#313 - RT Podcast

RT Podcast Discusses Cloudy Water

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-313

Recorded: 2015-03-03 23:00:17

Runtime: 01:40:06 (6006.19 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Brandon Farmahini




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    "Space Invaders Bottle Opener" => "http://www.entertainmentearth.com/prodinfo.asp?number=DC4237#.VPUP4bPF_0s"
    "Google Titan Drones" => "http://www.theverge.com/2015/3/2/8131145/googles-titan-drone-flight-internet-access"
    "The Wire" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0306414/"
    "Humans Have More Bacteria than Cells" => "http://discovermagazine.com/galleries/zen-photo/m/microbiome"
    "English Channel" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Channel"
    "Barton Springs Pool" => "http://austintexas.gov/department/barton-springs-pool"
    "Dead Mans Float" => "http://www.ehow.com/how_6582_survival-float.html"
    "181 New Billionaires" => "http://news.sky.com/story/1437090/worlds-richest-tech-entrepreneurs-join-list"
    "Flash MP3 Player" => "http://www.amazon.com/MP3-Players-Portable-Audio-Video/b/ref=amb_link_381116982_1?ie=UTF8&node=1264866011&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=merchandised-search-6&pf_rd_r=1SR907MB4K44ZXRJFQHW&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=2018542142&pf_rd_i=1"
    "Basic Facts about Salmon" => "http://www.defenders.org/salmon/basic-facts"
    "Brackish Water" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brackish_water"
    "Dead Sea Salt Content" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Sea"
    "Betta Fish " => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siamese_fighting_fish"
    "Gavins Bath" => "https://twitter.com/GavinFree/status/551508202483773440"
    "Hot Water Is Cloudy" => "https://twitter.com/TiedTheLeader/status/572585320895676416"
    "Spot the Robot Dog" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8YjvHYbZ9w"
    "The Dress" => "http://s3-ec.buzzfed.com/static/2015-02/27/11/enhanced/webdr02/enhanced-buzz-15974-1425054294-8.jpg"
    "Spinning Silhouette" => "http://www.maniacworld.com/Spinning-Silhouette-Optical-Illusion.html"
    "Net Neutrality" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Net_neutrality"
    "The Great Llama Drama of 2015" => "http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/02/26/breaking-two-llamas-are-on-the-run/"
    "ESPN Popcorn Guy" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROixfhb6ZKY"
    "Weasel Riding Woodpecker" => "http://io9.com/yes-this-is-a-photo-of-a-weasel-riding-a-woodpecker-in-1689046593"
    "Hypnotic Ink Physics" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzkB574jivA"
    "Colton Dunn Superstore" => "http://deadline.com/2015/03/colton-dunn-mark-mckinney-nico-santos-cast-superstore-1201384808/"
    "Dave Foley Cant Go Back to Canada" => "http://www.torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrities/2011/03/09/17556331.html"


Transcript (in progress):

hello everyone and welcome to the receipt bottle of the week brought to you by audibl and NatureBox to find products to find sponsors will be given a little more love later in the show this week this week podcast featuring The Great casserole Gavins Brando burni Burns and Gavin special guest Gavins really confusing I told her my girlfriend gave me this I know she's really confused why you so like that every now and then she's like we're here to talk about my girlfriend Brando yeah right don't even understand of Laser team that he thought driving made a person attractive like what he got the truck out here that we're not a bunch of single dudes Ozarka of sad and lonely every week make up for it with Emoji socks I would love to present this version of you today the 19 year old version of you it's a mad face or six months ago version of you that you've gotten progressively less social which I didn't even think was possible Google remind me the first day my slightly more dressed up clothes I walked into the kitchen first birthday wishes Gavins if he goes nice clothes I buy them for you so bitter and angry about it I got got the birthday present because it was his birthday the 22nd at 2:22 so I didn't care that much so you can return it bottle opener I'll test it out how to use Place opene / bottle Chandelier sweet deal it's like a group of friends that I have her was like you guys go with you fucking bottle openers like not only lose them they become unusable have you noticed that it spot I never got to the point where I wore out of bottle opener have known this group of people we have I mean it's routine that we run out of bottle opener can we bring a metal worker to fix it net worth social culture here that wonderful gift I gave them to the bottom of the screen you're drunk birthdays for a minute you thought about your paper this is your other people I don't give a shit about life my birthday special is nothing out of the ordinary spot the fact that God damn 8 a.m. on my birthday my phone started buzzing with happy birthday text messages yeah I got more text messages in one day flash typically do like in three months and it started waking me up and I was fucking hungover Peoria history happy birthday Anna W my birthday if I remember I might return the favor but I typically don't like the stuff there are no Formula One with a friend like this with anybody else have a friend on Facebook poo every time it's someone's birthday they copy and paste the exact same happy birthday message to everyone yeah it's like we can all see you been giving everyone the same birthday greeting for 5 years if you could set it so it automatically posted for you on Facebook whatever betta space but talking to Facebook Artificial Intelligence on your last birthday do you have any recollection of who wished you a happy birthday is 0 what is it rude not to I don't think you did I did not thank you I appreciate it but you didn't wake me up when I was doesn't even of the coolest soccer ball in the bottle that's the most important part of a how far now now now they are silent spot the door open and comes in cans or not 640 what's wrong with it just doesn't line up taking 5 minutes to put the laundry from the door the door opens into the bedroom and it opens in as well okay swing of the door to smack him hit the corner of the bed and you can look for that passed it was like that's a small hotel room by the bathroom door is the toilet door as well go to the bathroom or it could close off the TV in my hotel room in Paris and then I went up to 400 Gavins of leprosy I getting my texts is like at this level like that I can back in my head 618 cannot seem to find it really funny that it's