#282 - RT Podcast

RT Discusses Wisdom Wanks

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-282

Recorded: 2014-07-29 23:30:58

Runtime: 01:34:45 (5685.23 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Blaine Gibson




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    "Express" => "http://www.express.com/"
    "Tinder" => "http://bit.ly/1pCT0Ti"
    "Wisdom Wank" => "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IYCNS9kuS0c/Ttw8D2yZ6bI/AAAAAAAAAGA/_wBqMs-D4l8/s1600/Man+with+lightbulb+above+his+head.jpg"
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    "Tweet Bot" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tweetbot"
    "Disney Princesses" => "http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130222060253/disney/images/7/7d/2013disneyprincess.jpg"
    "Girl Trips" => "http://www.fodors.com/news/girlfriend-getaway-to-las-vegas-7089.html"
    "Amoebas Eat Eyes" => "http://jezebel.com/student-keeps-contacts-in-for-six-months-amoeba-eats-1604319154"
    "Lasik surgery" => "http://www.webmd.com/eye-health/lasik-laser-eye-surgery"
    "Planes Catching Fire" => "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2615575/Planes-engine-catches-fire-Perth-airport.html"
    "Flight Crew Reactions" => "http://thoughtcatalog.com/hok-leahcim/2014/03/35-flight-attendants-and-pilots-share-the-most-obnoxious-thing-a-passenger-has-done-mid-flight/"
    "Disney Proposals" => "https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BtB_t7OCIAA_iKH.jpg:large"
    "Blaine" => "http://roosterteeth.com/bgibbles"
    "Merida at Disneyland" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv8lTMD-AkU"
    "Unseen" => "https://twitter.com/GetUnseen"
    "Parking Assholes" => "http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/"
    "Tesla" => "http://www.teslamotors.com/"
    "RTAA Drunk Burnie Returns" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXWD2bIUenY"
    "AH Anniversary" => "http://roosterteeth.com/geoff"
    "RTAA 4 Yrs" => "http://roosterteeth.com/jordan"
    "Burnie Eats It" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhHICfdrfvM"
    "Frag Dude " => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlPfBAvZ94A"
    "Nathan Zellner" => "http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0954658/"
    "Gus has hemorrhoids" => "http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsweek/Hemorrhoids_and_what_to_do_about_them.htm"
    "Sky Diving" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parachuting"
    "Tandem Jumps" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tandem_skydiving"
    "96 Skydiver" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zrbq2Y_-yJk"
    "Juarez" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ciudad_Ju%C3%A1rez"
    "Federales" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federales"
    "Fart Hoofer" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DrIp99uSn4"
    "Destiny" => "http://www.destinythegame.com/"
    "Gears of War 1 " => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gears_of_War"
    "Burn Out Paradise" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burnout_Paradise"
    "Burnies Journal" => "http://roosterteeth.com/members/journal/entry.php?id=3234340"
    "UFOs" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unidentified_flying_object"
    "Haleys Comet" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halley's_Comet"
    "Nostradamus" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nostradamus"
    "Y2K" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2000_problem"
    "6th Mass Extinction Event" => "http://news.yahoo.com/earth-may-early-days-6th-mass-extinction-200209838.html"
    "Oxygen Algae" => "http://www.ecology.com/2011/09/12/important-organism/"
    "Nathan For You" => "http://www.cc.com/shows/nathan-for-you"
    "Time Warner Cable" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_Warner_Cable"
    "Tethering Your Phone" => "http://mobileoffice.about.com/od/phonesformobileworkers/f/what-is-tethering.htm"
    "Net Neutrality" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_neutrality"
    "SDCC" => "http://www.comic-con.org/"
    "Mega Con" => "http://megaconvention.com/"
    "Dash Con" => "http://www.dashcon.org/"
    "Anaconda Ball Pit" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uat_AyGmva8"
    "Bad Grandpa" => "http://www.jackassmovie.com/social/"
    "Vidcon" => "http://vidcon.com/"
    "Tumblr" => "https://www.tumblr.com/"
    "9Gag" => "http://9gag.com/"
    "Gavin VS RayWJ" => "https://twitter.com/GavinFree/status/325997276361277441"


Transcript (in progress):

LASIK surgery podcast is brought you by has the best way to manage home in less than 5 minutes find your new domain get it up and running and start realizing your online ID it right over., get 10% off your entire first purchase with a code grapes shover.com and the code grapes this podcast is brought you by huluplus your favorite shows anytime anywhere with huluplus on your TV or on the go with your smartphone or tablet shows like Family Guy Once Upon a Time you girl Scandal and more right now you can try Hulu Plus free for 2 weeks when you go to Hulu plus.com / Rooster Teeth hey everyone in The Walking Dead Y2K of the podcast Gavin Flynn and Burnie and Gus pretty please my first time so you know I thought I'd make a good first impression European women it was my problem I wear a medium in the UK write on a meeting place and that you think that's more than eyes means we're going to be a bit smaller smaller than medium smaller than a you can meet him just about ready to meet Miss Piggy Telex smaller half so you have a new shirt that 4 t-shirt the T-shirt Tuesday because of me trying to buy every company what is the first podcast YouTube Pizza in Express dude last mission Express tweet was Burnie it was me great store eats it store for women Brandon shops Express Aaron shops Express does a fancy restaurant for dinner once and they had a dress code you have to wear a jacket at 6 o'clock so I'm just going to store trying to find the cheapest suit jacket I could I found a suit jacket for 20 bucks it didn't Express that provide Jack and I don't know things about Express they have sales like constantly Pokemon texted sorry no I wasn't it total Flight 300 your going to go that have a summer sale it's like everything 50% off so I figure it's not tailored anyway no Good Very where she's not constantly Blaine wherever you go it's like Tinder 24 hours of fucking day which is the you don't like left right left has no it's no it's not it's just me from Tinder we talked about that she said to him one time where you going I'm going to work she says you work a lot so he broke up with me parking out War 2 out yet happy for