#276 - RT Podcast

RT Discusses Which Way Is Up

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-276

Recorded: 2014-06-17 21:28:35

Runtime: 01:36:36 (5796.68 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Jordan Cwiers




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Transcript (in progress):

Rooster Teeth podcast World of Tanks do not make something the game does go 2 best online game of the year 2 years in a row world of tanks available for download on your PC for free to play in the US complain of now and it's a good rooster for awesome in game items World of Tanks download and play for free at Play tanks that you were this podcast is brought you by huluplus your favorite shows anytime anywhere with huluplus on your TV or on the go with your smartphone or tablet shows like Family Guy Once Upon a Time new girl Scandal and more right now you can try huluplus 3 for 2 weeks when you go to Hulu plus.com / Rooster Teeth paid everything up competition 2014 you can see Southern eye big nose that was I liked it all I can think about is the pain in the arse like and like to go out the really Spurs your us pain frequently all the time I wasn't here 2 weeks ago it was a good time yeah I was on the IGN podcast and I was going to wear this one right now and I'll have Greg could and sure enough I didn't and I'm glad I did because he wore black and pink lesser time really funny E3 of the patch a lot this week but it was fun to do but didn't Gavin that's why I told her today V close is awkward without of been really bad it would've been talking about it for weeks lets sa remember saying all the brain anyway getting sick to stop oh yeah I also in the brain that you can understand it can be applied in a variety of situations it's all the brain anyway and got a picture of a brain which Gavin does not like cuz he thinks looks like intestines and it looks like my small intestine what do surgery and they have like to get their butt sticking out like Pizza on to put it back in like the women they will your eye out in the back let me find out you're special like 2 us through and I'm not kidding game like scar tissue on the inside of his eyes guy we used to work with Gus and he talked about it I got reminded this room that doesn't even Dead Space 2 where they drill into your eye and its hold perfectly still to do it and he said that they world they drilled into the guy's eye and he said that seems like it would be bad 3D image all the way through but never mind A Clockwork Orange drill to put a needle into us you know they have oil drilled I can do that tennis to me that I need to look into that I think that whatever they were going to do they were going and they got the bit on the side of his eye all scraped off was like scar tissue or something like that and he said he thought that would have been as bad as it was he could actually the worst part was when they drew the needle out of his eye and it likely Seth surface tension point and I like held onto it and like it panic in the kids you could hear it this year I in a really quiet room never never Lodi Motor Vehicle right now over there don't hit that boobs in antique white no thank you whole roof on The Martin Show and every Oliver cat and I would ever say which one it was I was mortified if I have listened to it and it was a little bit heavier than and then Gus to be talking Jackson Taurus Lee bad for like big scratching and breathing and lets play video with my kids and it was just audio editing did you talk to them and then they would go like this I got to talk to me yes? mad when someone on the lets play has food in their mouth VM the podcast to become professional have any Lets Play We Made It professional and I like that you got most of it in the next one I had like a whole pack of gum that is completely horrible constructive criticism is one person that don't let you got and you tell me how to make my and then you watch it if you want million air eye really cool it's like straight out from uploaded it okay to see if the order is missing it's like if every minute then I'll be there yeah I know of course I know a lot of people think that but you're right everything else yeah if you can let the negative comments 20 30 40 what were created on YouTube friend like and comment I don't want you to call like I said don't come in your comments evaluate each other that need to come in and do that I'm just after you let them do that thing Gavin is beneficial 36 the video it makes people not want to do it if I see a video sa Carson Shop videos in India I don't know I used to like just like not not I will just remove garbage comic down and I will remove you do they spend the first hour after I put of the US and it's like if it's something I could get the garbage can I stream it I just like a personal lets just get rid of it in there for like to get more comments but I don't care about that unless somebody makes a comment I replied to it like to have an actual discussion was getting eye exam in the comic anyway what do you want to try to Foster positive comments and like actual discussion about the video comic not bullshit throw away like this video I posted last night for Father's Day Jamie and Teddy my son and we play Star control 2 Gus star control 2 and talked about why I like that game too much the kids so it was like a lets play the game is it mainly because I thought good my kids are Savvy enough to and read the comments and tell down one in particular but I sat in there for a little longer than I normally would like just removing comments but I found a Time no native