I mean no I want both arms butter and you're so fucking stupid you didn't believe him but he'll I don't know the high school there's no way Gavin ever touching anyone a hill and run down the hill he's going to 1 Ryan to me that you would slow down you would die a huge black dude a lot gentler as though you're saying if you would just let me know what you doing that you're falling at the speed of fall and you can get yourself in such a way that the vector of your force is exactly the same angle as the you wouldn't like it and I just went straight down ball like this Gavin left or right you're going to come right down to the play the spirit 1 variation in the angle between at 4:20 The Giver he'll make his way to 4 are all perfectly slow down if they are you could maybe get the angle right Stephen nothing is impossible yes you're not doing it 1 shot Halo One Tree Hill in the history of ever as far on on play parachutes a tunnel in there and done that and I'm gone for into miles and miles is it the University of Michigan Stadium from in the plane he's like an Army Ranger smoke coming out of the plane control the window until you're just going to let lets a bow and arrow shooting at Target as you hit the target at 10 meters or Thousand Years because what you're saying is the Plaza shooting Evolution a little variation then you can cover a bigger distance as you to tell you I have one thing is that it's less likely you're going to hit something for their way because what you're saying is correct Evolution your angle Thrones you ways to fuck off and it's more like you're going to make some kind of miscalculation early on butter new fall a can you hit like terminal velocity fall out of a plane how fast do you go into the ground for hundred miles an hour RT laterally in order to come out RT Bob Ross after you been it's will not be wings and gravity of the butter that maximum and what I think is an 80-something what is the fastest a person Kenneth Westphal what's the number for women with an atmosphere that if you're in space Allen almost home I should only have to compromise but Gavin is not happy about it 200 miles are 256000 kilometers trials are we still here will get $400 to help will have to travel 200 miles an hour early in order to have like a 45 degree angle Hilton Head look Stephen I don't want to war and just wire it straight down parkour extreme Gavin I got in a debate about Twitter about do you like they do the thing on Twitter where they have follow Friday die do you retweet when somebody mentions you in a few people do this all the time and I was like why do people retweet with on a Friday because you're telling everyone who follows you a thing that people do in order to promote their friend's account since that's what is the purpose of reading or something like that songs with you I thought it was a little too much I just thought was a little too much but he said about someone famous in the UK followed Gavin heard of the guy but he seems like he's a nice fellow comedy lets you watch some TV grown up your whole life there are people who dies from Vic and Bob oh my gosh Bob Mortimer at nycc much his answer is yes he's mad you put on it okay I just thought that in particular ways I thought I could I thought it was fine the way he went about it Halo my God this guy looks as you follow me and like I guess you know what you might look like an ass as in like people that like if we like to meet somebody or something like that like oh my God $30 something like that but I don't see why just because Gavin has like a hundred and $50,000 if any left like meaningful but he's just like excited that I don't know somebody that he looked up to him followed and like you know without him growing up is that people from my childhood away more famous than current people who were famous like a famous when I was a kid trip to me that's amazing to me RT at and we were on our way we had to go back and forth the convention with all the other special guest of the convention and ways Christopher Lloyd and then to be nice it was other people of varying levels of Fame cat climbing from Christopher Lloyd Edwards a lot of people a lot of people on the bus and so we're writing back and forth with v a running back and forth Gavin girls look at all the people his butt is that can you imagine what would the headline be if this bus just drove Christopher Lloyd die the message really sorry I man I don't remember we were just watching Game of Thrones so we go to Allen who plays Theon Greyjoy in the Smash TV Series Game of Thrones and he's probably met him he was so he was doing something very specific new season starts this Sunday at on Easter Sunday the 31st season 3 start a fantastic like I'm blazing through it back to back to back to back everyone loves it as well so sick she calls me about something or whatever and Gavin loves the interaction between myself and my mother but the last time we tried to like the only talking to her it was like I set up because we're at the bar and we were talking about it and I got drunk first then I called her and like she can clearly tell if an egg Rana and she's like 5 minutes and she was drunk and I was like why would you say that she was like yeah but today like we're just sitting here and so that was that was like maybe a month-and-a-half two months ago today or at the office or just waiting to the podcast and I get a phone call Michael takes out his phone and starts recording it because now she has like a lower security because she's calling me so I can just play with her so like I'm just like they