#212 - RT Podcast

RT spits on Matt

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-212

Recorded: 2013-04-02 23:36:45

Runtime: 01:40:36 (6036.24 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Matt Hullum




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    "RT 10 Year Anniversary" => "http://roosterteeth.com/news/entry.php?id=1592369"
    "RTAA Weird Dreams and Shitty Jobs" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLjqLbq6FpM"
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    "Easy Riders Raging Bulls" => "http://www.amazon.com/Riders-Raging-Bulls-Sex-Drugs-Rock/dp/0684857081"
    "ZeekRewards Scandal" => "http://www.forbes.com/sites/jordanmaglich/2012/08/18/feds-halt-alleged-600-million-zeekrewards-ponzi-scheme-how-it-happened-and-whats-next/"
    "Kim Basinger Buys Braselton Georgia" => "http://www.nytimes.com/1989/03/31/us/braselton-journal-actress-buys-town-a-place-on-the-map.html"
    "Bikinis Buys Texas Town" => "http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/breastaurant-owner-buys-texas-town-renames-bikinis-article-1.1118417"
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    "RT Short Coasting" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UacVH0E1oKs"
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    "Gourdoughs" => "http://www.gourdoughs.com/"
    "Grape Stomping Lady Falls" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMS0O3kknvk"
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    "How RT Started by Matts Son" => "http://s3.roosterteeth.com/uploads/1364939467_MattSonPic.jpg"
    "RTAA Gus Hates Interns" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFzv6klibQs"
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    "First Hit on Red vs Blue" => "https://twitter.com/burnie/status/318851694882603009/photo/1"
    "RTAA Gus Doesnt Want To Go To Vegas" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YinLvTiawk"
    "RvBTO with Barbara in 2004" => "http://s3.roosterteeth.com/uploads/1364941841_IMG_6484.jpg"
    "Michaels Crackdown 2 Video" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egxjuLkhXUw"
    "Montys Haloid" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9sYixr2miY"
    "First Person Party" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1PXYAR4-_0"


Transcript (in progress):

listen to the rest of podcast is brought to you by Shutterstock.com 5/20 million stock photos vectors illustrations and video clips for 30% off your new account go to shutterstock.com and use offer code RoosterTeeth 4 that's Rooster Teeth and the number 4 very special 10th anniversary Rooster Teeth podcast live stream Richmond 1 decade of our Nelson anniversary Georgia with Gavin today about that so we Mark the 10th anniversary of the company with the first time weird episodes of Red vs Blue which was April 1st 2003 correct trailer actually came before that look like August of 02 August of 02 but we've got today we really started as reduction and Gavin you found this Series held what episode did you come in on this phone so I can see if it's early and I was fourteen years old I remember because he did at the time parents just died and it was doing really well at school and I was the last time I did was cool but I found your website I probably spent 4 hours on it every night to keep attention of everything Nicole Madison to try to get myself ready for this live stream I just want torrent of YT Coulton you let this happen baby releases only polite but if you can do it keeps telling me to do is to work in the back office the first thing Gavin ever did for us was he did a miniseries red vs blue grifball highlights before that the commercial says because you were there working on 7 we make love all night we make grape full in 2007 and I was 1 that wasn't that hard was it Hunter did you have the actual did you have the actual like my files that I was using the microphone not even like that we would have submissions only so are you in so you would get stuff from file share and then the links to the Halo 3 Persia Universe download of and look swollen is really time consuming but fun to do before the thing on the go okay people here you know where we're on location doing the shoot and we've been filming all day we did we don't acknowledge them enough so I want to thank everyone who's out here you could do a lot of work setting up the lights on the cameras and even with me being sick and coughing and sneezing on everything you should let them the world here at a radio I can I'm kind of glad that the engine or season it's been pretty blue the day up here have you ever been to a race before race car movie with Sylvester Stallone so I got to go to a few race tracks and it's just been thinking Jeremy what's up? Are in the short this week that's right I did I'm getting crushed everywhere I go. So much blood shorts because you were telling me you saw me walk around the office and you said I was that from the short the week the started making shorts again doesnt son that's of April for one of the worst things about having our anniversary being on April 1st succeeding on this Everybody poops and everybody got sick of it and then what you're left with is more people whining about April Fool's jokes than there are actual April fools jokes now now more annoying than the actual jokes in Subs but I can't ignore every single person I know the saying how much they hate their jobs but I don't like it when other people that we know to try to do April Fool's jokes on us but not in that zone at all we're always focused on what we're going to get