you and I was like yeah I've had it since you like okay so like yeah so there I was if I was single so I broke up with her and if things are going well I just looked at her Facebook last night and I like time in the state she was really hot so I've been pretty good I don't want to go out sometime from work and she said Okay and then like she was con ah everything you do you do the wisdom wank of the wisdom well it's like when you're unclear the jerk off and it's like everything is just like the right in the world you drunk it off and then if you still want to be with of the characters in the other room 1 they're absolutely wisdom wank much more clearly without a few minutes we're just like the one at the moment afterwards it's like really depressing it you know like if you made a mistake and you're like I'm mad at you never going to live you got to say anything on the situation if it's like someone made my parents and listen to you tell me if it's been with then you just automatically realize it's like I made a horrible mistake you just like 4 yeah that's what you have likes super clarity net afterwards meal you have a clear mind me like I should make these decisions differently if I could break up with someone it you you you people try to break it up that's like what is the word for that if I can muting someone it's what you do with yourself in their life had a boyfriend and now they still have a boyfriend you're just turned off so I just blocked him procrastinating block it off relationship there's no way you could do that if I didn't pit girl friend that's your girlfriend I hate to say but it was in person and I just said listen things are working out I laid it all out for her and I just said I think we should we should be apart because I don't know how to get to for a while and then she's got 1 and come back I'm going to be a dick in and say that any time I've ever broken up with the girl or anything now concurrently I'll just compare myself available he is and you know he doesn't have a you get to go back and look and see like compare anything like that you calling eyes good thing ah I can't believe you at you think men should have pubes likes I see what you mean I'll see what your fucking care you mention something similar or like if you're on someone's twitter then you likes all of them you're just like falling all the time dude anything I'm so excited if somebody Twitter does something stupid like I've been very clear about if you texted her to go to hell definitely block you or if somebody is like really egregious it makes con it to the YouTube channel a bantam from a YouTube channel which we can totally do we can bad people to count before I ban or block somebody I follow them first then I blocked them because then they can feel free burn phone you know that's really and then I want to have the full roller coaster are dude it you know just because they want to text you basically tell him I'll call him from your YouTube channel more thing if I do it that way if you take offense to her or do you know somebody that takes offense to unlike when someone unfollows you or when you unfollow someone else that's like a friend I think there's 3 people on Facebook that I don't want to follow anymore and they're Jeff Williams Joel Heyman and Luke McKay and I thought I am friends with all of my Facebook for my friends but they will accept I think any friend request all of my friend request that I have to decline from friends of friends and you are a hypocrite the same thing and when someone else bitched about that too if you like I have never done you have a memory I think you're thinking of me I used to do that and I don't do that anymore he's mistaken what's up bipolar time have a great day call me when it's okay I'll take it and she had like thousands and thousands of Tweet songs just like I just saw the phone with her and she noticed it was kind of watch you checking if you like call me out on it was like yeah you just make it downfall it's easier just to keep calling him this can you meet somebody that was in tweet bot you can tweet in Twitter actually tweet pretty much everything princesses when we were in Orlando for business Tinder business out there Mega Run on on all the theme parks so we went to Disney Studios Universal you went to Disney World. I've been on these types of business trips before any of the shit that I had about 90 minutes one time and we went and filmed a short and Disney World at roller coaster 1 what does like it's been there we talked about all these trips I get to take it it's like unseen Airport Taxi and then Convention Center taxi and airport and I'm back yet so I don't know what kind of fucking trips you guys are on the you got you got to go to all of them Eureka it was late I went to Dubai and I did the shooting in 1 out and talk in time girl trips whatever get the biggest or whatever and they go 1 girl trips like I don't ever go on guy trips cuz all my friends I work with the last thing that I would ever do in a thousand years is go somewhere with us or not we go together for fun 1 time when was that ten years ago forget the whole thing Gus 1 you gotta understand people don't understand the story it's not that I hate it because I didn't want to go to Vegas I didn't want to go to Vegas at that one particular time people when they do this or they're like why do you hate Vegas why did you hit biggest when it was tired I had my contacts and I want to go to my fucking hotel and sleep you can never dress up an old story and defend yourself it that never works eats it totally fruitless to try to do that totally for it I read that if you leave your contacts in too long your eyes get you for appetizers they will adhere to your eyeball Lasik that's a thing I have Lasik at now how is that process I heard that you're like a week for the whole thing but when they do it's what they do is they put a ring on your I don't put a picture that I have to go get them now and then they pressed on your eyes so hard that you can't see out of more like your viginal goes black I don't mean because it's pending your out of the shape of it likes working it's working basically been the heart Lasik likes not coming down right your heart put it in the literature is that it's a laser carving your eye so you get to smell your eyes likes smells like it's burning of the throat would you eat that if you're walking by restaurants you would do the planes about to go down okay it's like this horrible likes copper plastic smelling fire disgusting but it's really disgusting to the internet from Orlando I think I don't know grandpa I was convinced the planes Catching Fire And if you remember this well yeah we were everything else then all of a sudden all the air conditioner instead