can round will therefore be safe for like 5 minutes or so and eventually I just to to be an asshole like watch Game of Thrones who says I'm watching it she's like oh yeah she's like oh yeah I love it and like the conversation change and she's like Gus Macker a fucking asshole his piece of shit Gavin was just like giggling to himself the entire time but you have to swear to a parent when you have some time to put into perspective. They always comment on the show's I know him the way I talk to my mother now say something that is just like really outrageous or like ridiculous and she doesn't 43 something crazy I say and she doesn't like respond to it directly Tuesday images move on so we were talking about the characters and I mention the queen of the Lannisters Bob Sasso hat the character name so it's like and you can really weird names Alfie what is Jorah Mormont he watches over to people and help you do that does rocky have you seen the guy that does all the immitations button and I'm just like trying to be outrageous Gavins and I was like I was like what about that fucking stupid cunt Queen and my mother I don't like her that would and I would imagine Michael at all Mike I understand that one of the reasons why none of Master xandred as well part of it is always like Brandon 4 and a half schedule and my parents thought there was like just tell me what it was about to tell me what was the name of the movie gruchy temperature map France and Italy watch every single framed Red vs Blue swear sometimes and the show you know he said NFL in the coach life August 1st into the 30th never said anywhere in the whole series V 10 seasons so far except for donuts set it 1 Hat 1 in C the best Kyle don't a lot of fun and we're going for 11 tomorrow I'll be by in a few and I'll just change it somebody who's not there so I saw this and and I walk up to it 3 / and I feel like Gavins in there in the show sounds like in Ohio by the diamond the creeper and it'll be really stupid and like Gavin team up Gavin I will team up the whole team nice dynamite and I like that'll be our thing is like the Wonder Twins to be like team nice Dynamite so I asked the guy I like how much are those $20 each and $40 2 dependents 4 Gavin I just wish I was wearing this today because to me this morning I took the into the bathroom so I could change without his 1000 did you kiss how to tell which kind of the hottest that's not the only one made it BOB competition competition beer 53.1 Brandon Bass hey do you backup your computer files as often as you should can you access your files anytime anywhere you should try Carbonite Online Backup Carbonite as a backup service that's automatic and continual you can access your backup files and any computer on your smartphone or tablet with a free Carbonite at unlimited backup space for your PC or Mac is just $59 and his business Carbonite his plans that will backup on your computer server as an external drive for a low flat annual fee statue trials today at Carbonite.com no credit card required and get your teeth on my desk the fucking time do you have I want to come over we have one kind of driving by the same Drive every single time so we have the same power supplies and cables theoretically that's the way it's supposed to work but you have like those driving driving driving driving Dan I will be there every time somebody comes to us like we had a TV network here last week we talked a little about that bass spice Network we had a it's not like he was he was until he wasn't Spice adult things and stuff and I just like I always do when anyone needs anything in the world his whereabouts of Happy Life Soggy dresses Mr T that was awesome though I know I don't have nobody his name was little. Michael chick made you laugh I just to walk around and look at all the like that crap that head out like just on this play and stuff I will let you know that's all right in the entrance that giant Firefall things yellow that huge piston that was just a lot of shit and I can voice Chief armor and it was like they would like be like smoke to come out of it I felt bad for like the two girls that were working there cuz it was loud in there just repeat over and over again it was like a speaker like and they have like all these models that are full size models that were made from human life and everything and it's just 1 will just go for like 2 minutes stop and his repeat over and over and over again forever so that I don't know the fiction of Firefall but it's like some kind of like gas mining free Bible energy that was Brandon bunch of those yeah I got a bunch of free stuff will be there hanging out this time at the convention was Vivarin caffeine pills that really I guess that's coming back now big on the energy these days is just sleep a bit more time for sleep or do I have to read before 6 Tim new Stephen King the long walk in this party okay I just got anything more in sales meeting Alan life was very good but I think I saw it was you I ran into ever played Master cypher and you probably have it so there's the woman who was the voice model and face model for the justicar Samara the cosplays as Samara at events all the time but should without any competition to do that I have no idea what you like shows up and she looks just like the character in the game I mean like is the character with the actual real life person chick with the Left 4 Dead 2 characters I've seen them in real life a dude play the Moto X life doesn't east facing game right now walking dead in The Walking Dead coach in Left 4 Dead a bread like a first maybe sixty