#287 - RT Podcast

RT Discusses Labor Day

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-287

Recorded: 2014-09-03 00:51:55

Runtime: 01:27:40 (5260.26 seconds)

Participants: Burnie Burns, Jon Risinger, Blaine Gibson, Jordan Cwiers




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Transcript (in progress):

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Memorial Day I definitely changeable Columbus Day what in my brain as far as like what they I don't I don't know for Labor Day weekend in the summer holidays and what are they for it's a holiday because you work it's like a Reno Labor Max runs over the Labor Day holiday in the Monday so we'll have to be there so we have to entertain 30,000 people entertaining but we know what is Labor Day what is it like some sort of Union came up with like we won day of the year because it is a holiday celebrated on the first Monday in September the social and economic achievements of workers once you start Jon Jon I'm Blaine I'm Jordan and I am Burnie and go and I'm Jon gabrus should I got to share it nuclear before on our a microphone again this time podcast the new to me give me a call I guess Blaine I got to deal with the tightness pee before Blaine mans as you said before this podcast bag of money and I have hide go fund a person seeing how I'm stretching here for you are you listening know and I can make sure I'll tear my taint in half is that what they're doing between the spot you know the first time a horse do you know I'm still kind of new to this to know it's like dating a girl you gotta show up with your best outfit so you found a jacket on I think you'll learn to stop putting in effort here that's what I'm worried about is it strategies for less and less clothes every time for us but you do it so next time I'll just be in a T-shirt and tank top the know should you know so 3 podcast Romero man found stabbed by doing something really really cool and then already packed California guys are about to leave to go to go somewhere Burnie I expect I shall see whose are all the treasure should you run the 2:10 on the Lost Explorer the kickstarter the to me the Indiegogo campaign for laser time she's doing on that that wasn't at all she gave me her card when I lost my mind lost in office management that he's doing a great job as office manager know she's taking a new pair of glasses we had this year this the one they bought me to next week because they wanted it that I could keep in my office so I wouldn't forget them and when you take the glasses and put them somewhere safe for key Ray to my office I just keep it in my I lock my door I grab my key in the lock the door and leave it at that I got this morning over my I left it in the door just in the other room so it doesn't seem like the most dollar movies Slide the the locking mechanism that the latch the door shut it pushes away like that but you can't push the door open or closed know what you do is you take a card put it in from that direction and it pushes the latch in the door open my cards over the winter when it was I sing all the time like when she got really sick and I had to cut through my cards to see which one could I go without this off and I use my car to go card it up and then I need to use card to go like a month later and it would not work at opening luggage locks for luggage store in the mall should I come in and I will just go in the back and take a shit we would on the job and I would just do whatever like this and my leg was asleep so I came out and I heard that there was someone outside they've been in there for like 15 minutes nobody living like 15% off Shack last week for the first time so I needed walkie talkie two people working there and one person's like on the laptop watching something and they look at me like a person one lady was like and then help me and I was like I just need to talk to them but here they are they were here miserable day today they're kind of try to move away from the Radio Shack Brands like he did that commercial during the Super Bowl that was called then what you just killed the whole brand and just use the retail locations they have in the same stores and all that and just make a new store like make something radio Hut Tumblr new company and they change the name always food what break it was small storage shed flexin tales of the best condition at my job I did some really stupid where there was a company-wide meeting that went out because somebody hit to the store phone store border that use the store phone to dial 1 900 chat was doing that and it's got to stop and don't do it and to all the stores in our city and I thought it would be I would like a list of emergency numbers 100 to find out or anything like I was working and they were he was like you look the same as you remember his name anymore Bill and electric bill totally about her some Redemption know I will totally deserved it couldn't be the reason why he got fired for the wrong reason a protagonist retail jobs a workshop was delivering subbed for Blimpie and I just going to Jason Sudeikis had the same job and he was talking with an interview with him and you don't like when you do when you went to the office and you had a hundred bucks and said that that was going to be at least a $10 tip and I feel the same way I got pee wee talking about minimum wage