Lee do they have their own YouTube account Jamie is there a way for you to disable them their ability to see comments I have no idea in them from the channel I guess but I don't they log into one of them he's mad at the dinner table and you for my YouTube channel kids notice is like dead so I'll talk to you about your battery from your YouTube channel awkward situation it was really cool to see you and your kids playing a game I liked how you were explaining the plot of it you're like yeah this is really like a game that I was really into when I was younger and you explain the plot injury faking please looking for some aliens to destroy ancient civilization that was technologically advanced it somehow disappeared Legacy mystery and event technology down everytime I hear that story here in Austin last week that that Chinese food market lets train Supermarket up in North Austin got fined by the health department because they were selling pizzle for human to human consumption what is pizzle what cow dick nice okay don't need that physical it was there so it was it was the note it was designated not for human consumption it was to be used as like a dog toys and Supermarket took it out of its packaging the repackaged it and sold it to people as a human grade what's your problem it was not to the right immature not fit for human consumption cow dick vs. not fit for human consumption cow dick of the cow that's going on in your life dead dick is Pro in a fucking steak we keep saying cow dick but that's like an oxymoron isn't it sweet dick that was the guy was a shower not a grower what is the brand name of dog food in the US pedigree dog food Kibbles Kibbles and bits I don't know doctor doctor play is filling up happy evident so it's like when you down I can see it I want to kids because they decide to get a kitten and I think it's me con Robert y Robin Roberts Eddie Valiant when you need it Lee game stuff that I didn't like the cat is in the bag now that cat he just pick them up not like you can say like a dirtbag lets going bad happy as can be and I live in Austin I swear the Ecology of where I live in Austin is entirely different than anywhere else I've lived in Austin over the last 20 years like when we were watching game over game over Game of Thrones last night didn't come again what would cup Valiant miles on control at Cat Island casserole the music they chose for the trailers we are if we're ever your the choice you have to ask look for a new show to promote the shit out of us on the popular show that want to look for something they hit the promotion for that Joe pretty much spot-on and Seth about that who's the guy from the show the real yes Kim I can love that guy he's British and easy that show too much to him somehow he gets away with it I don't know I think I saw maybe maybe we're going to take some days off HBO released some of your data on Silicon Valley and the Game of Thrones season finale today the Silicon Valley is now their most watched half hour show and the season finale for Game of Thrones was like 37% higher than the previous season finale Dead shows are all licensed IP stuff in there half hour shows are all original stuff the Big Show's to come to lead the way for their original shows I think the Game of Thrones season finale was like 8.9 million watch it first run them like another 7 million watch in the first 24 hours on DVR after they fucked up the recording usually and then it wasn't Game of Thrones in Arch Game of Thrones night we cheer for the new is the new teeth watch the fuck out people are fucking die in all over that up there yeah get me some of that and I like that character do you time with the same one character she was good as big as possible it's better for you this cat is that you read all the books I feel like going along and season one was the first book season 2 the second book season 3 was first half of the third book season 4 was supposed to be the second half of the third book nope they were all the way to V book with some of the stories of the storylines really started Lee Pro your head and it's all of it just like weird turns and not be surprised next season if it goes Walking Dead level of just like the books are kind of out the window and more of a guideline finished the finished book 3 I don't know any friend of my Facebook 3 the from this season with in the first book is that possible Hound is talking about what happened to face all he had was $0.10 in the book and the first book put it in the upside we talked about how his brother did that Burnie face Dead witch cat listen casting it is tough but it can be the most rewarding part of any production we went to some cats and stuck on day 5 and it was just like it was great I think the nails all that stuff perfectly and it made the production of that show a lot easier we are your people Hulu Plus you're probably trying your computer huluplus is so much more with huluplus you can watch current season episodes of your favorite shows like Modern Family The Daily Show and Scandal watch every episode of shows like Nashville lost and Doctor Who movies and kids shows to now more than ever there's so much to watch take control of huluplus to stream TV shows and thousands more as much as you want whenever you want huluplus works on your computer Smart TV Roku Apple TV Xbox PlayStation pretty much any streaming device you already own you can even watch on your phone or iPad 1 with train at work at the dentist or in the bathroom you can even block off a day to bench you also get access to Originals you can't get anywhere else check out