#218 - RT Podcast

RT Remembers Their Friends

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-218

Recorded: 2013-05-14 20:20:30

Runtime: 01:52:49 (6769.86 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Jack Pattillo




    "SquareSpace" => "http://bit.ly/SohEHv"
    "North Korean Missiles to Storage" => "http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/06/world/asia/nkorea-missiles-withdrawn"
    "North Korean Fake Missiles" => "http://www.npr.org/2013/05/07/181961581/are-those-north-korean-long-range-missiles-for-real"
    "Call of Duty Sales" => "http://bit.ly/YH0tr8"
    "Call of Duty Ghosts" => "http://bit.ly/YH0Guz"
    "Ghost" => "http://bit.ly/YH1oI0"
    "Sledgehammer" => "http://sledgehammergames.com/"
    "Tony Todd" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0865302/"
    "Simon West" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0922346/?ref_=sr_1"
    "Jack Tattoo" => "https://twitter.com/jack_p/status/326776226427580417/photo/1"
    "Heather Graham" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001287/?ref_=sr_1"
    "Bradley Cooper" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0177896/?ref_=sr_1"
    "Zach Galifianakis" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0302108/?ref_=tt_cl_t3"
    "Thallium" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thallium"
    "China Developing Thorium Reactor" => "http://wattsupwiththat.com/2011/01/30/china-announces-thorium-reactor-energy-program-obama-still-dwelling-on-sputnik-moments/"
    "Red Duck" => "http://www.quickmeme.com/Malicious-Advice-Mallard/?upcoming"
    "Gallium" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gallium"
    "Riley" => "http://roosterteeth.com/riley"
    "Grey Goo" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_goo"
    "Hybrid Flu" => "http://www.nature.com/news/scientists-create-hybrid-flu-that-can-go-airborne-1.12925"
    "Twelve Monkeys" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0114746/?ref_=sr_1"
    "Injustice Gods Among Us" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Injustice:_Gods_Among_Us"
    "Superman Scene from Kill Bill" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PdWF7kd1tNo"
    "sixokay" => "https://twitter.com/sixokay"
    "Regolith" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regolith"
    "Chris Hadfield" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Hadfield"
    "Space Oddity" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaOC9danxNo"
    "Geosynchronous Orbit" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geosynchronous_orbit"
    "GPS Satellite" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPS_(satellite)"
    "Fog of the World" => "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fog-of-world/id505367096?mt=8"
    "Brandon Explains Magnets" => "http://bit.ly/YHeapV"
    "GPRS" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gprs"
    "Star Command" => "http://www.starcommandgame.com/home.html"
    "Doodle Jump" => "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/doodle-jump/id307727765?mt=8"
    "Simpsons Tapped Out" => "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-simpsons-tapped-out/id497595276?mt=8"
    "Flock" => "http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/FLOCK/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410939"
    "Psi-5 Trading Company" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yre8waZlJSI"
    "Elements Broken Lands" => "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/elements-broken-lands/id605064126?mt=8"
    "Star Command Kickstarter Controversy" => "http://kotaku.com/star-command-is-a-great-game-but-also-a-kickstarter-wa-486606094"
    "Oni Trailer" => "http://bit.ly/YHkzS2"
    "Aliens Colonial Marines Differences" => "http://bit.ly/YHkMVr"
    "Brumak" => "http://gearsofwar.wikia.com/wiki/Brumak"
    "Lets Play Tomb Raider" => "http://bit.ly/YHldz9"
    "Lets Play GTA IV" => "http://bit.ly/YHlLVx"
    "Lets Play Channel" => "http://bit.ly/YHlW3i"
    "Penny Arcade Kickstarter" => "http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/pennyarcade/penny-arcades-podcast-downloadable-content-the-ret?ref=live"
    "Kevin Smith Auction" => "http://www.fastcompany.com/1720275/kevin-smiths-fake-auction-red-state-sundance-reveals-his-indie-rage"
    "Jason Mewes Twitter" => "https://twitter.com/JayMewes"
    "Will Sasso Vine Compilation" => "http://bit.ly/19oKuzG"
    "Fifty Fifty" => "http://www.reddit.com/r/fiftyfifty"
    "XKCD" => "http://xkcd.com/327/"
    "Sway" => "https://swayaustin.com/"
    "Ramen Tatsuya" => "http://ramen-tatsuya.com/"
    "Uchi" => "http://www.uchiaustin.com/"
    "Kenichi" => "http://kenichiaustin.com/"
    "Einstein Bros" => "http://www.einsteinbros.com/"
    "The Trident" => "http://bit.ly/YHsWwV"
    "Peng Treasure" => "http://bit.ly/YHt53r"
    "Graham Leggat" => "http://www.sfgate.com/entertainment/garchik/article/Graham-Leggat-leader-of-S-F-Film-Society-dies-2333395.php"


Transcript (in progress):

which episode of The Rosie Project to drop you by Squarespace the all-in-one platform to make it fast and easy to create a professional website blog portfolio and now an online store check out the new Commerce Solutions you can start selling stuff immediately for free trial and 10% off your first purchase on your account to go to Squarespace starcom / Rooster Teeth and use offer code Rooster Teeth five nights Rooster Teeth and the number 5 hey everyone if Gavin Jack and Burnie how you doing lands call myself Joel I don't know what to do I want to interrupt you I guess I had the feeling that I was going to do taking over Caesar collapsing on which way I don't know he's very very very the world North Korean news out back in storage but also report that they're not real I want out of life like we have a missiles you left your missiles out in the open that eventually the missiles would get blown up mysteriously somehow like I said in the open will disappoint storage we going to storage if we have ideas but I don't feel like heavily guarded underground vs. just out you got off of lunch at from Storage US Open hole in the ceiling World War Z North Korean story in the audio book we took a trip to from Los Angeles San Francisco and we listening to tire no it's not don't even tell me about that probably didn't make the cut for the movie I'm guessing the movie rating for the movie the movie Jason fucking up stuff from the book and it was wrong 8 hour to follow up with a book and it's over what was the what is the Penny over your shoulder for you love with you get on the do not read the book with it this is why I did it I had the American version of Harry Potter and I was listening to the British version because I wanted to see the differences as I was reading the colors that you would say stuff like trash trash and keep it 1 days like this philosopher when you say philosopher in UK does that indicate anything mystical or magical the philosopher so I don't know about the movie how to franchise the title is very specifically associated with what takes place in the story so what is the Philosopher's Stone gods have both seen the movie I'm assuming it's been so long lets tattoo thing you know so much things about India the title of one of them build a snow golem Harry Potter the guy who's not going to the hospital it's an actual stone it's like it like I don't have at the end if you're looking for the whole time does the stone will give them power to bring back for them or they can head that is the answer what is the time in Harry Potter what is it what is it it makes you immortal but whose is it Anyway I think whoever uses the Philosopher's Stone is more like your average philosopher you shaking your head of people trident what the weather doing it with the people of camera finasteride IV are people tweeting the fact that they read along with audio books all the time and I just say what the audiobook and read the book while watching the movie at the same time and we could try to sing let me ask you this when you play a video game do you turn on captions by default Duty video game you can miss something but the video game you can't like honestly I wish