#306 - RT Podcast

RT Discusses Show of the Year

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-306

Recorded: 2015-01-13 18:03:01

Runtime: 01:40:57 (6057.86 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Gavin Free, Barbara Dunkelman, Brandon Farmahini




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    "Squarespace" => "http://bit.ly/1yFPgb2"
    "Lube Pug" => "https://twitter.com/MrFarmahini/status/546545070023798785"
    "Uber" => "https://www.uber.com/"
    "Uber Kittens" => "http://blog.uber.com/KITTENS"
    "AirAsia Flight" => "http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/01/12/airasia-blackbox-recovery/21618499/"
    "Mariana Trench" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariana_Trench"
    "1,000 Ways to Die" => "http://www.spike.com/shows/1000-ways-to-die"
    "Butt Chug Challenge" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak4PE_tNLbA"
    "Louie" => "http://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/louie/episodes"
    "Game of Thrones at Imax" => "http://www.accesshollywood.com/game-of-thrones-kit-harington-talks-imax-screenings-new-characters_video_2563937"
    "Gone Girl" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2267998/"
    "Gavin GamerTag" => "https://twitter.com/GavinFree/status/553982208742920192"
    "Horse Farting" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMyL0HdXPuc"
    "Hamster Burrito" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOCtdw9FG-s"
    "How the Sun Sees You" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9BqrSAHbTc"
    "Earth Water Air Sphere" => "http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--UsjfNYm7--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/197kr3nohaffsjpg.jpg"
    "Russia Dash Cam Comet" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgCLMI3fgn0"
    "B52 Crabbing" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94AcSHpcZbI"
    "Photocopier" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZbqAMEwtOE"
    "Wisdom Teeth" => "http://gawker.com/girl-gets-her-wisdom-teeth-out-demands-ryan-goslings-w-1605982782"
    "Bartholomew Pool" => "http://austintexas.gov/department/bartholomew-pool-project"
    "Lauren Gus Pee" => "https://twitter.com/LaurinACrozier/status/554831221919076352"
    "Hue Light Bulb" => "http://www.usa.philips.com/e/hue/hue.html"
    "Broken Plane Landing" => "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2890093/Hero-Virgin-pilot-lands-747-jumbo-jet-weeping-passengers-broken-landing-gear-fault-forces-return-Gatwick.html"


Transcript (in progress):

this provider of audio books the more than 250,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature including fiction non-fiction periodicals for free audiobook of your choice go to audible.com slash rooster teeth.com Rooster Teeth podcast is brought to you by squarespac Squarespace recently launched the latest version of their platform Squarespace 7 which has a complete they're called cover poo everyone welcome to the Russia podcast Ube win Monday night penis is just hanging out what are you doing radio horse text messages get up and cook QB footwork definitely wasn't I would do it I would take a couple hours out of my day to do that to actually record it Bernard how the Monday night yo other than RTF Sun City with flaky bitch what happened what happened it was cold it was the night before I was like I haven't heard anything from Gus I guess we're not doing it I'll just text him just to say so just text free do you have that receipt setup I got enough respect for me at some point before the season started it was really cold I just want to say that I'm really not sure if you're listening or watching it was much colder much right you are I don't care about that but it was previous text is what I sent you that went unanswered to put it all in there is no Earth can I share text I just got from Chris for like a minute ago I know you got the podcast but could you put the sandwich I left out in the fridge it's really good to put the sandwich that he left out of screwed up it would have been that what does not show up for maybe a couple more weeks or come or my the next Crystal Palace game is probably in October good day for Crystal Palace and at the area the best worst team in the Premier League was it like a cheap penalty it was long it was going to eat that even though I don't know whose it was someone so good pretty polite about it no if someone leaves their food out for a certain amount of time what are you a Savage game distance from the shop everyone this is from a supermarket I just eat the chips that Bernie leaves behind he will just leave ship Sun like the corner of a table I think I could do like half a bag of chips kitchen hutches for game like they even sent an email it's just like I brought cookies anybody to take them I left on the table that was the weird thing where the animators taking some and I was going to take something but then I saw him taking it and maybe not want to touch it would be great I thought there late so I gotta I got a glass but I've had a glass of food chain Ube have a cup with glasses of drink receptacle like cereal everywhere would you of this otherwise so he said what do you want it's in the mail for the exact same minute charity going to be like with Yorkshire pudding Gus come down for the day so if you like what is that weird Frank if that Haymaker which is close by the office then I want to make it with you recently no that was someone else we never go to lunch with Brandon I said that the people that you asked for lunch she never asked anyone to sit with other people ask who is Gilbert can we go to Haymaker sometime not sure when he'll flake out Rodrigo Gavin so upset Gavin just text me like really inappropriate word over text but I can't see them words that you wouldn't say on a live stream on this life Gavin you're a terrible person who has baby anus written on his shirt Venice popular folk singer in the 70s what did the dog eat the phone with poison control because are dumb pug ate something she shouldn't have this is a couple weeks ago yeah this was a couple weeks ago me and pull up the picture for it he tweeted a picture I think right now so my girlfriend conversation talking about like this stuff and like as you guys know that's