done like that I would put out a bunch of stuff and we're just like very like head down kind of like focus on what's going on and I was like a couple years ago that the people who run our store called up on April April first and said it was when we were running there's extra tickets and they got a really bad called up and said that just crashed and we taking on all of the stores we actually did happen to us the for in real life but not with a different company so that wasn't what I was afraid of that fact and I still 1 professional and we fired them you should tell about your plan for Falls is to if you have to fire somebody wait until April Fool's Day and then like him so you know when you for somebody it's always dramatic and it could be a lot of Thrones and shit like that like bringing a table first to let you know you're fired Prince the sign that link with him over the parking lot just make it all part of the joke Until you realize eventually get fired April Fool's Day Christmas that's a bad one and Christmas because they're getting their year and numbers town or something like that it's okay just fire people Christmas baby like this like raging assholes like I want to pick the worst possible time to let people go and I don't know I tried to get fired want my previous job before I would show up to work drunk at 10 a.m. and it wouldn't find it because it's like I didn't respect them let me take 4 like want it like Gavin what's the Gavin please I'd like to know punching somebody would be a physical behind the scenes whatever you doing tonight with camera right there Tim before my bike shut down in a few minutes weird thing that happened today superpower GO Keyboard Grape Wine & Barbara 940 grape 2 he was asleep by the time you're gone journey be true what was the German people before they doing I just talk and say happy birthday as we planned a special guest on board today some Jim Carrey Frank of Mary also something and then we son happy birthday family I guess and everyone else was just clapping make sure you make a special announcement 1 person or group is a fucking birthday and I was pissed off at the people singing Happy Birthday Prince birthday Tricia forced to come and see me of fucking see your birthday all your text messages and read them okay GO Math will have pictures of happiness again doesnt to receive them the archives La how many 30 terabytes to the point Pro some of your life is a depressing or that impressive I'm impressed with your stuff too but that's probably like 2932 or so I've been struggling even Tim Falls console you like to leave Falls you don't even 2 files getting everything out Sonic anymore that Jason did that is better than it was just taking all the most important drives in the office and making like a house of cards stack out of them hates we move somewhere what we try to be better about that I'm never going to require to go back to season 2 episode you know the number 24 in it all the time when we're on Tosh they call them up and ask for that video and that was one of the Dr that I found on to that death could have been moved like with no idea where those archives were and it is slick move the desk and there's a Jenga stack of the Burtons drives it was in there we talked about that before right how that works because it wasn't me it was the fact that section video for the cruise to the Bahamas I guess they're required to check 4 airing of footage I think I still have the first check I forgot making money off of the internet we reckon we're doing ugly internet we have banner ads on the website and we're party like a banner ad Network and it was cha cha and we got a check from them for like $24 Jeff lost it like you like it was almost like with my kids you the fucking shit head that I would never lose a check like that I had to check because he was like the biggest either of hit ever seen in person and I hand it to him like a five year old that I can to him turn around do a full Revolution go weird to check out where is it how we hunted up and down the street looking for that check Amazon South Congress we're going to let you in the car and we get out of the car to go need to check that Gus I don't have it Mackenzie the check is now I think about these days Mackenzie 1 time want to the movies and tell my youngest is the most irresponsible kid on the planet he loses he takes off his shoes and then lose them and then put them in the same place so one time he had one she wanted in the movie and we hit up and down so we find a few minutes to clean that the Peter on its of the guys I sleep in the park Demi go walking we walked three steps down he's crying I try go by Gus of a pet peeve of mine people who went into the movie just leave all of their ship there in the movie theater popcorn bags in there just take it and throw it like that like it if you like it increases the amount of time between movies like step person the cleaning crew in a cup when I was a kid my brother worked at a theater by older brother and and me and my friends we got there and just like you would let us come into the theater and I just watch the movies and it's some point his manager figured out that he was letting us in to see the movies all the time in the summer but he didn't get upset about it he just made it clear that always like it delays what are 20 minutes away 2 at the end of my life find out with the stuff that was confusing through my life like on 41 what happened JFK you know who really shot in the left I think I would just use it for stuff that happened in my life just full time Mysteries 2 mystery