#277 - RT Podcast
RT Discusses Tricky Borders
Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-277
Recorded: 2014-06-25 01:42:31
Runtime: 01:37:48 (5868.02 seconds)
Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Barbara Dunkelman
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Transcript (in progress):
this podcast brought you by huluplus your favorite shows anytime anywhere with huluplus on your TV or on the go with your smartphone or tablet shows like Family Guy Once Upon a Time new girl Scandal and more right now you can try Hulu Plus free for 2 weeks when you go to Hulu plus.com / RoosterTeeth this episode of the Russia podcast sponsor my NatureBox order great tasting healthy snacks right to your door forget the vending machine and get in shape for summer with healthy delicious treats like everything bacon sticks support this podcast to get 50% off your first or go to naturebox.com / RoosterTeeth Paul Synthesia let's just throw it all away why didn't you cuz my life so much out of Russia would you what was the biggest item that you sold was the highest dollar item or so after I learned what a settee is apparently there's been a settee of my house 4 years and I didn't know it what is it what is it what is that Gavin what is it supposed to do as far as I know is meat on a stick couch didn't even in the most about everybody more than what is school double pay you to take away your junk that's the cool thing about it is it's a cat the garbage man was like nothing it was 5 bucks I'm taking your guard the thing here is that hate interacting with people who probably Craiglist posting on Craigslist I was crazy posting so that people who read it like normal people wouldn't come so one of them crazy yeah but think about this think about something you would hate to do is 100 bucks enough to make you do it like time you hate like I can't think of something I hate smoking with other people I wouldn't do it for a hundred $400 I would not help somebody move then I'll give you a hundred dollars I would be like I just glad one helping other people that's part of the reason I'm moving help me pack your shit in a box then you have to tell you would like I got the moves like couch I never want to use that couch again whatever it was us weather 2 minute and then put it back in my couch Friday social it looks every single time we'll set something up in a huge way I got to move no it was all completely 4 Fridge all that's and the guy that delivered out bed while they're doing that I found it we had piece of plastic in one of the other rooms look like is that they knocked off the doorbell cover which is somewhere on the stairs and just going to just love them and I would get around to fixing that fucking problem - the parties we going to come in then I can come into this thing like I used to I mean I would my friend know how to say my friends and I just go knock on the door see if they're about are you just want you to know that I'm coming my point I would never just show up and knock on the door probably when my foot but whenever the fence when I was like 8 I can't remember the last time I knocked out to strangers was dumb enough to pick up a job during one of the summer as I was off from college door would go door-to-door offering people car washing services you have that go it was the most and Gus Paul and I was feeling most anxiety like I hate that I hate having to knock on something especially when they're on their own property as you're invading the only place that they have just hired girls to do that really actually listen to you might think you actually did you did you wash the car is one summer College High School junk how do you make out okay I really like 25 bucks a week or something like that it was a friend of mine he started this company service the whole thing but we also watch them in bikinis app skin so you said how people are mean you know I'm their own property guy regularly I have a bay window in my dining room I regularly open up the curtains I stand there and I look out in my yard and I just say get off my property traditionally World part of America and you left the garage door open garage door with the person playing View and it was a German exchange student I think Came In Like A Man the garage to mess with the purse and they came out and shot the guy but they set a trap and they were just waiting to shoot people there like right behind the door watching I was waiting to be able to shoot someone yeah it was like the person to come on the property and then they shut the guy let me give you an example of compare to that one time we left garage door open at night all night and we had bicycles and there we had sports equipment we had two cars in there everything the only thing that was stolen was the change out of the car like you know the little pocket where the changes that was the only thing you like $0.70 worth give me some of that it took you 5 minutes to look at it for like 6 months and I can't promise to fix the sound for inconvenience Final Cut something in somewhere anyway I'm never going to just put it in network out there might be things that I I can never solve the problem was you know your garage door from automatic garage door opener there's a beam that goes across the bottom kid door cat runs through so doesn't like black and squished together and try to break the beam in the garage door back up the house where did the test for emergency the beam at the beam would be more lesbian about 3 months year this one beam was in such a way that when the sun was setting like after 4 o'clock that someone hit that beam and it would like make it so I couldn't see that you're the other side of the garage I put up with shades on it I could never get to do it so like every every year for three months I could shut my garage door after try to close the door before I put my house on the market it was the same kind of thing like 4 years it's such a pain in the ass I'll get around it whatever I'll make do with it before but I have some more cause I gotta hire handyman got to have someone come out and fix this it took him 30 minutes and cost me $50 what's flips on the one hand it took him 30 minutes and it cost me $50 only had pic the little green bar goes like all the things you're going to do it I just think it's