#318 - RT Podcast

RT discusses weird dreams.

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rt-podcast-318

Recorded: 2015-04-08 00:08:11

Runtime: 01:44:30 (6270.71 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Gavin Free, Jack Pattillo




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    "John Oliver" => "http://www.iamjohnoliver.com/"
    "Faberge Egg" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faberg%C3%A9_egg"
    "John Oliver Interviews Edward Snowden" => "http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/06/john-oliver-grills-edward-snowden-on-last-week-tonight.html"
    "Fifa Boardroom" => "https://d13csqd2kn0ewr.cloudfront.net/uploads/image/file/45083/Boardroom1.jpg?ts=1398347570"
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    "HBO Opens" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31qkozgiBjs"
    "Compilation of Black Box Recording Videos" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9WgC4OijPA"
    "Charlie Victor Romeo" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2489512/"
    "IAYD" => "https://soundcloud.com/iayd"
    "Airbus A310 Model" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZTtWnFMc_s"
    "Frog Poison Cleanse" => "http://www.playboy.com/videos/frog-poison-cleanse"
    "Chewing Cud" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cud"
    "Guy Survives 66 Days in Pacific" => "http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-32182432"
    "RT Dreams" => "https://twitter.com/teabeestone/status/585253908756488192"
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    "What We Do in the Shadows" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cv568AzZ-i8"
    "Furious 7" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2820852/"
    "Kimiko Treasure Hunter" => "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8htA6LR6u-Y"


Transcript (in progress):

hello everyone no welcome to the party what up this week brought to you by Dollar Shave Club in nature box oh look at that on the spot live Thursday so I had the time of your Barber's office in AP naturebo we have had some going to hit did you find it John Gavin burni lot of goings-on in college basketball BrandsMart Global audience what we were not going to talk about call John for an hour and a half just for now 13 Championship Dollar Days Gone sport in college is where to me possible or not on ESPN that's just foul tricks only thing we don't know that if we lose I'm sure they'll be fucking big heads mode on hiring potential of the pretzel athlete or somebody who wins the lottery every time here but we won the lottery indoor broke all the money at once you get there you can do it John Oliver saying about the lottery but because you auto play function where I was watching an awesome John Oliver thing we'll talk about everything is awesome payment over 20 years and that's actually what the amount of the put the Billboards that's what they calculate the actual mother said no just give me the money it significantly less for a lump sum they were do said buy whatever they want and they want their money they want to have 80 million dollars now instead of a hundred million dollars over 20 years that will if you if you signed up for like this again of your money or 30 years there's places that will take over the payments for you and give you less money now that way they get more money in the long term people who are the people who win the lottery buy people's life insurance policies of the terminally ill a million-dollar policy and your stage 4 cancer or HIV positive HIV positive mean that something more but there are people who would buy your life insurance policies they had a million bucks what we can use it while you're dollar do you need them as your beneficiary LOL yeah that's true man anything what does it mean you can look in a positive light as I can I'm going to treatment to make yourself more time you leave it to me Furious buttocks Rome I get for $1,000 might as well take the form I would totally dollar struggling right now so many reruns million-dollar millionaire cat this fall hit NBC on how much money will be left after a year with the cat is it right unicat give me this is about you but I don't have the Cadillac what kind of food do you want to go to hell never count your closet that for expense replacement cushions watch the cats for we knock them off one at a time how much is a Faberge Egg very expensive 84000 rich kids do for Easter egg hunt is a Faberge open this could be arranged depending on favorable features that come up with Wi-Fi he's doing that I underestimated how are you 25 million I'm going to Cemetery we decide how much 33 million dollars describe a 33 million dollar in that doesn't look stupid Faberge chicken pieces that come from the traditional EG with a giant go watch a movie too is a reflection a do taking the photo in the underside of the night as the clock yeah you might be right and that's what okay good I don't like that so you're talking about John Oliver interview can interview is a little bit of a spoiler for the piece because there's a funny bit in the Middle where he's not sure if snowde even going to show up that's really funny that they realize that the room they're taping the interview and is across the street from the old KGB headquarters which is now the FSB headquarters in the country but yeah I don't think we're on the best of terms right now with Russia I think I love you we're upset with each other about it what I thought that was really disappointing was when John Oliver goes out to Times Square for his we know