of 4 Gavin Free what happened in VidCon last year I was having a good time with the lady okay okay and it was gone do I know it went everywhere for you taking it 4 days later ring just getting stomping the ring everything was done about it the possibility is that I was drunk and I Know It 1 hour 4 Tower the morning the next day and that encounter is just a dinner with you and I can't find it go so you would know there with you you would have left I think I saw the son David Copperfield did you do this trick once PennDOT the window High Velocity jacket for dating Claudia Schiffer ever thinking never did that work out how many anniversary son Gavin about it today and I thought Gavin would actually know cuz he might remember what he was doing where he was when he first started watching Red vs Blue would have been 10 years ago thats when my grades were really good honestly go to school right before I found this site and I would spend hours and hours every day I might grape son want to say thanks for hiring me and your grades get demolished by the fact you're spending too much time in the website that's the kind of hope that works out of wasting time in video games 10 years this is the longest I've ever had it still is not for me 12 years so of o yeah right right season 3 the last person out of the things you the president 1 Persia look like parents cuz I was done with life at that point we really don't want to work anymore it's okay you can let go you can die yeah you should have alive and everything that's 2 deadly it's also Gus yeah I was going to return flight costs and I guess we're all on the same plane sunset with the guys what with because he wouldn't eat the same meal just in case one of us got sick with the president how can I buy flip Pro the same place just in case one of us go to the bathroom and that's it Whatever by someone else if you'd like coworker who is the company that people actually available medical waste company never made never made any money Peter Mayhew the scrotum 4 billion dollars of expenses for that sale to Disney Factor the Peter Mayhew has profit participation Star Wars for playing Chewbacca maybe they didn't have any didn't have any money to pay him so they offered him compensation on the back end you know that it was George Lucas Francis Ford Coppola and if somebody else here knows who they can tell me it might have been Peter bogdanovich Orson 4 baby at the time the directors they would trade points to each other in their movies like it's like some kind of like weird like salad everything was going to Point Reyes it's not really cuz that's like a fat old easy Riders and easy Riders Raging Bulls about that and it's all not true at all shitty recently I just traded point with each other I'm trying to build up in my system into their movie making bone I was just reading about the other day that's like the points are zeekrewards or something like that who is like the to go Brand Tire in North Carolina town and everybody knew the town was hit on this pyramid Scandal receipts there was East they got suckered by Zeke's the parently town the town where in now Braselton supposedly was owned by Kim Basinger the the you know Kim Basinger movie started from this town and she bought like some percentage of it or something I don't really know how that works but apparently I don't know if that means like Alec Baldwin got half of it that's really bizarre I know at one point years ago we talked about buying a town like somewhere in there somewhere like a south-central Texas and I think of five or six new super cheap with $30,000 on there where Jack and Jill Easy Street 1115 West go to bikinis black and like every single day the Whitney lunch with them a few times the city Lady Foot for too long I get the chills cha 10 hit like look at her for too long and then be like please stop making really funny noises Tricia when watching videos anything that's really funny I guess we should plug that if anybody has questions falls on Twitter if they can make a tweet with hashtag RT Podcast and I will take a look at that later in the podcast and maybe answer some of your questions that's RT Podcast 4 RoosterTeeth podcast Twin Peaks iron daddys barbecue place sugar daddy and you and I we got Peter by this waitress with that was really cute and you're probably getting your back to Texas or table it's like we don't want to drink so I'll have a disease and season two of the same because I'm going so I can carry liquor weird Chris holder here but they're hitting a bunch of 16 year old waitresses talk about this Brandon and Chris got here they went out looking for a place to hang out in Atlanta and they had no idea where to go and I don't know it well how did you guys figure out where to go of a friend on Facebook that go to Magic City which is apparently an all-black strip club or like the clientele and the in O the strippers at like 99% black City when they're the only two white guys there and they felt very awkward apparently her friends dancing with Mexican you guys have been in for a long time now coming up on a week too long like I can't imagine what you guys have been doing all this time yeah we came out we were just doing a bunch of stuff and we were actually we're looking for a place to have a podcast for a while right place at the track or we could do it so the funny thing was we had to other locations or three other locations lined up but they were all outdoor location CA and the weather forecast for today with rain and as you can tell there's a giant thunderstorm outside right now I was trying to actually