just as funny now Conchas Lake dr. me like 10 year olds and a 10 year old for an hour of internet and I got the old you know whenever I was downloading your moving day that was an hour that would come up a time so you can use an hour back or something if you wanted to and I feel like so let me drop again I'd like to send a message to that kind of like one of those like you would keep the connection open for a minute there's a really weird thing I never seen anywhere else Google Titan Titan Titan this company you can look them up if you want to show a picture of the things this company what they do is they make these really big solar powered drones and they just go up and they stay up late that's the whole thing the whole thing is like its power from the Sun and once it goes up in the air no Dunn making a network of these things to than being internet Ford aluminum the surface of the Earth before the solar power drone like that the closest that work on the moon you could make a nice guy and LCD screens are they have enough of them up there just fine looks like almost like a glider is what it looks like everything is covered with the same thing when I reboot it why why why why have it what is it like what is net worth the crack in the spot the company that was do and I give me the rain in drone good with technology but his level of intelligence like ten thousand other ways to do that but you know it wasn't like it was a do pushing of a pair of Gladwin press the lady wasn't there she walks into the room you want to be appearing spot what are you what are you what your go to pose Betta Have a funny idea for a video that up to you guys later today and in the presence of the betta funny idea and every guy that sounds like smart I know she got it funny dude I had that same guy dead like in the movies do this like this one guy in particular who was just like I could have been a really to do but you just didn't give me the cell phone money have to be in order to be attractive would you like to fall off the scale what is the most important thing if you're not happy happy there's some people that don't make jokes like what do you do if you don't make jokes like during a conversation for days and days and days and months and months like I don't I don't know what I don't know what to say women would you rather be with somebody that you make laugh all the time more so we can make you laugh all the time can I make love with somebody that's why we're on this side of the camera anywhere all natural Spotlight Hogs about from years and years and years ago from the top of a very cell Adam is a brake combination and she had a thing where she literally didn't like when people laugh that was a thing that than upset her did you remember laughing at her and so she assumed that they were laughing as if you made her laugh when she was really really hard yeah but she would get you get you get mad how long does it go how long can you keep it up for you later is that cell conten to let me know how to say I just got out of A6 year relationship that I was in college dating for six years old early to talk about marriage with this University Foley than some other people they seriously talk about getting married how old you baby I like it like to how old was Jesus cell have to be to have like the emotional tool set to be able to 2828 23 23 23 the person I like 2929 I Should Have Been Me so you were ready school like you should have your shit taken care of how much below it is very sensitive but it's hard to ignore the fact that the generation below it doesn't matter as quickly Wate there's just something about it just like they stayed home longer like I've read some stories online of like people who are at home to lose like 30 but the curfew they have him on is killing our about our relationship anymore appropriate to be living at home with your parents in have a curfew for to is that I mean 50 and what is the age would you do if someone was 28 today I would say that being good shape but if something 18 today I'd say Wate to your 30 honestly I think 140 countries to move to another country to live in girlfriend digital Workshop than that one the same emotions like that anymore. I couldn't possible I'm trying to get to able to walk if you have a small circle do you want to walk the dogs outside I'm going to be in should be this week is great I'm not going to not getting off work look like actually watching it in HD it's so weird to have like a Blu-ray release or is it just a digital TV shot-by-shot and either just restored it or they like CGI shit that was at the side of the frame cuz when they shot it they knew it was going to be a square frame they just push it in 69 restore the frame and then like if there was any crap on the side they like you know fix it up they did they painted it out I filled in the blanks space they just fix crap that was in the shot that shouldn't be because whenever they never thought it would be in 1690 when it was appointed in 69 so sometimes you can't see the bottom of the frame right below frame but cant see it the only thing is I'm only watching the show and I was like I don't like the HD it's weird doesn't fit with the show so I go back in I was watching you go I go back to my iTunes account that's where I originally bought the whole show and that she's to HD to it was like I don't know I bought it like you don't they have to like him salt me it's different and I feel weird that like I purchase something with the expectation that it would be so they can't feel like this just like what let's say this though we'll take a look at content on iTunes you're presented the option to purchase it in HD or SD do their exclusive if you purchased it and then you should not have gotten the HD upgrade in my opinion you should have stuck with the SD and I should have made you pay for the HD but you would have been really unhappy about that do not have to buy device in my storage because I should take some more robot storage have never new storage that's a magnitude higher I always thinking last forever never lasts forever a terabyte drive the same as I do everything twice in two different locations on a network storage company and that was how many terabytes I just changes over time and I can get you guys your parents your hundred and forty is it's it's I mean you will be so good for you it's like you don't need to like get going on some Isaac Newton invented calculus by the time he was twenty I think that I didn't do that that was everyone who is currently taking calculus for it because you ran out of mathematics in which to study Physics hot when your kid website I would slap the shit that Shakespeare of learning calculator maybe basic functions