like end of The Sims the people actually learn that kind of stuff because we're not in America that are high school level education and there is always some states were different but in most places we don't teach people as part of our normal like required curriculum we don't teach people about personal finance which in the most capitalist country in the world that is ridiculous to me Geometry Dash fill a pool another hose drain I would you shut off the other phone whatever but yeah and we have Algebra 2 that's the way I then then we going to pre calculus and calculus know where is personal finance window like balancing your checkbook or mortgage interest rates the American dream is to own a house to go to business school Island School business school business college gummy bear view checkbook which is better for calculating interest everybody has a credit card you should understand what interest does to you even though you're asleep even though Brandon who was recently talking about you know trying to figure out he says one day he wants to buy a house if he comes to questions like what is escrow how do taxes work in film I was amazed that what group in the UK from this is a reality show that he was popstars out before Popeye's on American Idol and it was his money I think one of them a 1.8 million pounds or something like that people that people don't realize when they door YouTube paycheck and it's taken out with and withholding they never see it there's a lot of people who don't know how much goes to taxes the same thing like I missed a lot of people wear that YouTube takes a certain portion if you give a portion of of a drip when you get there check and YouTube is already taken out there's other people who are the level where they had to write that check to YouTube that's two totally different experiences having your amount and fees withheld and then getting him out and went right back to you that's just totally love you place an ad on YouTube you have to pay the next time I'm out pic if YouTube doesn't sale the out and you still the out right if you sell your own and if you have a head then hold onto a bunch of money and then pay all at once and one of them but hold on your money new tax need to pay quarterly then you would actually make you could potentially make more money with it but it was interesting with UK once a year did UK like your set amount in America what is Tax Day in the UK 5th of April is the last day of April is the first day of the following month so you can pay that money degenerate iPhone so your text you're literally runs April to April then you don't have to pay till January will have the option it's hard for me because my tax day moved and then it moved back and then I paid predictive and then I just reset it yeah okay maybe he'll understand YouTube still pay taxes on your income that you make in the states and UK it's a total loss Esther so I did not to be nice anymore I believe that iPhone. I just got it in Sweden and may have to 60% income tax now that would be great that's a lot that's a lot of money to pay a lot of money you're talking about confusing things and everything about this video I saw over the weekend on YouTube I don't know if you watched it but it was an explanation it was a video that talked about the most confusing International borders in the world and there's a region where Belgium and the Netherlands share the column enclaves and exclaves like parts of Netherlands or in Belgium and parts of Belgium and the Netherlands window pictures of the town that has lines all through it showing if you're in the gym or if you're in the Netherlands and houses some houses need two addresses one for each country because I guess they determine what country your house Gus the line that the Border runs through business into the house the country or houses in dust where your front door is locked so there was the one guy who owned it before 1995 I guess like baby had a general idea for the Border was put in 1995 did an exact survey and is one guy who thought he was a built-in dude living in Belgium dust guard use a belt sander process of life changing his tax forms are going through all of that so he walled up his one house where the Border runs right to the door and of the door has two addresses one with a little bit I'm sure that money before the euro it was way more confused because it was a different different currencies Belgium prank I don't know what the kronor Swedish the simple subject the most confusing but the strangest border Islands therefore kilometers apart which is 2.4 miles they're separated by 23 hours because the International Date Line runs between them the Gilder Islands apart which is about 2.4 miles there 23 hours time difference because the International Date Line runs between them we just New York lens well battle on the on the calendar they can last so long enough for whatever you did worked on projects where they would Outsource to India in India they have some time zones that are 15 minutes I would shoot everybody of trouble trying to schedule couch island of place and I get let me to GMT it's like it's like 9 p.m. GMT who won the American tilt one that meeting so he's going to work out front door you know she's your friend and I want that person that also be in charge of my calendar and math counters are hiring a new office manager over in the Bungalow NatureBox and they're also going to be the person the Rangers like they're going to make sure my calendar is in sync with everybody else's and we had to interview candidates and I was going to have to like to town with everything for the position and I came I showed up for the interview and the person nobody was there and I finally texted everybody guy wears are interviewing for this person and I don't know that he had it on his calendar set to GMT and she's like you want to reschedule sorry no problem I time Pacific time and so I get out there and it's like it's all my meetings are set for central time in my calendar go to the time it is just my time for me when the meeting is just think that would be the way to do it you would think you would ever n ever travel to mention that you guys actually to California us and they have two hours behind so I don't want to change the time on my alarm 2 hours and then it was my alarm for 