that console consoles now that the Xbox 360 you can set your profile Tony play the game it'll always invite your stick by default if your profile said it was a profile setting for subtitles I'm pretty sure they have a special can find out if they have a great that's not even like play the game or do anything yeah I probably wouldn't understand the first season of Game of Thrones a little bit better had I had it and I watch the first couple episodes of the British office with subtitles on it if you watch it I know it's all part of the experience is not quite understanding what the fuck the same trying to find some trace of themselves because it's so unbelievably great movie Trainspotting they put up Disney hard to believe it was here yeah the reason I knew that was back in the days when he's kind of first were getting popular and it seem like some studios just had like 10 play DVDs and this is like silver on Silver and that's what it was it was like a grey with a silver Bluff out for the letters and trains want it was like that Tony was Miramax so it was almost like a roundabout way to find out yeah if you could have picked up the boxes I was wondering does the average person who watches a movie do they understand production companies and even directors like I normally would know Steven Spielberg people might now no I mean the average Chris probably has George Lucas made Star to JJ Abrams and James Cameron Trident most people don't even touch with the credit I didn't read it the first time company you might recognize a few directors and video game developers there's no way you know like the average person knows what it how many copies of Call of Duty sales every time that game comes out to the ocean twelve Thirty million copies they sell average owner of that has any concept of the difference between Infinity Ward and Treyarch that you could do if I quit and just people who made who makes me so what was the thing of this ghost is it that drop that drop your Modern Warfare the jump Call of Duty. No it would have been more right they should have gone for this long lands will be Modern Warfare 4 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4 as opposed to Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare Call of Call of Duty 3 is it a prequel what about the character ghosts right I don't know cuz it's ghosts which is I think it's about Alex and his brother space doesn't go I don't play a lot of modern warfare games Call of Duty Modern Warfare the first one I don't know the story shirt ghost face carrier supply house you said some guy named Gary Allan Every Gavin to write two and three I don't think so I know you got a response from Twitter that is all that they did not drop Modern Warfare 4 Sledgehammer is making an allegation was a new developer Sledgehammer is the guys who did they did it there actually is of invisible game so we got to the Dead Space 1 ghosts takes place in the future it's his son having fun is dead no no she's not dead then now ghost is dead so is dead everyone is dead fog of War is Over that you actually it was the Supernova in Australia I meant Tony Todd the voice of the characters from Modern Warfare 3 and at one point you can murder him and he's like you kill me you kill me you fucking need it we have coming to replace it yet I'm working on regular regular movies and games and anything about that I don't know famous single music producer first produced album a pretty set on the only person who doesn't know anything us actors named Bruce Willis and Tom Cruise and that's about it and what his favorite films and he said Transformers Bad Boys Armageddon Pearl Harbor the Rock in The Bucket List about six Michael Bay movies The Glass Menagerie Gods Smith Gods reactor Gods not showing Simon West movie and see if you like that like Tony or something Simon West was like them whenever they can get Michael vine where they got Simon West almost Jack and your tattoo on the podcast at the tattoo the Gods Matilda it looks like you have a swastika in yard give me out alright are you going to build on that or that idea is like a major life events I'm going to get more pieces is Rich if he doesn't like it will disappear on the life of a green one and a red one of the Xbox will depend on which version of Tetris you're playing but arcade version is the green and red are you will have no say over the weekend reception we're sitting there in of cutting other typical wedding stuff and then Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis walk them I guess they were all like around the corner there it's either doing press for Hangover 3 yeah and they saw there was a wedding going on today just walked in and crashed it to go to the coolest things ever white people from in Hangover Hangover Gavin Star Staffing I feel like I've seen so far up inside you in California and I was like I know you like I know you from somewhere real funny about swearing old lady the whole party didn't go out getting the car like right lets go fuck porn star 40216 flock as you would probably save me embarrassment telling me this like a date of Summer I wish you on a date with somebody yes you are okay nice voice if you went up to him and gave him tips on what she like now Jordan really creepy and Chris was there he developing Chris her baby lets you get kill them all and world will be ok I want to get killed or died in a way that people are like when they hear about fifty like oh okay yeah he should have died like it's like running a few of them all until you meet us there baby or whatever or like the dude who jump out of an airplane without a parachute he like throws his parachute out and then jump to have trailer it's like of course they actually in the control room over here over here eating sandwiches the container and you put this liquid into Brandon I don't know I don't know Sasso Keyport thallium into Brandon Hantz and Brandon really track it everywhere and it just fell out and I really spent the next ten minutes to spare also cause I can look at the stuff they used in Terminator to feel like she liked the view 1000 melting and it looks like that might be actually thorium I was reading reactor in China numerous people are they building erectors in China and India both a few vested interested like a minor middle command Gavin touch it Kevin on the table it's okay maybe some Play Gavin or Google you know the first autocomplete is of Valium Valium poisoning thallium poisoning thallium highly toxic dangerous work how to put on out there you always burn it burn it on his hand was used as poison out of mud what was poison then isn't it will you have a thallium craze in Australia in early 1952 was notable space of murder or attempted murder By thallium poisoning at this time due to Chronic red infants infestation problems in overcrowded Intercity suburbs notably in Sydney and thallium the fact in this as a rat poison it was still readily available over the counter in New South Wales West aliens soap was marketed as a commercial red fake under the name ball rack William Martel yeah so whenever I go call the former KGB assassin with poison with thallium call call fell ill with stomach cramps and nausea within days his hair has fallen out and it was covered with marks on his skin where the fuck did you get that Amazon I read about it on red so you just read what I read about it on Reddit and read it said it was not talk to you to talk from Something red in a red duck tell you that because I got to take the red duck you don't listen to the red duck and green duck to be highly suspect us that's all I'm saying what's a call right now it's heavy no really this this is like half of a quarter pound call mellow out that is how does crazy unmarked plastic jar that got the internet and look it up where to get the bottle good for your out don't get any report of their life Chris fake Chris um I'm going to look it up Squarespace the all-in-one platform that makes it fast and easy to create a professional website flock portfolio and now an online store buying Chris products Squarespace commerce power flexible Ecommerce solution the great to work with every Squarespace template for sales of both physical and