instrumental trap humans let me know that you are my cousin but I cannot remember that stuff I mean I could look at it and be like oh yeah Crystal drama it's funny I don't need much is a tropical cant not seriously do it and I think about the things I learned in school and I don't know that anything I learned is not to serve the people like you learn a foundation of stuff and then everything after that is building on that Foundation the foundation is great but then I learned all this other shit fucking English language the mitochondria more bacteria cells in the human body bullet whatever like your skin cells or whatever have to be a good thing so you to myself I made lots of makeup you like if you like Harborside Gavins else or if when you were born they like vacuum sealed use 50% of my weight on more isn't me Wate but you have more cell like for instance like normal humans and then they could be a little big but they make it makes itself with other bacteria how would you do that interests you pull the bacteria out of me but I just feel like bacteria spreading into the functions your body they're positive for you like it right now thing about it is great for about anything I don't know great things just like these things didn't kill each other okay I think robot most likely it helped us get to this point like how many things are we tolerated it we've been able to handle it and navigate that don't forget it killed us they wouldn't have a live-in or live-out We Are Marshall when you get a tattoo removed and shoot it with a laser and it goes down into your body and it's really have like this weird crap I bought it but you can link up in the blood and liver would it was worse than the tattoo like I remember seeing like it was obviously some guy had to tattoo removal to try to make it was I think I could see it was like so what was that he's like it was a Lincoln Park tattoo more tattoo do that stuff all the time how many tattoos can you put on top of a tattoo at 6:40 the 4th like we got like layers of ink sticking out from like your chest or something Disney more detail if you put in raised up physic 3D that like ABS tattooed on will a guy who got stuck talking to Foley Barton do like right below the neckline full on his chest and stomach Pikachu and then he was just like oh man that sucks it's like to cover to cover up can you paint a wall he went to a party you went to a party and it was a drug dealer's house and the drug dealer made friends with than this is a really good one of those guys it's like to make friends with anybody and it goes Jimmy says drug dealer says he wants to say hi to someone the house opene compartment there's some fault he opens the Vault opens up cash right there that's a good that's a million dollars right there the guy was like that's pretty go back all the way out of the house and bolted out of the house and the truck they had rented to lift the ball up like he had like a lift on the back of the truck wasn't powerful enough to look them all up so they couldn't get the balls up into the truck and he was as former billionaire a drug dealer in your cooking that's the way it works it down the million it's only $2 that's a horrible thing and I would never tell her story but at the end of the day the guy didn't lose his money if someone had ripped apart my bedroom and pulled my boat out of my house by Doug channel the dragon that thing or whatever to the house but they didn't steal it I would still consider that a victory like it's sitting there in the street like having a million dollars worth of damage to your you know my safe the problem and I can just cut the money I to say what you want them to say back the mean literally I don't know how I would I would I do you you were do you think the value do it do the value increase your motivation to get the money out if that was 50 bucks to be like tonight is that I never discussed because oldest politician what if I told you my life insurance policy was 50 and you just giving up you're just like screw it we'll never get in there but then you find out that's like another 900 million and I would you try more here's here's the problem I've got is coming out of that list that you're in that same scenario okay it's like if it's $100,000 would you give up after six months at $10,000 you might give up at is like it was already I'm curious about your scenario like what would be the amount for me I need an even $50,000 would be enough to keep me going and like to say hello hot about to say forget Popcorn Time safe doors cant post on Reddit like oh I bought this house and look what I found it's the safe everyone wants to open the fucking say I gave up on everyone wants that safe open so he was in here the other questions like what is more motivating knowing exactly how much money is in there or having no clue what's on the inside how big of motivation would be dead by now colonial life than this scenario where the dude starving to death to let me see the sandwich if you were starving to death lyrics is there anyway I'm giving up but then you saw a safe do you think that different values would make you go different distances no I think it would matter to me at all that's why it's like a frigerator say something you know there's food in there but it's also money in there do I place a is light on the horizon you got some time which is 50 Grand do just feel like if it was a billion would you go billionaire what is irrelevant at that point I guess it would go to the safety the only thing in the round structure of dying of starvation you want to go get your restaurant you like I say what I think like if I ever got stuck in the middle of the ocean God forbid knock on wood and they're having it like it's nothing like that I think I would make it would make it great just like you like to keep walking keep walking if you the Ocean Walk 3 miles back to shore in the middle of the ocean 3000 miles from Shore flash is connected by the channel I got a little bit of why I didn't go up there I don't know if I'm the right one for each other it's like 12:40 or something 1221 ocean Ocean on the map and then look at the gap between England in front you can't swim that you can swim from the military English Channel swim back to shore do it let's do it we could do this realistically we could do the closest point between England France 20.6 miles should be proud of what you know when Ground of the company's money you and I fly to France or England and you swim the channel I just paint swimming in your halfway to the Channel Inn where there's a fucking idiot than iPhones filmin me and being dropped and being in my life is a total difference there is I had to keep swimming you would make it you make it