we're talking about doing something that would be cool and my mom and my sister lives here and I told them I know we're looking for a like a Walking Dead location my mom said well I can help you with that I know one of the actors on Walking Dead no it's cool she never made that before and he's a really good actor plays one of the mummies okay and I said to Mom you know they're not mummies vampires whatever Bugatti 43 so yeah we had a season premiere of Game of Thrones but we have to watch on and probably watching a smaller TV in your bigger TV travel problems vs my trailer problems I have the projector and the screen left over from my old media room which I don't have room for my new house and so we were going I said I said his outdoor projection environment so we were we hung the screen on the side of the building the side of the garage which sits beside the house and then we have the projector now headed to go Gus this is fucking him. I tested it with my PS3 a major technology problems this week 1 is my PS3 to watch The Hobbit Blu-Ray so my PS3 not come out of the box go on your house I wasn't on the internet in any way shape or form was hit on the wireless that house put in the Blu-ray it says You must update your system settings to get a new encryption key to play this with every blue really it was built into the Blu-Ray spec or Blu-ray player spec is internet connectivity media right to go in a car something with you don't have to connect to the internet in the middle of nowhere what's my wireless Matt since I grew up here in Atlanta but like you know we get 4 million Subs on YouTube and my mother-in-law really wanted to subscribe to us on YouTube before we hit 4 million she want to be apart of the 4 million and it took her six hours subscribe coasting on YouTube well it was worth it though because that's going to put us over the top location with just one moment Gavin screams the fucked-up what season was updated my PS3 and play just a blue ray The Hobbit which took by the way 45 minutes to watch a two-and-a-half-hour movie that takes forever the movie Matt point the most on my PS3 hit Hobbit and I played Uncharted unwelcome started game yet but I expect more I feel like I spent more time updating my PS3 that I did actually playing on the same thing hopefully better than the PS4 the half 2 the world that the Xbox is going to have a new version soon as well I hope they have a way to like auto sync like all your DLC but I never grape when I go to boxing 4 so I had a bit of a problem you don't work here on location I haven't finished Bioshock in for that I brought it with me and I brought my gamertag to a new Xbox on the internet but to sign in I had to authenticate that it was really me so I had to get a text message when I applied it to add a new email address to add an email and put another coat go through and I think I waited 40 minutes for all of this the traffic that it wasn't working it wasn't sending out the text code to the phone so it was a pain in the ass mine is even more busted than that and ask me to do stuff hit sent the text to my UK friend which the number is no longer in use I don't use anymore and nothing all the time because the Sims sign up process of all that with side around me really mean do you know what the problem is with that thing with the same here and there handshake 1 degree Club hit the five timers Club at son at life we all go to someplace like that we have bathrobes we're going up then we had to go outside with a chill or wait till finished recording you should take my DVR outside and play it on the right track you're outside projected income grape meats and cheeses and it was perfectly Thrones I know it's of Jesus we do all that the God damn DVR checks to make sure that that a coax cable connected to it and then I can get on the network to play a pre-recorded show on it so we couldn't do it well we can laugh about that RT car sites Matt I'm like Jesus Christ old on fire Amateur hour this weekend was the most aged beer subscriptions and history alright I got cable again for the first time I think five years simply because I wanted to be able to go out and do the same thing he got very lost I have not I cancelled my cable but it happened and I've not had cable since then really got it take solidarity the biggest show different ways to make for 2 people for changing their avatars this is actually with you with the marriage equality think people think changing your avatar is taking the world and it's not for liking a photo is going to do something you know what I Falls activism remember how we had that conversation started a conversation with at and everyone changing their Jonathan Coulton still has a great day I like three of the choices he's not go over the whole like getting upset about it not popular anymore exactly sport on the front and the back out with Brad Pitt Angelina Jolie he said they were never going to get married as long as your marriage was not illegal or not legal in the US what's a racetrack at a racetrack sing like strings of Porsches drive by hit today in Southeast Georgia the filmed in 2 years at this point it's really really hard into an addition to doing more shorts with a really sad about we're also started to shoot new immersion is now this is not this is not season 1 in this is not season to this is an opportunity we had episode of immersion but we're going to start filming more immersion is this summer probably right if we wrap up production and a five letter name up on your feet and and running so I'm really excited about this immersion weird feeling