of blowing cold air just blowing hot air likes super hot out how to turn it off and it starts smelling like melting plastic out of the cabinets and it's getting like 10 minutes I'm just likes planes that flight crew reactions Lewis that was TWA war in Chicago what is the Logic Supply for the Arts you're just going to have to wait like if I get rid of a plane that goes through O'Hare Airport then I'm going to have it almost every single time I've been delayed then multiply the pilot hole in the storm and decided to try to get through it and it was so much turbulence would kind of like to do for me to get that stomach feeling of my car because I mean I can jump off a diving board I don't get that stomach what you're expecting that we were just sitting there and then your chair drop the foot out from under you feel that really you're not expecting it anyway they did they try to go through a hole in the storm didn't work out there's still much to be likes all the overhead bins open and dump all the luggage in the aisle that's how bad the turbulence was fine with us and he was like one of the flight attendants was on this thing flight that I took the Scotland when I was coming back and I had my personal accident which we don't need to go flight out was literally the day after I had Lasik so I was so busy at that point my life I had to go to Scotland but I and so I had Lasik and then the next day got on an international flight after my first 24 hour check up and I was still for 10 days had to do antibiotic drops in my eyes because I had my eyes wide open I got on an international flight to another country to 200 peoples jumps flight arrivals your concern about the differential like making your eyes for like a day or so when we were up in the air just the altitude like my head was just fluid and then I couldn't hear anything and Brandon was like eat your you were breaking cuz I was just like leaking fluid is disgusting head congestion so we've been posting pictures to Facebook he's he's a great guy so we decided to go to Disney World and I want to we've been posting pictures of just what we're doing it was just getting kind of boring so it's like I should do something assholes it more funny so that night I went to Walmart and bought a fake ring and eyes like I'm going to proposals My Fair Princess it was really cool My Hope was that when I tweet it it a real picture of Blaine proposing to Ariel from Little Mermaid is that Cinderella and Ariel you would have swiped right My Hope was that when I tweet of the I would hear back at Rooster Teeth likes you know net worth I found a guy who treated me he said he went to HighSchool with Cinderella girl going to bed and then fan who said that she found Ariel she's going to give her my Twitter handle but nothing about your Tinder kids I'm going to tell her the entire time The Prestige fake padded are you still really cool guy I think I made him break character for like a split second when I proposed to him I told him the year ago I was just starting interning was working on her first the science you at the old office it said the woman had the debt Chris at the desk in the science center in 4 I'm going to screen screen that you're too good-looking to work in the sky with ah at the first RTX or not the first one the second your text came in as an attendee for the second year your guardian your second ear Your Guardian fart made this year you went to the staff member you put it up on 12:07 bad release everybody come on gold spot price makes him for personal Guardian tweet you guys have someone it like kind of I was trying to make sure we get from place to place and they're basically like that the kind of play Heavy Barbara of course pit Blaine I got a 17 year old boy scout who's the state champion Pokemon that's not a joke by the way flight difficult so bad for him cuz it's like every time I saw him he was just freaking out because he can fight you you were ditching him until I'm pretty sure it will there's a lot of like the clarity that comes with with with the Guardians around us it's like I just walked the floor I don't give a shit and I don't even know what I need to get from place to place I get myself there Marcy was awesome it was awesome too but I guess I War Morsi before anything to the castle but don't worry about it it's like I've been doing this for 12 years you guys are great time it was really surreal just meeting everybody is really cool no no positive flight what you think about was the last 1 second Disney logo Twitter has so anyways he's really sweet he's super nice and I was like it was like they were fixing the parking lot you're my last Disney princess you can just have the ring and her talking crazy like proposals likes her hand on my chest I get at least Disney Princesses the word to the park they're consummate professionals that's a good gig there was a video I saw online of the main character from Brave as any Merida your fucking amazing she looks like the cartoon come to life and he had the accent perfect I mean she was amazing I was interviewing or the camera for like two minutes she did not break character at all like he was asking questions about her job and she like totally deflecting the question they must have to be such a clean reputation like the background where assholes are like I already too small T-shirt and your favorite how much was left in that looks fun Blaine Blaine works out like what for 5 hours a day 4 of No 4 or 5 but five or six times a week hour and a half an hour and a half a day to 6th month so we doing this or not everyday listen to music it's like music to my ears I could not listen to Muse I could not sit and listen music for an hour and a half a day it's all good I need to go to the gym if it's just me in there Spanish word for ship reactions Merida at Merida give me a break down of her personality and everything else she was sweet Warner might have to buy hover when you have a great idea and you want to your domain name for it you want something catching memorable to represent your ah you'll find the perfect domain for your idea to get started working on it and move so that anyone can do it you get the perfect domain name you control what people find when they search for you try hover and get 10% off your first purchase Y2K Tinder promo code trips because people like trips until September 1st 2014 ball of the new domain extensions are on sale Summers the perfect time to start a new project so I want to give you some encouragement silver.com it to the fullest can you do means has hundreds and you options about the great domain name to try try hover get 10% off your first purchase by typing in promo code trips there are so many domain names now putting me likes a man like top level