like in a pretty stressful week trying to the country he's trying to stay in the country of Mexico chewing on a water bottle cuz she does that I don't know what it is she just like that and after a certain point I got really annoying so I turned to grab it from her she actually has a bottle of lube and hits Lady Foot Locker amount of lube for a bug so I'm going to traffic report minute okay you tweeted this picture remember this picture that you got the dog you're sitting on the bed the dogs on the back and you like 5 bottles of lotion behind you on the nightstand ocean and a giant tub girl who does not have a call 572 how much work Gavin go get the Loui shine it up real nice apartment that is not what about the undies in the mouth weather at air stuff for skin stuff I have I don't even know how many bottles under my sink I just read it but not right next to the bed now suggestion practical solution but you never like okay great how do you like someone or you just like usual telling my parents that's what is Bagon in Taipei today is like so what do you do to a pug puppy in a bottle Lube first I called the vet and you have to tell she ate a whole bottle of lube no no but it was like like not rubber base like oil-based so I imagine that was like a ways out there like I had to call Poison Control which is like 80 bucks like they charge you before they save your dollars and control charges you when you call them yeah was it like an expandable poison control the crazy thing is I told him it wasn't a big deal like they were totally cool about it and then they told him the brand name sites like they had a complete database of lube because I mean that Salty Dog tattoo Hue because of the nature of where is usually and how much might be in those areas but they don't they don't expect how much of the candle so we can what happens if the dog is like to have the runs for a week of sick couple days but they're like you need to try to get her to she threw up cuz you try to throw up Lube apparently if you could chug Ube Russia sick now you know how they can you go to Mexico they say don't drink the water she did and she got parasites your dog don't drink the water what is the weather at least it's the water it's not like to listen my daughter went to Mexico air bottle Lube again I don't know she loved Lube N to the weird dog she's buried dude your phone is off the hook I'm five silenced and it still got it the way you used to leave whenever podcast out there you would leave your phone right up here on the arm for the couch and it would flash every time I want I would try to pick it up you always were a try to reach over and grab it you always notice it the last the best reflexes I want to try to answer your phone one time on there but I never got the opportunity to get something like 1% true she had another bottle Lube to the chief to travel by car shopping yeah it's me a trip wouldn't you like the person who did just they charge you more over 35 think it's like 4 bucks for something for delivery it's really affordable it was great for the weekend really leave the house LPS favor there's an app I think it's spreading across the u.s. people do shit for you I had somebody go to GameStop and buy me a hard drive on because I did not want to go to GameStop I love the fact that we live in a city where you can do anything if you have a credit card they were I guess sending out batches of kittens for people to play with her 15 minutes and like you would pay a certain amount and it would go to I think the Humane Society as a donation and all day we got the door trying to get kitten delivered to the office and it just never happened because they were always taken how the moon was really upset that they should be higher priority you would think Russia fligh Go internet content company promotion if we send a recent exactly just one special special attention attention to the second week in a row I had to go and get Gavin right before the podcast started from his office even still it's usually people for the podcast that he was accounting for that maybe I can put them in a minute and 10 seconds for the party start it you asked if you had time to put his kitten wisdom bul had problems like just had to leave in the middle of it to go pu member I mean it happens a lot when you find you find your 90-minute building it and mine is 354. I got to get some people started drinking to start drinking the bathroom with another room for the control room so people like a run in there while we're like running a podcast and you just hear somebody PE the whole time someone pays me crazy zinc metal turn on the shower cuz they weird pouring why you can't replicate a dump what is the matter if you can replicate PE I'm looking for that I'm like very self-conscious about the sun and the strength of my urine again so that I would have that's true but I'd have to swipe your card and enter the code normally before we come out and do the podcast like I'll go take a pre podcast dump if I need to and I'll go out to the Bungalow and the people shooting in Pakistan at 6:50 probably like 2 weeks ago I went out to the car I didn't realize that there was broken actually I'm at the red light to go off and I ran into you know Michael I'm done I'm going to walk then that's light finish up here so I can get out to go wash my hands butt in the gaps in the door but really they're not very private can I get an animator look up I walked in on somebody going to the bathroom so much someone else in the house oh yeah I walked in on an animator the same kind of dirty animator Avery fligh poo pourri that's like a year later went on a camping trip a bunch of my friends walked into the toilet that and one of the PE teachers was having a shower with a little kid off and they won't kill him and it just went maybe had like really it was disgusting that gone Nickel Creek the shirt yet Lauren Christi which way will fartin what kind of attitude just like too much attention now I think it's just a genetic thing maybe that DNA is really long you can actually see the other tests and then they simulate it that's why I talk about something Gavin how much DNA what looked like a pile water in a pile of DNA and then I don't have any what color would it be I saw it and then in relation is old the earth water in