the new show dead me about a pot smoking guy who talks to Ghosts big all 10 episodes now for nine months that your shows anytime anywhere like a quarter of dick right now send of Hulu plus.com / Rooster Teeth 2 weeks full access completely free the whole extra week with the whole 3 more with the special offer when you sign up for Hulu plus.com / Rooster Teeth get with it starts Jamie TV now with huluplus if 2 weeks go to huluplus Rooster Teeth I have a problem to talk about this problem we were watching the World Cup early whatever we do we do not have a date for his Ghana we do not have cable so we're watching it on the Apple TV and we were we were streaming it you know we have the watch ESPN app we doing some different though because Jordan said we were taking that one that we could use on streaming all day so I guess it had built up a buffer and if all it lag behind the actual broadcast yet so towards the end of the US Ghana game stuff started getting spoiled for her game from the Xbox about goals questions were popping up the free kick again yeah I guess you would like and Twitter and stuff I just thinking it was like I was going to score now dafuq with a buddy of mine where he would watch Jeopardy every day and he had a book you guys know this already but all the Jeopardy calculator it was like and it was looking Jeopardy calculator so we can play along at home and keep score for himself lets answer the questions right down the quest I need to stay for an extra day could be there Monday so this is back in the days of VHS so we don't Gavin is Room 2 at Jeopardy we recorded Jeopardy we all watched it like 2 or 3 times then he came in and we played that the previous day's episode of Jeopardy to Charles Manson what did the Battle of Hastings so he was very confused but everybody was awesome was different and every time I go by the Jeopardy calculator was just so he could keep track of the score more easily and it wasn't like a play at home game that communicated with Jeopardy ways it was literally thinking me to give a Jeopardy it was just down there and you wouldn't answer question answer the the dollar amount and you didn't have the Daily Double for handling that part of it and it would just keep track of his score is like a play along thing yeah yeah I was just like so much socially awkward weird things Adam and I feel like teach people who work here that adding water to an empty soap container does not make so does that equal more scared that no it does not I forgot of water out if this is just dirty water becomes really gross when it's not yours is it ever yours like it like what I've heard two shots of vodka in his water that is so gross like Joe to the Future hey buddy it's just half asleep it just pizza and I got my picture the calculator with just preset number about and it in the butt to the doctor. I don't know what that is jeopardy he was lost and he loves his Geoff no time for your shit head all the way up to Talk About Kevin you can go ahead but today I'm good for you time last 5 minutes buy Money Cup penalty time are mystery time the end of the interview they have the Stop & time and he always thought it was a mystery to everyone else that they were just in the game arbitrarily randomly with no warning after time is gone he ever tell you what the amount of time free single time. And they hold up a board out when they know how much the rest of and I don't know that'll be four minutes of extra-time he was convinced that it was going to be wrong but it ended right on big fucking deal time matters time matters he was upset with her because you know dance like the game is going to be 3 the three and a half hours at least the clock it's a lot more definitive there's a lot closer than it is like an American to match an hour and a half later going to be done within 15 minutes 45 minutes after that it was just completely misunderstood you remember watching him when I was younger and that was the case it was just like you Papa John's down you just didn't know how much time there was going to be between maybe 1 and 5 and I like what you got love for the San Antonio Spurs because you root for the Tottenham Hotspurs no not at all the championship the Spurs won office cat hates and there's a lot of things I don't like it's just like you have it under Australia Michaels your down in Australia right now for supanova could help but notice the intense Regional rivalry in in in Australia lets you say where in Sydney next week we're going to Melbourne and then we got are you know if you got to like person if you'd like boohoo so what's crazy to me is a Michael and Lindsay in relation to RR upside down right now now all I can think about it like that they're eight hours behind tomorrow big fat time all the fun to happen right now in relation to it is flipped upside down upside down the surface trout Lee us and now you just in space your this way up I mean that way out that way and you just said you could never put into this thing that you're taking those out of the equation I could never get close to Michael onesie and be like in comparison I could never get in your way would be right Seth the right side up just far away from me at a different angle I don't know what to put if you went straight down for the upside the antipode of what Australia will be like that I totally get what you're saying about that Seth knoepler lets Oliver travel travel to Michael and Lee correct if you would be able to the right to the surface you can make it I can your dislike upside down World relative for the center of the planet your like