domain names likes .com. Net like all that shit Tinder planes on Tinder during graduated he literally just said it's going back down what were you doing on there okay so there's this new app it's called unseen and basically it's a bunch of Aggies made it in its you can anonymously post photographs with them so you can it is nothing but boobs and butts domain names and your looking at boobs and social justice social person Parks like an asshole yeah yeah absolutely feel like parking police yeah yeah I'm going to go Castle parking likes what I like ah Parker I have really ah but I time I see Parker in that I drive a truck and I drive a sedan and it said and actually I end up parking wrong because the front end of my truck is cut off and I'm still using parking the truck that we can go over the space something people worst of the worst Tesla on the fucking bot Gavin I went down to Google today we had a meeting or something to Google and I'll send hover right by eyes to have an apartment complex right next to the Google office you don't say what you're going to say you're talking about vitamin A medically recognized in time but so I let whoever drunk your test but it was really very low in a tiny little car but if I need to wait to hear from Catching 4 to have the chance to be Blaine at RTX and he was a tool to me but not to the hot chick next to me does it now follow me tweet at me and he was like I'm at the airport Blaine where are you eat that he was just giving me so much I felt so bad that I can't your fucking liar tweet that I can eventually we had but I left without taking the pictures of that would make a better story but I really it funny don't do anything but imagine what that feels like he's been missing so it looks like you're actually did go out and get the lightness of the guy that I threw out of the Bethesda party at Pax vs Apex likes me so I got drunk and I got so drunk I started liking other people it was a guy who was a fan and when I walked up to him he came to apologize I was very drunk me doing it it was really awesome of animating has crazy what's crazy is it I just hit 6 years today still cheap in Hunters be half as old as a company we went 6th years of the company that are cheap in Hunter headache Gavin only been apart for two and a half years I mean a family likes it rtaa you remember when we started 1500 why was also in San Diego oddly enough that's weird I remember that being first cuz I remember being in San Diego con we decided to launch it and I will be in San Diego together two people can work on the website are not in Austin domain tandem bad that I have tried to get 10000 gamerscore in a week it was doing a thousand dollars to for the first you that's my favorite likes for some time and it was but you run a Tony Hawk board and you just eat shit was fuckin funny conjecture that just left and that is what is my favorite level time please hold the camera is just like that 428 knobs 74 likes net office is calling office building Anaconda city building was fucking Ricky Dash it is in the center of our studio and just like that thanks a lot my brother broke his arm by doing that My Life as a your Styles girlfriend stupid horseshit 10 you know me fuck no you can Gavin label you as a dancer Gavin give me a few drinks are good for a good time call the outside of my knees I'll spend my off days girl to prom and then like like holding people like everyone to Galveston from Dallas then in the last two weeks between prom and the end of school and she was very nice very nice girl nice family so at the end of school they had her church had a lock in so she had to go to the walk in and there's a concert tonight at 2 bad still out what do I do when my nice pretty girlfriend goes to a lock in at church lock-in I decide to go to the fucking party and the it was at these people's house that was off of a man-made lake and then we all got drunk and ran down the hill and I fucking landed on an 8-foot diameter pipe that was this far below the water bounce off the water when I broke my leg in the water ah one thing to say about war jumping it was I broke my leg time okay Google the course of the weekend that I broke my likes you my camera broke up with me it would explain the way I fucking broken leg you gotta tell him you know trips hey burn broke his leg a week before graduation I had to like public restroom eyes pointing out that I have danced on Twitter account it says that I danced in the frag dude short it was great cakes that were edited together to look like it was good we probably shot two hours of dance for like a minute or two but how is that efficient ratios to it that's about as good as the Taco Bell rapper just slapped on your face killing me I think I can do it first try you got for the fan flight crew and all over with it because he's busy working girl again I'm sure Alan doesn't overdo in the fucking podcast right now but you remind me of my laser Team game times right now we started we started the Blazer game stretch goal for the podcast Please Release the first one this past weekend so all those you say we released The Last of Us parking assholes Place past Saturday and will release another one this Saturday and today I've been trying to convince you for like 2 months now I love this game and I'm trying to commit to they keep telling me they play at 1 today just didn't like it that you guys work on a lot of stuff that they don't really feel like it's where I go in and they don't come out everyone's always wanting to see this let's play The Magic the Gathering let's plan the one we did today and I wasn't him so I thought even get some level we have been so bad about it I got it if you don't know what you're doing the play that game with a fucking great it was going to for a little for our pockets planes over in the Bungalow quad that will allow Dash it came home and I said why because I have a hemorrhoid I was playing it was my first time I said it I told you I wasn't going to let him up what the fuck and then I'm you know that short they put you in with you had no shirt on and the first thing we did and then 30 seconds from starting the podcast and Blaine rip the nastiest fart like a dude right there war planes out with money and everything everything is wrong with you sitting in silence like trying to come up with the name and then I was like I've got it Dash it from me I was on a bean bag your first week I've been talking to like Gavin how you feeling you're going to be with us for a while so and you don't even an intern don't know for a few months and then we what's oxygen your first week here and then some if you heard from Blaine since then it's probably from that from the game time for photos to be men and then since then I mean just to see