I think what I started working minimum wage was $3.35 while it was 5:25 and still working at a grocery stores in the day a boy but I got $6 cause I was in the refrigerator all summer so that $0.75 up there all the time like 5 months in the freezer and I the only one that's up here couldn't see if like something was down on the ground so I would see kids with their moms and I would look through the glass and I would like wave it's a little kid storage City Jon I worked at the toystore Savages GameStop should you place your resume with a permit prank to his on the Clayton he does all the audio engineering for the podcast I should be in there right now but I'm not so what is your what is your weird job I started I was filming all day long and films that I started working nights DJ in the strip club but it was like the blue collar like welders and construction would actually placing location scouting for your team and we need some more locations I found like it looks like they read it a barn as a symbol for this Savannah Georgia and very much like to say it often it used to be in a place where was like that was like where only few people went but then the city expanded so it like in a strip mall shopping center right next to the shoe repair I like a makeup job and so they had blacked out windows and I couldn't have any sort of sign because that would devalue their locations next to them to Krakow try looking as hell and it was building p.m. to 4 a.m. no breaks in between songs like down on my head and I got one minute 30 seconds go pee and if there's a line you're screwed all the girls drunk all the time or just surprised to hear that and I wasn't drunk strip club free drinks are half-off that's right half I will see you Thursday right now it's I don't have any cash bag of Blaine truck know that's awesome Jon I think the only Hollister for a little while and the day the kind of thing about folding polos for about 6 hours Hollister Hollister like the the clothing clothing like this like the half naked people all over the walls all over the place dark stores a very dark stores loud music all the time like no one goes in there at all like it's like usually empty except like during Christmas and so we just folding clothes all day long and time does not pass at all but it's got to get dressed now I think a lot of people who are working know when you have a job that you don't like when you're staring at the clock like everything they're doing nothing Allen Premium Outlets and every time I walk by it off I just paid off my car never understand Twitter there's a big online Network that somebody left and quit their job there and a bunch of other people yes see you later name of the company that I'm glad you leaving that sinking ship and it was like really good really good guy he was like probably said it so I really didn't get a lot of opportunities like this where people work there for a long time and in the moment alien isolation suck your buddies like to know what you make of it right now and I was on the way out when that happens and I got it you burn Bridges know I probably should more than I do honestly your life forever because they were in it for 6 months you know when you're younger and you have no clout like you cuz you should not burn Bridges when you have nobody like that and bring it like know portfolio or anything like the backup just to that what you are I can hear burn bridges that early on you will have no references you will have no one to go with you like that for you Burnie you're going to the highway Quake I got to read this meeting should be enjoyable but if you're busy or health health conscious or just don't know your way around a kitchen it can be stressful but we're not as expensive and get some healthy fast cooking the pain to finding in coming over recipes shopping for ingredients dealing with leftover produce that goes to waste forget it you need Blue Apron to take the stress out of cooking key that works 499 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it just goes guy friends are there we go Amazon remote were talking about how much how hard it was for them to schedule I can hang out together with Blaine and I'm sitting there knowing that know I looked up that conversation that I had with those people can we see on screen station with Blaine Burnie Barbara and Gus I'm trying to figure out what I did so Blaine approach and just show up and spend all my time on Tinder and talk about what girls are hot Blaine accurate I thought I could do the guts approach and not want to be there because apparently there's something sexy about you know the person who doesn't I don't know it was just pleasantly I got there trying to find out what to do with your house and hang out with me the premise was that we all went out grab a drink at I texted us and made sure that Barbara and Blaine also texted got to go out you are not good for you I thought know he's busy working border BBQ too much honestly this is a busy season for us because we're finishing up the DVDs or lose we still make One dvd one disc know we make for them so this is a pretty busy time for leftovers we do what we do to DVDs and to Blue OK and they are all completely different so the animators are all hanging out by themselves and joking and I have two offices to myself halfway cross the building brag