7 a.m. alarm for 7 a.m. set an alarm for 7 a.m. 4 7 a.m. Apple 21 if I don't fucking care what you wanted 4 World Cup group a was like here all today's matches you know the results of today's match oh that actually that's pretty cool cause I'm trying to get the best like if I'm driving and I need to text someone it's amazing you're the problem Siri fucking loves proper nouns she loves them like I say you know are going to go see the movie are we going to see Dave movie turn my normal words in a proper name it was like app but you said you drunk you sent me one reason why I know because how to get to speak it how can you do that now you can't Burnie texted me Jimmy this picture hangers those blue things YouTube hanging pictures you should never be allowed to hang anything ever ever I hope this one like this it was like this is all I do is win Gavin Newsom like here's the level it's not Christian Trucking because the play button inside the case is like it it goes out so it makes it look like an illusion where it's not you take your back to do it on the pic or total and I thought I was like I'm going to hang this in my office so I can't play buttons like this is not want to deal with this Richard pic the morning bring your play but until then I don't know what I think about of scrambling around to find us and then it was just trying to put on the only one that showed zero degrees Mars One Android one plus one Taylor problem they were fine I thought you fixed that is when you're holding up their tail lights with the iPhone lifted a little bit Bucking Bull Shed Kauai the negative one positive one Siri 204 Gavin bit about it the fucken calibrating what time is it magnet I told you I got it the Pointe North n Korea 5 never know terrible ten feet away 5 HEB and then look at the wall not sure how many guess 58 mile Verizon from ground level is 12 miles away bit bullshit iPhone fucking bullshit slide now cuz your one degree level how long does it take to shut up your brother UK free movies now more than ever there's so much to watch take total control with huluplus to stream the shows and thousands more as much as you want whenever you want huluplus works on your computer Smart TV Roku Apple TV Xbox PlayStation pretty much any streaming device you already own you can even watch on your phone or iPad on the train at work at the dentist or in the bathroom and even block off a day the bench to also get back to the originals you can't get anywhere else check out the new show deadbeat a comedy about a pot-smoking guy who talks to ghosts spooky then. All 10 episodes right now for only 7 99 a month get your shows anytime anywhere that's like a quarter a day right now so freaky get two weeks full access completely free the whole extra week more with this special offer for you to sign up at huluplus.com / RoosterTeeth get with it start streaming TV now with huluplus Hulu plus.com / RoosterTeeth on Wheels this whole thing that was Town 4 people in Blaine Matrix like to them into thinking that actually works for Time the movie 4 where is Collide in a while so when I one of my garage sale over the weekend I want to come back I was standing in my driveway like I kind of heard something and then right over my head like a foot or two the giant hawk just flew right over me really right over me and it landed in the street across from my house like what the fuck I've been hanging out like for the past like 3 days 4 days just landed there's like two giant Hawks like not in my yard but like right across the street the great thing about that Hawks Hawks View Drive kind of intimidating to look at them you can bet your head NatureBox like your body now that the hockey puck me up from my house there are no more grackles no more dogs then or pigeons Gavin eating a squirrel yesterday Jay Z when you eat a squirrel I don't know if it was a squirrel but like I said doing on the ground it hurts like doing like that I don't know it's just ripping a squirrel trap the gym one time and use the treadmill space window and Esther in a bird a little bird flew and just when I'm writing of the window in the window like is perfect Hauser dust in the air if you left the plate 2004 and every dust dust the other human beings shed 5 pounds a year 5 pounds of skin how much 5 pounds dust just like that in hindsight I guess it was okay cuz I'd rather be knocked out and eaten by hawk then just plain eating by hunger that would suck and feel it all bird flu bird Esther is coming down while I close up kitten proper do we have macro lens I don't have a macro lens I need the one that can go pretty shallow but now everything is macro red one if you want it. She was doing shift photography that she wanted to take pictures of stuff to make it look like miniature stuff The Social Network Moon racing Henley Regatta where that that looks like very tilt shift even to do it like the white establishing shots like she was sleeping I feel weird like he said some species of birds naturally produced on Dust like some parents for instance his profile photo Reiser English cover famous Mariah mug of the RT Podcast of shift lens Paul 200 200 exactly is a consultation it was always like the same things over and over right eye was it time to go to work and I would totally be that way I would actually say fuck it turn to go to space now this is what I do I'm going to stay I'm not and I'm going again Paul the way it's just the same size just as big what you mean give me pictures from the Moon is a bit weird looks from here it's pretty much the exact purse never one to say how big does it look when you're standing on the Moonlight Barbara bacon every the fuck is it bigger than the Sun the most of all the double school picture day worlds we take a different ranges never seen a picture with you that's the moon in the foreground in the God damn Earth in the back on you on the moon is that bigger than the Sun and the sun will be the exact same size in the the movie about the son of the Moon and why they look at the moon it's like 400 times smaller than the Sun but 400 times in the Moon is amazing to have perfectly the same size and still one degree yeah it would just be a shadow on the fake is more common to have a total solar eclipse Island yeah I guess so I guess so did you get today 8.0 earthquake I did not get