work make it work make it work that's true that would make it I don't read it you would think I was just a slight about below water that's where I flash equilibrium why is it freezing up to kill me like this when it's a struggle to stay above the water I can do it but it's like there's no is to it I think you just haven't done it right yet no I was really exciting because it's like basically that's what like 20 feet deep like there's no way out of the situation it like when your in a pool and doing laps you can like I'll be okay is it something terrifying about the fall the side of the pool but it's like something like a motion there that's like I'm going to disappoint Springs thanks for meeting to get your foot in the Dead Sea have a question do with have a company fly me swim across English Channel more that because it's Colton to come that's fine floating underwater floa LOL you seem like we go through it all there's been all that money and then everyone to see on an iPhone and somebody said they totally got it everyday reggae hip-hop three hours straight you been swimming just think it's to that point you need a ride you need a rest will teach you that in like Foley back to the dead mans what you like put your head in the water and your head on the wall can you float like that but tell us how you hold your breath when you put your head up and you breathe vs swimming and treading water like they did for their back like that makes more sense so you can you're not ready to do it it's a technique that they need to do is go the dead meat on the lookout you're probably while you were doing your dead Foley drift back like are you prepared do you have like a senior what are the requirements on floa no clue what that is can someone fill me in tomorrow otherwise known as a dead mans floa pretty easy just lie there face down you come up for air when heated you repeat every 5 minutes are you reading Yahoo answers no I'm reading this guy has a very lovely lady bottle for an avatar so he's your brother Ministry every 5 minutes come on bring something for the kids Bible floating the number one space down Florida the number to is Blackfoot ink fish than an arm's length of the service made the cake you like you will love taking breath raise your head when you need a breath of air if you need to bring your arms down good Lord I know what I'm talking about I would survive dead and I would be victorious than being really optimistic View drop me in the dead middle of the Pacific Ocean with no idea where I am I close to any exposure you put me in a lake like a big ass like like two miles from Shore I'm living five miles from Shore I got that 5 miles I start to cry whenever you take off from LA and you just for some reason go miles out into the ocean and then turn around to a consistent station if they drop you at that point where they're going out before this I always like to swim back to the beach right now look at the size of it and it's like this big and this is absolutely do it Ring of Fire the biggest concern with the monsters under my do this up thanks to audible.com for supporting the Rich Podcast on is a leading provider of audio books with more than 150,000 downloadable titles across all types of literature including fiction non-fiction and periodicals audio books the great to listen to when you're stuck in traffic you're driving around on the subway bus do the letters in the ocean floating in the ocean you're at the gym practicing your dead man float for your service you may consider is Game of Thrones by George RR Martin to download audible.com / that's audible.com / RoosterTeeth and apparently they have a great listen guarantee so if you choose a book you say you don't like it you can exchange it no questions asked swap it out with something else front of the book or you could try trap at the bottom of the sea of Cooper kids Adventure book for the adventures mans bottom of a sea or lost 181 new billionaire yeah it seems like a lot and it seems like all that wealth is increasing but actually the opposite where there's a huge concentration of wealth going on there's like a billion dollars again hypnotic should to buy to waste money if I stop by elections by country Define directly go to the store so I'll let you know and what country are not working on accounts you can buy elections in America absolutely that's harder in Russian gavi achieve billionaire billionaire 180 other people did it too they said when they win the lottery like 5 other people when you feeling like a million bucks how many billionaire in the world well 181 more than I used to be at the last meeting we'll think of something there are 2580 I would say that doubled it and there's like to 362 425 hundred last year we double the amount of Total Beverage Norton 850 about 1800 1800 do we have 10% and 10% of all the builders Oriole is Cloud in what year was only 80 million billion billion 79.3 Michelin stock options have been doing really well now there is a like a really good diversion of the watch yeah it's like $5,000 75000 encrusted with diamonds and stuff and then other companies like crazy stupid event March 9th how old is kind of like heart rate monitors that I'm just hoping the Apple watch has that and I'll get that so you going to church tonight I love Apple love stuff to make I never buy the first thing they make up something very great agree with that but the first iPad was good and not 3G 2 megapixel camera but I mean like I still have Wi-Fi it was still a good price iPod 4 iPod to get the cheapest heart was going to wait for the band's like really shitty I can come to your place and that's what makes it more expensive flip and you think I care about that that's what it look like how much does it look like and she passed watch my favorite I think this was like 50 bucks, my car anymore it's paid off the idea of making another click making their own car and like incorporating new technology and New York is like that's what makes me want to buy another car how much does it cost how much does a Tesla cost is 65 for that I would be a little you think Apple will look at this and say we're going to make a cheaper car than them you think that's the way it works yeah I think so looking at the consumer they're not just trying to appeal to like the richest people in the world like that the for the products but is cheapest in class or like cheaper anything price range for that I put up what's the shuffle Dave even make that anymore I feel like an MP3 player I mean getting like 50 bucks I'm a look up MP3 player on Amazon Flash MP3 player The Flash MP3 player Sony makes one for 40 bucks Kobe makes one for 20 bucks a piece and it 430 yet so we're looking at double e double the