about a nobody who wants to hang out with me I can't be like oh my gosh I just looked at my phone and nothing but a good time Pawn I would like everybody to run to the lake has their shirt off after you been running leg cramp and then like 1st and in the romantic comedy gundlach II never goes out anywhere means that I asked him to go places with me know because he always tells me know 100% of time the opposite is Barbara who like to go to Barbara and Jack married now but Barbara and Jack was always the go to from you like I'm going out somewhere with five minutes notice barbering jackets are not doing absolutely awesome a message selfie Twitter for on Hangouts Jon Voight 841 Blaine is motioning on Twitter or Tinder swiping left and right absolutely went back to the car it's at the college hey you know what I just got a tweet from the people and their friend or hey I'm at my girlfriend taking a couple on Tinder and if you think cuz you raise me know you made it to where of this app so you know if you got 10% or 10% of the income from that Union a lot of marriages are taxed 10% of Lifetime income to collect hide in fact that I love you very much and I don't want to work I'm going to study this I love you bringing those DVDs it's that time of the year where like there's a certain part of the office that I don't want to go to because of how haggard-looking some people are day cam I stand opposed to walking by Andrew ins in their pajamas and laying around I don't want to go for a walk by and I saw that they just looked like death miles of like looked me dead in the face I don't care there's my house the rapid what was one of the first things that we were anything like I saw I went back and I was going to put all of our shows that the company and you were on one of the very first recap and I saw you not like you happy and full of energy it happens on the streets now dark spot where nobody will steal your stuff or cut you in baby working its face that look like like the back alley of the office pretty city of Mega Joey and Ashley working there any kind of stuff are a really awesome guy who works with his name is Marcus Marcus LaPorte looking for an art director is a lot of different jobs here and it's the best thing he doesn't like he'll take it in the office I need to do today how about if I just have you know Spruce it up he changed our kitchen which was okay it was like kitchen know you wanted to eww the kitchen in like one weekend and everybody was leaving the Florida hide and then we came in because if it was over the Bungalow and I was like what I had in mind you guys right how long have you been a crutch for our baby probably it was before of the redo the kitchen I don't know I don't really remember last week now which is really nice time you showered Monday I'm going to go home as soon as we lost after that working on a go shower now 1 days is probably Wednesday I noticed like outside look at this parking spot right in front of the door and I had to go to work accelerated Casino there's some weird combination of sleep deprivation and sunlight that is one of the worst feelings in the world to me like if you're drinking and partying and you make it through word on when the sun comes up that feeling the sunlight hitting you that's exactly what I must be like to be a vampire Break Dawn Phantom bullshit we are not to get into it because they would kill me for sure they're coming out and basically long story short we were trying to be Incognito for the shoot and then there's a five-person crew and by the end of it we were all shirtless to do so fucking hot I didn't take a picture but like yeah it was said you've been in for years I don't think it's going to be coming through time I don't believe it bone dry Know Places Green Belt it's like dried-up riverbed and like if you go out there like now it's been Sunny this is like rocks and that's it but if you go out there after it rained it's like filled and people go swimming at the green belt but that's not it go for hiking the green to myself in there like you okay are you okay is that all the people gave me shit for going also would have gone with you if you call them freakin night hide it I know I went out there and I reached a point where this is all green rangers a little bit of water and it looks really nice is tranquil and I saw fucking snakes look like right go home this week I looked over and snakes he put his hands on The Hip Hop Mexico yeah me either this week we were talking about the other film opportunities in I was meeting with a guy could say a lot but it was a film there's a really really cool and it's like down the border of Mexico and when I'm with the guy he was saying I was saying like what locations was border time I used to go to all the time when I was in college just walk across the bridge and drink you could drink when you were under 21 and I kind of had to go into the Border towns and completely different 2 years ago and it the lot safer there than backyard hear your text come in the middle of night if you're down and you want to go to the Border towns what do you all what was looking for it was really important to you 10 years ago just doesn't matter at all I guess you just build up there it's like one of to at 8:23 you're really give a fuck and then once you hit like what 7430 should I can do that lost