tweets about that one that was on CNN following Alaska people forget all the time time difference. I guess it's of the border between Russia and Alaska one island is in Russia and in the other islands like the very last one come out of Alaska so that the GMT - 12 + 12 Michael app solutely crazy I think they said the island on the Russian side is only used for like military purposes that got a military base on it and the island on the Alaskan side is inhabited by some in with natives I think this is only 150 people live on that one looks like it would be awesome to go back over there 50 hour day or whatever the devil went to visit some of those other ones like the place in Belgium the Netherlands 4 you decide crazy places like I want 1234 State Street 45801 weird rules have you been to the Grand Canyon really weird rules n Temple St Los Angeles to Austin and you have driven it time for instance then limping and I can't find it Gavin did not go with her in the car time fights comp and call it love Gavin was in the car for that. They probably would have broken up because he's not good and there was like a cat in a car it's on your place some people when you get in the car with around for like a minute I don't like apple orchards in pet scan image real quick somebody posted a school observation about this so photo return of space photos this is really cool one but it makes photo came from fucking Nassau the hold on one second it's funny you say that like sometimes I get in my car and I try to go right away I try to start it and then put in gear and I'm putting my seatbelt on and start moving sometimes I turn my car on and I'll try to shift so fast that shift yet guard ever got to get him out for a little while free party Reiser the medieval Time Medieval then just grab me at the meeting are you in at 7 tomorrow not that I think you're going to do it don't make me go back to the garage sale thing I wanted most then you and Jeff drunk Gamers back today had an ongoing series was probably the most popular thing drunk Gamers was you and Jeff going to drunk drunk in sailing drunk Sailing sailing garage sale we just try to find video games and whatever feels and sometimes we would have we have good stuff it was rather had anything so that's a photo down to the surface of the Moon and the guy of the one two distinct of the Orbiter and you just one time that he was the most isolated person the entire world he was human in the world human ever the most isolated his distance to then on the surface of the planet on the surface the moon was greater than any other human has ever been no further away than any other human should we talk about how many people volunteer to go to Mars and never come back on then go back to it so the guy that took the photo of the lunar lander going down to the Moon he took it from the Orbiter tilt of the lunar lander in the foreground in the background it's got the Earth social point out that photo contains it's a photo of every single human ever in existence living and dead except that they got at the photo person ever to have lived in human that's not enough photo D thing is in that photo everything that ever happened all the history except to his ex crazy the future to be like guy I missed it 1 billion if you would bring 4 billion people probably people that photo was taken less than phone number for billion beam of myself when I was young 1968 time pregnant woman buttons Gavin human Gavin spray can you can you repeat the question that's probably for a different for a woman 1968 it would probably be different for one of them it's nothing to do with it harder for a woman to be Gavin here's what a woman is filled with eggs so the people are the eggs cheese and she has more than just yourself out of the photo she has a bunch of people that are going to be people also behind the camera as well as encompassed by everyone who's ever going to generations of people that are Polo Restaurant you could just smell that way cuz nobody got the whole thing about your and your grandmother with your mother like you cuz you're an egg in your mother who's in your grandmother was a baby has all the tech said the baby was in the woman had sex but it will one day Pasadena with the catering with catering Department of RTX and one of our drivers had a question because he wanted to know if they could pass out 3 bottles of water in their Booth so I emailed the catering department at the center I said hey one of our exhibitors want to know if they can give out free water bottles at their booth and I sent the email I was like something was weird about that water bottle new purse tilt computers with water in them or like empty water bottles that people can use human a water bottle would be a bottle with water I would but to me it's just drop us a line outside of an empty bowl plow through as many males are crazy Alaska bird lays small stupid things what gold I'm at shootout be out by 11:30 because I had a meeting at 2 and I was out by 1:30 and I miss the meeting great happens what you should know about everywhere on the planet everywhere on the planet lens off that you could you will never do that RTX 900 guy that wanted to be in day 5 and he talked about it forever like he was so looking forward to absolutely can put you in it there's a scene in particular that you would fit really well as a background player you should absolutely do it was really talked about it as long as we've been on Hiatus for a while and then came back so like for like 9 months was talking about it and call them tomorrow if you want to be in there from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. I have a business hours when we first started this podcast I think was a big stories with Christian Bale freaking the fuck out on the set of Terminator Salvation Russia dop DP you think dop and I think everyone is because they're doing their makeup your makeup for 30 minutes 4 hours shoot you have exactly Thirty Seconds to be perfect you got to be spot-on and you turn it on and turn it off and we're ready for you know we're not ready for now it's broken and you just done the best performance going to give and it was always you going to do it again and I to sailing after that that happened and there was like I don't get anything away but there was stuff involved where they