a globe and Elvis at ya beauty ways visualizes I guess that's a good image plane crash that air plane that crashed a few weeks ago and disappeared and everything about that at all black shallow at a point like there's a hundred 158th at most activity Pacific the Marianas Trench had at the deepest part 6 miles at 12:11 it's not that the lowest point but it's the point that has the most water above it would be enough pressure If you at the bottom of it compared to anywhere else James Cameron does gone all the time fine if you watch a documentary on deep-sea fish it's the total but it's just scary it was like I don't know why these things exist are you Waterfront lots of questioning are they burning would be worse who's really hot maybe I can get out of this but I think once your lungs completely fill with water you kind of at peace you think that black people have drowned in come back to life that light yo how many I was on the donkey the rental car I was like maybe 6 but I was just like I was like I'm going to die a clear concept of death I feel like I just fell off it what are you just like me are you with your family how the time when I was 6 scared of like a relative dying in such a bizarre dumb way that is going to get on the front page of Reddit and everybody just going to laugh like that survival of the fittest kind of thing when I was really stupid to A Thousand Ways To Die it was like this really shitty like where they had traumatic reenactments of like really fucked up ways people have died and it was like narrated by Elbow it wasn't it was like a really like this guy was an alcoholic but he had like 3 so we couldn't drink so he had his wife give him an enema of light just pure alcohol died of alcohol poisoning how much to the Angel with a Shotgun game directly in the blood the best stomach measuring liberal-left would be the equivalent of a shot like half a beer up here but I don't know why it just was really the conversion taste better with his anus light torch show to be like a little bit on it you could name the Bears when they were put into the anus somehow like you just named impressive butt must be some element of taste in the rest of your body but there was no element of pace in my asshole then you can taste yourself kitten thank God how are you good this guy what are you might be able to you just know it's any good follow-up question could that guy takes his own shit when you're taking a dump but it's like it's like if you want now I'm going to think about you got me thinking about it blind person what site is like how do you no hue light how do you go about you because I think you could explain to light a to it it's like if you did feels like you put your tongue on it is kind of like light sent that and then you can do that thing when people can picture stuff surely like to hear something that can kind of projected image a blind person's dream before they can picture the one that she would feel like how weird you think humans look to a person who is what's the number to touch the human face pretty pretty good I have an idea colors or anything like that until it came to be I don't know it would be so weird Gavin is just don't know Dr the shower?? Just left the Landin light in the shower the people someone brought up the fact that I think I saw it on the Sun burrit at first our thoughts butt the first word everyone says of the year is always happy because you're saying Happy New Year at the second the clock during the night and interested let me know whatever it is instead of trusting friend interested the happiest the most frequently started where you have never seen your face when I think about you have only seen your face reflected off of the Auburn Excellence plane I was a kid I was obsessed with trying to figure out what my face looks like from another perspective if I could I would look in the mirror bounce of your face into my beautiful and you can never text Gus sorola in your brain when you said you explain by saying if light reflects off an object and tell you since it how do you play the light the sun will I be like what are you doing right now and I'll be light enough and I do like the opposite of that El Paso to San Jose from people what it's like to be anybody cam yeah how do you describe light so yo you have your eyes closed in your the pitch-dark room right so you can't see anything and you know you can press on your eyes and then you can kind of see light colors blinds that to happen or the optic nerve is attached I'm just trying to see what you was always on the other side if you push this Sunday or are you still out here cuz everything everything you see is upside down rain just look at the way they did experiment where they gir light so everything she saw I was actually upside down and it was like completely disorienting but after like a week she was just light it is interesting that your brain can flip the image and there's no blood but if if I could switch my brain Sun flip the image so I was just seeing light bul light would I be able to react faster or maybe there is like and you're just complicated everything of it years ago when I woke up in the morning and I was like waking up in the morning open my eyes I was like I can see everything clearly like I have 20/20 vision I can read across the room what the fuck is happening at the Fillmore within five minutes everything was really blurry but not the glory I'm used to it and it wasn't right then like 5 minutes later I could be okay with my glasses on like 9 or 10 I will put you real the second I put glasses on for the first time like I didn't know yet after a certain point you glad you got Lasik but I wear glasses like since I was like yeah like 9 or 10 nosebleed section teet and it's crazy shit and I'm just like why do people pay to come in at 8 where all the sun I can see everything clearly I have no memory of things being blurry before that though really I never Ritenour light can you see the front anyway Boston Public School to do to piss himself a lot kindergarten when I was actually you no not yet I should myself one to kindergarten so when I was in kindergarten we had bathrooms in the classroom not even have to leave the class effect in the classroom it was like a boy in the girls bathroom to different doors and then left to go