you Captain I think I will be in that upcoming shorts Rizzoli & Isles RTX I bleed right you can be so much fun to talk about spelling okay so I don't know I'll try to get together skydiver outdoor algae this is not working try to get all of the founding members for you much in the city you want to do the skydiver Burnie you had a pretty good response so that you don't go drinking when is it next Wednesday hopefully I'm try to get together in the Hope it'll work out I made a huge 1 hope all went well I have this friend who was driving a lot and I went to another Mutual friend's party once many years ago was at this party I'm like hey you can hear it my friend really likes and it was like an open ground ah he really did it really is like somewhere I don't know when it happened but they made it mandatory at some point that your first sky diving jump has to be a tandem jump first three things it and I just want to go through if I'm going to jump out of a plane want to jump out you would do it so how are you know what the hell you're doing UFOs tandem in the Army to get 18 year old guys dude what is the Airborne they ran a multiple who issued immediately I didn't get a land likes you also it looks like for shooting do the work of an altimeter if you're still there that baby was in the plane crash ocean 96 what I've read about the credit he was a World War II airborne veteran crew cab raywj wanted to jump 1 Crew He looks like a take a dive at his age and so he went to the internet to try to convince them to do it and it's this company to fuck you I will do it get up there it's also moving screen cover phone of Larry and Steven dunkelman just being in total support of her going sky diving girl diving for you bro I worked out a sky diving place for 5 year bad Mexico City Mexico it 6 months out of the year and I can come to Mexico and I'm not going to bring the kids down there by proxy has been kidnapped and I don't know anybody horse reason to ever go visit Mexico recently it was no issues at all the people that are people are like overhyped about like all the danger down there I heard there's like some parts were it's like a vacation somewhere it's like night and day it's like they have a border and there are armed guards protecting the Blaine there a lot of places in the world that it's like that what are you doing it I can say that the resort a lot like that of me had big fucking Gates and went to the gate then he said the resort is closed and I think if you go to the Border towns like a couple different times a year from Eagle Pass Juarez for Laredo those are both pretty rough right now they're pretty rough from El Paso buckets likes the weekend walk across the border and go to Matamoros has been walking like you had water Patrol you need to get back to you College dude my buddy my buddy got caught kissing in an alley by the fucking federales which of the federal police and that is like that's a really bad deal and we had one guy in our group needs one and they stuck her body in the back of the police car and wanted like he cannot leave here we have got to get him out of the car we don't want him to go to jail cuz we will not see him again for potentially months like what the fuck are the ones talking the federales want it like how much like me asking how much can we pay you to get them out of the car now and the federales has something to 1 and one goes like this he looks at me and he said how much do you have so we had to empty our pockets under the hood of the car and they just took all of her money did Germany want what when was Back to the bridge in a bag of quarters from other people it's pretty fucking crazy yeah my mom got pulled over once by the police in Mexico and they wanted to drive just like to know so then we got there like we have to come to deal with this if you don't give us the right so they started following them in her car it stopped and came back call it it's pretty nice it's pretty fucking asshole American kids come across to me we were just we were a bunch of drunk idiots I mean never in my life I don't think I'm in that same vein I had some friends who were at like Target or Walmart parking lot they had security your driving their car and they turn their lights on but they realize it's just security so they just drove around and then they eventually what Unity part and I just started going in circles so these guys are going in circles and the security guards gets up duty-free security guard you can call the police comet has fallen to see It Down video what's your favorite event on the receipt it was a lot of fun as long as you but that was a lot of fun and I think it was so much fun that was are still interested not too many people knew like you it was within the company but that's what I do the whole Nintendo DS prank and that was just burn inside gaming so I can get to meet you don't have long and she was super sweet and we posted it on there and we mess around like Blaine take your shirt off ah that is ready to go phone buttons if I move pit you guys later what characters you play warlock bad warlock mortal fire blocks is infected 1 likes time with Gavin eyes what is melee is 150 students the first I was in versions of that's why I'm confused because I played flight to either the two your friend likes fields for concentration for every Comet glass ah yes how was that is only open till 8:39 so you probably were you 1 ah but there was likes single player stuff you can play on the moon it was it was it was fun it was good yeah it's like it's like a giant like creatures what is the gravity different you drunk more has no no no I like about the cold is gone there's that you'll be fighting it like you said he's going to kill 3 regulating eat with it and you have to do in a set of my time with mega scary but if there's a dude with a lot of health and you are the team is it and how I live in his house going it really slowly you could be like this torque torque was awesome to your life at no scope for like a blind fire at work 4 sniper rifle in just bot somebody actually on the for the Gears of War 1 you have to kill General Raam one of the guys that it's not him it's the last shot on it so I was just like I just went right in the head and I wish I could so often flight crazy shopping for every time you switch your Xbox to be like Xbox Netflix Xbox Live what are you can put all your awesome golf shots into the dash bad of you if you would like to see today's your phone 360 the Omegle when I forgot to leave an Xbox Live vision camera plugged in the dash board it wasn't like war and liquidy vision camera the one it was time eat before the Kinect it was like the only it was like Rainbow Six Vegas yeah you can't your face that's probably the best cover that's