stepping back away from the planet but look at the planet we're using this of the planet these things are supporting this direction he seems to point in this direction I think of the earth as being our frame of reference and everything is pointing outward and I know it but if we shoot a laser up in the and he shoots one it's going to be like online rivalry having a very relative discussion we have different points of origin and different frames of reference that we can't all be upside down on the surface in relation to their upside down now all day at work but not in relative not really cute appointment book describe your upside is pointing down did I look at that when were sitting next to each other point up putting up with each other we are your reference space headed that way up so you're pointing up nothing his reference point is the ground election denying upside down indicate there face in there Eddie upside is that down to upside is upside I completely delete all text you earlier upside down that's not necessary t-shirt of me just in a different place. That's the way I look at it I can't wrap my mind the fact that you think there upside down I cannot picture them that if you froze them and you froze us and I get what you're saying that would be upside down in upside down anymore that's exactly the way that I look at it that's exactly it why wait question silicon Star Trek Star Trek us see that's why you got the Starship Enterprise and the Klingon Jimmy Jam and making love to each other and they always like it was going like this it's like they face each other like that be like that is one of them upside down like the other person upside down with this conversation the time is upside down and will agree that I'm right for Gavin face your the only one with the dissenting opinion usually that's Gavin causes why isn't your reference point because you just on top of that object you take it space or upside down 3D printing what percent of 4 close up but alright I thought it was a booth that would take photos of you and make a 3D model out of you and then print it and then give it to sell it to you so we were talking with them in the coming to RTX so they sent me this so Smosh perspective lose weight relative to my belly Joe if I was going to be at RTX some people have a Lincoln the link if you want to check it out and I'm captured Dimensions.com you can see they have a link with all the information and pictures and stuff how much they cost I don't know I really want to do it so we can show people that your mind I'll take a picture of it lets you hear when you look at the picture it looks like it's photoshopped in or thank you the closest online your nose protrude the exact amount your eye tattoo texture in the hair and everything it's so weird I just like I can't handle this it looks like the kind of thing you'd expect to have like a hologram on your iPad the next time in the eye for too long set alarm all around and then they of the trigger mouth at the same time I want to do my with my know about and go for it its current offer your privacy Gus they don't care said it looked at her like he's made out of sugar coating on it 3D Fort Worth your time even of you like to World of Beers big deal I see my dead relative to you that it would be upside down like a goldfish floating upside down in the bottle of beer so I had something happen to me last week if I got stuck in a fucking elevator 45 minutes non air-conditioned elevator the guy took the elevator up to the third floor got out I have my meeting came back that in the elevator to go back down to the first floor as soon as the door closed the the floor level like the number 3 to Star 2 flashing and like and like the elevator wasn't moving so I didn't the buttons nothing I'm holding down the door open nothing time to hit the emergency call Button die yeah I'm stuck in an elevator down to someone in another country after taking a woman out the ship they're sucking every 45 minutes I'm going crazy you finally find me play elevator repair man shows up and he's like are you stuck in there I'm going to let you out elevator starts going down but not like a normal speed like a real slow because down to the second floor in the doors open when I walked out all down okay we're out I guess what it came down to the second floor where we walked out I haven't done anything that's weird I didn't do anything like picking at the door and if I come up Country Coach get out of we we talked about this first podcast but do you think about it when you're in elevator I'm talking about buy a malfunction in elevator it was like something like you would write in a bad movie or a cartoon with a doctor was rushing for the elevator didn't make it and elevator door shut on their head and then went up of floor or was it the other way somebody was freshly decapitated body which would be a nightmare you want me to read this I thought it was just true it is true it was hard to imagine the addition was trapped between the doors of the cable propelled elevator then decapitated as the carriage ascended to the Harris County medical examiner's office the doctor die from multiple blunt-force injuries to the head and body his corpse was your teeth in the bottom of the Elevator Shaft along with two pages of cell phone and electronic organizer so yeah he was like trying to get any elevator in shut of them and then look one up and then to run this floor of the elevator to think about what you're going to say like this you're going to go like that just like that of the elevator in one motion there's no hesitation or