to the bathroom you didn't have to the door so I need to go to the bathroom really to the bathroom and then there's like a little bit rental car anymore so I fucking shit my pants that wasn't that was I've run out of time I'm not going to prove my point Dive Dive I should the shit out of my pants to be able to hide it Metro Pizza feed at one the other that I must activate who turns and looks at me did ya to ASU west I was in junior high I could not make it all the way to the bathroom and when I finally got in there I was like oh man I can't I mean you you I would be eaten alive they'll be like the story for the next like 10 years so I cleaned up and I have my underwear and I couldn't do anything so I rolled it in a bowl and like threw it in the corner and then immediately ran out and as soon as I was running out the the custodian that one inside and then like later that day I passed by the same custodian and they gave me like the most evil a hawk in the world oh man I must totally give away my face text next time let me tell you the story of the kid that shot in the corner of her because you know I think it was the third or fourth grade there was a kid that was causing a ruckus and being like just a little asshole and class and he kept asking to leave and the teacher wouldn't let him I forgot why she just being a bitch as well and he's making such a fuss about it that she put him in the corner and he ended up just sitting in the corner like he pulled down his pants and took a shit in the corner of the classroom not in his pants not anywhere that he could just go get cleaned up butt in the corner of the classroom that's how you do it you should make it look like you know making a statement I wish I had the foresight to the guards take my pants off in there taking a dump there someone coming out of your anus horse truth comes out a little doesn't it I guess it's like we don't you sell that are older Uber come to the park you want those little Enos Ludington Michigan fall haul YouTube Stephanie right now someone to go to the bathroom please record the spher come at 2:50 first water my newborn's hiccups of the podcast is brought to you by audibl thanks to audible.com / support / Steve podcast audible.com is a leading provider of audio books with more than 250,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature including fiction non-fiction and periodicals audio books are great to listen to when you're driving stuck in traffic on the subway or the bus doing chores around the house at the gym doing errands whatever for audience members audibl soccer to free audio book to give you a chance to try out their service what other book you may consider is Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn to download this audibl for free or another of your choice go to audible.com slash Rooster Teeth that's audibl.com / 3:30 the Gone Girl was a good selection for a book tonight considering I was one of my favorite movies are actually great listen guarantee the book inside you don't like it don't worry about it you can exchange it for another title anytime no-questions-asked great service may as well try it out 20. Someone had a really good you know how the people trying to get in shape now than sitting here and everyone makes goals like losing weight or whatever they had a strategy of only listening to a book on audio while you're working out so it kind of motivates you to keep going to it's absolutely be a convenient way to listen to audiobooks like Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn how to become handsome it yet but I'm really excited to listen to it after we Sun come with a like that movie I'm just doing it because of my commute to and from work everyday I don't listen I'll give Thrones at work in the car on the way to work ways to tighten a waste of time I could be there for you radio from 6 to 9 or something like that that's it local radio commercials so shitty they take off like nothing to make and they're all the same commercial breaks every now and then they play the same 3 commercials 8 times in a row back to back to back I would like it's a commercial for the same thing how to save your money so it didn't work sees.com OKC and also putting like that ever the actual thing was that it was a commercial for putting the warning on how to turn it off does any movie theater like half the theater goes off and it's like I'm missing kitten scares movies light Higher Ground Loui depressing if you actually still a kid to light get that alert and it's like your car and I cash it take it out on me did they just wander off like you are people stealing Nebraska it was really good quality ways this year TV show so we talked about a lot of TV shows last week I'm going to throw my Landin Willimantic Sun we did it we said please tell me when it's ready. Bob's Burgers Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Thrones from The Walking Dead True Detective Orange is the New Black Mad Men Loui Fargo House of Cards Game of Thrones Modern Family tomorrow and I do not mean Game of Thrones Thrones what's wrong with the world today but I've already typed a word strong like a massive National Thrones is it what you doing Lauren Butler mr7 left here and then you can take those Burgers True Detective orange the new black Loui said it was a struggle to keep House of Cards Game of Thrones just in case you couldn't tell from I Love Lucy Liu's amazing like everything that he explores and like this amazingly awkward that show is ending it was going to be there going to show the last trailer I'll be like so it might be that they have some Seasons quite content that they shot in IMAX but that's why they're doing this and have a budget that did the shooting on film or digital IMAX digital digital one I've seen a regular will you text me alright so you guys are alright best movie Boyhood Birdman barbar is viciously but now I'm just trying to narrow I didn't strap button imitation game inherent Vice Selma Nightcrawler foxcatcher American Sniper The Lego Movie Gone Girl Big Hero 6 Edge of Tomorrow Garza gavi always crap Boyhood Interstellar imitation game inherent Vice Selma Mercury game Gavin I don't think Nightcrawler my Luther King foxcatcher crabbin American Sniper The Lego Movie Scarlett best out of all of those move Gone