#215 - RT Podcast

RT sets off the alarm.

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-215

Recorded: 2013-04-23 20:52:44

Runtime: 01:39:29 (5969.01 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Gavin Free, Barbara Dunkelman, Michael Jones, Jordan Cwiers




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Transcript (in progress):

what episode of The Rooster Teeth podcast Roddy Piper and the flagship product Alpha Brain the brain is the first fully best nootropic designed to increase focus in Middle drunk broadcasters get 10% off and use promo code RoosterTeeth.com / game that's Ona nike.com /gaming this podcast you buy audible.com the internet provider of audio books more than 100,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature including fiction non-fiction a periodical for a free audiobook of your choice go to audible podcast.com / RoosterTeeth chemical podcast RT 03 dick out I mean I'd send it again baby Burnie Prime 2 Gavin dick on any pod container well I mean that's the reason I do it is I try and have someone else that looked like dick pulp I don't I think you probably be like confronted by the police before that would happen guys are awesome with money how the hell would you do it I would be embarrassed Mo 2000 American a run through the I don't like the way your body nothing to see you you drink in Michael drinking a beer Barbara Jordan no Burnie this week we have Jordan in the Burnie seat Jordan sweaters I nobody really wants to sit in that chair so we 1 hour the temperature hey congratulations to the 3 getting out of the invisible what do you drink with your son shouldn't make it for you I just put whatever was like available from the the Lakers thing about the lockers Esther me quit hate water like we have. But a person we have not had that problem with this Gregory fast anymore but you like drunk sex properly wear drunk drinking drunk Doctor Who was lying about that what is that where can I get 1 RoosterTeeth slap store I keep mine on me all times this week so a Revival of an old shirt hate the bands that you like 2 Matthew One Direction Photoshop a like shirt and put the new shirt On You by R5 I show you what I'm about to show you rock your world forever I have tried to tell the story of magic just now whenever at McDonald to the podcast we uploaded it always had a problem because we have that new sidebar that we just a little grey gradient in the RoosterTeeth all go so like I was trying to figure out how to put my thumbnail in the remaining space and I want it and it's like an image images like a different the last week podcast behind the wall behind you wouldn't drinking really cool during 2 the girl who made this what this Catbug question made a drunk Burnie Catbug questions well and like she didn't like 2 seconds and then I was putting that like what I'm starting and then later so I'm you should totally get those people cartoon hangover people coming RT X yes I think you would be a great fit and I think they would make a ton of money returned my email weird work you like I did like when I'm working gum episodes of Bravest Warriors playing like on the background on YouTube app on in the background music or anything else going on the back cry I can do that a lot of email just reply to my email podcast message about that actually it's impossible of course she does police can't do anything else lip syncing in Austin I thought this is going to get here you can have a huge Alan BattleBlock the ah I wonder if Prime with Japanese accent Michael is it whenever I can but she would like plays I love to get head like I just finished but is like I said I love you large mass play today and now I feel warm and fuzzy on the next one though maybe if he finishes race quit he refuses to stop and that's Rage Quit like Thursday evening the water energy what's the PIN ya to do when people are in the office but you can wait for them to leave and with cool and then just thought it would be fun ah it's like when we use to pre-record the podcast like white why wouldn't we say that it's been all day Monday record hate podcast RT Billion Hits Rage Quit your father is doing at the I got the record Randy one the next day but you know what the fuck man soy sauce immersion of at a phantom camera the camera that was expensive I think the camera like a bit little bit continuation with like $95,000 well that's like with in the one that I've been using this whole time on the channel we had two of them had a quarter of a million pounds $0.40 450 of 283 me and like special glass with the middle on the present and make money Gavin guys know what to do underneath the glass we need like a front silver mirror like you ever touch American look at it like that on the loom the glass you can see you like posting you just want to again but you can have that for 3 days you see double images you need to spend some I don't quite understand but I'll take your word for it seems like you know what you're talking about I don't understand what you're saying it with confidence don't make the effort to decide to explain it probably right now that's expensive so you guys watch it lets play Channel last week that's over six hundred thousand subscribers like that because I lost the Minecraft lets play One More Try by 1.3 million people how many people YouTube account the average person who goes to YouTube do they even have an account 2 watch the videos that are educated work you make