or seventy Issues new character on Teresa Giudice in the in the show I had a completely different Road a hammer give me the guy in the town the guy that team into the first episode to talk about Brandon who is Tyrese Tyrese the black guy that shows up at the prison and Rick Case as a model for the gun and it takes him his people that leave and then he ends up in the town he wears a wire as usual the same episode that killed a lot like I but I will send it in a Walking Dead graphic novel Tyrese is more like Daryl that's how big a territory is no there's not I don't want no trouble I apologize you know like I'm just trying to fit in my kind of crazy set the alarm off in realize I had this. Head on his coach and that you are probably set off maybe 200 Allen and various tours no single 1 chick notified to see if I had stolen it how old are you like those things came out right like the little lets put things on the clothes there goes bbbbbb 1000 friends right and people were like oh shit mother fucker like when you hit it and then they realize like it sucks and it goes off all the time so completely abandoned no one cares like 389 will be there all week like 30 seconds and it's like okay we've War like someone could be like that just goes to show we care east of Technology something head like a and run to be an asshole I would do that like everyone else I would stop and look around life did the cat run security guard yellow the 210 free 4 years old sneaking out like a criminal I want to be arrested because I look suspicious if you have that his wife didn't do it this time we had to get the party and so in the face of doing this thing where you just like to mess with people into this place reservations and they said no you said probably Alan life in saving your life the most fun to be around you just being like off of people like you hate the thing where people turn on the lights when we're about to kick it out ways to a restaurant hey don't get the fuck out exactly right exactly what it is because I was there again with a friend and he just turned 21 so of course we got just wasted at the bar and he's like who was that mean like that means get the fuck out now because they're closing times in Austin what are you doing button really annoying the time I got it thanks for coming guys and whatever will you bring your into that I got like it's part of your die didn't know existed until the day of and set them outside the club and its people inside and outside hanging out and it's like well can you come down the list and they were going to do it I can't do it but it's like whatever The Walking Dead what does Gavins chicken beer okay this weekend because this I think you thought we could actually and she's like oh shit I got pretty drunk I'm drunk Burnie here what have I done and it was because we were out she had an event and I was kinda like Saturday was like her day if you were 2 IGN into a lot of stuff that's going to help her out the car and like you said a lot of cool stuff that you can 4 social media a really good idea where he was attending the concert people going to be there like she was on Twitter telling people dies in and saying hey I'm walking the floor what you want to see if they say no Stephen justice injustice game whatever it is black people interviewing Real People 1 life later they are kind of style of event was at the bar and it ran out and I didn't double fine and I got Tim Schafer and that was really cool because I have a huge fan of his stuff like email Island Full Throttle tons of really cool stuff and so we were just sitting there like nothing I'm just sitting and chatting at the edge of drunk and the event was over and we are people for dinner and I was like oh yeah drink in my hand and I was like that's the best kind of the next one South Dakota Monty oum will trip after that event I want to meet the group at dinner they had a great dinner that night and so I walked in and was convinced I walked into the restaurant to our table and went to them I know I was sitting next to Monty Barbara Road and I kinda remember doing this is that I stood up at dinner World everyone's Elder and working so fucking hard this crazy thing where they had to like it so they the road trip from LaGuardia and your call that they were all like completely miserable by day to die miserable just like exhausted owner of the company my glass table and look bug prepare for the program that was coming the real the real thing to have it was after that so this is totally reconstructed by me the people who make Elder Scrolls Skyrim Elder Scrolls Online was a very good game they're promoting Elder Scrolls Online had a big party like parchment immitations that they gave you some people there his party but you're pretty just keep an eye on you will be different a little bit and I said I'm really hungover okay she said she went to the bathroom came back from the bathroom 2 minutes a pack that was it and she said I had bags bags of popcorn like that I had just had collected bags of popcorn and that I was going up to people while they're having conversations at the table and I wouldn't give them the bag of popcorn you have to go now tiny Gus bro I just want to apologize again a little bit you at the party and you chick give me a baby Sonic superhero ever Kyle Texas racing I'm sorry it won't party Monty I start eating the clam shells at Monty hat I don't think I've seen Burnie that drunk but you don't drink do you want your behind that was that was Saturday right Burnie the sanshee party no I didn't go to if you were busy Thrones