digital Goods Gus Fast Mart account setup single interface for order management tracking orders providing email updates printing labels Squarespace, secluded with a business plan subscription which starts at $24 a month Squarespace give you and your websites the best mobile experience to develop templates with mobile ready responsive design so it automatically starts to look great on any device it's fast and easy to use you can better social media integration is exceptionally well designed so if your free trial go to squarespace.com / RoosterTeeth sign up for a free account don't need a credit card decide to purchase offer code Rooster Teeth by and get 10% off purchase on your couch free domain registrations at Squarespace.com / RoosterTeeth offer code RoosterTeeth 5 so big Zach Squarespace and good luck on your new Commerce solution maybe you could set up the stores start selling thallium to people like Chris on the internet gallium with ag aliens different people the same Chris gallium or did you buy thallium doodle which chemicals temperature would be a solid but it melted like 98 Degrees I thought is the melting point of gallium Tony putting your hand in butt gallium but you didn't buy thallium please yes please do you think I can check Chris here he said thallium the year old the screen we're looking at right now so if you're watching the live stream you see that's what we're going to keep an eye on so I'm like Mercury liquid gallium lets command glass which makes it harder to handle which would explain why your hands are grey Fu Handel Handel make sure your hands don't turn grey because it doesn't have anything to do with it so I hope it was gallium that you bought them I don't know to kill you in my high school chemistry textbook there's a picture of someone melting gallium in their hand that's all I know that's all I remember about gallium from chemistry okay so that's a great example here we are back to the discussion again of the proliferation of Technology when you were younger it was a picture in your textbook now that he's got it because he can order it off Amazon right there and then he could actually poisoned everyone he works with because they assume if you're ordering thallium or gallium you know what the fuck you're doing with it I didn't ask you I told her I wanted to I want to make gunpowder so I went down to the local pharmacist and you can order just like those big plastic jugs or just compounds like I went and I'm a nine year old kid I would have the pharmacist said I need one pound of carbon one pound of saltpeter and one pound of sulfur in the pharmacist ghosts okay I'm back in a week and I came back and I got my three components that can be you 6 inch Fusion ammo all these fucking Twitter warnings of you guys have a 3D printer without guns on it I've got them 3D printing a gun IV Ranger one of the time to listen that we live in Texas if we want a gun will go get a gun like I got a gun right now I gotta go a lot faster like a 3D printed yet there is at least one place in a mile here you can buy a gun at Academy if I should go get a gun right now go buy one how long would it take you to go to Walmart go to Walmart I'm going to take you can you give me if you believe it go to the cemetery on defense and US Domino's lava cake Domino's gallium you have I want anyone but listen there's a note apparently supposed to read alright I sent the thallium you have 4 days to live you deliver sorry it's late and love from Royal the site while the trial but I sent it to you thank you very much I'll decide to come please and no one else and anything maybe try a trial from the site is maybe what they may let something out while from the site RI Le to thank you Riley Donaldson time when I was it when I was in high school sounds like we're going to the storeroom of our class and I was like behind it actually flock of bats was like he was a huge chunk of sodium that would have been a big fucking Company menu closest you been accidentally killing yourself probably I'm almost falling out of tree I literally was falling and I just read some gravel in and call my cell I'm on my way down I swing my arms and kill a man original point was making about liberation of Technology that eventually we're going to have to decide as a society to stop inventing technology because we're going to get to the point where we went riding horses the landing on the moon in fifty years that was the time frame between those two different things everybody had a horse like this became common in the mid-teens 1918 Twitter that was in the movie we're going from fighting with muskets in the Civil War to now we can print the machine gun manufacturing machine gun on them if you wanted to get the point where it's like something we're going to do is going to get in the hands of everybody or someone's going to fuck up and will happen it will build a nice little bottle just fucking cover the world to you just as soon as with all the problems with Knology that's going to be there like you said did you read I was horrified Myself by reading this article did you read that a Chinese lab has decided to start experimenting with the aliens I just the grey dogs blue different variants of the bird flu combined with the H1N1 flu the highly infectious flu with the most deadly was supposed to be in the Pro monkeys realize its Superman problem is that Superman has to be a thousand he can't ever not stop the villain from the storm the world has ever met someone the world gets destroyed you know what is Superman doing the World Trading orbit around the Sun by himself and kind of the same injustice gods among men The Joker successfully detonates a nuclear bomb in Metropolis and kills everyone Superman goes crazy and it's martial law Superman the penny Superman to one that was sent so I found out that happened in one of the movie rotating and stopping by Justin's what that would do in Reverse fifty can fly around the Earth in one second one in the front us doodle the sun good point he wants to do that 07 new movie new movie with so terrible 94 Superman movie when we see a Superman movie that does not cover his origin story we've seen that ghost because I'm on elements of origin the whole Kansas farm and do all that stuff them I don't want to see him you know what I hate mom can't talk to me is from the flock and entertaining original Superman things I've seen in the modern cinematic era was the speech that David Carradine does what Superman Penny Kill Bill that was awesome remember that turning around and see what the whole thing with the perspective of Superman it's like he doesn't dress up for me is Superman his clothes here in those dresses up as far as his comment on the human race Superman, Batman Vs Batman who is Bruce Wayne Superman Superman dresses up like Clark Kent and I thought that was like that was a brilliant speech Kevin Smith comic person refuted that claim or Heather me to Counterpoint argument was it I don't remember sending it with the Kill Bill version Twitter off the walls of the Superman movie coming out on Twitter without sixokay heating Superman can you get go ahead Superman lycon duck Kenichi vs. the Earth then he doesn't go down and see her and then go back in the space he goes there and back lets us not me between to Merritt Island is that alright Gavin or Google which one said it let's find out Lets Play Gavin or Google this is a game where we just have to think of the podcast we discover that mr. Gavin Free like to ask brilliantly stupid questions and we also just everything Google will auto-complete with the most popular answers that are asked to Google and as often are very frightening what the average person asks Google to let me play with you on your way already Gavin Squarespace and then I will give to Auto completes one came from Gavin one came from Google Gus and Jack will have to figure out which is which Gavin or Google lets run them over to You Gavin or Google all right are you ready are you ready are you ready I'm ready okay I have for this week is Todd bracher grey in Gavin or Google is can you ever be too and you have every day can you ever be one Gavin or Google said can you ever be just