I don't care about Fired Up by Migos I wonder I wonder if it's legal to like you come back around when you're an old person you're like I need all my toys like I care about my toe is doing the exact same I don't want anything I need a quarter when you're okay with just like being anywhere like old man just like go just pee in the on the wall anyway what are you doing better. He's in crunch Monty oum I have from you is like it's like it's like I know how to do it I've been doing it for years it's like you just got to stay warm blankets daddy ride all the way out and it's like as soon as you can do anything you feel like you should do everything living steinitz from La Panaderia La Chicago a lot of like the southeast and everything I'm really glad I was not awake for that because it happened in the middle of the night would have freaked me out a little bit yeah I was like I was like if I was going to attack the nation I would like shut off our eyes and ears first you know that kind of thing what are the I seniors internet right I mean Twitter that's the only thing I had was like Time Warner Cable and it was like it was a complete blackout a friend when I was bag California that was my mic my apocalypse like something and it went down and now I'm here in Austin a major city which is like the place you're not supposed to be like the apocalypse happens really feel like you're like heavy population areas and all that kind of stuff so now I'm here and I got no plans whatsoever ins hear when people perfect I mean you can have a plan like my plan is that all the portable batteries are here take the truck go to the where the what was that place with all the guns the camping store belt actually was a big enough food for two months 30 years was only for like 14 years Y2K was 14 years ago man emerges from bunker 14 years after Y2K scare a while because he stole everything that's how he likes RV campsites in jail for 2 years already have to go out and still he went out and that's what they said they said he would still from the campsite he didn't buy the newspaper Rite Aid Connecticut 2014 years that I didn't come out to reach civilization that reminds me of the Japanese soldiers who would like we're still like the jungle on the island we haven't talked to you like when and what technology did exist they would like to take with you to keep it would be like aliens coming to take you away really flash of the past Skyrim Treasure Map after money or something up animation right now I need to be at it later after we go to pack what you looking forward to Hotel food a right that we can deliver because he was in San Francisco earthquake 82 people like to look forward to like the earthquake three years ago it's not a big deal to freak out but I doubt I can do it you to you sleep through most time when Oklahoma tornado shelter I can't remember very clearly there from here Lassen with mirrors and stuff like that when I was in high school I covered a huge tornado that hit North Texas and they just got back into the mall if you like it did seem like a really City time where do you go to hide in a house when there's an earthquake I have a bad from underneath my stairs it's a tiny little bathroom and he stares know when does ins I could send her the house. There's no problem in Shadow get to the door to the door frame you're not really that protected very much about how earthquakes are in LA and I think one of the lines in the song is to the Cold War what came out called the day after it was like you know the other thing everybody knew that it was like this is a huge explosion of media in the late 80s and then the other networks Bob Bullock Museum here in town and its technology fast it was like huge numbers on it daddy like that the head only like a few dollars on it and yeah not everyone like 620 like fun nothing crazy how much today just from like 20 years ago is that the movie Poltergeist Ray J was watching in his office I think you might be coming up on screenplay eventually everything movie with the premise that we wouldn't make any sense today TV network went off the air at like 1 in the morning they play the national anthem and then and that Poltergeist device for communicating with each other now we have 400 channels not connect to your TV like a black girl his office turned it on I forgot what that experience was like I turned it on it static good for you should be fired or anything is there anything worse than buying razors you gotta remember that you need them in the first place you gotta sit in traffic to the store you gotta find that lock plastic Fortress to keep them in then find the one guy with the key and he's in the back texting his girlfriend after all that is going to set you back 25 bucks never do again Jon Dollar Shave club.com for a few bucks a month Dollar Shave club.com delivers the world's best rages right to your door Dollar Shave club.com is so much more than going to the store their plan started just three bucks a month signing up takes just two minutes then sit back and Blades arrive like clockwork their razors are better than the big shave companies for a fraction of the price you can shave with a fresh blade every week no membership fee no commitment and they have a money back guarantee you have nothing to lose by trying them out stopped running to the store for overpriced