stuff people who uploaded make stuff they still have to make an account to upload them or whatever the most people that have a channel on Time Warner 2 stupid videos Esther at 3 o'clock appointment like the phone I never signed up I want to see boobs maker I guess I never comment though nice 2 what are the exact ratio of like where these came from with you have like $60,000 so its like to 600,000 people watch it twice or did like like I've been to a lot of people who aren't logged in watching our mobile viewers watching stuff like that but you know it was it was how to move Minecraft plays Ben on RoosterTeeth / 4726 episodes Minecraft wasn't every single Friday that started like I missed something what was every Friday we use that other differently so it's been almost a year already and it's great to see that they got you doing the last week the following week I totally brand new channel and is 1.4 million so that people won't follow it Define didn't watch it but 2 people watch it like a television show Game of Thrones of in Channel I be concerned cuz I mean something actually go out HBO after seeing 3 episode season 3 years old has white spots the shirt understand what's going on is awesome so this is totally my favorite single season of any TV shows Dayman did the 2 that he had on Blu-ray that's not open yet at the library the gonna watch it though will I die did you see the third episode of season 3 with that last night yes lets at the doctor that's up there to see that and then go back and watched 2 seasons of show no one should like I can have his wife I said anything I don't even remember what happened in those first three episodes or know any of the relations back to season 1 or 2 I'll give you that but when you like a guy gets head cut off its head cut off yeah yeah this you made a good point about Game of Thrones in that journal you wrote about everything the series of September season 1 barbaras we can talk about it Eminem Stan I don't say this to seat It 2 billion views RoosterTeeth hate a girl after hit 1 billion with their own channel content Philadelphia guys been up to what are you I know you're working I can't talk about any of it I'm doing lets play for one I'm working on like some special ones that are coming out later so what's the quickest you have an animated adventures one is about 3 days I don't know what did you the other day the Air Force is working on the other stuff now it's like it's like rage like today I was trying to edit something lets play and put like most of these lets play video 2 screens on the computer can like so much to run like fucking her five or six images at once physically like in Mapleton you combine all the files you sent them everything up so then as you're playing at that you can click the different screens and a remark like okay for this part of the Play Gavin screen the screen or whatever and put like that but like my computer it just like it's a little slow so I couldn't like handle it feels like it would 1 4 bad starter like every 3 seconds you have finals but not today but I need this I need this fixed it like that transferring it to slow I was reading it to slow I put a new one in and it like 3 times faster than my old one but now like I was riding so are you staying sober you know money and wine because like you at 4:20 Randy the monitor but I just got off work the high untimely Perry I want this money I hooked up like he's like I'll do it soon far the wire in the backyard garden day like on Monday you will have something on repeat playing in the studio to test the audio come out the laptop and going to the mixer after the past two weeks I've forgotten that we've had Gentleman by Psy play yeah so are you welcome it I wanna Stockholm Syndrome the me in my life is that sometimes even though maybe 2 or 3 days so how about if there's no song stuck in my head I will get back to a face song on ever since I worked on this music video for The Chemical Brothers they have you heard of them they just kind of have like very repetitive music I was on the music video for that I think it was a three-day shoot for One music video and they're playing the same song over I think I have $512 that I can play some of that if they see like a siren on Play Store 111 at night one of my head and like deep down inside my brain I'll just have like I never wear if I can't think with on or don't of a song in my head it goes to the most annoying I don't want to hear it because it was like it was like punishment award 2 torches in my at home with you Matthew like if anyone has any recommendations for surgically removing a chain from your brain a little bit Stuck in the Middle call time the office you think it would in lets play Psy I will sing all the time have a song stuck in your head like forever but then like it won't die because then like the with a smile weeks if Sunny Newman where is the castle I think he's good let me know if it doesn't sound that sounds like someone's been super award when it rains one like a lot of oscars pulling out in Plainfield Indiana close the door and all six of them started singing It's a Jungle Out There by Randy Newman the whole way through but if it was like a week and a half one the fair that you would my cry when the quit Esther other people jumping Jennifer Freeman will be silenced and the four people gum I gotta watch Always Sunny far to talk about it fitness challenge let me know yeah yeah yeah yeah so Alan sitting