all morning over on the way and I think it's easily our highest production value the highest quality immersion that we've done so far because we're on location this time we had to hire outside crew and we never actually really good luck with that wish I could live with that this time as well everybody has come and has done a lot of cool projects before and we had a great shoot this morning so I'm really excited by the foot just turned out that we were watching some more resources than we ever wanted to get because we have to absolutely to go pro so amazing have you ruined when you know we have nothing unless you try to go pro on this is a great story about that he was shooting range Go Pro Camera anywhere and they use a lot in Action Extreme Sports Photography o Mackenzie Mackenzie of all the cars and just in all kinds of different places to put something off the track and caught on fire at a Go Pro on it and I guess the Go Pro fell off it was around black and the entire car burned up now like a thousand degrees fire whatever happened to go pro survive when they get the footage of it that's fucking crazy that's a great Go Pro commercial of crazy people on Twitter keep asking if Gavin zipper is down it is not his person example you can control from an iPhone the train anniversary is coming the only thing I don't like about Go Pro is like on set that if you're acting in something you end up also being a cameraman black we just don't I just did it short that was really intense like we shot for for five days man Non-Stop and at the time we were doing stuff go and I had to go pro and we were being our own cameraman doing stuff and I think we've finished 1 take and bring it was napping so that's not right the roller coaster short clip at the front of the roller coaster script we rode Thunder Mountain three times and rode Splash Mountain 1 time and then we went on the Merry-Go-Round like 4 times I was person you and Joe were running around in the screwdriver but he also was like a karate champ very athletic and we were running by running forward as fast as we could I can't want to stay you can use as holding the camera on his own making it steady and could run backwards as fast as you and I can run 4 with crazy because Joe and I are really asking about the spreadsheet now the only purpose to go in there is to correct people who are misquoting me there are so many things wrong in there weird to say one thing we talked about was thinking it was the conversation here I am doing it again but we're not producing a lot of promotion for Ruby and therefore I'm not a promotion for Red vs Blue season 11 just because it will come out what comes out otherwise I'm coming I'm coming it'll be a summer series but you're not what are the other should make a joke but it really doesn't matter cuz it going to whatever you say right now to be misinterpreted how was the point of the first one right there just no matter how you say it gets misinterpreted like a tourist and you said we can't do 2 hours and they said another doing chores right what was the response on the other what is it we don't we hate turning people away can people come in like a week and you're from Maine if I go hit up here so we can show you and show you the lobby year we had family come down from Ottawa this past week and I felt really bad I came down from there I'll talk to you for Barbara cards but right now I think I know anybody else who was one of the best I've ever had for six months he was hired he would come to me and be like oh okay I didn't know what I was doing you about part of the website because one of my absolute favorite Parts the son contemporary bone page site and achievement I think most people consume Achievement Hunter and when he's at work on YouTube and not initially on our site traffic on YouTube 4 is much higher than it should come to her school stuff from Achievement checklist for running BioShock Infinite achievements with the stuff and I'll get some of these things but they're not working 4 Holly problem now is Holly the person dictates Holly schedule 4 bug fixes allowing the website by shirt that's on the bullshyt 4 for a single decision but you gotta give me at least it's only fair dead in a month anyway I'm done talking to you I really do would you know if you died CNET would you get Batman stuff would you be out of the fucking Georgia Holly by Austin page and give me cable year 2005 with Matt DragonCon Galaxy Canton Georgia you can be 45 whatever whatever hit the same of it for a minute there I thought your Helfer shirt Helfer and we hung out with the chaps for a little bit and then we went out homestarrunner Red Hen dog from animation animation Masters weird dude said a bunch of funny stories to the hamdog Mulligan's are closed they closed but they I think they reopen first short time as a different place in East Atlanta during the South to go to take a slow baby the hamdog was the same a concoction along with the Luther Burger which will also explain that was the start of the hot dog you can of coated or cemented in ground beef right you deep fry it right then you put that in some kind of weird but and then you cover that with chili cheese and nougat I'm sorry and then you go straight to the hospital 44 big meal there was the Luther Burger which now you can get in Austin that gourdoughs if I will call it the Luther Burger but it the same basic thing which is the hamburger instead of buns donuts for Krispy Kreme Donuts Krispy Kreme donuts Tosh shorts 4 where to for the racetrack this podcast which was weird the grape stomping lady how