someone from his dad wasn't there I start asking people who's Edward Snowden Edward snowde do you care about this and they have to reframe the end nobody knows Edward Snowden is nobody really cares about privacy until they we frame it the reefer entire discussion as to would you care if the government had pictures of your dick right now and then Everyone Cared yeah it's literally the closest to being able to Edward Snowden is the guy who runs that supposed to say got Edward Snowden life has gone through a maze now in hiding and he says that he did these things in order to inform the public and make them make them let the public make better-informed decisions about surveillance and I show them this and nobody knows who it was so do all that guy sits so is it yeah I don't Country Inn we the people that's not it at all people got together and then you need one but work for us we act like a rolling things with a guy like all these different pieces of legislation legislation and John Oliver Street San Francisco want you Edward turn to tell me can the government take pictures of my dick with this legislation 1146 what is a 2002 mine you're reading the profile to find a picture of your dick how is the US government not mad at John Oliver for no bag just like him John Oliver says well I'm heading back to you definitely are and I guess you're right yeah I was like no you're a known associate to be fair he was of course part of The Daily Show correct yes and then he doesn't go down when HBO Last Week Tonight Last Week Tonight so a few British people who is not famous in England but he is famous in America are famous in America everyone has been started in order to fund education and the u.s. lottery in different states individual billions of dollars and education funding has been using it another way it's like 2124 State education is not where to get a money guy if they just shuffled around that kind of thing with the government it's like they're just doing something new that they weren't doing before the we don't need them to do I want to think like Sherlock on Twitter for reminding me the US and Russian invasion of Ukraine no I totally forgot what it was you didn't know it might be my favorite stuff from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart going to go on these rants wear it you know what he'd make a logical point is I got them I'm pissed off about this John Oliver takes a week to find something you like more people should pay attention to this like everything about beauty pageants explained this is what you can do to help anyone this is sort of we were fighting and it's like that then he gives you a good and you know synopsis no thing but it keeps a great thing on FIFA actually talked about how they're doing it but he can't stop watching it and it still shows a photo of the FIFA boardroo where they meet and it looks just like the War Room from dr. strange looks like why can't I watch pretty much every Sunday so if you don't have a TV HBO now coming soon is coming within guy coming before that what they want HBO what gets crushed by everything Game of Thrones season premiere the new service now to get even more people kangaroo flabbergasted and upset when lycopene watch today everybody bought it Edward 12 million people try to play this team in the server's don't work what the hell happened with every ever created HBO Go to a lot of people right now I no have HBO go in there using someone else's account so I using a friend or family account do you think they're going to force everyone off line and then having to go back and you only have a 20 or something like that I don't know because I mean that's one thing that has away from the people watching it but now they have this service is that you think about as a result of the I think it would really try to do more than just the white noise is good also free time that screen comes up streaming My Stream positively buffers Olive blue with the logo on it fire slices or something like that for like you couldn't see what you were working on until you read it and last year I saw this video like a behind-the-scenes making-of like you don't remember there was that one until they had were like the camera flies through a town and then light goes out to The Hills And as they look so the miniature behind the scenes of creating the camera flies through for the HBO intro the director to use a speaker ridiculous movies were used in The Lord of the Rings that's what they call those couches how is 11 doing something what is a smoking we just like crushed it down through the little town weight scale what does that horses like bricks she wants some of them it's been able to the answer would your jam is playing down there with do it twice that many really do it down and it just like trouble just came down the street of you can't even see the play so is that thing by the way we talked about them last week A bunch of us and sure enough like I just got pictures from people all week long I'm playing right now it's going to happen of Black Box recording of like 20 seconds before that people keep tweeting about it there's a movie on Netflix no no it's just black box recordings we enacted by actor sitting in a simulator cockpit Charlie Victor Romeo and it's just like the last several minutes of each in just like the humdrum everyday you know of talking flight attendant coming in and it's like something's wrong and then either they recover or they don't it's a slight do this this quick and then he had a thing going like pull-up pull-up do that no the Russian pilot who had enough we do not believe it