whelmed what just well as opposed to over when were underwhelmed can you be Jack flirt computer wanted to know can you ever be too fast for your own legs that's pretty good Twitter you have the first one just whelmed is Gavin a mammogram with us on this one and it was incorrect people want to know on Google can you ever be twelve hundred will not overwhelm you can you be too fast for your legs we got to start exploring this little East will you be to fast forward does Ford out so he put it backwards you just be us to be functioning twelve feet in the air legs ghosts in Kansas City will have lets tomb us tattoo powerful to carry them properly lets up too fast and I just wasn't there WhatsApp break their their own forearm okay that's Pro armor so this one has actually been variation this one was does the moon the phrase has to contain her the whole question because I know you're somewhere besides the moon what is the Moon and one of the other Gavin or Google said does the moon ever lose any of its dust and the other one why does the moon always make me tired how many Star the dust on his Gavin Jack you're in the lead by the moon does Louis will open Injustice call what is it called regolith what you don't know about Game of Thrones superhero coffee near problem with space craft like with your problem so yeah it is a layer of loose heterogeneous material covering Solid Rock included us soil broken rock isn't us soil and broken rock call the thing that God does not exist the same thing I think it's just a thing Google Jason Space Oddity on the space station that is fucking awesome that we went to and everybody here was super excited that we had to stop by there when I come back Steve and Grumpy Cat showed up I got super excited because the dude from that showed up the Mohawk The Mohawk out with him yeah yeah I was like totally star that did that with somebody call the most expensive music video no one knows what it's like Gavin table scene the Moon that would West gravity there's no gravity out of this place enough the college is one of the first internet means by the way out there was there was a guy who is he who lets go ahead and Boots was the name-o it was like the biggest science policies and it was how people don't think there's any gravity on the moon sixokay weird how many would I give that exact same answer when you ask them why you how can ask them to move because they have heavy boobs with no gravity according to them there's clearly Graham the moon get it's an enormous planetoid or whatever what is the actual satellite satellite moves around something what is the structure of the Moon Buffalo Jack Lew is Moon an official classification with the moon like Moonlight but there are moons of other planets so sure I mean it's like how big is the moon in any bigger than a bowling ball and then bigger than the city no one has gone from being a satellite to the Moon star to the right the Moon is change with satellite no satellite is it is what it is satellite used orbit to do that moon is a satellite and I agree but yeah I guess more everything to satellite I think what you're normally call satellite or artificial satellites will be put up there geosynchronous orbit is way the fuck out there it's like halfway to the Moon yeah that's crazy that's crazy GPS satellite 1707 government us GPS is a Us survey welcome the Russian government continues to own and they can shut off at will at least alliteration of technology different classifications of GPS and speed limit in one way the other they're either very accurate or very quick like a rabbit but you can get one at rapid and accurate and it was like architectural ones and when you get down to it but they have to think for like a minute to get that but the car is faster but it's only at your to like a hundred feet or so it so people can't just build something that is both fast and accurate than Gods company also a lot of consumer GPS units shut down if you get a both like a hundred fifty miles an hour if you stop dating travel app know it's cold fog of the world and we got one more question I can get Gavin Google lets do that then I'll come back to talk to you about the world I want to remind everyone 23rd of the first body and taste like diabetes but like to look at and see what Riley is before it's your boy it's Riley from the website Gavin or Google I'm up 1 to nothing about it finishing up the last one is I'm trying to decide if I want the tiebreaker for the other one Oni will have to do them all right is it possible was the phrase that gives Gavin or Google is it part of the month is it possible to get a tan on your eyes the other wanted to know is it possible for a man to get pregnant I'm going to say does it supposed to fucking stupid fog of the pregnancy what is Gavin I want to see if he's going but I don't think that I'm going to go with him tonight is what is Gavin Jack Quinn's 220 popular question at hand but some variation of can a man get pregnant with three of the top eight channel 51 out if a man can get pregnant by? color changes does it typically have you ever seen someone eyes I've never seen somebody sometime Tony Robbins to what yellow is he going to sway the white poster in the Sun out of what is a size 8 in boys going to white or the black one you can't like red turns blue sway meaning Einstein out in the sun for like a decade that I like the red the sharpness of the red will eventually Fade to a lighter version of the red thought so I think no no way Chris Brown the world is an app that I got for my iPhone which is I think I talked about this before but it's like when you play and you enter a new region everything is black you can you explore it you open up the different parts the messages in the name of this app I know exactly what it is the world that is also travel around and you can see exactly where you went in the Moore area that you go with them locked certain levels and it doesn't work on the plane so that's what you're like the GPS and when I get up high enough and fast enough it won't work so it's just that I can understand why they wouldn't want to GPS to work over like 5 miles an hour how fast are you saying you don't put your phone on airplane mode when you get on the plane Burnie Burnie never ever ever I got I got screwed over by that that I stayed away is Mexico from the Arizona border Mexican carrier and it checked my email and I had data roaming on so I got like 80 bucks Gmail email GPS email Yahoo email GPS the same network the same thing if you were trapped out in the middle of Yosemite National Park you could not get a cell phone signal or a data signal will you be able to find your blue. Which probably won't be all that helpful if you can tell you're going in the same direction to be a blue dot on a grid compass work compilation to work what's GPRS Network for grps I think isn't it I think you're thinking about playing games like everywhere that I like like like giving up like you did when you let me walk around like through the forest and I like it that you're feeling anything you can see it's in the game with your kids about from Achievement Center on the iPhone I hate that I think of it like this in the way when it says welcome back farm from what's going on here there's an iPhone game call Star Command on a few played it yet sounds like I like that 299 or something but you were such as like Star Trek you are the captain of a ship and you have to move crew around you can make them like work on the weapons work in engineering or working in the medical Bay on the Galaxy S7 like it has a lot more people fighting other people and the ship combat is like the water down side all the different weapons you have at least three circles in your lineup to make a machine gun that's like a precise moment making machine guns fire at the right time really what's the weather like for getting app like iPhone game that you play and you play Doodle Jump Doodle Jump explains Simpsons tapped out which is basically their version of everything that goes away and you can't get it again to help me that stupid game flock because now I know I can get my last two achievements flock after 5 Buccaneers I can get them us hold