cost MP3 play hard as well because it wasn't that it was like you could see it was crap you couldn't even more the first one I think the real diamonds real I want to say have 32 megabytes of storage yet so about 30 minutes ago Which is less than a sea food product eventually one and released it and it was like than everything just exploded from the music industry exploded with a koala with the quality that was less than what it was before not to me I'm sure there's audio files are they called an analog phonograph record either than we have like recapture that with vacuum tube amplifiers inside a little MP3 to take take a note the hell he had a whole to put HiFi system would like vacuum tubes on the amplifier and stuff like that it was just it was we have had a hot flash was like it was like a high-five so he called and I mean ever come close to that no not here just like he was like he was way into it and I'm sure a lot of people are but they have stuff like that I love you do I would love to go have a podcast in the world's quietest room we should take the fucking binaural head will get a company to pay for a trip there we go. Import water from the Dead Sea and I could you guys you guys are so full of shit you guys can go fuck yourself when your dead the bottom the Ocean album have been uploading face I'll be like blah blah blah laughing so hard you give up not than that I wouldn't shut up you got up in the middle of the ocean Dunn fun games sexy guys give me out of this 10 minutes give me if it was an option to get out in 10 minutes before 10 I'm swimming water my nightmare scenarios I never to be in the water is that the same thing as you when I find the plane over the water in La when I'm leaving La with that you feel like talking tanker Hazmat tankers that are going back and forth between the conten net 14 of those ships produce as much pollution and carbon emissions as every car in the world while 14 of those fucking gifs go out that's crazy so let's make him Titan form but she never went in the water and like have to like somehow signal or get the attention of one of those enormous tankers in is going by to see like that would be it's like you want to get close to you but not so close that the things you wonder how horrifying but you're never going to be able to see people fish and throw it up watch the official procedure Flagship from the ocean betta Foley go to ship with is always not you too but I need the thing you could get lucky is it is a school of dolphin around at all I don't know that I keep hearing of a dolphin don't things are getting kind of freaky like lately and it's like I don't know I don't know nodak sea because you think you get Dunn if you run into a school of anything in the ocean you should betta fish the same time but that's like putting crap like a big more Bellwood sea drift and then they want than just like a friend eggs and kids with stuff everywhere I look I just a little bit life taking so many laughs yeah it's a process and backgrounds are salmon freshwater fish or the silver fish fish is there in rivers riding to go to the ocean the ocean that's like cant we both are there two different kinds fish that are not salt water people put it salt water bad shape we can handle it but we found in freshwater what if you can do it typically salmon are anadromous they are born in freshwater migrate to the ocean then return to fresh water to reproduce how do you migrate to salt water from fresh water is usually like in the current I thought it's usually like freshly take the exit where is freshwater and saltwater lake connected translate fish hard transition when you come out of the mouth of a river into the ocean I guess you know the freshwater does carry out a little bit into the ocean the mouth of a river but it's gotta wait till like salt water pretty fucking quit one of the boys play on the other one as well that's a good question I guess that's salt water denser we get the heavy Salt Lake the Dead Sea makes you float right so that would make it don't make it denser than freshwater cell makes you for that so I believe it's what is sea level what's the sea is this application that wasn't why do you float in the Dead Sea I'm a look it up according to who is this reclaimer 104 on Twitter 7 have to spend the day and brackish water and their body adjust from fresh to salt water for salt or freshwater are there any brackish water fish that live in brackish environment brackish yeah that's me. That's like salt fish water is everything is I just brackish like Brian Now list of brackish aquarium fish species with my pastor and brackish water guppy guppy guppy when is it illegal to make animals fight fish what the concentration salt on streets of Dead Sea fluctuate elevator of 11 news anchor doing that in the middle than you know 31.5% salinity in the Dead Sea it's like a typical Ocean than I thought salt salt salt these fucking is it ok or when when can you not make animals fight bat you can like you know you can have a snake fighting a rat not really much of a fight 412 people by their Siamese fighting fish and one of them just barely made it the other night why than that legally can't even put the Bulls fish the Bulls next week Saturday will a gram to mole to to get to the other ones Pacific Ocean salinity Air maxes out at 37 parts per thousand is 3.7% 37 parts per thousand 3.7% regular ocean the Pacific Ocean than 31% to 31.5% if you gave me a glass of water and didn't make it 31.5% salt that would be hard to do that do I dissolve that amount of salt and water is it literally put this much thought but that is assuming that's what that is how much do you have to put in so you can see no idea absolutely everybody raise your glass of cold water and ice water water heater is white to the to the bus stop it was white but I don't think that you're the kind gentleman who takes back all the time what you find out about you I don't Bloody Disgusting it like this like a picture of it I don't want to get in it was like the whole day went to piss and have some left from the look like shit bat back I just left a Christmas present really will make a bunch of people and they didn't give some away and one was about them and use them to take it back on the phone that you enjoyed it to me because I don't want to water in my dirty ass water is getting out of my butt and it feels like floating around with me and when I say magical gu of your butthole is there you think wiping paper on your butt hole gets it all but like does your wife helps a lot do you think I absolutely do so you lost your anus I'm convinced it is impossible in water with it and I'm clean when I get out uniform if I'm going to be for some of the go to my head