over there in the dark side at challenge of one of the company to lose weight this actually be paying for employees the option to have a bod pod analysis which analyzes their body fat and then received is going to pay everyone to lose weight or to reduce your body fat percentage everyone for the average body fat percentage averages categorical a 23.9% jump at 4:21 to 30% of 11 to 20 is considered illegal access how much lucky blocks and I'm really excited yesterday goal is to be in better shape before RTX I'm surprised you're doing that what you're saying Gus one of the last videos I think I saw before they got started working here like 1 what's the weather at 3 one in this building for your maybe closer to 3 well I'm just I'm going so I can get a head start and get fat and I can lose more gain weight bands RT Channel set an alarm body fat like that the machine that measures your body fat percentage of pretty quit color bod pod it's like you sit in this machine that looks like the like a little spaceship you sit there and they open it me reset it to do it 3 times and it measures how many play now I do not offer it if they want to join and kind of follow along or protect himself if you want to get healthy and if you want to eat anything a hashtag the numbers for RTX cry to your Michael at a place to play as Barbara said like they're getting closer to the thing where like you fat loss which is like my brother be like listen bad ass like how bad is at the beach and then there's like extra stuff like you know I don't know when it's going to be the weight based on the number YouTube pay for every pulp app and at like 2:20 cuz like I want you like that you can the the Sideways 2 ah that opens that opens held in play because he was comes out does that mean your stomach is like musical of the kidney no xplode sliding down what is the new app that makes you not be able to do the pull up like what are you into my arms one tired my brothers then like we're not doing that again for a while call your shoulders right now a white white white white potato quit I don't know how many problems shirt like I haven't even done that but I doubt I'll do much till to lose weight cuz I gotta give a rat's ass about body time so I'll just do a bunch of push-ups and pull-ups and I can do 5 now cry labs 2 McDoubles lucky one dick at work of lactic acid in your muscles I hear like to Thank You Scientist I can do to I Rays play scrawny Call of Duty right now but I don't think you remember it was expensive no just wanted to share that chair well I know how style I guess it was like a gradual thing this planet lets or anything 2 3 of the new with you like tomorrow or whenever I see you jump into my fire 7 n key a drink and I'll see him in court real blood image Aurora adult plushie sometimes I do key limes one Fred getting water you just like to do it Michael I called them out and ah the bands You cartoon hangover what are the honey the honey Burnie to get with you like to travel you like the road honey let me read Gavin Gavin Brandon to remind everyone that this podcast is brought to you by audible.com the internet's leading provider of audio books and more than a hundred thousand downloadable title across all types of literature in featuring audio versions of many New York Times Best Sellers for our listeners audible is offering a free audiobook to give you a chance to try out their service 1 audiobook to consider is the Godfather for free audio book your choice go to audible podcast.com / RoosterTeeth that's audible podcast.com / RoosterTeeth I have personally not read The Godfather but Brandon was talking about it non-stop at the beaucatcher I come in this week and about how different was from the movie talks about that he's gone what is going on about how like one of the women in the book has a giant vagina just needs to get like vagina shrinkage surgery and I don't see how it ties into Godfather at all and it confused me ah well apparently I text from Lindsey that Holly still the honey one honey she is probably out there fucking drinking honey right now she's not coming out so maybe she's not here she's in there 4/3 I know it's just an email the brothers towing companies talk about listening how much of a delay on this podcast between what we say we go to I think like A5 second delay button Thorsby like you like them I can barely 3 slow over there infant second Canaan Baptist with a pistol Forever 21 man right now so we can see them even if we don't have that food going out to the internet Photoshop value theater technology cartoon dragon to get the memo that we can hear you streams in my life the other night I was really tired and I got home from work or taking off from work and fell asleep I slept 3 hours I had to lucid dreams man totally one dream where I didn't see anything on the street right now should I write my own straight I don't and I still my house I'm just walking on the street and my house is on money Onnit generate like my backyard now so I went on there and it like made it like this I can shake it by moving too fast like the way like if I was a little the other way my play quickly have to come up with something but it wouldn't make anything in my view is a like with my head of a hair be like a flat piece of ground and nothing on it but then if I like award between being the same and then Look Around It 2 Chainz & Like Mike the I could like do it I can't in my brain into doing it and then I