#275 - RT Podcast

RT Discusses Lunar Wars

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-275

Recorded: 2014-06-10 20:51:36

Runtime: 01:36:29 (5789.71 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Gavin Free, Barbara Dunkelman, Brandon Farmahini




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    "Minor Stroke" => "http://www.webmd.com/stroke/news/20100415/can-you-recognize-symptoms-of-minor-stroke"
    "Hair Follicle" => "http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=3649"
    "Best Audience" => "http://www.njtrophy.com/design/trophies.jpg"
    "1 Million Reaction" => "https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/lazer-team-by-rooster-teeth"
    "Lazer Team" => "https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/lazer-team-by-rooster-teeth"
    "Goddammit Barb" => "http://store.roosterteeth.com/collections/t-shirts/products/gd-barb-shirt"
    "Chest Wax" => "http://hairremoval.about.com/od/waxathome/ht/how-to-wax-chest.htm"
    "Waxing Audience" => "http://s3.roosterteeth.com/uploads/1402419785_waxing-crowd.jpg"
    "Brandons Wax" => "http://s3.roosterteeth.com/uploads/1402419816_waxing-table.jpg"
    "Blaine" => "http://roosterteeth.com/bgibbles"
    "Blaines Coupons" => "http://craftingagreenworld.com/files/2013/05/dads-coupon-book-overall.jpg"
    "British Airways Flight" => "http://www.austintexas.gov/news/british-airways-begins-flying-austin-texas-marking-first-transatlantic-service-city"
    "Phantom Vibration" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phantom_vibration_syndrome"
    "First World Problems" => "http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=First+World+Problems"
    "Gus Roids" => "http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsweek/Hemorrhoids_and_what_to_do_about_them.htm"
    "House VS Rent" => "http://www.forbes.com/sites/billconerly/2013/11/11/should-you-buy-a-house-or-rent-the-economics-of-homeownership/"
    "Barb's Goldfish" => "https://twitter.com/ldunkelman/status/476168800040009730/photo/1"
    "Max Power" => "http://www.fishspawn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/bettafish.jpg"
    "Shark Tracker" => "http://usat.ly/1l4gwKJ"
    "Brandons Nightmares" => "http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Opee_sea_killer"
    "Field Gus" => "https://twitter.com/GavinFree/status/461933465672237056/photo/1"
    "Mean Canadians" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eh"
    "Gavin and Ed" => "https://twitter.com/GavinFree/status/474593424608202752/photo/1"
    "Mexican Hodor" => "http://www.dummies.com/how-to/education-languages/languages-cultures/spanish.html"
    "Word Lens" => "https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/word-lens/id383463868?mt=8"
    "Scrooged" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096061/"
    "Mars Attacks" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0116996/"
    "First Class" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_class_(aviation)"
    "RTX 2014" => "http://rtxevent.com/home.php"
    "Ugly Gus" => " http://bit.ly/1l4xV69"
    "Checking the Couch" => "http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/15/tsa-items-craziest-airport-security_n_1783819.html#slide=1384565"
    "Flight Aware" => "http://flightaware.com/"
    "Laser Douche" => "http://www.statesman.com/news/news/crime-law/man-charged-with-shining-laser-at-austin-police-he/nf9Y9/"
    "Lunar Billboard" => "http://www.theverge.com/2014/5/15/5719758/can-of-pocari-sweat-going-to-moon-in-2015"
    "Landfill Moon" => "http://nasawatch.com/archives/2014/02/who-owns-the-mo.html"
    "Vice TV Show" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vice_(TV_series)"
    "Artic Oil" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum_exploration_in_the_Arctic"


Transcript (in progress):

this episode of the Rich Podcast sponsored by NatureBox order great tasting healthy snacks right to your door forget the vending machine and get in shape for summer with healthy delicious treats like everything bagel sticks support this podcast and get 50% off your first or go to naturebox.com / RoosterTeeth this episode of the refugee Vice Squarespace the all-in-one platform that makes it fast and easy to create your own professional website portfolio online store for free trial and 10% off go to squarespace.com and you saw for cutting Rooster Teeth that's offer code RoosterTeeth Squarespace.com hey everyone welcome to the receipt podcast that's why I didn't answer how much Gavin Brandon Which Wich Brandon Gus come on no more than this is moved over here and I can't see the how to really like that too you know that right we're trying to say you are I thought you had to be like all right with you I'd like the difference between normal office Brandon and podcast Brandon is this a straight line of crosses hair like this is really neat looking like this who won the hairs on my head I seen you pull hair out yourself right I did it I did it I pulled the hair on my face that would like to send me stroke the side of my face went numb but my cheeks are like I just I just pulled hair out of my cheek so it usually last and I've always been that I don't know Jayceon care of it field satisfying when you can't feel anything but it feels like it's a good sign for your finger like this in the field I just feeling the pain as I can feel like this on my skin and do it I think me speaking about it okay so if we go go campaign running right now for Lazer team is going great and I mean I haven't really moved it's amazing the kind of support we can get off on Friday if you don't know you go to receive.com / Lazer team to see the patient information about it we pick it up on Friday I think within 10 hours we hit our goal and now it's it's it's I think the last time I checked other day if the number six most funded film ever across any crowdfunding platform Indiegogo rent the checking it because I don't know what time we'll in life but I checked it was like $28,000 and I guess it's going to be a slow one and I checked again it was over 200,000 it as soon as it 80 p.m. central Time like within minutes it was already like $15,000 within the first I think 5 minutes we had a new AP cuz that's one of the perks and there is a producer for all the way out there any other company has a better idea Cincinnati has better followers we should do a stretch goal if you told me to go to million we're off to that we send a mini trophy Saint best audience to everyone who donated so many trophies currently there is about 14000 people who ever say 14000 little plastic trophies average donation was $80 if you divide the number by the time it was 80 bucks so that's incredible usually the other just like 2230 million dollar roll over I was drunk passed out last night weather 11 p.m. really drunk and I had no idea how many people have drunk and passed out when they hit a million getting together for this for this video for the million dollar attacks House people come from I know it's a poor and I didn't know it was just the angle with stuff so we're going to be making a feature-length movie couch is what the Indiegogo is for its called lazer lazer team and there's a little bit of information abroad plot synopsis on the Indiegogo page and I think we're going to start having regular updates including concept art for all their backers here pretty soon I don't know exactly when British kind of heading up the Indiegogo and he's not here right now