to disappear from the internet Falls grape son fell on your face right now is gone they had a big of that today the whole place is rented out we can do it there for backup first backup plan was the place that the film as the City of Woodbury in The Walking Dead but that we were going to be in Atlanta for sure but there's something out there like crazy so that was the Cobb Energy Centre at the end of season 1 of Walking Dead the weather forecast for today all week and said he was definitely going to rain all day today so we had to location bone and I was going to get paid he was going to get my page because I keep seeing it, that looks like the governor people show me pictures of location we were going to have to go back to Atlanta and then go 40 miles and Burnie show me the photos of that guy looks like a small town anywhere location who's the guy look like before the governor who was the last pirate look like the preview for the next episode of Game of Thrones Mackenzie crook is in it if you played Gareth from the office last night we know we are for the new the season premiere of Game of Thrones the finale to take the season 2 finale we finished it because Brandon and Chris came to my room we were watching it we watch the finale they the credits go through and then HBO doesnt commercial lady coming up next The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel in Real Life 1 assured of the next Judi Dench was going to get there just rolling in the trailer Channel did you have a Netflix subscription to watch House of Cards know if I should watch it I liked it but I hear that in some kind of a cliffhanger at the end of the season UCCS Netflix everyone talks about how great it is but I have to admit like I would have everything about how Netflix decided how to do it which was they just use data like people like this show if we remade it is a UK British it right and if we made it Americans probably like it and people watch a lot of David Fincher on Netflix and people like a lot of Kevin Spacey on Netflix I to know there are people that for me they had like when they first started out they had like a string of huge blockbuster hits and supposedly the guy behind that had come up with some kind of algorithm 4 I know exactly what it takes to make a huge box office hit movie and it's it's just a to point really so I guess yes that sounds like 1 quarter British and 1 quarter Mexican so perfect working out perfectly you talk about your dick again because I was in my head because when you ask him what it would take for me to get fired immediately I did time because there was this much left in the bottle but not this much I was thinking what if I just walk into the office and came on your leg will that how would I know I don't know not go there at all that's fine no problem the footage see what is really offensive is pretty bad about it right now I just spit on Matt few minutes ago which is a step below the podcast in your life based on what we've been doing with Rooster Teeth and it seems like we all have a lot of kids Burnie and me and Jeff and readers who let the a lot of other people at the company now and like my kids were all born after we started Red vs Blue the hunter weird thing to think about that any time I actually had to explain to my six-year-old what happened with red vs blue and how that started cuz he just kind of figured out what was for 2 days now and can we see that he drew a picture of how Rooster Teeth started so I explained on this site Burnie had this great idea for doing Red vs Blue and it came up with funny stuff and I call Daddy and said would you be the stars in the show and it's only started and then after that things went well we all move from LA to Austin so this is his interpretation of it is that this is daddys started and then and then and then Burnie I came to Austin as Sarge and when I got there you were there that's to Bahama good dude good job yeah it's first come on your face and you said nevermind were going to do something yeah you have to or they look at Gus to go you need to replace and Jordan I know right that's an animated adventures my costume and Burnie at which the Star Wars so there you go that's it that's the entire story of change the voice of my first pitch Burnie was you or me who is the drill sergeant from Full Metal Jacket Mexican food Tricia Main the started something at 7 to still a problem just let me know please Pinterest to go through this a lot of challenges with moving our entire podcast production somewhere and I'm going with it ever replace 2 microphone do we have a kick on an off weekend I first heard about Red vs Blue could I be just one of your house and point the camera at your face and said say this and I remember the first time we talked about Red vs Blue it's hard to say which was you called and said you had a 12 to go file to be a business and we can't do cock fight Enterprises or whatever that we could do Red vs Blue Incorporated and I got a great idea for what I thought that's perfect I remember that phone call really well I thought that was genius I came out of the first couple of Red vs Blue quotes for first times we talked about red vs blue but I think he was calling just asking about you know do we have we have can you guys doing it's up to that point and understand what with the point of documenting it was some question in the last 10 years it's been you all to Matt Norman and restate the first and go into the ballroom with everybody because we've been a huge Gatherings with fans like that before but that was the most intense display of