to take a shower first I got to take a shower after because that is fucking gross you really only get the crap on you when you get out of it anyway 14 about the Titan container can I take a photo from you if it's not go once your skin if you were coming into playe water that looks like that somewhere else it's not your back you wouldn't say I'm fine I'm still cleaning whiter than than cold water color and water absolutely is what do disagreement with that hot water is brighter than cold water which is why it's going to fly to of life isn't it take the little tiny is boiling Bubbles and Bubbles weasel if you get bubbles in the water like carbonated water is with extreme is it one of those I have one of those have a SodaStream I can make cold water white you know why you just speed up just like you guys anyway spot the water is like more agitated over to the trip it was yours Chris is coming up from hot water that's why turquoise cloud pen than cold water hot cold water is clear everybody agrees with me and they think you're full of all quarters ever been drama ever ever never never ever ever Wate is white with gold look to the right now go by the name of the leader did a comparison hot water coming out of the show me probably just hot water come out of tap that was just cold water coming out of his stats Wikipedia it's white and it up inside below the water level University the stimulus this hot take them out of the dishwasher so you know your mind you can still hang out right now no I want us to get this going right I'm on the wrong fucking Network on the site looking I'm trying to swap networks here I'll be able to upload the picture are you talking about the guy at some engineer kicking a robot that he built this is part of the picture what you're talking about I got through it was by type of leader does not hot water out of your sink and check something the robot dog the robot and it has been collected and it's just like that you can create a robot that can react like that watching you do that now we're taking a note of that and you're going to be the first time more like right there that you're waiting for the kick Kickin it I'm thinking that's really sad I can't believe it took that because they obviously bottle dog lick his the other aspects of the disturbing but it's like seriously like this is the first to go like if they were coming that's it we're done fish cant completely done so you take like a romantic bath with somebody never taken a romantic bat no I'm going to say no I don't think so you're just disgusting anti hot we call the thing that you light on fire in the water candle candle but like we got in and I was living in a really shitty UT apartment that was like X like the bathtub itself was like smaller than even like an average home bathtub and you I can't you can't just end it like this like that so much that the master bathroom in my current house has no tub it's just a shower I don't want that I don't know space entirely so we can plan that we have burni and rejoining us that one is wider than the other no no no no there are bubbles floating in there if there was if there was a thousand times the amount of bubbles in there it would look like but in reality you're just seeing little bubble of the water it's all the same to you go to bed and one of those is clear that you're right you're right you brought it to my face and burni is right thank you I had no idea who's got the white shirt in there it's in there you can see it it's whatever indoor water water Cloud Zarin water for a net water net the bubbles same thing it was Turkey like a different color that is as clear as I can possibly be Common Board beer taste so good that's why it's not know why everybody recently and you get 3 wrong for the rest of the day I'm wrong I know hey Barbara I'm going to read about that I want to listen to the podcast is also brought to you by Nature Box to of people free snacks is I'm going to give you the chance to get free snacks like that up the kind of potato chips they're not good for you do it I do get delicious wholesome snacks that nature box.com naturebo is because the snacks and I mean delicious snacks I don't feel guilty about eating them because they're better for me they got their flavors or sweeteners 0 grams trans fats is corn syrup a refined sugar and without Gluten ingredients in the afternoon slump when I'm hungry and irritable should I do I got peanut butter Nom Noms from nature box or bake sweet potato fries or dark cocoa almonds is so good and it's so much better for than other snack options out there that want to give you the chance to try that your box for free with Dropbox featuring five of the most popular snacks free 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different to look at a barbecue? Camera but will give you her answer honestly and accurately Barbara when water comes out of the tap have cold water or hot water does hot water come out of the tap Cloud ear than cold water dead because of the bottle is what she said and one cell the same color I think we can all agree with that that's not what you'd like what are the specs for Titan leader was though there's something up with your plumbing NHL water heaters probably but yeah there's something wrong I just can't about that I didn't give a fuck angry every time the problem to me was people were receiving Andrea uploading the picture to her taking a JPEG saving a JPEG saving a JPEG over Generations it looks different when the same picture that I have on my phone that's in the same I am conversation it's looks different colors on different days so I can make it which I cannot make that switch but I'll see if somebody the picture white and gold to me an hour and a half that was black and blue dress I mean it was but the listing was black and blue and something that somebody was saying that has white and gold right now certain items over there yeah they're both white and gold right now black and blue or just truly which the gold is are the black Google Play dead of them like gold pure gold nautical like that looks and Ashley ever I was texting Jason saldaƱa Tucker and he was saying it as white and gold and was like posting me all the pictures of crap like you show me a picture of a white and gold guitar it was like what color is this white and gold we're going on and on and on like to show each other colors of stuff and then all the sudden halfway through our text conversations like totally forgot but I just wife salt the same way how many other times that occurs but we don't just have conversations like every second of the day about what color that happens to be there that happens to be like a Mite I'm sure this happens way more often than we