the subclass for Hunter is bladedancer out your right which gives you a super Arc blade charge your Blade with ArcLight and consume your phone with lightning I never did it but I never thought of it but a bunch of tweet if someone screenshot on the Destiny Beta whoever they were on the moon and they were looking around in space with a sniper rifle and they found Mars and you can see it like tiny little tomorrow so I was going to talk about this weekend closed for private event at the campground where it's determined there's no light pollution from likes running cities OSHA 30 look at the sky you see everything put up some photos long exposure photos of the Stars difficult it is to take a long exposure of the sky because even if you express has like 2 minutes just to get will Delight in the at this time just enough for the stuff to be those streets it's amazing how quickly this time doze off anything even to the star Journal Tumblr a little blurry but at least it has like a really cool Starfield in it you should UFOs you stars but no I've never seen a UFO your phone I don't think so what are the pictures that's looking through Sagittarius toward the center of the Milky Way out there you can actually see like the Milky Way at 7 o'clock and I would love to see that just got it like 2 hours my whole life I have been you was trying to but I'm not getting it running bad stuff that's a lot more into it when I was a kid haleys Comet came around I got really into it like I got a telescope in 86 I think it cool to watch bad like the world has been supposed to be destroyed now like 10 times likes haleys con it was one of those harbingers of Doom and remember what the big deal was at the time which which which was haleys Comet what everyone thought the world was ending when he was coming up Nostradamus like the red comet will come back and that was one of his predictions I never did hear about the guy from the fuckin 1500 you guys ever heard of Nostradamus okay so who's this guy who predicted all this stuff right Destiny Road Gettysburg you that I finally said she think it's funny that 70s sci-fi always talked about the year 2000 being this really important your old school stuff is going to happen total shit he's born after 2000 Buckingham it said yes you are correct that's what I saw a billboard on the side of the road that predicted the end of the world I can't remember where it was but there's another like 20 just feel wanted if you want to be right about it where is you can't imagine the world continue without you that you would be important out that you're going to be here in the same window of time when the earth gets destroyed it's going to be fine if it's all the people you know right now is now and it's in the middle of it 6th mass mass extinction event that this is not classified as one of her Mass things happened periodically through time we're just a bunch of guys and we are now had enough species go extinct every burn out in a mass extinction crew did it appreciable amount of oxygen in the world for oxygen come from in the Refuge algae couldn't do enough to kill all the algae that was introduced like the amount of oxygen on Earth in order for us to feel the effects of less oxygen whatever would destroy the oceans enough to kill that much algae we have other problems are way worse than those who have been worried about the world running out of oxygen 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our listeners a free 2-week trial when you go to Hulu plus.com / RoosterTeeth the whole extra week free to go to Hulu plus.com / 3:30 to get extended free trial you know we sent you give you a better deal so one more time for extended free trial go to huluplus ask.com / 30 watch TV I was watching you're watching the show Nathan for you for any of us funny show funny show I really did not want to like that show you got a really likes it though he sticks with it he sticks with it which is pretty great he also has cloth same one like the one we did like the magic show was pretty funny the temperature is dropping away so he doesn't see this guy he's a comedian but he says that he graduated business school in Canada and now we want to help struggling businesses with their you know what they are with their business so he goes and gives them like all these weird ideas for a way that they can drum up business and do things a little differently and indeed the film the business owners reactions with customers reactions like an 1 episode for example he went to go help a guy with a gas station you guys like how do I compete with every other gas station near the block Nathan says $2 75 after rebate the rebate though people have to go in person to the top of the mountain find a hidden rebate box fill out a form and leave it in the box and it's all in the fine print on the form and they are for a shuttle 4 people to go to other people show up and then like they have to stay overnight they have to answer riddles 308 for me to really fucking funny a big thing is a lot of teenagers want alcohol but they have to turn them away so you're going to sell alcohol to minors but they keep it they tag it and then they can come claim it 1 of 24 liquor store eats it the show your friend that they were cool so they set up like a fake cool basement where the kids could hold his liquor and act like they were drinking and they can take pictures of them to post on social media full of liquor girl and girl likes hey I heard this like I was convinced ourselves right down the road anyway check it I don't even know hey man school sucks right the internet that's crazy there's a liquor store really really funny every episode is very similar it is very very similar and I was just watching it on huluplus the internet is really change what ends up on TV but the high and the low and not too low and chill but you know it's like the really high production values of Game of Thrones and then just like that on Twitter Nathan for you and yes it's the guy behind Dumb Starbucks apparently that's going to be episode net Scooby-Doo episode they released this week is the Dumb Starbucks episode of the show with the time your from the coffee shop Starbucks Starbucks Starbucks Google Fiber is not there yet but I used to do that also time is it when you pay for cable and cable TV have it so I don't have any either I know that's why I don't know how much it cost it make it happen you just called me out for turning off my cable it says why go to the effort because you know you're going to turn it back on then I was like how was your day cancel East out if you have any account to someone else's personal stuff direction to Flight Trampoline it was like hey you should convert to this plan because you get more stuff and it's cheap