so I don't know same thing and have him held to 8:33 right after that like that like I just made it and then the tagline is going to be I can't have movie today terrible should we still come out with stretch goals at this point as many as you can think of before midnight last night Brandon and Crestwood wax they're just sitting at home and you checking Barbara Chris checking out something that we could do and I don't know why that came up so what's your chest look like he said that no no no no do you have folliculitis the fuck is that follicle doesn't poop like stuff comes out nice I will pump enough to and it was about 20 people like word completely stopped at this company for about an hour with sitting at my desk with my headphones on and I keep hearing screaming yeah and it wasn't coming from the office next door so I knew it wasn't just what the fuck is going on everybody who was watching me wax Brandon and Chris's chest yet we are actually the kitchen and both Chris and I were just sprawled out on the kitchen table and people are going to be eating there tomorrow morning and I was like the board game Operation chest hairs but he has a lot of hair Hodor so we have to go around the nipple word you just hi I wasn't sure if you put a piece of pie aware that I was going to loosen up or maybe I did I'll have to watch it papa.com you have it right there that's cool that's cool Brandon get the third nipple be stretching it 1 the stroke why is it so the funny thing though is we have Barbara do it and she literally has no experience waxing anybody I thought you meant wax chest has a lot of experience waxing people and you don't ya so if you would like to Blaine wax is that that's a great mental image free black where can I sell my car from the grocery store that you can fill I can go and fill up house the bottles actually going to wash it 3 times since then so those times for today snow melt run off Windows Brandon mouth run off so I have a new grievance with the office or you problems I should say I don't know how to handle interactions at the door because like you don't have a double door system here like sometimes someone will be coming out later going in or somebody in front of you and then they would be polite they hold the door open for you and I'm like in my head I just be easier if you went ahead and then I can I speed up to speed up and and they're like standing there holding having a shovel by people I want to make it a rule you don't have to hold the door open for people carrying something sure that's going to be nice yeah it was hard enough to make her not to make a ruler people close the door I guess you really closing etiquette sometimes a little semen the hold the door flight it's just super awkward every time now I feel like I was going to make an appointment if I see someone at the door I walked to the bathroom this is in your head so whenever they see you your mom the door in front of you now do it kind of what really the team recently where you know we have two different buildings Airways stage five which were sitting in right now and then across the way we have our Administrative Building so I walk back and forth between the buildings but inevitably almost every day I see the fucken British Airways flight from London to Austin and I take a picture of it and text it to Gavin I mean it's like 3 times a week it's only one flight a day only British Airways flight you can possibly see it 60% of the time he text me a picture of every time I see him how do you know if you can tell by the way and then I was walking the reporter and our PR person across the parking lot and I was like yeah you think stupid small talk and let you know what's weird is I looked at my watch and I see the same plane fly by just about every day for about 10 minutes early right now from Gus flight monster flight coming from London to Houston picture of you in the parking lot and every time I look at it it's 3:43 p.m. do that every single day I don't even know if I'm consciously thinking about it or just have it with 1:24 o'clock it's 1337 and it just takes time ahead but I take a screenshot of it every time I look at my phone at that and I think in 2013 I had like a hundred pictures of that cuz I just checked my flight 137 amazing internal clock on my phone more than I think and I feel like I just happened to checking is always thinking about my cell phone is vibrating in my pocket what did what was like a phantom pain before Phantom sensation you have before cell phones anyone have that with you I felt like something was bothering her I guess I was maybe they have the same vibration or feel or do any field vibration because we're used to it maybe that's what that's what I'm thinking about talking to Patrick earlier before the podcast on my phone right now I am still happy to hear this cuz I didn't know other people I thought there was something seriously wrong with mine I get it I get it when my phone is on the table and I feel it I feel like it definitely wasn't my phone never how do you know your past doesn't feel it dairy free cupcakes you never carried in your car your phone always makes noise then right you always have the audible alarms and what if I'm at work or something so do you ever turn that you can delete ringtones on your phone and I usually have a silent and I-10 vibration of love because it vibrates on my desk and I just had the flashing light make the flashing light when I don't know if you remember this we all hit the flashing light when your phone isn't on here what about you did you ever have like an audible alerts on your phone on purpose usually it's always on vibrate and I had to change my ringtone to the you assholes made me feel bad about it what was it Mindless Self Indulgence shut me up I've had that ringtone for like 4 years screaming and heavy bass and lead guitar and stuff but really like all the sudden and very loud each time it would go and it scared the shit outta me the video game show that I had in college that was like an opening theme for it when I started and then I went to produce it so it has like an emotional connection and I said that because you guys get them thanks to you I had to change my text tone it was because it would come to me and talk to me because they recognize them babyletto Gavin has everything and they look at it and see that it was actually me and it's weird it's like the first world problems my ringtone got to famous song that we can tell is that the third douche I know douche content that happened to my life and I feel like I should tell you was choosing the different perks because it's hard not to seem douche you when you're like you have $400 for a voicemail like and spend the evening with someone and it was like flight Brandon really high priced hooker go back to hooking Gus a hundred bucks for this 2400 bucks the standard Michael for quite a bit but I understand what you mean about like having these dumb first world problems like I have to go to like a big appliance store to buy a new refrigerator and washer and dryer and there's a problem I ordered so I have to go back to the store and I just want a place like this time I messed up my order I got the wrong cord for you he's like the other customers I'm good I'll be over there following you recovered and got back to you I didn't care of his original customers worst fan interaction Gavin has anything like really embarrassing hair hemorrhoid cream no not really not nothing I can think