people have another party before that he's like one of the Scrolls and I do hereby decree you are expelled from life for everybody his Exile yourself from the kingdom Dan invited Ashley to really quickly in the process throughout for the people world I know the word beautiful that was Monty the moment you walked in a parent you were like he was like I'll bring you a plate or your flight is coming in your life is going to have food on it right hey Shane game what you think about that was awesome was really cool to meet the fans opened up some lady came up to the table was like you play Minecraft and I was like no I see 2013 Gavin there was a lot of activity and I'd like it for like 5 minutes and then I did it I ended up at the curse gaming party and it was the same as if you as someone out there has the footage for that I ended up in like 3 Dan circles Gavin new and I loved it I would love that you hate dead because I can do that I can I come get my groove on I'm sorry about that it's like to drink a couple of drinks well yeah and then I'll set up the best part of pax was meeting a lot of ladies but I got to give a shout out to Amy Amy Linda and Cat the spot spray and spending for them hey Monty trailer is that it print screen any point in any of this trailer it's like and it's like it looks good enough to be a screen that and I like it very loud we started layering though if I could go back to trailer 1 and have dialogue I would've it's like trailer 1 was made directly after RvB season 10 before we even knew what the actors were trailer 2 you know just the same we were at we were busy with a bunch of different things and actually had a unilateral ways like when she was when she was free to go do a little bit 4 4 4 4 the white trailer will like this time we actually know a man is to plan some things that head and get some dialogue and because we're in the middle of doing a recording session since a lot of the dialogue coming out his full episodes cut and they really they really pop Rana T over himself and he was like representing the entire panel and it was like 30 seconds of Dead Silence with the idea because that was what was it was it was 2012 you just sent me out there I didn't realize how many people it down yeah I think we do that just to see how you react 4 the crowd because it was bloody it's like I think like 5,000 people can expect from the yellow trailer who actually like the hotel room started working on yellow trailer stuff you try to have as much variety as possible I do the same thing over and over and like I said it's like these trailers are trailers but there's not a better word for them the character like the trailer for her when you know and we actually you know we're still discovering her character so it was really more about like the move set for her weapons this time around even more fleshed out we can actually do a little bit of a story and so by the time we get to Yellow the Team Fortress his game and you spend most of the time running around shooting stuff and they only take this apartment do the meters and actually have these character moments but they still work they still like their in character for the character that you play as ours is you know he'll still be fighting and action in the show but they'll also be a lot of character and dialogue and therefore these trailers are mostly action with some character cool thanks man agrees the first time for Ruby at the movies and I will try to set up buttons as well but that was it I really wish we had a Reuben tshirt that would have been a smart thing on our part but sometimes we don't always think as far ahead as we should yeah we were only talking to pack for the airport as a podcast and not yet he wants to know about the importance of the Moon in Ruby as another shot of the characters in front of the Moon and he was asking you a question I think it was what is yellow his name has been revealed yet what is yellow a weapon going to be and you said you really want to hear it here or do you want to see it when it comes out yet exactly I mean I like the speculation that's kind of part of the fun right now I think some of the reaction about witches it's not complain that you got too much information from the Black trailer and I think the trailer is like there's lets Mr you lose Mystique when you add voices that's that's what I mean could we have not voice eventually I mean better to do it now and do it gradually then just punch people in the face episode 1 as I told that's right these people talk and I'll let you know that the first trip of course they had that mistake of not having voice is just like just the same as like you know how little Master Chief talks its like that you like them or because you have an idea of who they are in your head and if you check a lot of the fan following right now for the characters they all have an idea of who the character is regardless of how much pantomime I have character 2 coach try to convey that you have to give them a voice top will thank you money on everybody what you wearing who you wearing blue black Monty oum Monty is one of the few days who stands good backdrop ever it looks like floating in mid-air your legs right now yeah it was good I was at the Elder Scrolls people with the Bethesda people they had like their stuff set up there with his daughters but head life offices in their to realize you're going down into what they were doing in there today a little like you and not East you gotta go Ryan it's like everything was one moment I'm going up the escalator and I see 2 lines for and what's