anything like a pencil according to the concert that he's he's on the other side of the world getting up right which one upside down it's only takes 20 minutes Eddie here's what you need to do to solve the problem call Michael tell him at the same time point at the sun you'll be pointing at the sky and he'll be plenty of the ground no you don't know that's where the sun is wait that way either lost in the stuff I'll be locked in Like My Five Senses conversation thing I think about I thought you were going to mention when it comes to elevator as we used to work with a guy who the Jeopardy won and the decapitation 10103 free convention was how many refugees 151 you work with a guy who knew someone who but going through the ceiling right to the thing with snap on the other end and he said that's what I would say it's going up and hitting the and that happened in Brazil South America the other day just like the video footage of the elevator malfunction the guy gets in the doors close and reopen it just seemed like all the floors just going by him and in the elevator kids the ceiling you can see the guy I like I know he lived but he had some serious injury the ceiling it on the floor and like that you would hope you would like down and that that but you like break the fall how do you reverse that the you do you just do Australia very quickly Gavin us what would you do would you this theoretically you can sit on the couch and think of what you would do in this situation all you do is hit your floor button let me see how the door so I can open back up Joe the time you don't think it's going to it is like that to me I think most of those cable drawn elevator to run off of a DC motor and a DC motors have a tendency to run off probably had this exact us the podcast I'm not sure what that phenomenon is where they were just instead of breaking down they go the other way or just like they can't be stopped or slowed down I'm looking up Lucky podcast 151 how are you I should be the same thing there's a there's a ride at Disneyland called Big Thunder Mountain decapitated on that right there's a part where you go through this dark tunnel and its pitch black so don't say anything but it derailed in that tunnel and like the car like fluid decapitated guy so they came out like I don't have a head Eddie face that was once an experiment with your Dolphins right now stop little different every and every I will sometimes use my phone to look up stuff and I get people get furious with me 2014 it's not just too funny I totally get it I totally get it you can see the Box recently somebody cat people keep sending me the same picture and saying that the guy looks like me yeah it was it was funny cuz there was a picture on Reddit today that was a dude with an allergic reaction so I went to comment cuz usually don't read it works really good with uploading downloading is when you look at the first couple comments you do whatever you thought to ask about it somebody else thought that it was answered no not in this case the first like 4,000 responses were all like oh he looks like this he looks like that it looks like the Joker all ways to get sick from the Housewives of Beverly Hills Association in our brains it's so fucking important to tell people that the person never catch know if someone says you look like someone else is like I need the friend the same thing to the other no no no not Kristen Williams who Hemsworth Thor are usually just any hooker with a beard doctor big eyebrows for guys 3 happy glass glasses in a beer every night yeah that's one of the preview silicon man who looks like the Joker time it was like it was over and over and what's the name of that thread Patrick Hospital selfie friend had an allergic reaction and took a hospital selfie I think my default I don't really see that I have never seen he looks well reminds me of an episode of Twilight Zone they look like Jennifer Lopez Joker is that you looks like Jennifer all individual 3D look at him he looks like the picture hey why so serious Joker like three-quarters of a page what are you allergic to frustrating sometimes trying to find the source or something on Reddit was like I'll try to do a search on the page and search for Source what stores is one of the link you can click to every comment has a source and it's okay where can I search for to find out where this came from or what the origin for this another word for stressing VM going all the way down it's just pages and pages of people say he looks like and that Association it so important that we have to share that was done to the body of leftovers they put they covered IGN covered this when I was on there podcast wonder what that was a great game you can play if you want to come just look at the crap they put in front of a drinking game on it hey we don't want to products in your thing show me that nobody would want that stuff not used placement lets it may not make sense I never thought you might have that cuz they have ads for like Xbox and what about like surface upon which Surface Pro 3 Joe podcast 151 East what because he tweeted that all the Google look up our computer that's a tablet lesser portable it's like what I wish the MacBook Air was like a full super powerful desktop computer that you could play games on Ashley's got a dope laptop the laptop that like it's touch screen and then you can like flip the lid all the way over to turn into a tablet I see it on the podcast holy shit control 2 is it scripted like my reading is my life right now control 2 us well Houston doctor in elevator star control 2 weather World