wake up I realize that it wasn't my house at 2 like you thought it was your house is my house Pax haircut with I would like to see some of the real life for you I got some things of the Lord Rob right now in you especially slept all night you got up to piss one back to bed you came into work the next day and always talked about was how tired I was what is because every dream with like a two-hour Adventure I have like 18 dreams extreme Catbug on my texts at night like a British like your night last night have you ever been a hero in your dream Matthew Sweet I'll be like that with something that's coming out like I believe he knows way more about ah yeah yeah yeah Heroes and if I think the Xbox Live arcade game and potentially like they're using the Far Cry 3 engine but it has ridiculous 80s action movie Fairfax like dinosaurs and shirt under blood dragon I would much rather play that the Far Cry it looks awesome it looks but it looks really cool rage a very light sleeper but I felt like I don't know how they incorporate the DLC but I felt like I had achieved everything on the island like I've been locked out what can possibly be out in at this point to go back and like nothing was a challenge anymore at all the skills unlocked and it was a really fun game I spent a lot of time with and I have Revisited a really fucking shit that's Holly with the honey beautiful did you measure slap quit alarm going to the store we can hear the alarm from the student that does do that Philadelphia far did you go delighted with your actual one really car we will pick up Perry Randy go get the honey and I guess no one's over there and the alarm went off I didn't know the code and took care of came and turned off the alarm 6969 how much is a honey Jordan training and Jen told me to come over here and get the POD mean me know who else with honey if there was no honey and I had to go like to another building to get honey I just wouldn't have honey plays honey that much would you put honey in tea gum bad for bottle best cough syrup to be here 2 buildings down at 6:50 I think about what I'm going to do the Harry in the old downtown one weekend cuz I was working on the bus the Swoon I need to get some other weekend I messed up and I didn't know how to because you know when you have to press like it was like I was looking around for what can I hate the beach but I just want 3 for PS3 without I call at the door Davidson County like you know the kind of like yeah and the other day and then I RT lets was really scary the completely if your texting a girl that you're interested in and she doesn't respond how many texts will it take that you sent her with no response until you get the idea that you text you didn't respond you know texting me if I'm not responding you should respond with that I'm not interested you will never see 2 of my bubbles in the right let your I say if I say something later Jordan 11 chemical seat I have two bubbles in a row don't text very often my reputation 2 doubles in a row I'll give you conversational texting like 3 texts like I need a vacation my friend I would have for cats over dog it was cry text message what is this one guy who I told her I'm like hey just so you know I'm involved with someone so don't get your hopes up cuz your podcast hopefully not get the fuck out what time is me responding I think that would like that RT oops of April 13th / 96 text Chubbies okay what would you like with that at a party or was it I think we're there when I was talking about was before and then we bumped into each other again bump bump into each other in the bathroom I think by that point we in with him or you should say Dan Bailey Jordan you like a smooth creature do you actually go for guys or do you let the girls come to you like would you text the girl like the Stockholm station yeah I mean do you make at the you got it Delta I want you think I will never die season three of us and she went to the bathroom and on top at talking with you like Wednesday night were watching and whiskey like 5 minutes maybe you're talking about 2 minutes and we were like oh man like barbaras totally fucking trapped and I was like super saver haircut today like texture you know or some shit like that just call her and she work she said that she knew that I should I School whatever but apparently that was a mistake because now we got the check it was like should I give him the wrong number I had a party once with Gavin what will Accutane I stop responding for 13th November weekend Gavin got to him yet but I think I got there we can be like relax bro relax bro chill the fuck out. it's weird it's weird that 1 weather right now probably should like put the brakes on that you better come across like a dick either way it doesn't Michael in bravest the podcast show me some at this thing what are remind everyone that this podcast is brought to you by Onnit and their Flagship product Alpha Brain to go to Onnit.com / gaming you can use promo code RoosterTeeth out to get up to 10% off of your order Alpha Brain of course is there nootropic if the fully balanced if it has a lot of things that it does but the thing I'm most interested I use it for is a heightened dream-state like you were talking about some people lucid dreams taking it for quite a while I love the stuff so if you're interested check it out Onnit.com / game you can use promo code a rooster for 10% off of Alpha Brain you didn't know well and I know if you