me back while I'm thinking of it but basically I got my first in 2008 was that right so my 2009 so for years and I needed to play multiplayer for the last 20 levels because there's fifty 5 single player 20 multiplayer but it seems apparent that the most play only local the same kill everything related to the game by the time you're done reading it back in and there's like 40 minutes like complete crap like I had it perfect every level and I perfected like with two joysticks I did like the first three levels of the multiplayer stuff but my kid was too young to play with anyone like him to hate me but and I don't know I was waiting to find someone who would play with me I lost my USB stick will from cloud saving and I lost two things when I lost that there were significant I lost my flock save of which I didn't have backed up for some reason and I lost my completed Mass Effect 2 save that hurt the one that came out I didn't I didn't I didn't I didn't like the first title play for the police did the Commodore 64 game by Accolade it was called Syfy Trading Company side - 5 Trading Company and you had like a ship and you would like to have different department and different crew chief you tell them to do certain stuff which I'm sure doesn't hold up it was like more iPhone games traveling a bit I've been on the road a lot of Star Command this is a game it's like I normally Play Elements like a collectible card game but I got an iPhone with a virtual card to give me for that Star Command the game that was on Kickstarter that got a lot of crap like that like they did they were announcing stuff that wasn't true or something or they change some things after people donated money I don't know if there's something that just released I think it starts a new game right all right it is very possible to Kickstarter not understand the weight of some of those rewards that you physically up to 80% of the money raised goes back to the people yeah sort of but you know this year you get your email confirmation of her the whole day and week my house of scene level in the room yeah but you have to stay in your house that is too inconvenient for any purpose other than to trip on that house was built in 1936 and it a trip up it has been added onto twice so it's like that it's like the sectional house and whoever was The Sims manager who did it like this fucking ass fucking I really want one I just think I just figured out how to look at as well there's another room but I used my alarm clock because I turned it off and it's going to come in there and wake you up Aruba ghosts be like fog and you can't fall back asleep that thing just making noise like crazy but alright I'm up there sometime I do on a regular basis like to me like this is the future getting woken up by my robot servant that you live in the future brumak fine like I don't have the room but anymore I don't think so Tony jump on it the room to sleep somewhere like a little higher because it's just I just hate seeing it awesome what is $800 on a piece of crap and it's not even that you apparently very soon us $400 Robot vacuum can't make a recommendation get a leaf blower and blow that shit out you don't know that your house was built it was built in the garage you not to have a big opening date or not that's going to come just come here first and don't feel like a beach bricks on top of this is crazy but I think I'm going to get one little to eat or drink Tony strap replacement instead of fries here I guess you really unimpressed your room in like circles from a low angle Service BC will you put a collar on it how many miles per gallon does a good that everyone started calling me somewhere I just don't know people still like your phone Buffalo and started walking to my phone I got a text to my wife about 35 minutes ago it said go wash your fucking happens yeah right cuz you're just like to bring that gallium home or thallium whatever it is Australian to talk about it be about Star Command they say once you build a ship and her crew this is the initial promise on Kickstarter you can travel deeper into new sectors which flu the mysteries of the universe players can discover strength on his conduct away missions explore derelict ships and conduct diplomacy Western Civilization is that sound like a game you're playing that's not in the Pro Bowl today what was built initially sleeping space epic is now just a space combat simulator will be a pretty damn good one you can pull up details on your crew members skills like an RPG elements abilities as they get better at the different things that you can hit call Contraband and when you touch it it just says coming soon really what is the thing of fake people played on money for game development in the game that out isn't what I thought that's pretty typical thing in game development what you ship isn't exactly what you set out to make but at least the customer has a choice of choosing to fight after that takes place doesn't have those weird expectation of your marketing for you I have never talked about number eventually something that aliens colonial Marines know about this is incredible it's like really awesome lighting actually be reckoned of the actual game came out was nothing compared to the actual game play it's pretty bad when a gay man in the world that they had a big thing with the rockets on it right now the train for Wii yeah they're keeping the franchise going to huh oh yeah the prequel to finish tomb play Tomb Raider no I'm almost done with it I'll probably finish it tonight actually and it wasn't know what you mean I'm going to company or judgments absolutely love the way they do what is full oh my God and you got like 4 different people and I wish I was more like you were one and two weapons us or have you seen it but I was pretty much a One-Shot kill all I did it all in the air he was jumping between platforms out in the armpit what does that as you can see we have an arrow sticking out of her head can die hard Vendetta on the GameCube on the first game just so we could shoot some of the prostitutes be like of that would like more text her a little bit it's all in Skyrim and play Archer exclusively will the new Army of Two is nothing like the previous to you can let you put people's hands and limbs off and can blow the head off a joint just above the chimney and I mustn't forget her too much for me between the eyes Zach in Skyrim of an hour what should someone's not but I'm going to settle their stomach I feel like I can open the app but I just played Far Cry 3 blood Dragon I got a play that is the arcade release for Far Cry 3 intel HD play over the top and it is a blast I do not need the retail version of Far Cry 3 totally worth it I'm just playing and I was stuck on the couch next week for that too and I'm so behind other games like I said hello. Tell me the story as far as I got in there kill tree it's really fucking good lets play that long time ago and my cut to my screen when I was on the floor Obama the week did the Grand Theft Auto lets play GTA lets play the Grand Theft Auto lets play the thing went up today it's amazing how much fun you can have in a five-year-old my God if they want to let play Channel youtube.com slash lets play multiplayer in GTA V achievements with crap in it and everyone to do just free writing with 5 of your friends so much fun it's like two guys on a motorcycle in the helicopter that's one of the cars lets play the first one I guess it's all in out on downloadable game on Tomb and I thought I did but I didn't find it so I can get the last DLC I never play the last one I think you mentioned that the multiplayer Robert to be good at it he was really good lets monkeys moving cover-to-cover that damn phone we are we play you guys and I hope not I know there's something the other day and we talked about it maybe I saw something and I think about it they might be coming up Kickstarter what's the matter privately some have $10. Their goal was 10 bucks seems weird to me okay what's wrong I just don't understand the point of Kickstarter podcast with public getting paid for getting paid Kickstarter call the city about the project we can put them on our website project