Girl 06 that we can't keep going The Lego Movie and Big Hero 6 Monopoly tomorrow garden the galaxy okay Google what was what I started last time you started your favorite movie out of that list Hue my mind I guess Gone Girl but I don't think it was a great year for movies I've seen almost all of them and I don't think it's all that come out this year last year and year before Africa Alex Avila movie who's your favorite movie Edge of Tomorrow from that I didn't receive any of them thinking to change my whole text you tomorrow but you of Gone Girl I just got to give it to Gone Girl that I think I was going to say Gone Girl trailer bul that's not it actually comes out on Blu-ray tomorrow video on demand you can I get iTunes on Xbox videos on the area like they always wait and get the Blu Ray was talking about the Blu Ray yeah but I would love to do the blue thing cuz I think the quality so amazing but I'm just so lazy I like it when I'm watching Comedy Central and like Back to the Future comes on I have the Back to the Future DVD I can just watch it and better quality without commercials on the side and when I get up I'm believably have any Redbox know I have to go someplace and pushing buttons you can just get favor to get you before there was you to remember I could have tried to you if you need it I think once you hit 25 or $30 what about Redbox it's just a bleach-based I realize for my Xbox account migrated from UK account to the US one I made it up for us once like to play games and I just couldn't Gavin to USA biology and do they make fun of it and it was enough for the time for like 1 month to $1 as I do that it's $10 a month and I forgot about it for 3 years and I realize it's not charged for it every month and use the credit card statement I just didn't see it and really look at $10 charges I do now is the most dangerous times I was on the phone as much as I was this and I know you have another account I was like I was like well I haven't used it since like June of 2012 so could you just refunded but I didn't use it I would like it was a long shot like one we don't have a way to see where they used an unlikable shown that they absolutely can and to there just let me know if we can do that when you say you didn't look at $10 charges one time it was until my credit card I like to look at my debit card account the other two. Two whole months worth of credit card charges get out of credit card that I used to try to run all my charges to it so it's like some credit card and we were down at the office one day I'll stop and buy some coffee or coffee in the morning my debit card so I can pay for it and I called the bank or credit card issuer and I said I just tried to use my credit card was declined I said oh yeah at 4:30 this morning did you buy something on Yahoo for $1 there's like no I said okay yeah that was a suspicious charge without to lock your car we can't believe that you would try to test the card to see if it actually works whoever is stealing information and I will just go all out on the first play because I think they want to test it first and not just try to buy something and get tested to make sure it works and it's a credit card to someone else like the credit card at my bank got like some money using my card and I don't know about it because they kept trying to use it but I literally like I literally had no money in the account like I owed money to the bank and they're like we figured that you wouldn't be trying to charge this since you like are completely broke one time I went to put gas in my car and I pull up to the gas pump got out swipe my card if I can select your fuel great writer like what regular leaded put the put the nozzle in my car at school and nothing no gas comes out and nothing is zero an even to the other side everything will do that to a gas station make sure it works 70 preventive measures because other people are also at all I just like mildly inconvenience it's annoying canaries like if the pump I just had a sign that said out of order or if it just work like it's fucking shut up somewhere like a grocery store and realizing of your car doesn't work I don't have your card with you and it's like sorry Hue for like an hour so I'll just leave and go get a tree stuffed up I said yeah you just leave it there and walk away the band I need those bags and Lube I'm not gonna do that to yourself it's really rare that I feel like that happens anymore used to be I felt like everything had someone to back and now how to trick you about it whenever I go to like grocery shopping my wife I'll let her light kind of go out and make it look like she's by herself and it's a little come over with the backdrop of to not pay them back if they hand it to them because I wanted them later and I like his room and he's not even in the store what simplify the product you want it right then just ask me to be like you want this or your back for you to be up just to pull out your bag is blessed then having to deal with that is for multiple bags best internet videos of the Chicago Prudential to hear the results then I cleaned up last night probably going to shut out the often too and hopefully wouldn't be here without Richard liquid and then outside on the outskirts without him Russia not many water grocery store at everything to actually get a good job doing your camera work to the job nothing another word for Alumni Association for my college I mean you just call I love you I'm resting right now no come it's me. No no I just feel inferior all the 27 inch thanks guys Sun Restaurant of tiny hamster eating tiny burritos fucking crazy what is a photocopier bird says fuck you of that one that's a funny video butt I got rated Dark Wings dark words so that was good horse gets gastrointestinal problems and couldn't fartin normally butt right now if you can find it put it on but I don't know something Washington State fartin is it called funny horse fart five seconds of gas hold there's a lot of Renegade please eliminate stuff fucking asshole tiny hamster eating tiny burritos what is the photocopie air wisdom teeth ice bucket challenge get rid of that at all girl gets wisdom teeth removed that's a good one. And no don't grab it you to pay for it with my Mutant giant spider dog reporter quits live on-air thanks got that was