Cup going on with the police today 120 upside 2 / 56 four years ago 120 episodes select the end of friend about Adrian Pasdar what's that mean Adrian Pasdar the Green Pastures friend I wish I was it will if you let her know there's a good band right yeah yeah I was a good man now that's a possibility of Twitter happy about this the other day the last World Cup was 2 offices ago we never experienced of World Cup down at the Ralph ablanedo office okay we just think that for your. We move to another office that outgrew it and then move to another one that's pretty crazy yeah cuz member we made that short faking the injury at the Congress office for the 2006 first appearance to the gym when you called me on my birthday and it was your a 2004 of the time I think Euro 2004 we called you you know I don't remember the 2014 your birthday 10 years ago your birthday just passed recently had her thanks I guess I was 16 when you call me at 9:20 remember that awkward and it was like Jesus is like church and Simmons talking sweet on the phone as we remembered look like 2 in the morning for you as my very first ever interaction with you and now that I have your phone number I don't know did you have his phone I don't know what was it like your mobile stop looking for are you bring up topics with doctor I can't take it yelle to get patties and yelle was related to Anita Barnett was in the fucking your the paint with me in Monte that we 3 crash maybe I'm surgery for Chrysler patch panels for front of yelle what would happen to the Comic Con panels Monte the one we talked about Smosh and everybody off Smosh Smosh you know there's like surface tension nobody ever told you I don't was called the fight of the time but then they bought break into Smosh and Brake and now game trailers all the same company big boys somewhere between half and two-thirds of the game trailer Stan time Smosh live action stuff she got the pizza 8/8 most important part of Gus Thomasson I have a speech impediment thank you watching the game Mariel get the pizza that we will but this is serious Pizza Mother's Day everything it's you my everything the people have a thing for is lame like how they have like dressed like whatever Friday or whatever they have coffee club and do something with lunch with your friends I want to get together sometime Pro 3 Rooster Teeth all have that mean you said your boy he's going to recycle Gavin to of just thought it was like a bunch the last name teeth forever would it be happy you guys are all jealous smoldering sexual tension I just don't like I told you I just don't feel I never stopped in but I appreciate the invite last night she came over to see that she's pregnant pregnant 20 weeks going to say she looks good for a pregnant does that mean I disagree it usually like a giant inflated you look great con Smosh she would talk to be great although in typical pregnant lady that had to pay like 500 time but you do have a check that I was on the bench in the back so you didn't feel that bad see that's the point mr. better when you have to see some of Rangers beat him twice really quickly V pumped into the day before just in the supermarket I just saw you twice really quickly quickly between 8 and 5 feet away from Gavin upside down probably by .00 the same about the greens away from this one not upside down all I'm saying is if you take Deca and you move her away from you does she does she become upside down is she being affected by the gravity of the eye does she become upside down as you move away from you if she just walked in a straight line your in the same orientation because that's the point of making that's the point I'm making relative relative Club tennis upside down I don't go back in there I got a boy that the people were Australia right now Michael is in Australia they were just in Sydney they're on their way your purse have a great time with all of you people in Perth but I understand that Australia did not live up to its previous reputation they brought a lot of fanart to the movies they didn't bring a lot of booze Gus the booze is what got us Gavin to our Trek but everyone else we come back with like 20 bottles of booze Marvel Liquor Club Pontiac Montana have that problem where we weren't getting it we showed up day later your feel like awkward people who didn't meet anybody else so we can just sit in the car the whole time I had such a good time last night I was getting from my checking into the toilet and I had a great time Panic at The 2 biggest lies a Stan Stan Lee went down to Australia I don't know but that's a fucking amazing Joe 3D 91 I think it's how old Stan Lee Adam it was Eddie time I go to San Diego Comic-Con like I wouldn't necessarily wait in line if you like walking through Comic Con I would just think every time I see Adam West he has a booth called Adam West Enterprises nobody's ever there is just and it's really sad to see him I mean he's like Family Guy TV No 2 Box Office Mojo nobody watch this I don't know if you're at a career like he'll go from like Family Guy been cancelled to becoming one of the most popular longest running shows on television you know that he makes 10:30 makes the other animated shows on Fox of 300 us Cosmos crazy crazy Ghana Lee was born it was born in 1922 Pro Lee 91 years old what in the Million Ways to Die in the West has $37 so far during World War II probably probably before you you said that Burnie your mind when this episode have you played World of Tanks it's a free-to-play game with over 85 million players worldwide spring chicken it's got massive high-powered authentic