of that I have my stories I tell anyway nothing's really private and I was in my body or I haven't seen my pharmacist in a while so when I got the text from you I don't know if you transferred or what happened to him but everytime I go to the pharmacy I still expect to see him and I have not seen you in about 6 months so all tracker what's the point that was a different okay so I was talking about the single time we talk about him right now when I had him write it was like it was a little balloon inflated am I word like painful to sit like it was like a beam Like a Man Too there's a being stuck in your asshole flight any time you shit it's like the Play-Doh the the machine with a pizza with a piece of shit and anytime you're sitting on this being that was kind of stuck in your ass over and cuddle with her all the time like I wouldn't want to leave on my stomach be comfortable class will actually came out to this being stretched intestinal skin what was it like an extra piece of I think it's just like inflamed skin that's like it's like you push too hard when you hit one is like you sit on something flat for too long I just thought of you can sit on cold surfaces and get him roids I sat on a cold hard floor for about 14 hours straight because it was cold you will have and you still on a call you still not just a hard flat thing and I'll see on a block of ice in with you and flight call Big Lots of ice in Wisconsin Gavin class so I guess you are and what you are saying this to concrete right now word feel like scraping your butt against the man who's the man best interest to stain concrete floor I just want to say it was a nice apartment best for you know I'll be moving soon in a few weeks I will ask you about your laundry this time when I asked you about some stuff 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starting at 3 p.m. or cranky lightheaded iPad wants to make an appointment at 3 p.m. so its like a link remind me of every yeah we got for you at we gotta start taking fruit medley mother Crystal orange now breakfast in Madera CA look up in that space where you must buy to apply to sit and try to get everything organized and try to remember to change that addresses and get the service is set up so you had a hook up with that yeah I forgot about gas you need that finally because this is be like first time I mean he has to go to the 10 years I've known Gavin I've never seen this hair greasy before you should I said that a lot of the strenuous exercise today for a really cool feature with my house well if you turn on 1 sink the sink in the other room fills up with water that's a great feature what do mean it's blocked or something I guess not aware they both feel and oil flight 5 minutes it starts training oil the same you buy it and it's a lot of money and then you put a lot of money into it and then you're right but do you think about it this way when you sell it it's like you recouping part of your rent so it's like instead of paying rent and paying money to some other assholes getting rich off for you you're paying money to yourself in a city savings account it's like you're putting money in that city savings account it's not all going to be there when you move out but at some point in the future you're going to get that money back like 200 bucks a month to live in the house right so I'm in the process of selling my house when I sell it it'll be like I lived there for a bunch of years and I paid about 2 o'clock some of them are good that's good because we don't live with someone else we live alone forever so it's why would we have a house what are we going to do with the house first and what the people told me it mortgages mortgage should be way more than what I pay in rent and on top of that when a pipe breaks it's like give us some thousands of dollars when your AC breaks same thing you have to fix it and then and then the rest of the whole being an apartment I had a hornet's nest on my balcony all I did was go online and put a service request in saying there's a hornet's nest on my balcony I came home and was gone light bulb out didn't change that light bulb to have to douche it didn't have to touch anything I came home and it was gone flight tromping around in your service request and sending them to myself plumber to come out my sinks are draining fast enough Ashley Dunn actual jobs before they had reached if you think this is an actual job absolutely said this isn't like the other day was giving me Plumbing advice because of my dream problems and it was today the only thing I have a snake with my dad has his aquarium and off like 6 months I just get cait to like fish it let the pipes while I push this thing all the way down it and it like totally cleaned it was amazing you push it in and all the food comes off in an end up in this big Clump at the end and I pulled it out and it was like kind of material whipped it out like it threw up immediately make my own pipe the snake 6 months of competitive fish species we have a goldfish at my house in Ottawa mean it's probably about 6 inches long or so easily impressed and it's been alive for like five or six or seven years maybe even more it's so big that it's outgrown the tank it's in and every time it's it's it's scares itself is a little rash around like crazy and like start like bumping into the walls of the tank and like moving you could always tell when the fish it's because you're just like pick them up so big it's like scared of what you think this is the time thrashes around while I get the shit out of it as I guess is it is it cool looking fish it looks delicious okay Moon and my little brother you want to eat your goldfish they always make jokes to my little brother about wanting to eat it and probably over 7 years I think Jesus I didn't go for some more than like I said it would last maybe 2 or 3 years of top think I once knew someone who had a goldfish Bowl billboard and it didn't end well how to fish how to fish and a difference between the colors sometimes it's metal and it just the doc about straight up off the top word went straight down through one of the fish and the other fish died as well from like just the blood and stuff I used to have this little Fish Little Fish like right above my couch if there's a cop behind you and then I was up there put in the water put them on the shelf DVD who's got the fish but the fish was gone 252 fish show Salt Lake then sit down or when am I sitting on it so I was like oh no what does the types of fish which of these was another cleaning my aquarium thing that it cost a lot to get pizza. It was in the aquarium really have a lot heavier than this and I gotta clean the house and put it back in and we had the angelfish there about this big and I was like 1 so it was just like his head was crushed ocean at all like you're watching me CD second it's like what about to eat what about to attack me 1 directions to tell me a story earlier I guess that there was neither the scientists who are tracking great white sharks and they put a tracker on a 9 foot long great white shark and they said the shark without swimming around in the ocean and I think you said that he was swimming at like depth of 50 feet and I could watch it where was going and then all of a sudden they said the tracker just plummeted straight down and then like got stuck down there and it's like 3 days later the tracker washed up on the shore but it seems like something came up grabbed the nine foot long