going on is not going to lie it's like I said I'm looking straight down and Michaels got his back to the wall with a line of people just wait with waiting with their cameras for him to yell at them for some time for friends sure what's going on so I'll go back a little bit as I'm doing it he was like no more more I need more like he score Z new emotion involved and he's like perfect he's like I'm his mother now he's going on maybe in like that was just what was actually Ice-T Burnie forgot to include it his drunk Story the part where he pretended and empty chair was Gavin Free and made out with it made out of volume everything with your and then I pretended you were there in the chair next to me New Mexico with into a real friend becomes the universal symbol of death who is kettle corn bug I use your life hey to truck yard Restaurant & Bar Brandon even make any noise right here up early when you have Elder. Do and I was on my face the restaurant we're not welcome back at Francesca Villa who ever we ate that night I don't go back to the Allen will put that all together and I just like to be my favorite person from the company to get backup with on those could be like yesterday and then I fly back Sunday night to Austin and we had to go from Boston to Houston and then had a layover back to Austin and while we are on the flight back to Houston was A4 hour flight we we we have the two seats and then there's a mother like new the window seat and which is actually into Windows not near it and then her two daughters were in front of us and there was another man in the window seat in front of us and like I saw him a bunch of times throughout the flight he got up in the bathroom was like I was like literally the plan that the plane lands and we're standing up we stand up he's got a receipt Chevrolet Alan right in front of us and we see him on the way out yellow black because we both have the next connecting play and we are just like kind of bull sitting in the airport and he's like is really funny cuz we were watching Game of Thrones like there's like he's all over the place 2 head chopped off whatever and yeah it's great so we're watching it and he's like that's really funny he's like because he was watching I think it's also just has boobies everywhere and he said he was watching it was $2 so he was covering it and he's like he's like I was really worried about the people behind me because I didn't want them like this worry about it but we got off the plane and our next left it like it it left at like 11 but it was at like 10:30 and we got off at 10 o'clock so we're just like walking with Allen and has Gavin talking about his life he's like you know what I'm still on the clock so you know whatever whatever and he's like walking with clothes on fine the next week we finally get to the terminal at life like 20 minutes before it heals yeah I'm getting and we can see if I can find a bar like he couldn't accept the fact that there was no bar open like and really annoyed by it she leaves and then comes back and I was like to see the look on his face like I couldn't find it I couldn't find was like he just kept apologizing profusely that he didn't buy this beer but the funny part was while he was gone they announce over the speaker life like we had it we had a hell travelling last year when Z and I on 4 PAX East like everything got delayed this year was perfect everything was on time it was great we get there we're in Houston will leave at 11 the plane's supposed to be there they announced like the plane is late it's not going to be here till 11:30 and then you're going to depart at midnight and I have to wait an extra hour to be told Alan that and thought that he's like a God damn left then he comes back and we're just kind of waiting at bullshiting and we're hanging on the hall when I put my laptop back in and were like watching Game of Thrones again and we're just like talking to him and he's like always she get please like to hear got delayed and he was like what and I was like yeah I can hear at 11:30 he just gets up and walks away and living there like he is not taking this well so we go back to watching Game of Thrones in real life and we're left down the hallway away from her terminal Terminal 4 a gate but he comes back and he's like you must be smoking crack I'm talking about he's like the team right now then come back we missed our plane is down the hallway with headphones on his walking Game of Thrones like right now and he was perfectly on time so that's good they got a hold of that you would like to party at 11:56 and have been left at the airport whatever walking Alan I Love You Man Group that was what Allen bug expense account Monday morning where's everybody else that was working I don't know everyone who played today play with at 5:45 eastern time which would be 4:45 o'clock our time here right now because I don't want to pay the extra Hotel night Thursday night so I just took off Friday for work and our flight left Friday at 5:30 a.m. so we are going to get up early but then we just started screw it till Thursday we just didn't sleep relocation what should you put your car where is your car going to be alright Road the car and then Monty Kerry and miles are in a pack and they all left their cars in the parking lot here yet their home from the office people have to drive your car here and then leave from your house usually cost from Dallas to Boston as mechanical issues which who knows what it was and if their flight was cancelled Thursday night on our panel is the next day Friday at 1 p.m. so they