was coming out all that stuff people when they see Kickstarter they understand they are three weeks in December 2013 fantasy from reality production going to have equipment let me the end it's a big company we understand company on the Internet it's like $8,000 actually got it here on my phone off the rights to his movie after the first screening of his movie $3,000 and $1 auction kill all these different Publishers around the country with his last movie songs about Simon Jason boxing right now and then I work early today saying they just finished writing Mewes finish writing clerks 3 of the best things about it was really good it was inappropriate flock what is a man tired of I don't know we can wait until movie recently Gavin I went to Iron Man 3 in the theater and I'm done with getting credits for those fucking buttons the end never worth it I know it's a popular they're not fucking Man 3 was fun not really they put in fake credits for Iron Man 3 to his Pad the length of it that's all animal Cooper like whoever you like but right now nothing 2000 first time zone the fear Jackson pops up as Nick Fury it was yeah yeah 74 that this motherfucker made me sit through the credits of Wreck-It Ralph out as clever as I think of the Retro 8 minutes clever isn't it yeah Everyone likes it there like forced into it like don't move we're watching the lightning in 6 minutes when you get that you to trailer in front of it if you had to watch the trailer everytime the one that you would never Vine out we can watch a show about and I'll send you my favorite thing about Vine is Jason Mewes because it is like someone just gave a phone to to Jay from Jay and Silent Bob the same day the best I really hate to be Will Sasso lemons are good Gus Tampa Marines I will use mine now nice what is an app you have to download right yes but if you're using Twitter it allowed natively Instagram like some Twitter assholes including I use the phone on my phone instead of the Twitter app but I think it was the first before Twitter have an official app I just had that and I just can't I completely understand it's going to be one of the best things about following I'm really happy I might like to know that guy's Instagram and I'm not sure the pressure to Vine I'm not doing it I can do it not really I thought someone has a Penthouse Pet but she does different stuff now I just like it because it said she just didn't know I didn't want to see the new Bond girl is so exciting. They space of time but it's always a gamble you never know what you going to get me like I like you right now I could just be like that address or it could be the most disgusting thing you've ever seen but it's an exciting book will be something really good something really good and so bad like it was gross but I love your bikini girls descriptions like fifty fifty inside a naked girl or a guy back late every gets hit in the face by Tank shrapnel in Iraq naked girl on fifty fifty tonight some of the post that is going to be the bikini girl yes super cool stuff on there that I don't think one of the things about the stuff you scene in my head that I can't get the previous button on my break will think of something you wish you could have like a secret code will be something with multiple levels of security you could forget anything from your life would you like to get two girls one cup I saw the reaction videos not. I don't to say I've never seen a vagina fake right then I come out Us fake scat porn but you can't I mean baby fake it Ramen Duty from the offices I think there's some elements that were fake and some elements in putting up each other I'm not like the others especially cuz the most Christian attractive ghosts send me that link really just Christian and attract scandalous girl now there's a source like if somebody sent you something you do like what the fuck that so I don't I'm not keen on that description your grandmother's like you Brandon so is it Star Trek out to post reviews of the from do you think is it in other countries like America International I don't consider myself to be racist for what is an ethnocentric you don't consider this must be really racist about the same things bother me two things bother me bothers me when First America Ventures did that because I don't know why for some reason it bothers me but it also bothers me when I fucking Tony of an account on something or registering software or ever and I get that country scroll down list and I gotta scroll down to all the other countries to get the United States of America I don't know why can we rename our country and United States America is there a the United States is UK the top and is that little dash line is everybody what the best thing is for us because this Tony different names to what people thought to run from so it's either to be England or Great Britain when was when was Australia to fill out some Fly Guy to fill out a form it's going to be that I'm thinking over there and I couldn't find United States like in the list of all the countries United States was not in there it was under USA gods get down for listening wasn't in there the fuck is it was under us it was another name of your country but you know I mean that's the abbreviated version so I guess I'm even like nothing else was abbreviated in the list so I might be 8 hours anyway it was very confusing me awhile to figure out that to underscore United space drop on the score table semicolon will be miserable Star Victory by 1140 is the guy who said that their graduation certificate lookup Korean spas in Vegas fake jealous I was a little crowded in the sky but you deal with that foolishness like Oddity thorium kill pants that were way too tight nice and so well-crafted Portland English numbers and the kind of Mexican will the waitress comes by ask if anybody wants drinks and all three of them order the patron Margaritas to go take some soldiers and she leaves and she was back to give everyone to drink because everyone the drinks and she's going to walk away and I really am I right ghosts misc ask you a question to the waitress my call is going to be good where they talk about the guy who was there before the Mexican doodle? It's going to be coming over and she's like what's wrong with you aliens the Mexican guy study with you looking like that yeah I don't know if it's so much fun I love it it's fun when you win it's funny it's the same crap as everyone is rooting for the same thing I know it was the same was play The Dark Side lets play Dark Side of us that assholes and everyone was really quiet when you come there's no number 7 or 11 you win if you bet on the pass line and if you don't when you get off at 11 whatever you roll as long as you're on a roll a 2 3 or 12:30 or 12 that becomes the number that you can have the Magic Touch control lets it to living people watching something even more confusing as possible and I still got lost stand there and do it once they are teething Marines football team a website that was something to make me 100k Red Cliff Casino Night arcade gaming we could do like fifty bucks to get in and like to have the prices for anything that involves us our checks this year that we haven't announced any we could roll up in like those purple like or whatever you want I would be down for a casino night but that we had to be a small thing and so we had to have like some kind of thing where people enter and like you get a certain shift and it all goes to charity or less than 2 months away that sounds like a great event if anybody else wanted to come up with doing that our stuff is kind of developing around arcade star TX I like your throwing up more more stuff I like it enjoy that that's cool okay are you going to discuss it this is not your third year running RTX are you to the point where you're excited to go to our text are you said it arcade to be over always excited for it to be over yeah yeah yeah it's a lot of it's a lot of stress leading up to it it is a lot of it's a lot of work if there's so many moving parts that go into it and it doubles or triples and growth every year I wanted to be fun for everyone I want everyone to have a good time I hope that happens as soon as it's