razors Jon Dollar Shave club.com slash Rooster Teeth that's Dollar Shave club.com slash should see that I'm actually a member of I sign on a mean person I ever saw that and they made that viral video it just made sense to like fantastic my wife even use those I love those positive thoughts yes and that we have every turn but I've always said you should go watch that and it'll make you love that company it was really really good which was the movie the day after everybody everybody when you fly key a science class and talking about like the face in the soldiers everything and the day the teacher told me that some day the Sun is going to die is going to explode and the universe is going to be gone and even though they said like forever away we're all going to die that did miss her forever kind of I can't remember that was an ABC television network a book called the last battle on from my favorite books but it's about Russians attacking a new kind of excited about it and was like what's the weather the whole like rabies or viral like making people crazy kind of infection. I like in Spanish blue to people that you like everybody knows alien Blaine on the planet tomorrow when we were at war with an alien race something that is science fiction cenarios I can't even have like an apocalypse key to my house the backpack and I got like a hatchet know I can trust her you know something to be like the cowboy that looks rolls into town we would you mean it when you said that maybe taking like a skirt that you are from the doctor get the apocalypse could walk out the door and get killed by police preparation is going to lead to it did you delete this conversation somebody else has gone oh yeah Patrick got some stuff in the day after that my video I was just leftovers end of the world kind of things leftovers it basically said it's not like right away it's not that something else happened I think that's a holdover from the popularity of lost where there's this feeling that you have to stay ahead of the audience and even if you're going to tell a compelling story that has a logical conclusion you gotta make the N Daddy loves to cause more questions and answers and I think if you like except that that's the way he likes to write then that makes more sense of why the shows are like that to Linda lost show him he is basically he loves compelling characters and yes it was it was like flashbacks and all the while enticing you with mystery and intention but not giving you all the answers while still asking even more questions the payoff for the flashbacks in Lost was amazing when he had that from flashing back when you realize is watching for that was huge pee lost me at panda bear polar bear everything else was like I really liked season 1 of lost and I think that when you write something we have more questions and answers everyone starts to build that a pathway in their head and you can't service all day the writers about that you know I'm complaining about like that there were it seems so lost and so many questions I couldn't think that one of their I guess excuses or explanations was that throughout the process they didn't know how much longer it was going to be that something and so they kept adding and adding and adding and still making it can in connect to stuff and so when you're like when you're ready it was like a movie when you write the whole movie you know the beginning middle and end tv series like we might have three seasons we might have one you know who knows it seems like we try to say format agnostic on the Galaxy S4 dr. Lee George in the First Act where you can do things that like pays off later but with the television series or with something it's online you gotta like key people and it's like you want to make something interesting but sometimes you want to make something more of an investment as you talking about comic books and we were talking about the more of these things remain as opposed to like a know people watch it I can read books from movies or read the books the movies are based on as I can because I can you like take like Game of Thrones to invest in a Game of Thrones from the losing side you going by what how many books buy books there are books iBooks and buy those 5 bucks you have is 5 bucks and you can read them to the end I had a thing but to invest into like reading the X-Men is going to the comic book store every week or continue to to get all the issues and think that and it requires returning to it all the time in RT High barriers-to-entry don't know where to start so much lost everything Twitter and Captain America and I appreciate it a time when I was like, no big deal but it was really just wait for the Phantom terrible Twitter the shadow know Brutus from like a weird comic Quake Tales of suspense yet for any like some weird the group he was known as the monarch of Planet X today he was at first appearance in Tales to astonish 13 Rocky Raccoon the same thing like a really bizarre he's from the Planet Nowhere and he had a whole like a hold on some blue Phantom Rory animal that he had a girlfriend who is like a daughter A friend that was a walrus I break out in a rash from another dog pee know this when they when they made the movie Guide to the Galaxy was like this like you're Seventeen and Dagger Ormond in 2008 go to reboot again with the Marvel