was awesome it was great house and fight it was it was probably the most stressful night of my life ever everything leading up to iPhone am I woke up having trouble breathing and was like my mind is racing and I was like I was just like your selfie black skin to monitor my breathing is like me no breathe slower force yourself to come down but yeah it was it was can you set up a Wii the fuck Tri-State you missed Oliver Herschel what little room to talk about that anyway don't worry about it you're doing alright techno and kind of you know house music what a lot of people there Gameboy to Gameboy in a mixture and that's his whole setup and so it's all done like I like it there's some Game Boy U-Like Rome that someone made to make this time use it basically comes out of the game boys at no point do you like to come up and show the audience was I wish you would have liked it model morning with 7:47 or something so yeah Airbus days so satisfying was no way they could have taken off like that was a helium balloon with airplane taking off like an airplane how many black tipped out like a little run away and someone got a radio control for it and it just like takes off goes into the air like circles around the convention center a bit on the inside he comes back and lands no way no way something that big blow out numerous times to get it to fly correctly the Super 7 what is catnip we do not what you think it's about you if you serious right now like no totally depends on how much does the Cadillac chewing to her. Dogs will keep going until there's nothing left hold of him like an evolutionary basis like what do they say what is form in the bottom of the plate is full full mean I could have some food left on my plate is full right right well and yourself I was never taught to stop the water that I don't need to be told why wouldn't I will just be mindful what what we do I delete what I look like of cause and effect of eating poorly but really though scripting greatest thing about going to work at it you can leave it alone for a couple days to go somewhere of a cat flap for 4 days I should get a Catholic I don't have a cat flap in the back we have them if we just come and eat and then immediately turn around and try to go back out can you make them in but doesn't let him out let him out you told me for days he usually get home from a trip we just got back from La I had a lovely trip and I wasn't we got back all the cats in the house 349 Jose in the house we let him out we have to leave the door open just leave the door open for like 2 hours because he will just go in and out in and out and it's a romantic thing for like 2 hours straight you're going to get all this normal if you're not the room and he knows that he gets this like high-level like amazing like like you of the goat that sounds like Usher it's okay we had a fun thing going on this past week before I went out of town this weekend but my kitten is 6 months old noises getting yourself on the ground and slowly back in your butt at everybody was backing up Alex Turner people walking backwards in order like a cat in Albany what to the Warsaw milk VR never a teenager what model some printed out I want to go back to the government why did you get home we'll charge him with murder and we could have been news on the internet the crime Cara Mamma Maria's do it what am I doing this episode of the podcast is brought you by Dollar Shave Club Bishop treasure doors for a couple dollars a month I can't see without them I have one question why isn't everyone a dollar shave club.com member you don't need to worry about commitment Dollar Shave club.com has no contract if you don't read this for a month or two they won't send any and you don't pay it. There's no hidden fees and factors no fees at all just pay for the stuff you ordered for replacement blades for 6 bucks including shipping the reasons are amazing in front a hundred percent happy Dollar Shave club.com will refund your money no questions asked there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be a member of Dollar Shave club.com stop hesitating go sign up at Dollar Shave club.com slash we speak right now you'll be happy you did that's Dollar Shave club.com slash RoosterTeeth right there probably right at 6 bucks a month that's a lot of other people if you like it and save money at the same time raising the value of people on the internet have facial hair it looks like can you or can you talk to someone when they're being like this thing that we have 3 toilets in the doesn't doesn't bother you at all I don't mind it's when I'm taking a dump I don't want I don't have a conversation I what is the pretty much the temperature affects the we speak life I'm paying him so he was all the time I would be like nothing hearing someone on the toilet taking a dump on the phone I prefer Dallas Airport is talking on the phone while taking a dump in public places like Jesus Christ don't answer the phone the other situation that I should not answer the phone but I do it when somebody wakes me up because I don't know what it is about being just woken up and get on the phone you can't fucking hate that I can't hide that hey hey hey have for the conversation go from Green Egg of hello we have every single time we can accuse you of just waking up you have to tell people you are just relaxing never so embarrassed like someone catching a snake and we were asleep your sleep like usual you when you wake up you are you going to build back up to I have a second job watch basketball was great life no chip top the way that bus so what we were talking about