crap Earth blows up first kiss of got that are cute first taste of chocolate Ivory Coast I have not seen it it looks like first taste of chocolate oh so that's it tomorrow Patrick speaks with his mother fucking great yeah I do particularly for this chocolate and Patrick because I think they were actually doing Protection Program so I don't know that they wouldn't necessarily qualify wimpy goat cargo humans need not apply how the Sun sees you I told my kids I ate their Halloween candy the cat that the next one at parody with Jim Carrey Colburn idiots abroad they want video do you want to pick out of it how the internet can you go summertime tiny hamster eating tiny burritos what is a photocopier girl gets wisdom teeth removed mutant giant spider dog glow stick blows up in kids face first taste of chocolate and Ivory Coast Patrick speaks wimpy goat cargo humans need not apply how the Sun sees you Lincoln ad parody and Colburn Idiot Abroad photocopie video of the year so that is really clever and really funny true it's a fucking when I watched it I didn't know that it was actually based on like a transcript light that says this is based on a deposition the computer and I was like this is kind of like a completely recontextualizing things like this I really loved the girl getting wisdom teeth out and her mom likes white dick what time hamster eating tiny at all that changed my life she is what made it looking for great concern tiny hamster Thanksgiving really delicious to swallow that like a pill Taste of at all you won't have to wonder she's got a puffed-up love your height I change my vote Lynyrd Skynyrd of the Year 03 tiny burritos add to my calendar yes they have ever seen in my life you want to wear something all the time they take a camera that films ultraviolet light and show people there but it was like all of the blemishes that you can sees that you can't see normally with all the damage under the hood look like a 90 year old man perfect I grew up on the border game contest I was going to be my child being blurry until I started I miss him so much everyone complains about the heat here I miss the heat but I much rather have it be 45 degrees than a hundred and something it's over there still translating things me crazy is daylight savings times awesome in the summer like when we leave work it's just like pitch black outside and I get for depressed how late leaving work and I hope we can still go if it swims can I come can I come there are people who take buses from light San Antonio the bringing kids down to use this but what's on the postal service and if you want to use a simple come live in Austin right light and it never poo fuck you tell them getting Fairfield Inn expensive I feel like that would have I like other people's posts because I don't want to be lonely when I just get drunk and what's the weather tonight yo I have such big trees in my backyard and they just said crap around like that much what are you to maintain true how much maintenance is in a hot tub you just throw chemicals in there to put on my balcony are you going to move closer to the office now not yet I'm too lazy to find an apartment and I like my plane movie still sucks but your phone is off weekend can I come yeah everyone's invited everyone he replied to my text is invited I don't know I don't know how to get a house party but you like did not invite me you're one of the few people who actually went to my last house had been there more than a few times butt yeah of course I never had a housewarming party never had a ton of people show up tonight I was How the Other Place Israel leather jacket in a boat you were right about what are you you ended up wearing it on top of Brando no idea where they came from and at the time? part of the body I was looking for that night the right the right a tiny little pat on the head when I got into light human memory put it on you when you walked away from me when I was in yo that's why I didn't come to fight on the patch on Wednesday telephone off Prince of Tennis episode the podcast is brought to you by squarespac or spiritually launch the latest version of their platform squarespac 7 which is a completely redesigned interface Integrations with Google apps new templates 24/7 support responsive design to your site looks great on any device and every website come to the free online store started trial with no credit card required start building your website today when you decide to sign up at squarespace.com / RoosterTeeth make sure to use the offer could reach teet to get 10% off your first purchase and to show your support for the restie podcast thanks to Squarespace for their support squarespac start here go anywhere I can't believe we're talking about the greatest to the Future earlier if you'd like for dash it on your phone the same thing would like service that pretty much makes a website looks awesome like the internet and I really used for that was like to learn about this is like I learn how to make a web page and like write the HTML and do all that and you realize this is a fucking pain for 5 years and I would do it and he was just like this is so fucking complete shit website they were so ugly it's just like website download of feel like 28k modem speeds it takes like forever to just like that to another web page you seem really slow I think about that over 20 years now most of my life except the Wi-Fi is at 11 I guess you how much Wireless of to you guys you don't have a computer right in front of you what something fun challeng gavi what camera phone to my lap whenever I go to light on a trip and I go to hotel if I'm OK and sometimes you go and it's like every device to connect to Starbucks or whatever if you have a laptop you just plug the ethernet cable in and then share that connection from your laptop's wireless and you create a Wi-Fi hotspot off your laptop so they like my phone and my iPad not connect to the Wi-Fi network I just got 5K iMac holy shit computer already have like a big butt Apple Cinema display that used to use before when I plug my right now with my other one my old one and let you can drag a window from one to the other I look so good so I read it and I had like the entire front page of Russia teet.com if you set the resolution all the way up light 141 pics and videos light