cancel the play on Thursday American Airlines tell them hey we're going to go tomorrow you're going to Boston tomorrow night Friday night everybody would have to pay every single person but me and I guess you would have been up there so Gus will go in detail about this when he gets back but had to rearrange the itinerary on the Fly for 7 people and the best they can do because they're all together was they got everyone to LaGuardia in New York and they rented a van and drove from New York City to Boston 4 half hours and they said that fine die night mother just like road trips aren't bad enough and they're awful it's a fucking impromptu road trip what time is an obligation with cat a guy thought that we could definitely I will say we just saw this thing I just thought of her pack for the best you sometime over the weekend it's only like maybe 10 days oldest video Will Sasso from MADtv Will Sasso Lemon compilation so there's not really much as you can like it or makes his own videos of like he doesn't know me but someone take a video and made a video of all of his lemon videos that he made and it's one of the funniest videos I've seen in a long while it's just him just fucking with lemon it's like to who Alan the compilation video Lets them combine them Michael 1 Randall dead fish Prime will watch that like he seen it before he watched it for the first time today he was like 6 times and road today cool things that happened at Pax Borderlands 2 vault Hunter and I guess will be downloadable content release actually and it just randomly about that at Pax and if you thought there was a part where they had that had one the guys dressed up as like the Badlands like midgets characters and then they also have actually the company that my brother works for me that vending machine and he text me like a month ago and he's like he's like hey is there some kind of event coming up cuz like someone had as like your box has designed this I like your vending machine like hand out prizes something and I was like is there something happening in Boston as I PAX East as there's like no one at this company understands what it's like a production company that he works for and like nobody there knew what the fuck it was like we have to build this thing East Lansing machines in the game Life is the medication and then the ammo dump 1 they had their at the convention machines from Halo life is like a big over blonde Roots 4 the big of a blunt in their Halo 2 there's Rooster Teeth vending machines there an Easter egg on there it's the map trip with the swing-doors video coming soon Audible and they also announced that they have a new map Forge island with free downloadable new map it's supposed to be there Forge World War Foundry Halo Halo and trials New Perspective and it's like we created this pinball game for doing that I have no idea double War Eagle Will Sasso to do one of those but Monty punches the lemon that was a dude who showed up at the end he gave out like a lemon a packet or something last year pack and he had other names for Dan lemon and threw them up to as on the handle and Monty when his came to him he punched in midair and went back and hit the guy in the face right before as I came up and it was immediately on this year 4 streaming button camera angle for it was like directly over people's head yeah what are the Q&A positions was normal it was of you like this of people asking questions and saying hey you know what I was at the other the other one was straight talk down to you like to write down everything someone said that in the previous panel like the one before that the cameras in the same spot but the microphone was further back but I still don't understand how that would have been a better angle I Castle looks like someone tied a rope to the ceiling and hung a camera from directly the top of people that made as they walk up and ask questions during as hard as you can but can you really get over I either run out of enthusiasm for how mad I am and I just give up on or after a certain point I'm like me holding on to this for me showing them that a person is like giving them too much it's like I'm thinking about them too much or like this situation too much but I can't I can't move on like a fucking loser and I can't get over this stuff because there's like there's like a big boy that's one thing that says you can't because then you just kind of get over it but I will say if it's something like this again it's like I don't forget about it remember lemon juice to get rid of people must know it's hard to hold a grudge I never been that mad to the point where I'm never going to told someone or ignore them or I don't know how you can be mad at them but it is hard ribs in the head of the Stars you don't want to keep the ribs ribs ways because like the menu head ribs on a calendars like I'll have beer for everyone make sure you the amazing Tower of pimps tshirt and restore trip help a person at best will take us 15 ways it was the first female who show their boobs right on his crotch it was nice the both of them will actually the first one I apologize for not Google this week we will continue Gavin or Google Bicycle song at title screen lets of the peace sometimes you just got it all right the DLC pack are Gavin without Hartsville I think a little bit of pee came out right there so we get a map can we get a quarter out here that's what they're called Supermarket alright thanks to our viewers die store sponsors audible who was as much to type right now RT Carbonite the stuff we will see you next week without Thrones returns