really should tell people not to make sure it'll take more than 4 in 24 hour. I'm like Hilton bottle sanitizer like when you work out as a like that lets trombone or something like that to me 1410 2nd you into something else and I've never worked out in my life SunTrust check it out I'm trying to like you know dick today for the bod pod think was the first time I've ever been in the gym in my life I've been I've been there like twice wow Philadelphia like far behind I think we have that so you know those things you can put on your muscles and it doesn't Zac like now that you in YT flex your muscles make you work doesn't do anything that is commercials say it does but I doubt it's true I can I just sitting there playing video games eating getting shocked and cry myself barbaras death so could you set up some kind of system where like if you're playing a video game and if you die every time you die you get shocked like that full-time job bad Jordan you really like like what your Technique is with the ladies initial the initial claim them to be interested in your Santa suit they're probably already interested in then you just like you know movies in Fort with them and then this is your opener I look good hey baby are you in the mood high pressure on you to pick up girl one that's why I hate whatever I was sent to live like a single my entire life and like my whole thing was like high mileage ah bike I work for a guy who was single like in his forties and he like the perfect like bachelor pad and everything in like he had an excuse to wear like teenagers and stuff so that was kind of like an outlet for like kids like he want kids or anything like that I was like I am going to be you will like that's why I got what I went for a walk and then how much like she walked on to that I'd like to work for like a leech you know that Zac like to live with someone before it's like I feel like I don't live with anybody it's just like hanging out with a buddy you like all the time just every now and then we fly what is your name the same so we went and looked at a at a time we're going to be moving on this one everyone looked at one a few days ago and Matthew went and looked at it and he was so in love with it then right and money same thing like like he said he got this year as we have on the table and tell him at the new building you like ah when did you actually just like got a new lease you know when I just renewed it like not too long ago he's like so much money I can make a 10-minute Drive the man that was like should I walk my ass to be like within walking distance to the building and he doesn't yes but he's only done it like twice like Rays come to the pool like 2 times out of the five thousand times you went to the pool and both times he just sat and one chair in Philly gratefully clothes like jeans and a t-shirt not like a bathing suit like texting all time like to hang out I think again cuz I need opener he's like Chain Saw for the new building is condemned in the same apartment complex as someone else who works here Dick York hate all my God we need to discuss this haircut is like a inherently like maybe he tweeted that was a terrible haircut I don't play with like whatever I don't even my wife was like oh my God and I with haircut or like his head looks like if you shaved your bed then licks the top of your thumb and put it in your savings and then put your phone back I have now he looks like a theater 3 character it's looking on my way maybe journal entry like it's not like the insecure person ever NBC this is fucking awesome people I call you can just blow it off and that is never going to do anything to his hair I will tell you that right now that God will not take the time to buy a bottle of 2 Buck in jail to put it in there he is so adorable the work in hair is way too me the news but the thing is he doesn't I think everyone in the company and whenever I just couldn't look at him he looks ridiculous far out there as far as like in English American thing so I don't have I don't have my work email connected anything outside of work so I'll just check it on like Monday through Friday so I came in this morning and I was going through my emails and I had enough from you obviously the four BBQ Gavin I was like oh hey did you see the podcast like I can't be bothered with the podcast was like I'm really I'm really hungover and I can't do it the mo like who's going to park at in your like a Barbara Jordan. Gavin and Michael ah but you do it to me bad I will go to bed right but that's not what you said you said I can't key for you. If I didn't do all the things I come to the I wouldn't even bother getting up that early every morning or something I can't be bothered with everybody happy bother with me but you don't do it Onnit you let me some stuff that happened today some stuff doesn't he 17 up to me through a chocolate gold coin at my dick and was like listen to the podcast today I am extremely bothered by the way I was you would you use it tonight but I don't feel like you're not me forward to it. Nothing like any sense what you're fucking thing it makes no sense you don't want to be bothered with it now even that's too much Godfather been bothered by that audible hangover a Twilight story rough like that and here's what I'm going to do it like ah you're real so I thought it would make you uncomfortable by saying that I didn't Madonna recent emails after 5 I will never reply until Monday I