on this crazy so I can get more that's why they have to have it built into the computer because they can't transmit that we're still working on 6 year old Mac Towers everyone else's does suck but I like them I think they're better now but there's been nothing but complaints about the hardware problems of those things there was an update on the podcast fucking anime come in America at a cost twice as much patience but definitely when they spend like $8,000 on it how much money is a grant holy shit it's good if you trick it into working how you want it to but as an actual computer life I just had that as my only computer I would kick it but it's frustrating it's very weird ways no problem just like one particular piece of software that trash light on air butt at light ruins my life every single day there total have you talked about the light bulb no I think I talked about him briefly on screenplay a few weeks ago but did not mention them to put screenplay on Hiatus while we figure out what to do and what will that show up so tomorrow maybe never again light bulb butt your face I didn't light both have been out for a while and I just never get it for over a year never heard about at Best Buy in store light display that's what the fuck is this light bulbs that you can control from your smartphone and it's not we just turn them on and off but adjusting the colors I need to set preset so you can hit a button and they all do different things and when I looked just like my my room but would stop vacuuming the to let me out of my light switch come on light bright white house fencing so that when you get home or leave home they turn on or turn off or do specific things that you probably have to be more strict light room to room but that would have to be like and if she already has a chip in it you think that he would be able to detect your proximity to each other yeah I can do that she told me like they were smaller bulbs because I thought you just get the Hue turns on when I bought like 6 and there's like at least third-party apps that have light strobe mode where it's just like if you were having a party at like a club and then like his other ones that you can play music through your phone and then to the music they're so awesome it made of Vine showing them off at your house the cabin how you put up with him I feel like I live in the future and bring it to my light bulb colors yeah there's like color of how to make a deep purple how do you reset a light purple as well have you ever come up to my house to see the purple lights from the outside come straight up this is one of his one at that has these like video presets and basically what I will do is take all your life and will just fade in and out from like black or you know nothing to read except they're all time like you know differently so it looks like you're in the middle of PT or health like it's absolutely terrifying Russia right yeah even at the brightest then text of the energy saving aspect of it but this one I have where there's a preset for you can specify an NFL team at any time that team scores your phone will play you like a air horn noise and it's all your life will start flashing back to color like 30 seconds after we scored you like to go crazy it's funny Paula came home she saw like the light switch the installed which is like not even there light switches look really cool she just like oh my god when is to a light switch the cam of the switch that you can buy the little light switches just like you just like them in my room and I just got my first iPad nail to the wall with that it's not really on your way it's always on and it's cuz it's my old it'll make you sick come I feel like I can sees a light switch 45 year old is on it the current one doesn't the old one even if you got $5 for it would be worth more than what you're going for butt is used as it is it was just in a drawer come with light recycling your old crap you have an old phone anyway now I traded in for a new phone and then I get money for it I didn't pay anything for the phone cuz I trade in my old one does it look cool doesn't look like you just like plaster to an iPad to the wall is there some like cool like apparatus overboard get it together how to save a picture on the wall and there's a nail in the wall like the next step in like supercomputer house like everything that comes out I'm excited like robot how to make it was like everybody was like I feel like this is come we are all at once and he's telling me that his roommate opened it up and put it 130 degrees damage yo no I didn't focus on the to me that you were drinking we will just make sure you tell him that I didn't know about black movie air on Earth and all the water and that's really cool yeah that's also pretty nifty what are there additional little Circles by the water bubbles make it look nice stupid stylistic bubbles of huge ruins a scale what is a document Gavin Loui of whatever we're sharing some of our phones and iPads we can meet anywhere game in the end it was something it's not it's like an iPad out there so that you can take pictures of yourself and posted to their Instagram but it's always off power save mode every time I go down I try to do it you just have to hit like the home button and it turns out looking like it's like the most useful thing we could just disable power save him if he would use it but as it is right now just like it looks like a broken iPad that just hangs on the wall and it there's like at the old office that has an Apple TV and they just keep like the screensaver on butt you connect to their Wi-Fi you can light screen share with it and he's like no man should have this power like I have to like stop myself from putting like yeah right everyone I can't go back there because you let you know I can't trust myself would you be a devious Look At Me Now so I got something for Di can't be the last time I did this earlier today but I'm going to start in 2015 and it is going to be better about things I'm going to be more proactive about figuring out who's on the podcast if you really like them expose people who were watching the pockets not realize it but normally if not until like Friday night or Saturday morning I forgot to ask you if I can be on the podcast so its like over the weekend right before the