had to make a mess and I really hope this lineup because that was amazing because I suppose you're right all the time and explosion and your images purse and the next two seconds or you can get to hit the button and it just record the last 4 seconds so usually explosion that was good quick and then you get the explosion after the fact that's usually what you have it set up for big stuff right there cuz I give me enough time to run back and do it that's always running as you want as much food as possible what I do then you will 4 seconds and you can place the trigger anyway so I'll be like right I'll play chicken then to the buffet so when the explosion happened I'll have a reaction time I'll press the button to record one second back and the remaining time for it and it was human like you maximize the event in the window always gets it wrong like then I've seen people like there's explosion we're going to set up to the explosion and then hit the button and you like you said you could set that trigger anywhere in the door so what do you three seconds to react in a second after and it's like the explosion as often as I like I didn't hit the button we he would never mess with the trigger point because it is head you would be right on maybe I'll stop said it wrong n trigger explosion you have to basically wait please please and wait a couple seconds and press it the explosion went off so he had like then yep all set Matrix shootout the head that one lobby they built that whole sets white and then there's a whole Christian version that set somewhere else because they never forget their shots right now and they have to go back and film it that's amazing the way over here on Twitter real fast okay someone said moonlanding was 1969 will be reminded that from now until the end of Rooster Teeth yeah I noticed on the first moon landing was we don't know when that photo was taken which may not have been on the first moonlanding then we have been on a subsequent one but I'm trying to remember what I did not 69 what the half life of 20080 getting fax in Crosby and you're doing the podcast you're not going to number every fucking D tail MetLife why won't somebody Earths school photo with a blue background day then come back they will set up Life on Mars and then maybe and then we'll have real motion all right people who have them as possible like to be possible for the Mars houses in Belgium of America and then they were like everywhere else yeah that should be then we lost and then America was America planetary war between Mars and Earth one human into World War 1 why did they have the resources to go to war what was Mars YouTube I just get ready to go the Army lens the world anymore like that at that age is likely going the information to readily available I just live on the beach of Normandy and the German forces the axis forces were just like things are going to come anywhere along this Coast in these corridors and D spots and they said of bunkers but they just didn't really have an idea you know it was that the equivalent of and everywhere else or other the point of entry so they're different offenses anywhere they thought could be a potential and it was a big operation talk about how they try to build fake armies like that inflatable tanks and fake planes that they said so that when German spy planes would fly over to take pictures they would think all of their forces were somewhere else but they were all just like inflatable he's like yeah yeah time helping our country for the wall on the tank inflatable of all so I guess over I guess like Air Force bases in California Air Force bases and airplane factories they wouldn't want them to look like Factory from the sky so they would put giant tarps over the top of them that look like neighborhoods then you're flying over it would look like a neighborhood street with the houses Android that is common under the tarp was us Matrix the people full for Freightliner in applications like the storming of Normandy but that's not really accurate I was heard that phrase I guess it was like growing up here One Direction storm the beach of Normandy was actually to Normandy the region of France was Operation Neptune is actually what it was called and it was The Landings both sea and air Landings Airborne lens that we did in the Normandy region of France and the different sites where I just had it and I lost it one of the more gold gold Beach Omaha Beach Juno Beach sword Beach Pointe du hoc I'm sure I'm saying that wrong Utah and then British and Canadian Airborne Landings as well so it was a lot of it was also contained in the Normandy region of France which I believe is where Nico is from Nico French and I think it's families from every Veterans Day and every D Day anniversary Nico always write something about that and he's very very like him from his family growing up he was very appreciative of the Allied Forces door the American forces Landing in Normandy Pastor D day I don't know if you saw this post on Reddit 4 someone took old photos of the beaches in of quality day was happening and they like Crosscut then with modern pictures out of that beach and see like where they were like dead bodies and planes exploding everything and it's like a family walking by crazy and it's really cool to see that you're online but time and see the history on crazy aside from that just passed here in about to turn up here about seven years ago the Americans British Canadian and others of all nationalities and backgrounds endured incalculable hardship and demonstrated until bravery to liberate my country France missing people from a distance with inflatable tanks and stuff I'm not sure if it's true but there's this house in North Korea that is built just to the people in South Korea can see what North Korea is like a fake house and it looked perfect from the street but it completely and it's like it just has really went to hell and you can see with a telescope one bit about the Border South Korean army soldiers on patrol then be physically 2 North Korea because they're not as well nearest Giant 61 South Korea and I was like they just stand there facing each other like a couple of North Korean guards of one side of a building freaky couples and guard this side of the building there's this room or this building that has