tanks blasting away an intense strategic armored Warfare strategies Victor that history's most decisive Victory eye history's most epic tank and counters including Maps based on famous Battlegrounds World War II pro to the discussion came up and technically eliminate the enemy compete online against players worldwide World of Tanks is free to play on your PC Gavin play it yet you've been missing out go to play tanks. Us and Cody rooster for awesome in game items Play tanks. Us promo code rooster rated T for teen getting something real commercial game ever played to play you online online armor for the tanks or something modeled correctly that you had to know depending on the time. I think the polygon for the armor on the bottom didn't provide any rooster tanks on the bottom you know you could kill everyone in it that's right that's right is the weak point the the the show we just go through that probably got into the tank and kill all the crew members and the tanks does not have that problem very realistic simulator 21st doctor play 2 player in the world because I want like 3 or 4 games in a row then I realize I was just like you play your Hopper is like for the first time then I graduate I really got it it's like you can have a component of systems in your tank damage which will affect the performance but it's not like super simulator we have to shift gears to you know driving sorry I asked is a second person view game where you can it's relative George your first person everything Pro V we lost Burnie is there an us the controls are inverted are there from a second person perspective to be interesting to have a game where it's a first person view of someone your not controlling and you're controlling them through their first person view with your second View like getting their fealty to you 2 Play Happy stuck the fourth dimension everywhere that's like that's where they keep the view from cameras for Lee first they were just name it. She just thinks she makes way more sense play video games good first person shooter that you walk into a room and you just shoot V the credits roll Grants Pass game is like a randomized is a room you walk into a bill juicy that it was okay 2 really cool it was interesting to see I guess we talked about how important he is to you too I don't know if it's like something that's Lost in Translation but for them it was a fast car Jordan shut the fuck up cards to hand somebody say you're talking too much just shut up million dollars a year how is that a drop in the ocean to see if they could delete them in every week and that's not the case is there a blue and yellow rose flowers in there he's a and everything in it to the UK in Bristol I hear you shut the fuck up shut up stop talking please for the love of God just be silent say nothing you can say hey Jordan I'm just saying Ocean Lakes to Battlefield Battleship all the cool battleship no but I wish of the Petersburg the guy that made Battleship agreed to make Battleship just so we can make the movie Lone Survivor that's what I heard the Trek Liam Neeson to be spending Battleship all the money he was still in the grass Trek greater good movie oh my gosh and the gray Battleship woman The Million Ways to Die in the West is going to speak in a crappy movie and I said I miss you yeah what's the deal is the only thing I'm getting new shoes for you when I'm on my way to find the shoes new shoes me too I don't throw it lets do it or you don't go. Not get haircuts together I'll be in that club time link them to another podcast will be in the link them to a park on 1st Avenue decapitated man making it easy for Patrick get it next week why does have the old podcast play in my life John Lee was both remarried in 1947 to look her up and see when she was killed in the war I'm not going to miss you stop looking at it collaboration with Spider-Man Fantastic Four X-Men crazy for a billion dollar industry the crap that I've created as she went on to if they don't want to be billion-dollar like a summer blockbuster movie Gateway Petersburg Catholic music Army in early 1942 and served Stateside in the signal Corps repairing Telegraph poles and other communication equipment he was later transferred the training subdivision world we were writing manual training films and plug-ins and occasionally cartooning his military classification he says was quote playwright surface features Stateside World War II so you can probably no influence his creator Would we not have Stan Lee in the comic book characters have to die if it were to happen thanks Hitler video games and comics the come with it it's just it's just mind-blowing to me to think that he oversees and he wasn't he wasn't working on this film would my life be different should I be here Stan Lee wasn't in my life like could my parents they're everywhere if you die in the middle of different Jordan those lovely sister came to visit us at the auction cup Joe Pesci did you okay why won't tell George yet Joe your sister and have us. Yes you are hot I don't think anyone's ever scared Jordan mad because you're gentle being I'm going to hurt you Burnie cow piss me off so I had to put you in your place but Wow fight fight location star to here where every day I would scare him to take a picture of really really good Tennis 3D I'm going to talk about it so yeah you know what's probably Haitian of everyone so it's kind of like I said whenever the mirror like putting putting yourself into it kind of ruined it whatever the cameras passenger mirror that should be Jordan hey thanks for doing rtaa 150 that was 3D I had to do