great white shark you should have a camera on it that's the perfect size for water Gavin and shark can't look down also we think of them as like an apex predator in the ocean what do that just like slam impression about me to take a shit Bluetooth on a goldfish Barbara. Star Wars was terrifying For Me 1 giant sea monsters that still terrifies me like sea creatures especially even creatures on Earth that are long dead and see if they're terrifying they're huge what kind of coleslaw on the way East Side Galveston is the only thing people really go to I love the fact that Houston was not a coastal city and he said fuck it we're going to bring the ocean to Houston and I the giant trench from the ocean to Houston because it wanted to be on the coast like a 40 mile long channel to bring the ocean to Houston so they could ship it out of there on the boat I think he's brother's promise me the name of the base with a promise like all this great land of people bought all this land in Houston they got here it was nothing but swamp or buy used one of the reasons that Austin is a little Ed White Shark is because everyone the right right it was like everybody I guess extended over here and we're underwater till fairly recently the geologic time scale and fossils talk to yourself like oil fossilized seashells sometimes the ground you'll find it just try to find shut the fuck up is that why you were so good at finding those toys show me the trials immersion and this big concrete pipe I don't want to use it so it's like if you imagine on the Charles emergency rent the camera looking at the track if you walking backwards behind the camera just a big open field the picture of you in a field and it was just like a big concrete pipe was it like A5 or 6 foot diameter running up and down it anywhere on skateboards the stuff and then we found one of those little mini skateboards 4 Wheels over there to go around to encounter each other do you get it first try and I was going on my friend in Flight Mexican feel like driving it was it was going to call you found an axle from a computer Best Buy house but when I'm interviewing Gus is he working for the field looking for toys this is what my life has become at work on a job I'm looking for Toys in the middle of it yeah that's you particularly you guys were not actually on screen very much very that was the piano tiles date was the piano tiles day is burned into my memory forever because all I heard was 50 people turned off the piano sound and just make up you seem annoyed at the time that we talked about was being shot this week but I don't know so I can know if I mentioned on Twitter but are you in trouble if I had that introduction finally yeah they started actually shooting on Sunday and everything they've gotten so far is really really cool coming out trans the production currently we split off at the team so going and Matt are on day 5 and then there's another project that Chris and I are on and not just came back from Toronto I went to turn onto him that and then I Can Wait filmed a naked ladies music video Chicago still can't hold a show me the bandage lady that was like I have told to them by 7 we left at like 6:59 or so because Canadian border people are like notorious for being assholes and I don't feel Canadians and I'm pretty sure it's because this is just speculation obviously Canadians are known for being so polite and so nice and so people probably think that they can walk all over them so these border patrol people Canadians Fulton disprove the theory of them being nice it was to think that they allow certain amount of Americans to immigrate to Canada every year in the life it was it was terrifying we had a great day shooting we had four different locations on the video and we brought the Phantom and Ed to play my stuff to a show or something I'm not sure if anyone and pinball machine Gavin Finley Metallica pinball it was awesome it was really good he's really into Pitbull it was really interesting there in about like all the different stuff you can do with simple machines mean like want me to like how you do diagnostics on and everything you eat Tim Hortons mean tree I had the worst beating ever want to make you word I have 14 that's pretty good actually what I'm saying is I've been to places where it's a way from Canada and it's good yeah I was in a hotel the kind of that and it was price with just a clump of little cheese goes with clumped together in a lump and it was noted that there was no gravy and gravy and all the gravy was in the bowl that the phrase Beyonce 1 until the cheese and made it with the cherry on this crap I'm going to call him it was on YouTube 72 Martins mean you're bringing back something to do fuck ton of it in the mail now who have similar experiences getting into Canada in the past before and I definitely agree with you that I think they would like their hard asses on the border or something the worst experience I've ever had it wasn't me who had it before it's one time I was going to London for MCM couple years ago I saw vibration officers pull people aside put them like in the little holding area and just start yelling at them like out there in the middle of the line in front of everyone else take me to get to Heathrow this like two big snaking lines but you could have the lines like a little like a little square there were like 4 dudes in there and immigration officers came in and started screaming tell me the truth I don't want to hear this call usually got to a line of desks and that's what happens they don't question your that desk they ask you what you that for and if they think that something's up they just Mark your Customs card ever but I thought they would have questioned me that they drew this big symbol on my thing like and pink highlight it was like a big head with a line through it and then just give it back and then the next people see that and they pull you into another room so you know you're in trouble and tv walkthrough for minor passport and everything different lines with different letters Crossing each other and it isn't until the very end you're coming in today into the us as well they would just draw a funny symbol on my car and I'd be like what is this mean I need to kind of to the guys and then the guys like alright go through that and it was at that point that they just did all of my luggage flight took every single thing out and I was there for like 40 minutes so I did that and I've told him this before people start questioning him he gets very rude whatever I don't care about that situation at the border with police officers any form of authority you are supposed to be so fucking nice that's like the sweetness of everything is ok this is how the interaction with mr. Canada Border paperwork and I'm like I show my US Visa because traveling with the company that I work for somebody this is my reason to ever the company he looked today and got it this is from America or in Canada that's what I like about it can I need like people at the stuff first like you're making it harder for yourself because like it no matter how I just can't help it like when somebody has that attitude at me it just shuts Me Down On My Feet one time we were driving through the American Canadian border from Canada to America and my friend Brittany was driving and she is like the same way as Gavin is someone about 30 starts questioning her she just gets really busy and just like that you expect you want to be treated