that earlier and I had a really strange dream about my dog which one friend that lived at the old Studio like they're at 7th and Congress the oldest dream walking down I'm talking about take a right on a congress I take my right on the Congress and walking towards me is like a crowd of people downtown people and among them is my dog and he doesn't seem like he's ok is my dog out on the street he doesn't see me any walks into a bar no is my dog going to the bar and so I got out of my dog so I got behind a walk behind dogs walk up to him like I'm kind of walking up and I see him he's like he was supposed to get up to the top and he jumps up on the couch at in the bar just like rubbing his face on the couch and he is not allowed on my taxes your face on my couch with the bartender what to do with a dog what to do United Benjamin do you like to look through my phone what the fuck you doing at this bar and liquor what was that gavi we were not to tell Colton and you what did you have in that Pub we went to a pub to eat fish and chips for fish and chips as she also is fish and chips a couple of inches the bark Apple the next one what of Colton said this is the best burger he's ever had was like alright here I don't we have a preference or within the menu I'm exactly what I told him that and it was like one of those burgers are not my preference anyway what I'm all about but it has a Worcestershire aioli on its own for Rich and playful self and we would hope we would like the hotel and I guess I just ate really late the day and usually food has no effect on me for whatever reason like 2 hours I go to sleep and I've never had this before in my life I had like four or five dream and through all four five dream I had the hamburger with me though and that was the dream that I was Edward haste of the burger was still in your mouth do you like finishing your the dream that you rescue the princess and kill the goblin of you like right over there burni John on Twitter that the bar Preston was looking different I don't know what I'm doing 235 guy we were in LA right what time you going to be funny dude absolute idiot when it comes to getting the right color wrong car we wasted we went to the car and I think 3 or 4 times in a row he got into the wrong car accident backing up on this gavi Chevy Impala engine for Chevy Aveo gavi it was right next to the actual one is like you so they're completely wrong, I like way off of white faux leather alright I'm hopping the back of a Jeep we going to do the amazing 41 silver pulled up like a minute before I was there we got you just need to memorize the car this one it was one that had a muffin on the top of it so I'm up different cardio every traffic Apple stupid thing where you went like this stupid awesome car every time you go somewhere but I got my Budget Rental Car in what they're patching in the auto driving the summer no really I'm trying to figure it out right now if there's no service out there just doing this so you can is also a 12 volt battery in it like a normal car battery and that powers the in CU and keep something going so that's what I didn't like about you and then I even said on the phone I go up to we just get a jump on it and somebody jump the battery and guy who said you should absolutely not do that because they're awesome no I mean there's a point where there's still time to write this story for the company called them they're probably your car if they brought me another car so you know will drive it out to me whatever it in my car fixed will drive it back to me like to download and use your settings and stuff in it navigation in the map like I look up a place shut the fuck up what it's like in there little switch to the flip when a preemie about dollars more but yeah I went all the way I just think where did you want to about first world problems Hugo guy I had a check that was over the amount that I can use for my phone to deposit over the phone it's a rough life and I had to go to the ATM to deposit my friends I love to turn around do it never used to doing it for years never had a problem right on that's great I what do I check that I was like that until I discovered the no I was just a straight to my bank account like everyone did in England probably do that paperwork for last week but I got the car drove all the way what does it mean when branches in my old Key Bank Bank of America cook them at Bank of America branches open and sure enough the depository was down to the ATM I was like damn I don't ever go and deposit the check and here I am doing it and now I gotta do it all over again I have to go back out in like 20 we deposit the check how did you survive listen my super expensive Future car am I earlier today I was I was driving around at lunchtime and it was stopped at a red light and I can see a car coming up by the way someone remove gum pretty good, but I'm driving I'm at a red light Cleveland Tennessee weather like in a week or two I look in my rearview mirror like a big dumb stupid head out of the side of the window of the big dumb dog sticking its head out the window like a dog and then the car pulls up next to me and I see the pizza delivery dudes driving it's got a stack of pizzas and a dog in his car like what could possibly go wrong I've been do don't allow animals in restaurants why would an animal be allowed why the fuck would you have gone through that to it like just like putting a car with hot pizzas all day going to be starving by the end of The Dark Knight the pieces I like the cat the cat gets money dollar today rules governing like food delivery I guess