a door on the North Korean side of tail Korea inside so that if they ever need to meet for negotiations to go in there and they talk when the South Korean soldiers unlocked the door they have a protocol where one soldier goes and locks the door and you need to one hand back behind him and the other Soldier hold on to that are manholes out of the side of the building because in the past North Koreans have grabbed them kidnap them taking them to the north so the other Soldier hold on to his other arm so that when you open the door if there's no chance of him being taken to the door continuous Montana then lost the American Revolution of the American forces that have lost what do the different American American can it will be one country DP fucking work I'll be honest I'm not entirely sure how Canada one for being a French territory to being a British Commonwealth not totally sure but that took place Barbara UK door like this in Canadian history yeah I guess I'm wrong with time and now it's on its way people will just fucking never let it go so your kids are proud beam mini basketball on the radio and everything else they fucking tell if they meant it like bacon and gravy on fries good job American bacon like Barbara out Esther are you what's wrong I just get really like this I have no patience will you be so sure you want to know everything you don't know how it became well you don't know how that happened in fact it was door the way to the prison the wrong way one subject that I was never good at and never will be good at is history I am just that you're the subject just never told him that you had there's a lot of dates and facts and like things you have to remember names of things in a dozen it's a lot of rote memorization as opposed to something like math or science we just learned like a process or just like everything you can apply every piece of History the different you have to store all that I was supposed to like just knowing how to add to now they one the Battle of Hastings so they probably one when was the Battle 11:15 1066 I'm just I'm terrible with history and door lens office check myself and pay the other one cuz I always wanted makes up the Kennedy assassination with the moonlanding like those two major events in the sixties I don't like myself as I always check myself you got the picture so George you're Barbara is the worst Canadian I am in terrible Canadian vs right because that much Alaska photo Door Guard each other guard in the door battle Hastings 1066 your correct number 14 we were in an RT recap recently Gus and I then you guy are so right and we were just walking along with the hassle this new guy that was our bit and I forgot his reply when they come around the corner and you when I walk in the hall together with me holding hands I will be there we turn the corner to turn the corner so fast you can holding hands walking down the hall I'm just going to be 4 You in the camera and I just turn around and go back but you can see me the first movie that we had guy who is very well-meaning and he was helping then she was like I was back in college when he did the dumbest thing ever we're shooting a scene that was in the movie one person said they were going this way secondly I'm like oh shit I should do we walk in the background of the shot that you just talk about where you are but like for their back but I was walking up behind camera great for the autism walk walk 4 miles walking and then Tony he's walking on and sure enough he gets about 50 feet of Justin Bieber Eddie goes like this Mr Apple devices D macro like cartoon style he creeps up like this Double Eagle door every time anything would have been better than what it was the reason I went off to do something and I came back and I ran to them and walked off and I guess while we were walking back to the other location that was filming and level walking around thinking the song so I ran around the corner and I still am like walking then that's okay behind the camera out that I don't see how that then what's wrong Gavin you Gavin has a spot on his face when he has no beard because that's what out this story a million times on the podcast but if you let part of his face cuz that's what he does because he needs to go to a fucking job best skin hair is different on that so you don't like everyone new what you don't like it you know I think about then he pulls out his hair to the Canadian line we can get through this but it feels good to pull hair out of it because it's tingly 5 why is it called chicken pox the town on the 11th but I could you don't have like a piece of your body that numb from feeling my heart should I get one piece of my face you had Strokes it was about your head and your butthole diarrhea 5 days in a row red is not how it is it is fitting that you're right equake of the bathroom the bathroom stuff if I can schedule something here I do everything in my power to get off the schedule and I ran into each other like 3 times one day you done with that then I was like how did this happen we need to piss at the exact same time speaking of schedules I saw you outside last week oh my God you like oh I guess this is it this kind of time as usual when I see that British Airways fly out there right now and I just happen to be filming as well we have that on video and return to me for my reaction to the toilet and I saw Aaron just said that he was still day like this just looking off into this and I was like alright we just got another school the box and a couple minutes came out he was still just that looking off into the distance so I got my phone out in the back of his head like 2 minutes of footage of standing behind it super eventually realize I was there and then just came out and then we had the moment where I still that we placed on the fly together maybe you were getting my reaction to getting their and there it is genuine reaction to reduce one of you get that cute trichotillomania is that your hair appointment reminder One Piece episode of Russia podcast is brought to you by NatureBox your mission is next Mars get in shape by summer your enemy the vending machine when you're starving at 3 p.m. all cranky and lightheaded the evil vending machine cat seem like your only friend don't give then head over to naturebox.com NatureBox Sims great