a special Cameo because I am in the beginning 150 very briefly on the voice of the panther in the in that episode open the voicemail the Panthers going to be talking time behind this really intense and it's like growling at these people like the Panthers growling at us and it's literally like as far away as you and I are Gavin time to kill everyone on the other side of the fence how many people still alive there's like a baby in the back of the die eye you distinguish I have the distinguishment upside to having done the stupidest thing you're like this is the dumbest thing I've ever done in 11 years so thank you for that I made you do it and it was fine it was perfect but I forgot my phone I said one more for safety and I recorded it so I have a video of you growing like a panther in the eye it was not over for my first performance as a panther ever I gotta say I was pretty pleased with that I thought it didn't okay job I think you'd enjoy yourself on the time did you know just as you know that was Patrick animated adventures have you ever just for a laugh made your own secret animated adventure with you like not like episode but I have drawn myself can I see one day maybe if you're good lets his computer nothing in there I would draw myself find me some trapping play my eye control yourself you can is it weird to be annoyed by yourself and hang out with us train got up super selfie on Twitter now that's not what I write about yourself space Martin and then you played the part and I would like I would to my house writing about like something weird like that you never know I just have to settle on drawing yourself without needing to basically I didn't need to go get myself out of the audio so why do I put myself inside myself I don't need you trying to explore mystery you behave yourself I see what you just can't drop it us you cannot drive I can't drive and I did it better than I do but it's the right thing in these things I'll tennis Seth again last night I didn't scared artist for himself I don't think I don't think about is a barometer for like the standard for normal behavior first Burnie left to right cuz you look like you're everybody's doing that the better one is the one in the hallway would you like to the head to kill it without biting my head do one right now should we do a jump Freeze Frame ending to the Poconos on the frame I believe we do but we've never done it knows how to do it figured out Dead Prez crazy but do not accommodate Gavin as he demands to talk about this special effect that want to try time slice yeah we're going it will be short of work and try different stuff like that ever since we got this V production here is ramped up so freaking much that it's like it's hard to find time with you just like fun experimental study if you don't have time to do anything but we have to meet we have no experimentation time which is not and you got it chubby shorts die to say us you made ninja Gus that that one day when it started and like always you do this we should do that I'm like I hear it so many times I'm like I'm going to do it but if I do it I did that this week game kids the kids and doing stuff that kids can watch like family-friendly stuff to the point where you just gotta do it and talking about it is that like all last week I was gone so then the you for like 12 degrees off from me Arizona stuck where we get the first goal in the Indiegogo Burnie and I were kicking around some ideas earlier for games and scenarios if we ever even my favorite episode 1 VM Minecraft on Burnie star Lee something about my cup lets play cliche like a 112-mile 113 151 107 came out Friday you want to and I just started taking 110 which we still we still like 3 months ago tennis race the race was coming out today I'm so excited like I didn't have time to watch lets play so I'm so excited to watch The Heist because they do well there I think Jack's Heist when he landed the plane in the street but it's like big blue balls and every single Travelers like social but as well I just wish we had behind the scenes footage in a room Adam Lambert 3 up in the corner US 20 down at the room yeah let me just like a record on those as well to push a button it was a little koala movie animated gifs next time Jamie face painting face as they make faces while they game of weirdos Geoff get the controller OK gas in the middle of those too he plays a game She Lovely Girl lovely girl whatever she play the game she does this it's like the most serious brownie face when she was a friend all and there was a girl girl gaming meme like it was really kind of Texas where it was like girl gamers as a picture of Ashley playing I want to the demotivational poster style things he says some people take Farmville really really seriously cuz he was like I had that on the plane and she doesn't have the face and that she's got like a touch Jackie the person I think I started thinking about it. What about it all stuck up Goodwill train you mother fucker we need Star Trek I mean I was never game how to figure it out but I think the Indiegogo said July deliveries so we'll put about July what are we going to say it we're still developing this weekend I want to be on the team Adam friend that I'm going to be upside down La Vaca Mala Joe dejected 3D robotics whatever I'm done I'm done I'm done for a while getting that much stuck on a podcast is a lot I mean it's like I don't know I just feel I'm taking my ball and going brain Play Store watch your back with the patch on Wednesday at 11 okay well if she's not going to cut away the 3 Way if I scratch my forehead