not I mean you can have a dog in the restaurant now looks like a little dogs in restaurants all the time he was delivering food you don't look at their car and a dog with you this whole time regrets not to but I just would like what the time at the Rome open a door in a sink full of like stagnant water that drained and then Allina akn Apple the bad that 66 Turkish of Education Furious BBQs Rego no I just focus on my kids rules and restaurants are no future daughters or if you don't have to be to do a dog is trying the doorbell the dog will get negatives you're fucking dumb when it comes to animals snowde people like yell at homeless people need a home for the dog and it was giving money to me call after this I'm pretty sure but weird animals like people always put animals above people I'm not I don't do that Michael Vick was convicted of having a dog fighting ring murder someone people probably wouldn't look down on him as much as them beautiful cruel the absolutely true there's a weird bias there hear about like animals getting killed by the millions you know no one really cares Dollar Tree in for exactly Nathan Sanders of commercials like Sarah McLachlan narrating the dogs are getting beaten and abused right now any time the commercial comes on I train my dog to go to UC run back into burni how's it to try and get dog out that's pretty another word for you what would you like what first Minister time maybe you delicious when they cook I have a pet chicken and no need to go in fridge coming off the fire out and talking like a competing at the same time same amount you put up one of those like charity funding things are crowdfunding things you put one of those up one is for a person who needs money for surgery and other person the dog in surgery I think it's okay the dogs are trusting their shape by humans and are trusting of humans so it's like almost like it's not their fault you know that trust him this the same like that there's nothing but positivity Florida dream boardroo my dog at the bar that's awesome what is Brooklyn of the rocket on the barge like another week or so out of their way to try to fix car guy traded in that I never talked about was like there was like a beta testing thing that clearly on a structural level this is a positive and bright orange epoxy and like there was an epoxy like liquid should never happen and they were like all over it that mean they were just like they brought in everything like that working with you to make don't think the product for everyone like my enrollment fee beta tester like it's like it's like you love that thing Jesus guy supposedly on their way I forgot for Christmas and that will be here at Christmas of 2015 help with Rosalie the way you always stuff usually like it's a new thing he doesn't like you like that stupid doesn't what I am so you must be really annoying I like it so much but let me what we sell cars like La is the land of like amazing cars 14 Bentley transport looking Bentley I've never seen before I didn't like 12 miles to the gallon 12 miles per gallon and it had a 12-cylinder engine to them would like to be yeah and it did what is a bastard just like what is faster burning a gallon of gasoline no just driving that 12 mile drive what are the diesel burn but others petrol used diesel until you can light and it won't explode lemonade hold it brainstorm of the stream into the bottle all you need is fumes but there was something else and if you a few years ago where he was like a weekend night 2 a.m. everyone's drunk these women are having trouble with their car out of gas so these guys pick him up in their pickup truck to take him to the gas station to shave properly for women who are drunk in the car runs across the board to pick him up in a pickup truck gas station fill up one of those plastic containers with gasoline like they're drunk so they decide to carry this container in the cab of the truck and put it in the inside in the pickup truck satellite of cigarette explodes the all the gasoline the whole truck catches fire emblem inside catches fire just from the fucking fumes 12th and 35 and they lost their sign for like several months because the truck is parked under the sign and it exploded and the heat was so intense it radiated upward and melted the entire side no that's because you pressurize a smoker with charcoal welded together and it has to like there's the wood blocks and then there's the main box I left it up the little bottle but it's very windy day and so I was trying to start like these wood chips going for smoking and I sprayed it down with charcoal lighter was like it didn't work and I straightened out again didn't work and then I forgot to get it and the wind blew both vents closed we both live close Pam what is a side little bit and I wouldn't do that if the explosion was so huge blue open both those doors and not the grill or I couldn't refuse no pressure isn't the pressure increasing no like 20 seconds then it was like a cannon I mean the way those things are shaped like this was to be a pathway for things to go and it just went to that passed away and it burned the hell out of petrol just in open explode absolutely weasel going to try to hurt themselves but I've heard of people taking cocaine and cutting it and I'm feeling it with you still in line the top of the BCS of Sterno can if you do that absolutely not do that do not 2.5 do not like gas on the fire watch the fuck out that will be your whole night if you do that it'll go up fast Apple do it in from doing that like putting gasoline on a fire if you want something right Russian what is