innocent until proven guilty but she just gets an attitude like even if they're not asking crazy questions and asking her stuff and she was just extremely passive aggressive and would like brush them off and she's just like why does it matter what you need to know and I'm just like sitting in the back like holy shit so they asked us to pull up and let go to the side to get the entire car checked out obviously we weren't doing anything wrong but it added an extra hour and a half to hurt you like that you like something so I grew up on the us-mexico border on the US side and there's an extra thing or I guess it unless you live on the board you don't realize this but in the United States like I lived in the United States if I drove on any Highway out of the city I grew up in about 30 miles outside on every Highway there's an immigration checkpoint in the US you have to pull over and then you have to explain where you're going and that you're an American citizen and I fucking hate those things when I was younger and sometimes to pull over and they want to take drugs or illegal immigrants any time to pull over pull over I got to my car and lock it and be like you can't look at it would you look at the car so I don't know I don't know different you can't look maybe are you hiding something don't you look at my car you know we can call the dogs out here we can have the dog sniff your car there I go hair I know I'm never going back to the call at the show in them the checkpoint the guy you roll down your window he goes where you going where you headed to you tell him all right what are you doing in the Border Town OK and then based on that based on I guess you have an accident and whether or not you're still at your store soon as possible about why you were at the border then decide whether or not to further inspect you so why did they want to tell them it's because I was a young guy go to the Border driving back to Austin like this guy's got to have weed that's what I thought I just had hair I would easily because I don't want to fucking sit there and wait is like me when I was like a snotty teenager and you know in plenty of time to waste I will say that the Canadian border 1 stage like check this out and found out that we weren't doing anything illegal and everything was fine he was nice he would like to return to a normal human being was like if you want to do this because I feel like that hair reminder 1 episode the podcast is also brought to you by Squarespace Squarespace is the only one platform that makes it fast and easy to create your professional website portfolio or online store Squarespace been around for nine years and a costly improving their platform with you features you decide to even better support their beautiful designs for to start with them a ton of style options you can credit you need website for you or your business the recently-released when you customizable templates and every design automatically include the mobile experience to match the overall style of your website or contact looks great on every device every time your face is 1 civil Design Awards including favorite website Awards the latest Forbes and the awards for best website design the customer support team is also 1 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front door off let me see something about Squarespace for answer the question the web service in a while until this year like last week or two weeks ago I signed up and do it again I want to be familiarize myself with it some platforms easy to build a website that looks good let me like pictures onto your browser and you have a website so difficult flight manually edit the couch sure you Damaris look around you bring you whatever and it'll make something but things just don't break it like I'm sure it's fine your story will do they put the door back on the week Define big deal and I were home I would prefer that find me a reason not to write but it really taking a door off and put it back on it takes like a minute to put it back on I just took off with it like put on upside down field and then put it back on the kind of amazing to do that what the last week or the week before Thanksgiving or the supervisor that we did a couple weeks ago and I open the door but I only open x-ray point of view like what you do the skeleton Gavin and amazing eulogy what happened I guess that's my biggest fear in life is dying in a way it's going to be on read it and everybody's going to laugh at how stupid it is and Ed by waxing did you have did you have a real job before this no I had a job kind of doing this at UT today I had like a manual labor I was a waiter at holy crap then again perhaps you've heard of The Amazing Bennigan's Restaurant obviously you have had multiple jobs and Gus has manual labor I mean it's manual stupid jobs in the past you know I was I was a secretary at a lawyer's office for a while I worked at an office supply store checking the phone Waterside was the secretary at a law office on the border and so you have to do a class to speak both English English and Spanish is not that great if you decide to be nice like that shit okay try to not sound like an idiot so I could look like it's hard for me to talk back to you how long can help you can a person in their life pics of imagine I just said that in Spanish I don't know Hodor I'm dating a girl from Mexico and her parents don't speak Spanish and we hung out like all weekend speak Spanish I'm sorry I don't speak English so it's like very basic communication like it reminded me of what cavemen speak louder and it's one you know if I don't what is the gotta go to work pantalones what is it about to fucking word protected library in somebody like right friends know that everyone knows Spanish book when they say donde estan the teacher was that mean it's beautiful first and I kind of speak Spanish for you don't you can ask for the library can you ask for other things are like what that the one you can have that so we should probably tell everybody at the office to stop watching the E3 stream because our site's down because of all the people streaming it's not people at our office scratches on site is down or starts having some problems right now because there's so much drama going on the internet that how we stream our video is getting bombarded with requests from all around the world 2360 what is causing us to be like we just got to be able to refresh on our website a whole bunch so much and everyone are websites refreshing constantly have not tried to start refreshing congratulations you stuck the course thank you so very rudimentary Spanish Spanish 1 high school college high school and college and I took Spanish 2 in college and then I just switched to Midland Community College online and I took Spanish 3 and 4 and one semester and you mostly just conjugate and I Midland yeah but what about your Barbara Spanish language to know besides English French and a little bit of Hebrew pretty fluent in French I can understand it better than I can speak it it's called Hebrew hello I need some French to me somebody who understood that in Hebrew my best advice is German for something how do you ask where the library is in German so it's difficult I believe it's the right one the time before I have to the bathroom really remember you need to more than just sounds so good to you they mentioned a new car on that live stream today flight at 4 so if you would have called it's like a Nuvo Nuvo never