process of trying to schedule people I'm going to be books like a week or two in advance and try to try to get it scheduled on the weekend Lauren Africa how many weeks ahead do you have who's on in like 1 picture I think I asked why I want to say could in case they say no when are you available you doing to fans and Beyond podcast next week not so much lately I've been paranoid when I'm driving at night in Austin because you know there's that thing where they haven't caught the guy but there's a guy who's been throwing rocks off of the upper deck on the lower deck of a ship so I used to always take the Lord because that's for suckers game that gets up there and find something wrong with Thrones light still in intensive care like all the guys about it and I was like don't take the upper deck and I was like looking for people butt driving on the city of how do you think it's really late at night or in the morning but still I'm taking no chances that sounds like a challenge Uber B52 the police like when they talk about it when they tell her to look at the guys we've been canvassing the area talking to like all the area homeless they've been given a lot of tips light does your investigation if your homeless to be your eyes and ears and tell me what's going on it's tough to tell people what happened obviously and maybe somebody did salt sees somebody with a big rock but I must feel like you don't to put that idea in people's heads that could be a lot of people I never thought would do that and then talking about it right now what does a clip on online of at the dash cam and there's a truck coming the other way with a bunch of bricks on it and a break from that truck just goes but just comes off and goes straight into the into the camera and I think it kills the person in the passenger seat but you hear his reaction few weeks ago just driving down the road like directions to the intersection of light slowing down and then from the other direction there's a cement mixer rolls over on its side and I remember driving down the street I'm going to watch the dash cam it's where the dash comes of that comment that happened in Russia Light Lost in his notebook the light from the come and shutting his eyes and he just pulls down the sun visor the whatever it was it was a meteorite somewhere I can't remember where it was but it went to some it was somewhere in Romania it went through like at 4 or 5 in the morning in the middle of the night and still pitch black outside and watch the comet come from a bunch of different security cameras and it turned the night into day light for like 2 seconds that's crazy it's so bright and everything just like talking to you for a little while then they light up the entire city I don't know why we've been having a lot of thunderstorms that's awesome you a little crazy lightning my lightning bolts light down if you really cool and will be taking awhile to find it I guess it's like you have that flashlight light going out everytime it rains like a big metal rod but it comes up from the bottom right in the ground I could send out a bunch of a bunch of them in the face and hit the ground she crazy like it was when I was with you and at least right next to horse light into the apartment complex right in the parking lot I was walking from my car to my apartment and there was a lightning strike probably about 30 to 40 feet away from me I just felt like almost from it and I saw like on the ground there was like a little bit of like a Scorch mark terrifying now whenever there's come to my home for my car running around I don't have to mess around with that never ask if I can call and stuff and I order it I'm not I'm not going to get struck by lightning the fuck you up also can kill you I like maybe if you don't do it like it messes up your body like crazy like your age if you become a superhero but you can't get erect the condition where you can't get erect butt you can't get turned light pink directions to the cam on the phone you can actually sit up close to light in my car across the street at one time it was like we were really close to it flying from Wellington to Brisbane lightning struck right outside the plane was sitting in the plane in bad weather screaming on the plane that is in Austin when they were taking off Birds went into the engine and people saw like the the engine on fire like they were like Flames coming out of the out of work and they landed fine but like it sitting there and like seeing like the engine on fire I would just check out I will feel like you just come to terms with that guy that's it like I think anything else happens in the plane like a bat not even get upset there's a plane that was late got stuck it was out and the wheel was turned sideways instead of the way it would roll and there's a bunch of like news about in the head fireman all over the runway to you know put out the fire that would be the plane crash and the pilot landed it perfectly where he landed wheels down first for as long as he could hold it and then like slowly put it down to the point where just like to get on the runway it was already watching it I know that they will be watching it how many pants were shot during that moment shipment if you're running away we'll talk about how the landing gear was turned the wrong way on the big plane at 30th and I learned something over the weekend that I didn't know you know the B52 at Giant Bomb Earth at the us through a lot during the Cold War they always had them in the air you know that way I can drop nuclear bombs for whatever reason it is so massive that it was very difficult to land in turbulent conditions and it had a classified featured I'll talk to Mike for a long time apparently we're they could the pilot when on approach to land could dial in the heading of the runway and the wheels would turn that way the wheels would be straight on the runway even if the plane was coming in at an angle of the game I'm gonna run away that's crazy it was awesome possible to Landin win yet but you can air show butt people butt well it's what we got to say thank you for watching we back on Wednesday you can watch us Cam and how about the best games of the year and argue about the at and we'll see you then I'm a little nervous that we're not in the light podcast pod pod podcast