Hastings tax right to your door and they're great for you too we're talking healthy snacks at BBQ kernels everything bagel Stix sale purse and plantain chips over a hundred more they were transferred there high fructose corn syrup nothing artificial even snacks that are gluten conscious and non-GMO with free shipping anywhere in the US NatureBox is busting up the vending machines when I look in your birthday Hunger trying to box right now get 50% off your first box or go to naturebox.com forward slash RoosterTeeth Let's NatureBox.com / RoosterTeeth day. Go to naturebox.com / Rooster Teeth NatureBox.com / Richard III play that role as someone just tweeted at me that they check the NatureBox website and they should they say that they saw the ship to Canada now I didn't verify that for myself but you're Canadian out there you may want to check that out you know if your mad at me for not going to Now history is not part of my job his realization what is the distance from crazy crazy that you know that that happens only once a day and we just convert on that thing Esther crazy so consciously go outside when you know what's going on mechanical contractor the building but you box NatureBox but I haven't looked at it I just cut it off around 4:30 o'clock so we can talk to you like this just two minutes about and looking off into the distance then it ends on that the only like podcast listeners who heard that one episode we talked about how I was playing with the stuff that we don't want to be like that we want to show me peanut butter cookie pops macro I want Christie grandfather battle Earth part I don't like is talking about like to play vs bison Michael how do you have a pantry full of like Old Ship they know they're getting ready to move after going through all our stuff and packing it up and she opened up her package today she said that we have tons of old spice's 5 must it always is when you find the spice expired over a year would you buy that you have so much shit in your house and you just don't need anything right now the fridge is that your the fridge like condiments that are 80 years old never going to have you seen the score of 4 year old mustard open a door you push your button and opens refrigerator or differently was that mean it doesn't open the door fully open the outer door and there still a glass panel on the inside so you can see the food without it fully being open that is correct so you pull up the whole fridge door it brings open the door with all the food and you can hold the button down and it pulls the front of the fridge off and you can take the stuff that's in the door out I don't know this cuz I have to buy a fridge cuz I'm moving I saw a fridge like this at the store the other day do you know how much extra you typically pay for that feature for $500 more expensive cat School Gavin is in what I called him stupid fridge cat he's in it you have a bunch of start-up cost but you have a house so when you can go by the house you just kind of like trade in your old house and then move that money over here new house Red Bud Gavin day you don't have that you have to like start to come up with your down payment and it's like it's like the first thing to go buy a car you buy used car UK like $5,000 for used car lot to come up with $5,000 but the next time you go to the card you have some value in that system and you can like straight-up you know if you spend $5,000 you were going still going up and cars basically you have your old car still in that stage of life just makes you and your and garden hoses and all the lawn mowers at my house to eat I wouldn't be surprised if every single day since I bought the house I spent $500 wow just like pots and pans in your blind spots and you're buying who plays network $502 no it's not Ashley wants to have the water for the door massage I really like yours so I got to fridge of the same thing really I don't like the look of the water spigot outside on the door of the fridge out to her that was like so it made it like if she gets like a fridge that has that friend that you know and she was like because in the fridge door okay I'm excited but I'm happy to my fridge and I put it on my cat I'll keep everything like that for Ikea furniture and had a couple of screws left over maybe like the book like I might need that 71 day arm I need to screw I'll keep it then I changed when I moved here I was like I haven't used something in a year I'll get rid of it and not kind of now I'm just like bill bill bill buy one I'll just do that that way because that way to store stuff remember that when I moved out I was like that's like a little baggie full of those wooden dowels those little locking screws what do I have when you buy a new chair you put it all together in the book those they keep the rent because every nine months you should time will the screws not like I'll do that and now I suppose I'll just get rid of everything that you need to constantly and never have Millet to get an apartment in college we were roommates the first thing you the first day was he said okay you open the door you think there should be like the kids over there what's wrong with you Matt Matt to the first day we moved in he's like okay we can determine what George can be the drunk the junk drawer at the what and does the junk drawer where we just like you know we were just random shit in there and like the garbage that's what I started doing stuff like gold batteries I'm one of them but I never junk George going to be very mad median in UK couch Michael McIntyre he does like my whole 5 minutes bit on a man drawer and it's just stuff that I figured I would just take control the drawer just talk like an old screwdriver that only works on glasses and take-out menus and that reason still at home instruction manuals for junk drawer tool junk drawer old car and a half between the time I got divorced and I work full time a year and a half and they're really good I mean like when we going to put in this drawer level you live with the girls so they don't get sold then we can do everything at the same time time before I've never I've never I've never actually moved in I've never pooped upstairs that's going on that's over but what if she's not popstars Lobby that's a little weird is it that I would if she if she's not home D of