affection and just enthusiasm for us because I think everyone who went to the first year RTX was like everybody thought it was a huge season 2 premiere I'm going to get my truck for a second here because you talk about RTX the other week one of which was iron Galaxy Studios people know who they are necessarily but they had a big coming-out a big presentation at PAX East just the other week where are the guys who developed divekick which is the ultimate fighting game and this is all anybody could talk about it it was easily the coolest Pax o RTX time with it it's a fighting game divekick so all you do is divekick to get your opponent absolutely kinda like doesnt Yugioh game that reminds me of the art style I can't hear the name right now but I was reading an interview with one of the developers of the things if you're on the ground and kick ass backwards and asking him why is it that when you kick on the back or you jump backwards and the developer said it's not that you're jumping backwards what happens if you kick the Earth so hard you rotated away from you and it perfect for that game to be somewhat of a parody of fighting games but also can like an image from what I understand is that fair to say absolutely and one hit kills that's great if you're into fighting games super dilute super concentrated ultimate fighting game experience it does not hold up over all and I'm not done yet buys and gameplay-wise I think I like the original Bioshock more than I thought I was better depend so much on a narrative story line you can play through so much that you lose like that but I'm in the middle like it that you like what the fuck am I doing and why am I even here anymore I feel like there are Parts I wish that had been cut out it's like I'm circling back and doing things like Riders Guillain-Barre the in the most recent Resident Evil what about it I mean the most popular video game franchise Tomb Raider Tomb Raider problem 10 Pokemon movies 2 video photo editor cartoon Basinger video Transformers weird it's like you make a cartoon to sell the toys that was another reason we're here we got kicked off a track for Transformers that's a very good game I keep 1 guy take his car with Mass Effect things up when you finish it a second time and you go through any of the other options yeah that's when you have a problem that was fine with that my first to know each other and I realize that house anymore that's when I had a problem I know you are red to the underworld 1 yes I know so far I mean they're not related but it takes place earlier in time but who knows you know that point it's it's really touching a lot of interesting things about different possibilities and let quantum mechanics in different universes we can get that is going to give up I'm warning you right now this is your early warning thought it was for tomorrow You Were Always On jacket now for texting yeah now it's just curmudgeonly although he's coming out of his shell of its former lady ever get o Gus was always the oldest one there you were also because you the most distinct looking I think let me know it would look good if you stayed awake for 12 Prince time I signed an autograph was at the parking lot of fries and it was before it was right before we started Red vs Blue someone had left me in the parking lot of Fry's in Austin and brought me a copy of the Apple switch parody we did that he'd burn to a CD and he was he said like a stack of sharing them with his friends in the for like thumb drives really like that was the way you would do it was burning them to CD use over the course of 10 years one of the most fun things to do is ask people how they heard about Red vs Blue are there the answer is always completely different because the company's done so much to so many different ways to come into the company and it is literally on his site started started another one next week dancing baby South Park of Christmas letter vs dancing Jesus vs Santa RT try to download the South Park 10 and it was like you cuz you couldn't stop rushing it's just completely different 1 Red vs Blue and weird in the QuickTime download with everything Zordon movie and watching a Red vs Blue Dancing in the Sky Kim and goes hey if you think that they're doing flash when you can and cold flashes video now anyone to talk to me about that I was black at the time weird like downloading email QuickTime sorry buddy we've explained it in the website can you stream it and watch it like was dreaming this now you stream stuff on YouTube blue short whatever on your phone how to download the file go to find weird is on my hard drive well that's all happened over the course of the 10 years in the military when we first started we had to figure out a way to host all the stuff because YouTube didn't exist and what are video that really popular it should cost us a bunch of money and that was something that you know I don't think you download from here from here Matt we don't have a counter in it like you do on YouTube it was just the Gus would get the log files and said we serve this much data the video I just by how to write a script where you could park the web logs and pull out the number of guests for that individual file then in the you would put them all in a pile lines and then you would count how many lines were in the file so you would like that Apache log grape get whatever five W's 3-11 would return you and number and the account Mayhew Buys in Gibson 2 what was the one that made it take off tips and 2 conditional offer cost you too much money coasting stuff and it was it was that we couldn't