and we can try and it looks like that's like 60 bucks a month cheaper can I get the exact same service ah so you've decided your contract there probably is like for 8 months and no you didn't you just leave baked brie with 18 saying that he got grandfathered in flight you know once you reach a certain amount of data than they just started shooting at the time I was just about to check on Facebook share a shared data plan for me and my wife and I just had to put 10 gigs on there and it's like you're right I only had 60% more data than we had before is still likes her unlimited account I don't let the you grandfathered into the unlimited thing here 2 tethering is really you something Wi-Fi you don't know where you can it into a ruler phone at the same it Rooter Rooter Route 66 route stupid as a joke to me Twitter do we lose net neutrality yesterday talk about the catching up I don't wanna talk about it just like Nathan is South by Southwest it was like Netflix in particular will have to pay more to get through but they need to use their service Netflix subscription for a lot of people it's not a big difference for a lot of people I feel is that people are not going to be able to build businesses like Rooster Teeth again because you can't afford to pay for the property access the number question I get these days like I was telling Gavin just today I'm almost to work late at con bad because when I go to a convention I really can't even go to the movies anymore because 4 years ago just signed everything like when I go with Gavin Michael and Ray we went to pack it was a it was like taking pictures Gavin take a picture with my phone and stuff and I think I can get Michael to yell at him the same way and then they stopped me and they go I would like to work at your company and conversation I just had a 15-minute conversation and the person I know people like backing up like to get them into the lineup and it's okay and just me here and do this if the main inspiration that you've drawn from being a fan of research is to get a job at Rooster Teeth that we haven't really inspired you in the right way and I think the big thing is that I would hope that people would see that we built something like out of the spare bedroom and I built it up and of this company and it's really tough because now people one of the biggest challenge that we had when we started was we put out a video and the first thing that happened was we got a bill for about $12,000 total to $15,000 that's what it's going to cost us in order to serve Red vs Blue to people because we had to have a server ourselves with their own device and that's how we started building up their business model with t-shirt and subscriptions and things like that we had to build those things because we had to pay for all that stuff and now it's just going back to that we're going to do you know what services for people who want to you don't want to be a part of something like YouTube they don't want to like go into what was their company they're not really going to have a choice they're going to have to go to the companies that are paying for this fast how do eyes or service either won't be available in every region which I think will be a nightmare or that these data companies will say ok but you have to pee so much in order to get another video later so that's going to happen we have to pay the flight that it comes up with service that gets it sounded like a long time ago I guess I hope you're okay with me saying this a lot of our servers went away a lot of the servers went into the cloud and we pay for services like that like a lot of work that Gus would have to go to the server room and stuff those machines like literally I mean we don't ever see them you wouldn't be able to say like where our website resign because it's like it's in the cloud we have backups of it and things like that that other company contact by the way I wrote my first episode River so blue I can write big jumps in tweet everything started last week it was awesome that's great timing I was talking before the podcast artwork as she went out to San Diego Comic-Con and I was asking her you know how things were you know how many people came by the booth she said you know it seems like they were a lot more people there for rubies related stuff that last was last year they just come out around San Diego Comic-Con if you're still trying to fill it out now she said it was a lot more people there really in that room so it's just bad timing and I just can't bring myself to go out there I used to go every year my dad died like last year or let 4 years ago my dad died and I was lit Daniel Boone, con I think 30 hours after my dad passed away and it was a point time is I got to see you after that and it was just a point I was just like I was like so consumed with life work and everything here and I don't regret any of that stuff you know for you need to do to help build up her shirt but it's like that was a big reality check for me like I hope you're the time of my life when I was just like I like what I'm doing you know it's like I'm saying it's like putting on a happy face since I didn't feel it wasn't really honest Event Event in general wisdom years ago, time and I think I just it's hard to separate that it is not the main reason why not going to come back on but it's like it's easier not to go Halo panel at San Diego Comic-Con this year and I usually don't these days don't turn down things I had to convince myself to turn something down and I love all those guys the whole Halo team and you know what you want to see all the people that I'm in a couple months and I can't do it I never been to Marquee accidental Commission San Diego Comic-Con is fucking crazy like it's just so packed along as well and that starts on Wednesday night and then doesn't until Sunday night you know it's just it's my least favorite event center it is so damn big I was just like 40,000 people it was like 10 years ago I refuse to walk in and give me a piggyback rides everywhere Premier out that back when he was moved out for a while Mega con with Becca and Nathan it was me you made that connection that was not there I think it was Jeff it wasn't me that was going to sleep in the bed tonight and who started at about like 4 p.m. till close to 7 and I'm not doing it do you like it you can get it big girl phone commercial you said it like we slowly work it out slowly passionately that there was a person has been decided that con people at night when the hole closes and like the people at the booth like to come around like this party thing that happens but you don't have to take part in that you don't like to come out and stuff don't drink it don't drink it but I just don't feel like it just about the