Now like a 2012 I mean major Powers all the major to come up with a new superhero George Romero a lot of credit because everyone is making video games and comic book Walking Dead Romero to come up with an idea he came up with that remember that's why I was getting and then just bring them in and most people just go oh this new character like you know like Rocket Raccoon like it's Rocket Raccoon in from 2008 as opposed to raccoon from like 1973 it's like the regular interesting Mr myxlplyx I mean what the fuck are you going to do that open with the Scarecrow Rogues Gallery come in they have Ray should is wrong with it to have an absurd Gallery is when The Flash TV show that caused his villains are up so early time like the boomerang is there freezing Ray guy like that he's got really weird older guy to like you know who is the villain superhero ever Iron Man 90 m / 10 different rings of power that do different stuff in their interpretation of that within the Iron Man franchise that was great I don't care with Mickey Rourke but I did like the way they done just about everything else really didn't think that it was a good interpretation for bill because she's like one of those things that I really like that I thought it was like they had everything they have the superhero genre the tell people who you are and what you do including the guru. Club. Ography and Out menu there are options for just about everything and your chances of getting the name you want on know better than ever register the man that helps people find you online before someone beat you to it is it GoDaddy.com and enter promo code rooster 13 to save 30% on your order some limitations apply see website for details let's sell some new domain names RT that's it exactly at the end of every time every time it comes up I don't have a reason to run a reference Tumblr should I place for inspiration is what artist put her stuff on Tumblr a good place to browse through a lot of artists and images and everything seems like a cross section between like deviantART and Twitter to me that would Tumblr death I use I use Tumblr to practice the internet which means I wait for people to send me messages and then I just speak to them and see how they react really that's like your kitchen Amy Sedaris NFL the kids like Tumblr the younger one I just like I said I'm not doing this what happens with social media comes up it's like this you're on I follow you I just got on as a private thing and it's I don't I don't want to do it everything Instagram does incorporating videos on how soon from his daughter Bob. I was in today and I was like they were about to film let's play Mario Kart so I still have to take a break and watch them do it and Ray wasn't playing and so I have to walk with my phone don't do it and he did that holding refilled on my phone with selfies he was about 5 feet from you while you did it the funny thing was that you can take all those Images new composite into a nice gift it's an animation of Ray making the worst face funny he looks like he's having some sort of weird like constitutional problem I will probably forget after I got up to do something in front of thousands Ray turns around and gets me in the frame that will to injury a horse in the house Yahoo I never regretted it some other guy grab my name and then I can usually like a lot of people who are on Instagram and tag me and I just have to Instagram that I don't use but I'm just like holding the name is my name the day going to take a little scary sometimes because there are some there's like there's people who act like they are you almost like saying that's the dark part of Tumblr like they have my name and they were like if you're on any form of social media when they use an avatar that it's somebody that I know they're probably the most people I know other person hide away from that stuff I'm like I'm like all charming and stuff and like my I love you somebody else in your head on the water N & Blaine Reed new gym Blaine fanfiction 7461 the most for some reason Hello by calculation of the RT 300 gotta go bro I'm at the gym bro no more so I used to work I'm sorry I love you labor in it it's like you really fucking gross usually Jim and I called it Blaine the gym because I took care of it I painted my name in there and then I like bought all the equipment and stuff so one day my friends working out and trying but I was really surprised if I don't know what it's like I'm doing something okay will check it out so we can go in there and I went into the history and I found 30 minutes to security footage of two people banging in Blaine the gym and I have seen things like doing curls while things were happening and it was the worst though because of you go into all the equipment in the gym and then it's like those people were all over it you know so I told a guy if he's to come every time go back I really can fight if somebody came to me and said I found a used condom and I know exactly what it's for from outage the social contract go back and look at it so do it I mean it's like you're never going to like what you see on there how much is a crime at the place that's what I mean it's not what is a used condom from because it's like people can't be doing this in Blaine the gym I was going to put Blaine actually is for the time yeah I know I brought them in the