and never remember it wasn't and I was making fun of it and someone's like your last name is German don't you know any German and it's like that doesn't know that's not correlated but Ok sorry so your last name is my full name completely Apartments maybe Barbara anymore please call you I think you brought Barbara back from the dead they named me Barbara thanks Ed I think I'm coming with you do you think that most people going around and it's like a survey at Reseda the most people would do know a second language or not know what they look like like if they got dropped in that country could they get out of that country and back to United States and I think a lot of people have basic knowledge of the second language in Flight Spanish or French if I had to guess but fluids are like enough to have a conversation, but we were messing around with that a couple weeks ago on her phone at word lens yeah we just fucking crazy Photoshop is good for men using stuff that is one of the things that I look at and makes me feel like I'm in the future it's like you just look at your phone and it's like taking a picture of what's on the other side of it and translating it on the fly something that be cool to be incorporating Google Glass the Google company that's why the couple weeks ago when I was on the way yeah you have to coordinate and it has to see that recognized buildings in front of it to put it behind that and stuff it's probably be done just need to recognize the building just north of the latitude and longitude and it knows orientation aware you're looking at it regardless of that I think it's a good idea someone has already made it she's like all ideas are taken you're done then someone makes Flappy Bird when someone makes Flappy Bird and fluffy cat but there's always the one that's first and like tons of money in and it probably said they might even saying that though for Generations like people say you can't do anything else in something like the microchip comes out and opens up all these possibilities joke so I think all the jokes are done like they're all the jokes have been me the people joke about the same types of joke you make after them like you just like reapplying the same humor I guess your appointments team word in English but a difference story like coming out it's like so difficult cuz it's feels like everything's already been done aliens and zombies brand new that we have an idea that I never took off give me Frankenstein didn't revolutionize the Frankenstein movie movie Frankenstein I think my knees are so sore hoping to invite you you don't turn into a mommy how do you know turn into a daddy how does a mummy kill you stop the skin off right she does have mystical Powers I just chased after me what kind of different but we need a new enemy like a slab or something that hasn't been invented yet power sounds terrifying hemorrhoids disease that attack your mean dead people who will retain their cognitive abilities do anything the number Marley comes back and he's just like it take a guy and he's like missing and I like you look like but I mean his brain is completely intact any day will they Traverse space just like by thinking about it like Gus is over here and then I turn and then I come back he's in my face that's why I can't stand that she would like it was cool but it was a bit different it's not like I've been in the ground rotting and you see my Rotting Flesh like I'd be standing here and there's like worms coming out of my head is there do you have like that one moment where you just remember having any idea what's up do you remember the movie Gothika with Halle Berry have never saw it but I remember that I remember the night when I was pretty young and there's a moment where she's like looking under a door and it's all dark and then she like gets back up and there's a girl behind her obviously like a dead girl ice scorpion I don't ever remember screaming and a movie before I mean that reaction was like 14 or 15 how much Mars Attacks and I was really on a Mexican coffee pretty young girl 96 that's one of the weirdest cost of a TV konjac never watch that movie Pinkerton that like that out there original cast the scariest movie ever 1 House 2 did you guys see house to see the house it's equal that but no it was a cowboy which is even worse he's like walking around at work I don't know if for some reason.. Walking Dead that's no big deal but if it's like you know a samurai or you know one night and he's dead walking on somebody that's scary it was like yeah Cowboy terrifying but they're probably scared of all the technology and then you should we have no kids and Ed and he doesn't give a secretary word secretary schedule appointment did you call up the secretary is that traveling stuff from now organized try to be willing to travel I don't travel anymore pretty frequently I don't trust anyone else to book my travel just cuz I'm so efficient at it and I know what I need to get done and I know someone that would be fine I could be a little better you know do that job for me to start like having control over my travel ID bitch so it sucks I like it when other people but my travel but with my frequent flyer number so I can change my seat if I have a spreadsheet field with everyone's name birthdate and all of their numbers so I could when I used to go I would do all of that if we travel as a company I always log in and move my seat as far away from everyone else wants to travel with a stranger than with people I work with the flight I just need an invoice that they're dating they actually just went to from Austin back to LA for E3 and while they were checking in with had a screen that came up that said like you're eligible to upgrade to first class and he's like oh just saying there's like we could have great first class and she's like oh yeah I'll do that too and she likes your car to upgrade and then when he does it it said all seats have been filled so he can upgrade to first class so it's just you Gus First Bank yeah I actually would let me sit in first class early because he's going to sit and talk to someone else and I was just like oh sweet I find First Class quite depressing because it's not like I would never spend money on First Class Mars write out great everyone in first class is just like a middle-aged dude always pulls out a lot so this was like some show spreadsheet when it and they were miserable but it's no way to live when they know I don't think I'll ever become one of those guys around it kind of like busy busy busy flying spreadsheet species crosses the line when I went away when I went through at midnight I think I was a guy you like him text bunch and I like going to this giant spreadsheet with multiple workbooks and pages and I'm like I'm like doing flight going to LA obviously dressed for traveling so it wasn't very nice and house just like this girl sitting amongst all these like middle-aged men doing their work and I was just like judges you when you're first class everyone has to walk past you in their life but he does love show up dressed like a slob and first class scraggly beard look like a fucking asshole with Gus soon it is a left we're going to be at the convention center in 3 weeks. So there's three more regular podcast before the RTX coming we doing the last Saturday and Sunday Sunday or even better so I guess that week instead of having a regular podcast on July 7th which is a Monday will do still have that podcast on July 6th will