just haven't had it switch like yours net worth sea spinning I need to focus on the other way with in the course of that day there were three things are going to go to talk about net neutrality would you mediately got usurped by his fucking Dres which immediately got canceled out by Leonard Nimoy the llama yeah there was people were congregating and watching. I could hear people cheering in various parts of the stage five as the Llama for evading people it was a Thursday I think Thursday will llama yeah it was a ton of community managers and social-media people just taking advantage of this black dress situation like you have is in charge of the Xbox Twitter account put to the control that was black and blue I was like black and blue or white and gold spot the Dres conversation I think more than anything else in recent memory demonstrates how are mass cynicism is just growing like everybody cell the dress everybody was fascinated when they saw the photo but then after it was shared like 2 or 3 times they were Furious about the dress they were achieved a fucking hate of the dress and it was shut up about the goddamn dress like you like you like everybody stop having fun like just I'm done with this please fucking some people. Everybody was fucking pissed I have no idea but everyone was posting all the stuff like showing off with the drugs I'm like really upset about and stuff like that Ink Master this is Minister I don't get why people default to that fucking fun and I woke up Friday morning and something bubbly Jess and I was like you know looking at it and all that kind of cool and then I talk to somebody about it still over and it's like people get salt like you're saying so annoyed but then they want to perpetuate it they want to keep talking about it and it's like it's not cool to like something or engage in something it's so much cooler to like bat like a lot of people did Most Fascinating People is that people in the same room looking at the same device was seeing two different things that's what it was what shouldn't you wear like a something of the blue and black because I will sit with her but I also like the fuck you talking about the blue and gold one that's the way I see it might be nothing like it is to me but that's what I would love to experience life as somebody else for just 5 minutes just to see what like just like being inside someone else's body and how they Springs life it was like 2 or 3 hours I wouldn't switch with a woman though I wouldn't do that if you need longer now one of the experiences is dramatically better than the other one and we just don't know that it was just like I'm just talking like you're saying that like when you slip or something it's like when you go back great my God like I might dead inside now I'm scared you know the sensations are good like you the comparison to other Sensations Dave smell really good the internet way better I might is better for a woman 75% better why did you mention it why would you make that you don't enjoy sex as a woman has more nerve endings than likely to be like disappointed check that I can miss looks like synonym for lazy I have such we're doing some like this you have my my hair is like so super dead so I can put like pens and stuff but my hair gets so dense that like do you have to shoot is it a common thing like when someone is cutting your hair when they get your hair when they're like combing your hair that you get it on your scalp is that a thing to happen to anybody else know that one place with that yeah that's what happens when you went to get your haircut at the old office or in the office and then the guy just looked it was like I can't do this I can't do it brackish location yeah but he was like 4:40 because they close at 5 I can't at 4:20 because I can't I can do it here if you like a girl would you make yourself I'm still there with me to make out with me $4,000 Gavins absolute what was the do that guy I love this guy but no the flowers which one do you like the best of course great find by the camera people full of food you check your belly button like to get a full check you did not about me I get it in the shower yeah never never ever had a fatal is fluff would you have expected right now we got time on the spot Blaine thought it would be funny to what is the thing when you like blowing someone's stomach is it good or is it closed the belly button camera time lapse ink the generation of a fuzzball in that be crazy give them pick go pick it up at the store and stuff like store your belly button flash more than a few pills I couldn't I couldn't last like 2 minutes with a kind of fluff or anything I'm actually is a is a rumor she's a picture of a rhino show a picture riding playe to hate that about a place like that there was a picture of a weasel to pluck your eyebrows riding a woodpecker to see that post weasel riding woodpecke is it in the air yeah totally let me send it to be weird to be an animal interacting with these other animals like humans we don't worry about you know I walk outside I'm worried about something coming and eating New York the Henry compete with something else for food but to be an animal competing with another animal whose totally different for food or is it than I eat you that's going to be really busy or am I trying I want to know the story here it's the cutest thing if that was back is a baby kangaroo audibl Acton cell is the weasel fell in love who did Randy Johnson like talking under that heading the Woodpecker attacking the photographers ghetto somebody more pictures did you see Google who talked about you competing with another animal that might eat you have any more of them I never woodpecke of that taste like from a mold or anything living on land is in the but liking with a heart like a lion is like running around swimming at school fish all you can eat a lot of a little fish in so I never see that I want to see like something that dolphins do that pick up from Orlando the fish to the shore and Beach 11 n ocean 1.7 million the specific is like yeah you know is true but can you imagine if that was us like if Earth was launched on the eyelash have some giant being made over this we are literally living on a speck of dust on something else really it was just such a point with 4K video for some guys this weekend which was awesome and I got to make it do everything but there's no way to watch 4K anything even YouTube is most people's Mother's cant do for cant yeah whatever you like I'm sure you have like 3 4 K monitor setup and I can make the stuffing Great Highway do my I went through my player on my TV I thought it was pretty good I mean compression is a place where we need to make the most Improvement in the