over I'm going to decompress orbit you in Australia us your initial bet the pass line in your eyes you can't touch again and you can take it up you can't put more on top of it was very very strange but honestly I think that's better I like slowly adding and kind of like change and your out of minutes now and the dealer needs to keep track of that it's a simpler game if you don't do that but you don't get the same number 3455 so like you can bet more on the the 4 and 10 then you can the 68th and put more eyes on that there was to to X Out across the board but the odds are the odds are bad for the house so I'm to Squarespace sounds like so they remove the IV push fifty on the thing if you let put on the black shirt is that the percentage of money that you get risk 20% of net worth to put it on there probably not that I wouldn't even that I brought for a trip like lets say is going to Vegas and it's okay I'm going to spend five hundred bucks over the course of the weekend again but that's what I've set aside I'm going to gamble but of the course that we cannot get the five hundred bucks up to like 700 bucks I'm going to expect you to lose the 500 I wouldn't at the end of the trip to say okay here's out 700 on a fifty fifty but I will do that I want to put $5,000 on a normal treasure Todd net worth in life when I go to Vegas I usually take about $500 again today is 203 of gambling where you're playing at a table it's $25 and if you lose you double your next event and then if you lose that you double that that double to limit his anything and then you went back everything you've lost if you double your bet every time but it was just texting dollars on black really thought Brandon you are a while it raining where you are work for money play craps I've had at work I've had money on the table cuz when you play craps if you win and the point keeps rolling like if someone hits the point they've got a new play everything stays on the table and slowly pile on to an ad on out on that one point I was down to like $500 on the table but I'm meeting somebody shot 45 minutes which means I've made probably about to $3,000 off this one guy but if you get a hot rolling to make a lot of money on credit with us when I was there this last time through $5 and 35 bucks or something death row in to enforce another thing to be dealing craps and blackjack to is cracked is like Community gambling were talking with you but also people try to turn black jack in a community gambling and I fucking hate those people because when you do something like $5 and there's always some dude at the table who goes dude don't change the table everybody's getting money what you doing in the make you feel like an asshole for coming up and getting like a normal human being to my blackjack or craps people get upset when you when you buy will lets will explore make people lose scene will save someone like if someone does try to cut into a game like next to the guy who's shooting like that ghosts you trying to get anything the guy has the dice and it has a call come on dude come on you know don't fog of the shooter telling somebody how you know anything about it being like an expert in like one day one night lost in out you know we have no business having hockey in Texas as it is and going to those games the most fun because everyone knows every rule of hockey ever like everyone is an expert and was willing to screams the rest they know exactly what's going on it's like you have no idea what's going on you're judging them while I enjoy the game but I don't pretend I know what I'm doing I wish I could actually take it Andrew psi-5 West we can eat them from Whataburger today there are other better local play WWE sway know it's a tire place on South 1st across from Elizabeth Street Cafe something that you have to go to that place in the middle of giving directions and talking about the food question that was so important he won't know about everything before and play just so you know what you're reading place where we got there yet forget your story this is more important Gus Gavin and I we went to go eat at the ramen place of North thing that you can't ever thought you're getting through because it was A2 hour lunch was awesome but that noise when they open can I say cheese 10th anniversary this year and that was like 2 blocks from my house like I can walk there now we're going to eat there what's the name of Kenichi that's what all the time map from Louisiana to try to go to it and everytime you go to close the lonely times I tried to go eat at Einstein Brothers Bagels like 130 twelve goo safe to use in a separate car were communicating with her we let her repentance was it pretty good introducing me to new stuff you can do okay you can do that whenever you demonstrate and never work Uchi good but when I received from you serious sucks but yeah it's terrible like I was how you can drop a pin at your location and send it to you like this is where I am come here I'm going to tell you where I am just come to this point but I'm going to unfamiliar City and I park somewhere and drop him when I parked right next to the camera on the map that people can do that information whatever you GPS what was an awesome food in Portugal cooking on marble the way they've never the next time I was like what's a picture of Mom when I saw where I was when I was out there again when they've never never back to the play space on your picture you went back to the restaurant but he doesn't Gavin does not I know this my Gavin cuz I traveled with him he takes way way way more pictures than he ever post like I'm like I said my uploaded pictures of to make sure that you don't put up I take it your video the video we were with him as part of my house the other night and I saw you taking photo after photo of photos ever do is from your kitchen you walked in the front door walked up and down that when you're drunk you are Tony lapati Jason's brother his brother and I share a picture that was on my phone for 2005 when I first met him at the Lincoln Center in New York we had this word wispy little metal thing and I showed it to him it was coming because I don't know that's cool they can spend time together has one that's what I'm not I'm sure there's more but like I was learning it's not and I liked it or not I figured out I'm not Graham satellite Sailors ghosts in photos no matter what time I did Council Gavin that he should not be so open online you should be a little more private life even though you might not want to have your camera open all the time and why you think it really freaked me out he logs into Google so Google has a record of all the searches I would assume that to me that's weird you know that and for a long time we did not disable the history on the Google search us we didn't know it was there and one day I found it and I'm here what are you find from disabling minutes I'm going to clear the history but just so you know it has saved every Google search everyone has ever done that you know I still still sales the YouTube link so I can watch YouTube videos three stages sales the history of Google searches right now is bad there's some bad what what I've got here is the red account you not sure when you said you see stuff that I look at him and I'm like I don't even wear to Raider first of all and secondly I don't think you can see that stuff you can give me the joke to me but there are buttons on your keyboard and it burns like you have red enhancement Suite to save links and things like that and I see stuff saved in there that I didn't see the profile you can see the light and it's like like Italy speculation already about time I see this person knows what they're talking trading Pebble in the ocean did you give up on social media Avenue you have a scene with that was he giving up on you Kevin Twitter lets you post up to it and I checked my mentions anyway mainly because I'm worried about for this weekend so don't say that yeah yeah that was a nice auction was I had to start I started reading the books again it's the people that started having sex again will Game of Thrones hold he said it was nothing the one time was good credit dedicated to 111 