have that open to everyone not just sponsors and we'll have a specific time and details up on the website soon so just a heads up that Monday July 7th happen Sunday July 6th at 2 o'clock on Sunday July 6th that's when that central time lost when we did that poker I was soaking wet because I just had about 500 what million of them in the street You're Something Like My Shoes will let one of them was dry both you choose word with one of them was dry one of them became dry they post your drive went okay I got you one of them still at that one and held 1 in front of the the address I'm at 10:31 blowing it straight into the hole so it wasn't really like to 1 on the windowsill in the other one you just kept like shaking when there's Ed because there is a question I will probably have to have that will probably be a supplement to repair I need to think about this a little more just cuz that's so far off from the regular patch release schedule U of A Wednesday will probably stick with a normal do we have to budget take especially have to check the spreadsheet I have to go on a flight somewhere and see if we can work the numbers to make them make them we should have the schedule up this week it's pretty much finalized we just have to get it up on the website looking awesome looks like one of the one of the trials and one of the more difficult aspects when it comes to event planning is having to deal with the printed program book and then program that you have to submit to the printer about 3 weeks before not quite but you know it's not right it's it's probably the most stressful part of RTX for me is that program booklet yet because there's still don't understand how many moving pieces there are two RTX and you're relying on a lot of extra people to supply you information like a website but even more up-to-date than the paper this year in an effort to combat the fact that things change so much there will be an RTX app for both IOS and Android devices will have a link to them what their approval once you're able for download so that people can manage your schedule see a map of the whole and you make custom my schedules for stuff that they want to see and it's pretty neat it's like if you wanted to say go to the panel now we continue on the alert and I've had a sneak peek of this that we have it looks good and it's great Gavin is involved and you can click on Gavin and see you every panel he's on every side and he's involved with and just like you can add things when I'm going to the bathroom what number is going to be and that my dad's actually working on it what is Larry mean Dad I was growing up I don't know why it upset me I was always upset that my nipples warranty us Saturday couch on my last nerve Camas Washington and talk about it okay cool my vs 1 give me the name of a word High School off of the website when she was like 14 she had to be on the couch with you can you ugly flight Barbara Flight Aware I won't give me a letter the dick head mean Brandon with ap Creek W woman so you know you're talking earlier there were no original ideas Left Right story like Jordan come into my office earlier and we were trying to brainstorm like a funny idea we had like to sing when you the name for and he's like I need help with the funny name for this thing and he's like we said never probably like 30 minutes and we can with a whole bunch of stuff for like it's really that great a lot of it's already been done satisfied yes that's the best option not that great message conversation like that was when Jordan was trying to come with the name for the strip club and where the RCA is Wii U part of that conversation we like 20 different ideas the name of the strip club chocolate something for tata's yes or no I came into office nervous look on your face like couch you could be like that you can come over to give him his face is like trying to call someone's Bluff I'm like if I don't take my headphones off maybe they'll leave what would you do with me you don't have to account for the socially awkward Factor Barb and I decided to pitch an idea to Gus right before the puck and when we both get to ask him so we went together chest Jon Risinger British hates white people class couch specifically for that reason I'm happy but I hate this couch it looks kind of weird I find it impossible that we can see into that because whenever Pizza destroy this couch if we did not behind us you have to buy a new couch follicle 1 episode 4 from Barbara I can barely if we could cause I still like compressed the set in a bit we'll all be sitting a little closer to each other and we should do some redecorating cuz that's a result of the new couch and it was like the table talking to match the rug not going to Max what field matches the rug which matches the couch stretch don't you feel stupid now interesting looking is it is couch number 3 first that's an interesting looking couch but it was really cool and the lighting is going to be shown on screen so many times this is just the couch just like you some couch is literally got this just as a placeholder when everybody will replace it at some point it was like the cheapest couch word the next couch that black one that we should put it up for auction and people I don't know I'm kind of sad because I really wanted to take this couch into Gus is my office because of the couch we have now is from Walmart and it was like sitting on a bunch of, but it's like first of all it's like 2 inches off the ground it's so small and short and it's hard it's not very comfortable and I want to take this couch probably be heading roids know it's fucking gross the couch I don't care you can steam clean a couch with lots of the gems out Mars Ed specialist field on it wizard 3 weeks you can park at that again I do not want to take the parcc test if I think Brandon wants to have it there people of that we should have given couch them in the booth I see people fucking skis and guitars all the time and carry them out of the place so we can check the fucking couch on a plane give me about the same size that you can put skis on a plane I see you for the same thing in the same size Bo Burnham I'm ugly and I'm proud but if you will take like Coffins on the plane have you ever seen that if she lost them like how do you say I'm taking a plane crazy shit load on a plane before the aisle holding a coffin 1 time connecting on a flight in Dallas with Bernie and I kept feeling the plane like a little bit that's what the fuck's going on and I looked out the window and I could be like the the luggage are backed up to it and they're armed security guards an old dude watching the armed security guards take these giant bundles of goldfish put them on the conveyor belt and let them go up the dude team up on the plane and ask where they got where they were going you got out and got his gold out of the plane well I guess you would want to see it will go on the plane how much would you have to do to be like I would like to personally load my gold on to the plane and then go up and get in the plane not allowed to travel with a certain value of 4 would be fun but that's crazy what's the country Philips Insurgency item was wanting to ask you typically on Customs forms do you have merchandise for items worth more than $10,000 but I did nothing about the fence and went to Canada imagine with us every now and then I think we change it what we do now but like traveling with that was it was really nerve-racking do some weeding