technology I can have them pick something and I was disappointed with the compression like it's way better than what is playing on YouTube have that compressor and put a plate on it what every fucking platform is gu be trying to push their own version of a Kodak net worth to be like Stuck In The Middle With about a million fucking plugins to watch anything I'm okay I'm not saying it wasn't bad it was way nicer than the HD version that was on YouTube but I still wasn't as good as the original one day I could make it back so I just made it address of that stuff do men of like part of the Galaxy more important in this direction and take a photo and let every single Pixel is like a star on a scale of is your steering it like this one little square and a human and all the pixels are basically stars and just so happen to be a little bit closer than others but they just go forever in that direction that one tiny little square they have ATVs at NAB and like a cave footage it makes you just want to like I was like I can take it make it look so amazingly New York NY I was surprised at how quickly will K arrived in people's living rooms like when it when they showed HD and like water full quote rates do you guys like never gonna happen but not in my lifetime in is already here now and waited so long and we saw how long the transition between standard def and HD was so there was another standard to take off HD is it's like is 3.8 k the cell the consumer that I have good news for you this just came across on deadline.com are good friend with her Colton Dunn has a pilot on NBC superstor the kids and Nico Santos is well it's All About Love written by the former the office writer producer Justin Spitzer and directed by Ruben Fleischer superstor is about a group of the same amount of room here so yes it is about a group of employees at a big box store examines love friendship and the beauty of everyday basic lightbox TOUR Superstore did you read the story Dave Foley can return to Canada I read that story when I got home I read all about Dave Foley divorce and as part of the divorce decree whatever you call him he has to pay child support and alimony but the amount of money he has to pay exceeds his income by 400% he claims so he can't pay it which means if you was back to Canada to put him in jail for failure to pay it so now he's like in a limbo for GU conten prove to them that's the case it's what else they just lose weight how was he able to pay their net worth is like who decides that unusual threatened with jail by pretending to my home country is crazy ex-wife like everything that she wouldn't give up your family for me personal way of thinking is a quote from mgtow.com family court system to fight the tension away from the unbridled greed and self-interest of the ex-wife all right there 17 grand a month how many kids does he of $600,000 14000 600 Grandfield 600 Grand have to pay an additional $5,000 a month on top of that go to jail 10 days for each payment the Mist that's going to be someone somewhere let's resolve this 3rd and I mean it's it's it's unheard of that like Howard Stern get divorced I'm sure that was tens of millions of dollars Johnny Carson was better at the time so he has to pay $10,700 a month in child support and an additional $5,000 a month to pay off the $600,000 total he owes child support he owes $15,700 a month in support do for work now gotta get spot in Desperate Housewives Foley I forgot to tell him and something he wasn't just thinks that pays $14 a month Kids in the Hall was making a bunch of money from that it's like they just when people make cases that I can I think you just say what you make all this money now just keep doing that because if there's anything that dictates how successful entertainment careers people who are popular today yeah it's like it so that was kind of locked in at that level and I can like the height and he told her and then when he got hammered you know I've heard people go back and forth like on the podcast when you talk about what Joe Rogan I didn't listen to podcast but he also talked about like how he would keep his pull up in Malibu or the hell you live in the Hollywood Hills he was he just pull up to like 95 degrees so the girls would have to take their tops off when they got in didn't mean to do that on the podcast what you mean what's wrong with me to not a nice guy heating is pull up the 9:30 trick or treat more than enough to force them to take their tops off that's why I didn't work for sale I never said that, so it was worth trying time we got it we gotta wrap up here soon but before we go I wanted to mention that I went back to the convention center today she back I should have been for the first time since 2014 for the first major series of meetings about RTX 2015 so we spent all day doing walk-throughs and talking about how we're going to just copy and pasting let's play live like a couple weeks llama more relaxed that's for sure I am more relaxed but we got a mountain of work ahead of us so far when I spend all day out there how is it going to be good I'm excited we're going to know it's going to be growing quite a bit so we're going to be doing things differently I wish I had a little more time between them and this email this to try and run away from the cloud at least somebody from a 400 second hand the watch Joe Rogan go watch Dave Foley 627 space facts to hear about them until August they should not pass that along like that who knows if you have a sneak away from a guy you don't know I don't think I did that the Guardians at one point too they don't have to like guard me that much like they don't need to do that I'm totally I'm totally fine you know so how late is too late you know or two for my son to start than me before more than 5 minutes late is Rob especially when it's like I know I'm stopping to sign people who just like time for people just like call me when you of your waiting to do that you disappoint me I'm going to just want someone here is going to be that wasn't me that was like go to the thing the people were lining up for Arctic flash I just stood in one place for like three hours in the floor instead the fish I'm here if you didn't say hello to me you didn't get my picture this is I'll just be standing here for three hours and just stood there it was wonderful last year she was awesome was that the only like wow look how happy burni is to see me in this photo or so I can that's the only away from God and I'm not saying I'm going to run off I used to dislike put on a different disguise and see how far I can get and back without even noticing me bump into a giant like a man I would like to thank you for watching back Wednesday Thursday and next Monday