app that is like a little treat to know each other Gavin the cat box not as an actor but just as a guy is George Clooney cuz he is a renowned prankster and he used to live with the guy who is the guy that I'm mad about you he's the guy who Paul Reiser now Paul Reiser a friend who's the guy's name in the guy had it for like a month went down every morning and cleaned all the crap out of the cat box in the guy was getting worse because it's never going to the bathroom ever and then George Clooney ever Montana fucking funny it's really funny it's really funny Clooney want to let people know they're coming live on the App Store now you can download it and I can text you still download it if you want I can't stop you but we will find out any late-breaking schedule changes and then I will send you push alerts high-end but our futures Richard kind scrubs his pockets were going to be on before it us or you going to be on next Monday recap we doing one live on the panel us so next Monday will do a podcast here the Monday after that will be a rebroadcast of the RTX panel which will be on Sunday so the Sun instead of having social July 7th podcast will be a rebroadcast of the one we do on July 6th can we do it like this or do we have to stay on the long table in the couch doing the posting and I can't hear anything Apple Chestnut the couch with my favorite thing about any last minute changes to everybody request Richard Long punch list of shit to do with that we spent a long time on the phone today that's just like it describes you know there's hundreds of people who work on putting this event together over the course of a week or all of these hundreds of people doing at any given time when's it going to be done but fuck it up then I'm going to go to couch and chairs and the table put this up and then we're done move this stuff and put the tables back couch couch I will take your couch in my office couch we'll take your sweet couch you have a son what is your couch at home to see couch recliner posting together and independently of each other couch with a recliner down on it 4 - Siri who else you know that has a couch just like that Michael in the middle just it just looks like another couch from a distance bucking Christian apple tree you get old like boobs Gavin Everett what are you supposed to level the odds of soft like a pillow now I gotta see this couch suede recliner now it's just like it's not even like that they're going to bring his winning animations door remotely fabric you sweetie it looks like later isn't. it isn't okay what do I say it looks like the weather is it like iPhone the outside of a Venn diagram Paul the things that leather is not leather couch so next podcast here this is this is actually the last podcast for the couch right there will be any couch now Apple chainsaw and Hawks just do it in his office YouTube Phantom to record a chainsaw cutting a couch in half and Barbara for their office got a couch the couch couch in the Box open the box you put on the out and then put the cover on the bottle hey gus Barbara we are giving a $400 300 UK treasure Town and Country MO happy 300 couch that night bird calls I'm not for you we should do a contest companies couch but it's like what they have the car for like 3 Grand and and make you a good the couch competition $300 Compass couch when Gus and Barbara UK beam scrap of fabric pulled over if I had a meeting on that couch today box couch $220 to 4214 on that couch give them all double stud Dorset the boat which has like a little over an inch off its not even quite a love seat it's like I'm just kind of a little bit of a bigger chair and then a small couch and ottoman kind of coffee the coffee table and it looks comfortable then it's like if you saw that that picture it sitting on the couch just plop your ass in that hard top of foot it wouldn't be bad because I would just pop your ass out that level alright because you have to really see it yet to commit and you got a compressor just fine then you don't have to sale my fucking couch don't come to my office problem best party I'm not trying to take this caliber is fired and it was going to happen to your fucking couch what was going to happen with you put in your office so I'll keep that out of my ass it's like you guys got a couch it's like the weirdest couch the way you said you can fall asleep within 3 minutes of any situation describing our couch and love-seat if it's out of love seat fits a 8 seat and underscores then run on Twitter for that us yours is not 4 4 3 yeah you need some help YouTube Billy out of house and get the fridge when you guy get the door that opens halfway or the button that goes all the way in then that's hard fucking office furniture is the most overpriced stuff on the planet as we got it for a cubicle that a regular person skin is like $6,000 are you serious like the channel That the electric runs in and all that stuff is like $6,000 apple looks like a folding table that they put Carl Sandburg Village Esther Freeman holding a wall up with the props of that closet pet supplies what's the difference between like tables and we're still figuring out the space that's it that's something every time we moved in any office and we said people start cleaning shit like we're Gavin went through some of that with his office because Gavin has not figured everybody was my office for a project I never I never get them at home are you still at out so I just told me but I really think it's out of place he took my place I need to call you out on something Burnie computers facing away from the door so like you can see what they are working on that is true and you were saying how like all you know it should be a big deal but people should be able to see what you're working on then you mother fucker horseshit I have no curtains and now hey what you doing that this app for my jeans again Apple Time by Imagine of George cracking up she put it in a laptop bag travel with on a plane open up again and you see what the attractive enough the party so I want our last three RTX podcast and a new couch so I can say thank you to everybody who supported the Indiegogo campaign or has so far we have 14 days left thank you so much very much business Apple menu who won the network in the n red Kiva how to cast to guy huniepop Jessie