always forget to set a cast until like Sunday like I love you work so it's not really prepared for it drunk everyone thanks Jackson ruin my email address and people sending me some of the stuff that it uses up my data plan if I have email on my phone what you like I wear a red on my laptop the Bible question action I mean I'm not in Wi-Fi I'm just using up my emails 12 money quickly okay but my Wi-Fi doesn't man what is the actor's father just said I was tired because he will get it down there okay nevermind I broke my email yet Jacksonville like in a video to come over and like but he's in your email and then Jack took all that me the video out of it but then that was fine he got over him chain Gavin female in there and clean up the butthole ever see like everyone ah but which is at I put in the video Psy favorite song 2003 celebrity MO we can change your email address I would love that but then I can just email you think he's figuring it out I don't know what changed Jordan logo two.com what is your full name Alan Cumming I get nervous in Claremont tactic with the ladies what are you doing you know that one gets drunk bot justifiable to God that it's not just getting really like them program Prime weather drunk and off we go out usually by text or Facebook like no no like you and me lets get some pads and I'll be like you what are you doing especially by the way I told her instead like yeah I guess the point where a girl just wants to have a move made on her right does she have on her on the first date so you expect again thankfully to make a move on the first move Miguel's again for sale Wrightwood weather rejection is the fear of rejection so strong when I'm sorry but I would never make him happy I got like six strings how to make a the same thing but so you could have said before how do I make this person I don't write lucky one that's true he probably MO Tasty Tales but you blood pressure really drunk on your wrist immersion call I went to a bar and then the next money 1 cup with a stem and I don't remember going anywhere they had to stop him so how can you be sure that the person you're trying to go out with his even like attractive at that point because you remember the important that you remember if you made out with you that's the one I get drunk maybe like a regular doctor opener Like a Stranger it's some point I mean you play the slow game like 6 months spring the long call Houston Austin tonight to date you but she looks handsome and get them like to get people riled up the most oh yeah you do have it but like non normal call but then you don't say me too and I'm sorry this is all of barbaras Fault by the way don't come to the camera don't come call you down there looking like you're taking a crap I have to leave you drunk no you just said hey Lisa did that was actually our first date was a drinking contest because she had set up contact in order and that we would have a drink and it was like we met with like I want you married her you love her it's like a combination like I have to ah. That way we're not together so quit tweeting questions that are key podcast hashtag 2 Burnie do you think that I watching miles is over there you a different Canada I mean 2013 Esther people are everywhere right there all around Odyssey podcast and as far as like an Gavin Dance about meeting a random person the bar don't know who that is maybe so when I was dating when I first started going out with Esther I have this really weird thing happened when we went on a couple of days and it was years ago 7 years ago it was earlier about 3 years now so I was like I told him I was going to become irrelevant so I sat down with her nose like a list and you know I do the stuff on the internet and I'm kind of fitness I just don't want you to freak out I'm telling you right now you can shut up get out of here so whatever I told her so she's prepared for it so then we went to Starbucks to get some coffee how much did you pay that guys like someone recognized Hunter you're Gus from RoosterTeeth RoosterTeeth in Austin you like them in some other City Middletown Telugu were there you at her family's house for Easter cuz I was like before I'm at the emergency and then that was on Sunday and then Monday we flew to Atlanta when they moved back to Dallas and then we have to drive back to Austin on the way back to Austin we stopped at at a rudys cuz you like to eat on the way home and some dudes recognize me while we were there and they were like totally let you do with Jack this shit maybe like 5 foot 8 you know and they're like they're like I heard him talking to work no Michael and I turned around like anyway I told you but you know your hair is too short I mean if you can take a picture of Hangover in rudys bad like I think with each other actually coconut oatmeal Dayman I must have been like like a father to them like you guys jack me off like wait until the a what guys are with their fists up in the air like chicken I have a couple immediately after like the hour after the rest of their lives and hope they like posted on Reddit or Twitter I can never sell the 3 muscle bands Dayman like you mind if we pick you up I'm like don't mind if you like hate me service I just fucking weird Esther like what's a black rose far into RoosterTeeth I don't know I just feel like that's not our demographic at all food Sunny one me movie theater Psy Gavin shirt today to make sure that you are not something you are I