animal Twitter 18 Kevin Heather last night was kind of an intermediary one for the final episodes and watching it then I saw the trailer for next week's episode today and they definitely only 3 episodes left for that was definitely you ghost on everyone right now about something that she likes and makes you like hella Google I love my girlfriend and everything she likes you're not a legal contract you can you cancel it not because I like one game has a collectible card game aspect to it what they like what you like if you don't find him at the light at their passion about that's good that's a good thing if this is you I haven't made so that it does happen if I like a girl who likes horses I am attracted to a lets every single girl ever made it's not Riley I challenge you to find a girl who doesn't like you like you like horses there's a girl in here Sports Authority stage will you like horses there is not responding to the control room we don't know it's him in the control room and then we go get drinks you had horses really videos of Katie likes horses there we go so we have 75% like horses well so I was looking at you kill everyone in the suite for females who love horses horses song wipe the developing self your favorite character on Game of Thrones the hottest one to you is the one who Washington bill of the Dragon Todd will Kara on the podcast no there's they're like they're bigger out there and life of the party but now I got there and it scared me for life Jason iPhone what do I do something terrible right but I think you care around this time when I was shooting an episode of The Slow Mo Guys with them and we shoot a lot of the stuff at dads grandparents house which is a house in Illinois with lots of land lots of people ride horses and in some ways of the biggest giant red exercise balls running into each other with them and stuff like that and it comes right now because he was like can you stop doing that Tokyo West arcade do I stop throwing the ball around on his property and she's writing by it so I told her she has to stop I guess she was right what about those sounds like to me that I liked it and she was screaming us and I to run through that's weird I'm on a horse everyone of you please tell out pretty early and pick one I guess yeah so I'm pretty pretty early in the book when I'm at that stage where it's like I'm just covering things that are slightly different in the novels than they were in the show but I'm really liking it a lot I'm about to finish book will probably finish it in the next 2 days I now realize after Game of Thrones they should have put out a primer episode with educated you unlike the history of Westeros and the house it's the biggest thing I've discovered I don't have a car you are the biggest and discovered between the book in the series us how important the series of events with the Targaryen sway the Mad King in the book constantly so and so and so and so with that battle we fought here we kill them there if I can fix Trident is a big deal yeah but I mean like there's like in this last episode Game of Thrones we talk about The Throne Room Dragon skulls on the throne I actually like the fact that stuff you have to respect yourself and stuff in Halo you don't really know much about them you can read about it but I love that there is a backstory that there's a whole history you might like that space is like that like that space there's tons of like that story us all the different markers and Ike unitology an appearance at a game like there's a lot of stuff again reading with the first the first treasure yeah yeah yeah and there's like this who is the most different character in the books for sisters only oh I don't know what the most different are there some characters are still alive in the show that should be dead or not from the book is better than the book in the show is Robert Baratheon The King Family grey on the show he was grey the show but in the book he's like both great and tragic in the way like how often he used to be there in the book about how strong he was and what a great fighter and lets you just see The Faded Glory Jamie Lannister this is not spoiler stuff he's known as the kingslayer so it's almost like the same thing but it's like that was like a whole thing works like it wasn't sure who was going to be like for a couple seconds in the book and it's like no rubber rubber thing is such a badass there's no question it was like just kidding in people's plate mail with a hammer could be so strong he's a big fat dude is like 20 years in the book looks like a younger version of him TV show muscular I don't even know she The Isley Brothers How old is Stannis Baratheon like I didn't make the connection for two seasons that they're related how old is the dragon woman supposed to be supposed to be the 14th or 13 in the book 13 in the book and since it was a really young to Riley got really really the beginning of Star Command season to much we have some plans for more scheduled podcast more regular test right now it's going to be some pretty awesome podcast cast and crew I've got three that I'm working on right now that will hopefully I'll come out this week we're going to film hopefully another one or two this week for release next week that's what I've been learning a lot doing it you could have to get those Minecraft lets play Lets crazy information teachers tomb of Lenin I know we talked about some serious issues a couple of podcasts ago when we were talking the bombing in Boston but since then I can bring it up on the next podcast after I found out about this but I didn't want to talk about it you know any career she has a lot of success there are lots of little things that can happen that can make or break a Korean oftentimes those things are things that make sure you don't see them so you have a little bit distant and I went through a. Recently I was looking back over some people over the 10-year anniversary some people who have helped us and Russia than in the early days with red vs blue and of the people that I wanted to get in contact with was a guy by the name of Graham Leggat if you seen the DVD Zach red extensively you might have seen his name mentioned a couple times and there he was the film director of the Film Society at the Lincoln Center in New York he is the person who decided to program the premier of season 2 very prestigious Lincoln Center in the heart of Manhattan in New York it was a great honor to have that done and unfortunately I learned when I when I looked him up I thought he passed away two years ago it was hard to realize that someone who had been so influential Todd with a small decision like that on his part that I just hadn't kept up with him and I was really going to Gus and I went to Joe and Matt and everybody else tomb Jeff and talk to him about Graham passing away and just to give you a little bit of perspective on how important he was even for just a short window of time at our company is like Gavin went to the screening at the Lincoln Center it was the first event that we ever met you in person so even in that regard it's like it's like the influence that he had over he left the Lincoln Center Film Society and you move to San Francisco and was the head of the Film Society in San Francisco on his daddy died of cancer and I thought it was his right to himself and I thought it would be great to let you hear some words of his own I'm like what I mean hahaha Jesus there's a lot of little funny things he wrote recently he was dying of cancer I can't even remember half of them that's what happens to a life that isn't it the little ornate things drizzle away like cakes in Rayne will the big blocky stuff is left to stand in for a lifetime of minutia it is sad and beautiful I don't think that I don't think Graham would have thought a lot about Red vs. blue I just one of many films that you programmed over the years I don't think you thought a lot about it when he was on his deathbed or the end of his life I think you probably want to be sure that probably washed away their life but that's what life is all about Graham you were a pillar to us Graham Leggat was 51 Jack what is The Smith Restaurant will get it