whole pull the ball you know do you let me ask you a question do you regret that you were not a dash con eyes absolutely it is not going to happen next year that day they could have sold tickets for the next year event like today everything included they could have started selling tickets of people to just go on just as it will have to ball pit likes I don't want to go to ball pit now because of that jackass pit where the snake was in there and he got Ben a little blood with it the for blood now the craziest jackass when net fucking snake comes out bully bleeding from the Bad Grandpa recently yeah the movies and just kind of more like to know more like the ball right approach we have like these eats it you want to get through if I had you string it all to get together I get a kid's got a future ahead of him strippers Skopje book that I mean like he's going somewhere hopefully Tumblr the way it is name of the Tumblr experience didn't think it was like everybody got to go back in right away Tumblr fucking it's like it's VidCon it is like YouTube and person everywhere you look there's you bump into somebody cuz they're fucking video in themselves like it's Dash con so perfect like they're absolutely perfect I'm looking up I'm looking it up 2015 con Convention Center what you doing the weekend after I left oh my God if you can I told him the money raised and the fucking it was just Tumblr people 4 plant holder at all I just don't get it I don't know if you have an account people who wins about crap and then what what is it what if you is not the content itself and what you're doing with this is that we talked about this earlier today likes those lessons they are saying like you had a video page of Reddit and I am a couple weeks ago they got it on the front page of Reddit as well and we find that important because we like red but at the same time people always send stuff like hey you're on 9gag dude what the fuck is that but I'm sure the amount of 9gag is a very popular site and it could be on the front of 9gag is a big deal but I don't even go to 9GAG to check my eyes Disney princess yeah I just looking at stuff I really just want to get at me that's that's the important thing you don't spend time on Tumblr yourself so your only stuns them but I did and then you associate that with Tumblr the whole week just a blogging platform like creepy and windy Prix there are creepy and weird pics on the internet I agree with you I don't know that they're isolated Tumblr in it pretty heavily on Tumblr you would you know if you have a pretty heavy falling on Tumblr the likes did they love you on my way now Burnie meeting young people have very intense unfiltered emotions and I think a lot of that gets poured out on Tumblr like that's a very young platform I feel and so that's what happened it was like everything everything is the worst if you could delete Tumblr hear about that would you do it now I would never I would never ever want to read something the other people like you didn't know dude why people should never want to do that that would I do if you want to take away dog fighting you likes you're sure I wouldn't delete it I mean that people like to go to their flight I mean it wasn't like I really have no opinion of it like it doesn't stick to me at all like I don't know I don't go there existing that I don't care about some mad cuz I don't have to hear the doctor ever been on Tumblr but I would love to hear about it through other people who I interact with a lot by all this was said on Tumblr so I didn't give it to anyone so I just always hear about anyone any website I just feel like I hear about the Tumblr time using its wealth likes likes yeah but I'm free so I can do it like to hear about crap from other people they just don't care about time hear hear that crap because I really care about people's opinions online about the people's crap on that crap you don't like your other stuff that I just like I could be like has some content for the internet put it on the internet and then walk away and make the next pit con 10 but have to hear about it I don't mind going toe-to-toe with people on the internet a very long time and like if someone fire the I fire back when you out here in the podcast other people on this post but I did go to them and do it that's the thing is like myself a lot because I will give you shit in my own comment like and I do it all the time and now and I made something I will fire back and read it and then I remember this is like the weight is different and so when I made the firing bad comment on somebody Reddit Tinder deleting his account and I was like you know we shouldn't do that you know you should take my opinion as being greater than somebody else's and Running Scared but also I don't get to delete my account like that's not fair to be able to do that either run and hide in likes to kill em with kindness or you just like full-on like fuck you he was it seemed to me that it was somebody who probably didn't listen to her she's had it for about 2 years then go back and listen to old stuff and wasn't there in those years and talk about how we're completely different off base from where we started and I was like you your your example the stuff we were doing back then they're exactly like this it makes it even worse ah yeah if people see that you're responding to negative people they will know that negativity get the response I think about like if I find anything that I really got someone eyes likes on the internet I hate ball goes like this video and I make the money and then link them to the individual but the video on his website I've been watching you diagnose has the touch screen because you keep on like this for the 4 that lets play but when you are getting ready to start playing and Burnie screen with anything with the white pit and is characterized by he got really care for the most important this game and I said I was going to show my ammo counter but it was dirty there so I went to rub it into the tapestry has fired my gun you track stuff nobody fire and at what time this weekend first one to the last one so we'll see how many more to make it a permanent thing we don't have the space to do it so hopefully you can stay there we continue to use it a little work but even then recording The Bungalow we can't record there before 5 at the company there's so much stuff you can have to pick and choose what you want to do it's like I feel like the last place we need any help with the companies in the let's play in my mind that you guys have that locked enjoy seeing a completely different team of people do it helping. I like let's go do something else something when do 1 episode of the patch and next Monday whatever party podcast eyes eat time in Iowa yeah