keep up with it how many times total across every platform the episode 1 of Red vs Blue is benzene you know I mean it up on YouTube and every other the internet video platform that wasn't able to buy us there's a little by someone else and would have no to five million views whatever and it was just so many inches is of them wanted one of the other one of my visits to the company Holly of 2007 time I actually emailed YouTube and thought the roots to the count from someone who had it actually came to my email address at least another account where I would just take down with YouTube the way you got video taken down was to fax counter that I had for County or hit send it's like the very first hit ever on Red vs blue.com a screenshot of it son 2003 and you'd watch a video like somebody at like 4 and she was working at Del and work in the dell.com domain they would hit the site and it will pull video then all the sudden five more people from dell.com would do it and then 30 more people would do it season and spread do organizations like that and I never got used to love doing that stuff all the time like parts that house going and it was like we got one hit for microsoft.com five by 2004 so I think I was 1506 I met you and your friend fairy because we had a substitute teacher one day and she put us all in alphabetical order the ferry was next to free so I just assumed I was afraid he was like yeah he said look at this and I was like what do you say something Gavin pictures yourself Bruno the kid East long hair when Gus vs one time prior to that the Hyatt for what can we get the post with you what do you do shotgun in the mouth 4 work for movies and TV shows I was turning him down and then once we got into season 3 I didn't get any more phone calls I thought okay season 3 better work I guess it 4 by a house like this is no way to separate in Alaska by tomorrow Plano I can't think of a better group of people to spend 10 years with the public call work but has been an amazing way to spend a decade for sure I'm very appreciative to be a part of it you said he been and it's only going to be half my life at some point Burnie million weird Dreamcast that was in the break room and we were playing dead or alive to we have competitions and just got sat down next to me and it was you and I beat the shit out of the first round and I was kind of like video game player was like I felt like I should apologize for my video game skills like I should like it should be at your go game I'm pretty good at video games to Hunter play against your character and black perfect like I knew exactly all the moves to go through was like it was in my mind was like in the game 4 my text company that I worked at and then I was Matt and Joe that when we work at the call center you know Jeff was a the potential employee and I'm not his manager or someone else's manager did not want to promote an employee was taking his call time's and lobbying for to be Pro 2 level 2 employee and it was finally decided in the game of course like the physical game of horse at the basketball court at a call center but I want to game to play and work to call Sandra lady who plays donut red person blue and his thing about how he came to work in a call center was he just showed up for work but he just came like he was hiring interview and never got a call back but Kentucky Sports Philly open to the community a lot of our hires have been that way you know tell me first Jonathan Batman episode 6 and said I like your show but I yes I'm the same way Jonathan music mr. Gavin here because you know at the time it's been fun to grow the company that way too and it's like a the first time you're driving CEO there's only times when we could have grown I think faster but I think they're the real story of vs long-term is going to be the longevity and perseverance of the company has always adapted you know we came from an era before YouTube we had our own website you were going up against major sites which you know seems like every time like Myspace and we were up against him you know it was it liquid liquidation or whatever trying to stay alive no montys by the way he just texted me and said how was it you say 1 as 1 but Wonder prop up properly by Page Peter the panel to the song I need a mechanic Matt holder in that panel to think I'll get our meal if we have anything due about super 4 dancing with somebody else and if you can come music from the person who got arrested in different 10 years from now but the gap between 10 years and now 10 days ago we different from 10 years from now and it'll be as big as ships from dial because it Hardline Broadband home connections to wireless mobile connection and wearable stuffed absolutely First Flight Google 2 lady talking about wasn't funny 10 years ago Pokemon I'll be around or Google might not be around jacket Google Mighty Myspace Haitian of it like 10 years now we might not recognize ladybugs are good luck right there's a thousand lady good luck into the TV model with all my and networks take me to Habaneros that are smaller than you know the independent could continue to thrive on the internet anyway you can't do in TV because it's all giant corporations that control that that would be good for everybody I think for me about the internet I feel like a lot of people to the West Coast Matt started really made a difference like that stage where we are now in the size we are now we have 45 people to work for is fluctuating on this on a daily basis we know what we do where we go from here you know he's going to figure and Fiction's so I for want