couch will remove the battery on the right side of the the wide shot so I'm going to tell me your password so I can look over there at the table and it's a little blurry when there is really sharp and and focusing on Brandon side it's not quite lens on the couch will not fix a blurry side of the couch and send it back to the manufacture of people for Five Guys over it was like 3 years ago and again like the couch it was temporary Wi-Fi 10 free stuff temporary stuff never works people like I think 150 episodes will say otherwise cameras now but not for long we're getting you said 2 years ago were actually happen you're coming or going to be there going to start shipping later this month so we're waiting to get some test units and make sure everything works and then I will probably the trigger first start of this podcast the lavaliers are you should have it 1 camera for every person Michelle Michelle Barbara I know I'm trying to wait on you couch will be pretty close to each other looking at it that's why no but we should have a new couch soon and it'll fix your problem will be a lot bigger I was only kidding about that but I'm going to get some cameras will have the red lights on them the tally system you won't have to look at the camera looking at cameras temporary temporary temporary temporary I forget it I think Carrie went to Target and bought a bunch of stuff back here that's my favorite I like the look in contrast with the golden the red we moved into the space we have to play around a lot with the like the look of the podcast I just didn't look the same as it did at the old location of the other person because if you look at these pretty different Enterprise house fucking hot that got in there in the summer yeah God damn cold it wasn't a winner was not insulated hair is the air condition flight original Bullpen area and then you end up in the next the same reason no I mean volunteer for it when we need to the new space to take you like our people are all over it was just scattered in different places in and around the most miles around a lot too to take off in the cubicle 1 I never saw you three different places for different 3 dungeon upstairs office in the cubicles and upstairs employee I think more than anyone else I spend more time going to The Bungalow I talked to Yvonne and Alan will have to go to the Bungalow and hates being The Bungalow the roids manga like he didn't like it when I still walk up stairs and take everything off his desk now you really do you know what you need to do go over there knock it off the two of us typically flies over between 3:40 and 345 have noticed that chest except for that one day at 3:30 when it's early out of nowhere first and when I tell people that you get arrested by the FBI Airways 2130 that would be a cool app the ultimate the reality point of playing it tells you which one it is but it's pretty cool I would like a point in the section the sky show you like all of the plane tracking app that shows you where the sun will be on the line if it could show you like where the planes will be able to time it should be able to tell you that mean look up flight aware we need to public information to flight times and flight numbers along with GPS websites that do that you've got to change it to like read into documented reality I think this is a new idea I'm full of them to set their word anymore new ideas there's one right there but he won't believe it checking flights and some dude in Austin got arrested a couple weeks ago because he was signing you know those like real powerful laser you can buy online illegal he was trying them at a police helicopter and he kept saying they're great I brought over there that's a huge crimes committed really big would you do 2390 it's like the same assholes who used to shine a laser pointer at the movie screen graduated to like the next level of douche baggery 23 years of laser pointers are everywhere in the moon with a laser pointer powerful enough and you can it's just like really big and close to mean hit it apparently it was a new moon which speeded up work through it but that's when the moon show that right nothing could you shine a light laser shine light at it see if it's a green laser on the white moon is reflecting the Sun it will never get to Moon life can be moving as well he's not going to get there like it'll take you know yeah if there's like 200 NBA news Family Feud would it be to dispose by the time instrumental could you see if the laser have to be mounted to the telescope coordinates beyond the moon and then Barbara you don't like a bond villain like it's exactly what they do and Bond movies chest with green text on a note what is your pic then no but I mean like besides you see the Moon from Earth it's like you can put your thumb over it and cover it right how much can you put the logo so I remember but you remember this this is a story dated May 15th of this year a Japanese drink companies on the verge the verge.com the Japanese drink company is putting the first billboard on the moon they projecting on them and they're sending a 1 kilogram titanium Can field with powdered sports drink and children's dreams Gus I'm starting to wonder I guess it must be a bad translated Japanese press release to the press to take that the vice specially-designed canister which contains a shipment pocari sweat powder will Market disturbing your Frontier for Humanity the first commercial probably deliver to another word for marketing purposes Albuquerque lunar surface aboard the first plan private moon landing Mission set Place set to take place October 2015 so you have to mean taking up there by Falcon 9 rocket League Gavin going to see an ad on the moon did 1 day A 1 kilogram hair any little circle on the pillow he can't do that but you can't read something that's written on that there's a message plate in the can and good dreams are going to be in grave of Laser Technology to replicate handwritten everyone is doing it was nothing but junk all over the moon the moon just going to be a junkyard landfill moon have to ask permission I don't know in trouble people other countries be like what the fuck is she did the next major war will be over the moon I can see that because you don't have it that's why they and then like warm stuff right now it's about advertising about amount of people seeing something on Facebook so I'm going to go back every 1 the great of the day no going back to the vice TV show the most recent episode of Vice talked about how all the countries that border the North Pole are starting to engage in a new Cold War over who owns the North Pole is as global warming continues to grow at the North Pole they are now like a viable shipping routes up there and now you can oil under the North Pole that was not accessible previously so that the Russia has exerted that they own the North Pole or is like Canada the United States and their allies in northern Europe have said that Russia does not own the North Pole so now they all hold WarGames up above the Arctic Circle right next to each other I want to he will finish in Pole Position I like guns I don't know what you guys do to them you all the fucking murder them that the brains of people who work here so I want to thank for how do I stream the night and those funds will be back on Wednesday with an episode of the patch in the next Monday of them up Starkey podcast by weird I haven't stopped me show house numbers wrestling and Obama does not