just wanted to like I see it recognized a lot more when I was with Dan and England's like every other day we was walking down this in place I know to do is look at an iPhone and it like hate each other I think it was when I went to you Pax last year 2012 like me get on the plane it was just one time when like we went for vacation and we have a plan we sit down and like the guy but on the other side look across the aisle and one behind us like as we're sitting there like like buckling in like everyone else is still getting on the plane and when she like that he said on the shoulder and he's like hey you like show me a picture of his phone the same animal like I said well actually it was when we have like a prototype slap bands and like there was only 6 in existence that you might slap bands and he's like he knows he might even have enough you didn't cuz you are not out of the country when we die American wheel and at work and I'm not sure what the plan honey ah so you got the plane hit me block like just like a few feet and he comes out me the voice kids like I don't know who you are I've no idea who you are my kids love you can take a picture with them so I gave her I give his daughter like the first slap man ever I feel like my original slap man was given to a female like with you at once so my point it was like I was dick 17 East National watching this I saw someone tweeted mr. Hartley send a tweet saying that if he work for American Airlines and do this all the time at the Dallas Airport it's almost here then he same thing like in dealing with the whole going to pack every inch of every flight that we were on was fucking delayed because it was a layover so I was like to their 2 bat and every single one was fun so the one back it was like the two that were awful like we got there like we got there like 4 o'clock on Friday so we missed like the whole convention the first day so I was like to talk about that so we're leaving Sunday you get to the airport like it's finally over BattleBlock like fucking cancelled it's flat-out cancelled and they're like you know Lindsay Lindsay Whalen I buy bikes open cry you got right we were like 10 and 11 on standby and like we never getting this play a million years like human like of traveling just pissed me off and fucking pissed off and like broken like at home I think there's some fans over there and like I look over my shoulder and there's a guy that walked up to me and then turned around like 4 times and damn it's like that with that moment will like I'm so pissed off right now but like this isn't I'm worth like it's going to be a story of like meeting a celebrity work like far is the man talking to you like that even turned around like an ocean I think the bowling RTX 2011 shirt so much Gavin I walked over to him and I was like slow Airlines right and he was like oh hey they just it just sucks cuz it's like that one moment where you don't want to look like a $5 piece of shit every knows that I want to be the piece of shit that like them baby mama talk to me blood like fuck you if you don't take your anger out on that one too but why in a funny way cry Jordans PAX Prime wear a jacket ahwu and Eric went on that video and like troll the hell out of everyone he's like to me she would talk to be my friend and make everyone believe that I would come like complete country actually met you then what's up but that's pretty sad 2 chemical one over people's head so what's the strangest thing you've ever had to check when traveling on an airplane I never had to take anything out of the ordinary to check anything out of the ordinary people of like check my bags for shirt the like what the fuck is this just looks weird I don't remember anything we had a microphone and it was just like in the case and I checked my bag and then when I got it back it was your back has been like like a bad word that uses lenses like look up why would you put that in there Rays I want to go through the X-ray machine it doesn't show up his medicine today is such the bad because there was like a Perry case it was full of just random stuff I assume it is they want to take a look at this good-looking Big Lot can you check in storage somewhere in a bag nearest Hunter boots I think the ones I really don't like him right people who work for Airlines have gone through luggages yeah but evidently it hasn't really been working out for me Onnit I want to go through steal my underwear he stopped by I was why are you talking like that Jennifer Gus Psy you work Crackle entry 3 haircut call no I'm not trippin no the worst thing I've had to check with one time I had to check a server for my old job like I will we were here in Austin and like one of our servers up in Providence died there like oh you got to get on the plane right now with this with giant Dell box and go up there so you like to check into the like it was a last minute travel deal at 2 like connect 2 x at the connected somewhere in Tennessee you somewhere North Carolina if we got up there talking a hundred pounds is the box score on the mask the bands on the man doesn't play doesn't always slow if you're at a lower altitude for this more pressure it doesn't work the point I don't know I don't think I'll ask him again you ask that in the most sincere way possible what are the bands on the man Swoon you talking about that a lot recently maybe the person next to me would always be watching the same movie at the exact same point