two people that did it it was like she should clean the should I touch the screen every day I'm about to take know I didn't even know that security guy came to me and he was drunk and it's like midnight know it was really weird alien trouble for this over there so what are the things that happens a lot is that I will city has perked up so much right now we drive to work a lot together and then some of the cars like it's like we'll drive separately to work actually and then the car will stay here for a couple days because we'll drive back and forth together for a while and then we get off and it's like when you go home early today okay we'll go ahead and go I am 100% we moved from Stage 5 I moved into time a hundred percent of leaving office before actually and not having my kids with me because my tablet does not have a pet key in your pocket during all the time that happens I always forget actually happened one time out of six months we've been here she got locked out she took the car home and I was taking the truck home and she got locked out and I was like oh shit I said I'll drive home right away and I'll find you I'll get you I'll let you key go to hurry cuz I have to I have pee and I was like I'm packing up right now it's actually you know what forget it it's no big deal and I was really surprised I actually peed in our backyard I would like to do the most work out for you sorry sweetheart sorry now Savage I want to cancel I can either nothing like girls don't have the same equipment the guys you can't just whip it out and just like write your name on it so I need something to lean against the tree and just like kind of like actually and pee on it grab some trees and Shrubbery to graduate with your feet like at the base of the tree the entire backyard for a bit to figure out like where is what's a blind spot to old neighbors and our neighbors have like they can see across the yard especially like ones on the other side which means like no topless sunbathing it's really sad that she was sunbathing know one spot in the yard and it's extra Game of Thrones or whatever just point that's what that's what you know completely lost Joe the cat to Ashley they are best but you said to Ashley it's like to look at pictures and they're good too he's like such a chore that wonderful joke a photographer you should see my camera roll all the ones I don't post them like maybe too much the cat pictures I don't know alright I'm really sorry as long on this Jon brought it back in the ring Ray Kennedy coincidence have you ever peed on the Jordan animated in the car while you're driving it like you been like um and Dumber style to the bathroom alone you never tried that know what are you doing while you're driving go I had a lot of work but I was on my way but then I hit traffic in Dallas 12 years old time is a good time and then you stop and pee on the window text me or whatever you know what stop talking about pee I gotta pee cam burning house which one do you want the bathroom situation I cannot wait for this to be corrected because there's a there's like a pact where if you're using the bathroom that's yours nobody's going to come in and use the medicine toilet and we have a urinal in one of those bathrooms people to come in and use the urinal after that there with two bathrooms blue in the words of one with call the main bathroom without a toilet in a room and it was a colleague of side room off of that they also had a urinal in it that was so special Warner martial law in the toilet did not a normal bathroom to have all to myself the current place that has a bathroom but has a different the Honey Wagon in new pee know what I do if there's no lock on the door anymore because you can't go in there anymore anyway just in case nobody in the middle of my face this is awkward walks right in front of the stall next to me perfectly do it or middle school but I'm told it would cost for a hotel room George taking a shower I go in the back of the shower that was like everybody Jon Shack she came in and asked permission if you could if you could get I could George I don't do it don't do it today you come over the Bungalow that's what I go people shoes I think it is I think I saw Kyle this morning beds like this we're not going to do it don't like people who do that like if you go in like I feel like I gotta I gotta pee too so you go together to the bathroom if it's a bug know you're fine do what I did definitely go to the school of thought that Blaine is where it's like I grew up there, she just didn't matter everyone drunk I pee the backyard it like Blaine side of a lot of people and that was like more to fly nature Animaniacs a the ultimate okay cam present for you Church camp whatever Camp counselors was in the bathroom when a human taking a crap and then you Key Hyundai 2004 Woodbine way to take a sports bottle the reaction Holocaust so fucking bored kite anime the last topic Jon first podcast how did you feel about it go to all the from the know what are the Packers going to be go to the holiday season is going to like them too much maybe New Look the games and stuff like that so there will be people who want to pack and who's not yet but people who attended the convention will be on there talking about that stuff as well so if you want to do that tonight you can see it on Wednesday instead