I looked it was Zac Efron movie Gavin 3 times right look over the next few days what does that mean same seat in the same movie 3 different times I just want to know what this movie is over 1401 plays Zac Efron movie when he was the younger version of mesentery 17 Gavin High School Musical of all about high school you think about Baby Kaely I with the 25% of girls having their bad Barbara are you that 20 off and if you travel with a dildo key flex on 101 people it is a very fine line between a vibrator and it better to like a dildo Zac much harsher like an you say A girl has a girl bravest work so I'll let you know Far East 1 17 you be ready I don't want to go to self you talking about before I just the thrill and Darrell the far end by Zac Efron Target I've seen every High School Musical offer I know what you're going to do at home just because you're right they're still on that award so I told Burnie when you put the gum on this award I said you better take that off don't forget you put gum Onnit you put on like a day after we got this nose Burnie do it Barbara slap face virus as part of it I had to act like I was eating so they gave me a can of almonds from Chris can we work coconut flavored almonds lets flavored like a different free Wikipedia like an a reliable source it says it's a drupe quit BattleBlock you I've got a bone to pick again of squirrels in my house I have like this this this community garden plot kind of close to my house that I go to now I I grow like fruits and vegetables ship and it's under a pecan tree so every now and then Michael Connell Foley Minnesota like a little country to start sprouting so the other day I was like alright I'm going to take him to my house like this entry I don't like I'm going to prime it the country it's time you like this big like 20 years it could be the country here for a hundred years and probably on the I walked out and there was a squirrel out of the ground you lucky ass bitch Esther jobs like the rare exception for the most like grown adults that wear backpacks to work so maybe boys backpacks you I do every single day I 3 U do if Ur able to afford one dick but you can either run to catch a flight or you're in a hurry but you want to kill your briefcase 3 cases that just the cash unless you have lots of cash that have a degree unless you're doing like a bucket yeah so when we film that is old news now but we've done the gauntlet you know when the final episode the projected winner with cash and money yet and I thought it was right Dayman always a briefcase I don't remember I think it was like with blower more there is a company that specializes in like game show prize money weather insurance requirements for someone losing the case was stolen most normal people would never have work in the Bands what happened 1 million dollar store dick always pictures 10000 hundred dollar bills at the lot is so a $500,000 with 5000 bill what is the day of the year has been maybe if I figure has a 550-pound 3 interesting lets $100 worth in the US that still honey Jordans IMAX like one of the hundred dollar bill get introduced taking all your gum regular stimulation but didn't banks used between like it wasn't for pod distribution and that was 2 years old a $500 bill 2011 GTO digital entry like about matter 330 kind of happening with the commander still has those NFC cards like the Isis service you can important far on your computer and you turn it all off but I can't think like when do I use cash I think the only time I use cash when I go to Vegas casinos I only use cash and I owe people money just to get them American flag you are bot and Gavin was worried about it was and it would it would go to my TV new lunch restaurants 1 hour and you had to Diamondback fully intend on paying and I pay them like the next day or something 2 on east side and get ready for the with 6 you me like game Gavin that $50 you gave someone that one of those bills in a I did most of that I care about you for different bad for one day what is voltage going to a bank what's the one that I spent without PAX East 2012 annoying also guys instead of giving you a tissue Psy Phantom as an outer limit it thanks dude and I gave him twenty bucks Onnit 17 I got you like I got a 20 but it's got dicks all over and the guy was like I don't know I'll take you the dick money and then I will say for the sake of this podcast we're going to throw it out there I think I have it you have that on your wall heater I'm staying until I have to pay you back now I'm worried about you I have tell me what is Newman Onnit there's the front door dick 2 dick can I have this for over a year in my wall this is my safety 20 it's going I'm stranded in middle of nowhere and need 20 bucks somebody going to get dick but can you give me some money give me the pace money to the point where like it lost its value like call me if you like cover it up so it's more than 50% invisible money is ripped in half well we're going to wrap up here pretty soon someone like you make it seem that we should have some more stuff to print for the 3D printer I meant to bring something with me but I've been pretty like crazy on that a lot of stuff to start doing more interesting stuff here actually work I'm going to be me the webpage for 3D printed episode of the TV of I think it will look so like your ready to wrap this up I see you Michael 2 bot exploding small amount of time thanks everyone for watching and we'll be back