forced into sex by in an engine it is compressed you are correct it was very small amounts in that in that little bit that's about to explode 35 miles to a gallon on a little bit Ameritas open what is castor oil RT by Nature Box you know you're going to snack and when you do it you wanted to be worth it they do something afterwards what you need are snacks from nature box to come over a hundred healthy and crave for the options to be delivered right to your door Oliver snacks are made with zero artificial flavors colors or sweeteners 0 grams trans fats and no high fructose corn syrup best of all they taste amazing they're so good and so much better for you than other snack options out there so next time you're hungry grab sweet blueberry almonds Salted Caramel Pretzel pops or what we talked about French granola French toast granola get start get smart about snacking those are really good right now box.com / we do you get a free trial of their favorite snacks free snacks delivered to your door what are you waiting for go to naturebox.com / RoosterTeeth to start your free trial today they're good I don't know what time they're absolutely need that we have a totally different that's not crazy video today that Prince tweeted I guess someone one of the video producers at Playboy did this thing where I think she went to South America she went somewhere and there's this new popular cleanse where someone catches one of those poisonous tree frogs no and scrapes the poison off of it and then kind of injects people with it that's like a tribal thing isn't right and she has a camera on her the whole time talking about like the sensation of feeling like you feel like it yeah it was that I think that one of the tribe members the culprits and meet in An Idiot Abroad has the same thing happen to him for him let him just like I would never do that I can't imagine willingly going through that experience everything that we do and that level kind of like some baseline poison yourself we even alcohol is always absolutely poison yourself that's what you're doing have you heard about that that's not true is it Alexander actually happens right the biggest poison Halloween candy literally never happened never happened never ever happen so much time every Halloween you X-ray your kids I mean what replaced it with candy that I bought at the store I mean I've done that will never ever ever happen it never happened we are no cows sleep on the ground they lay down on the ground he will say that what is it going to rain because they don't like to eat what do they wait for it to rain in the eat the grass that was under them when it's dry I have no idea that it no I would not like to eat what grass is best for the hips we do that for their recommendation digest a project that they have I may have four stomachs that is so gross I never do like like we hear a nursery rhymes on your kids I don't know what curds and whey if I don't find out I wasn't no chewing your cud mint what chewing your cud is going down there a certain way but they need to get the other stuff and then went back down guy smashing into the next one but that's we have to take it into them as I know that is partly digested food returned for the first stomach of ruminants to the mouth for further chewing in like an hour after you're done eating a meal we can go somewhere bar fit in your help and then shoot up some more so I was like yeah can I put it back to the first stomach through the first what is the second part to the second one like it's not doing it I'm not going to pop a cow that was my commute home if you just like Pathways a little like when you think of my new little stomach does a ruminant animals the stomach contains four compartment the rumen the reticular the apothem and the Obamas have them well I'm a cowboy what Buffalo born in Hawaii what mixes with other stuff and food is cold cut or small bowls of food next the room of muscles in the back of the three students love again this time going to the bottom section of the stomach a muscle Lego City box in the second stomach is just in to remove moisture from the grass so they might not even cry because it might be Victor from for a cow dried grasses am awesome you can have to tell the story about how dumb koala bears like eucalyptus leaves that provide hardly any nutrition to the point where the babies can even eat it so they have to eat the shit from the parent the fecal Pap just to survives of different kind of shit and die very informative burni thank you for that I have learned all about animals the cows regurgitate their sleep have you ever in your life been fishing it was the first fish I've got it swallowed the hook and then I can get it out and then I'm headed to like it why can't I download that was bleeding everywhere and I was just like just float away what is bigger than what kind of fish perch that was not really HBO the couch sitting or standing was a big deal like all the cows are sitting in a we go fishing anyway there's other fish in the rain let me get the the noises above the water get drowned out I would imagine around out here yeah I need to set up a joke I can survive in the pacifi guy gets what he made it he was 16 we did not he had a he had a raft or something to float on well I'm going to someone to sleep for 16 hours and sleep rate he caught fish with his bare hands where would you be if you were a fish that I caught by do trapped in the ocean what is not moving much this thing in the world just hang out and get more comfortable with him eventually they went into his hand and he will just take it how what how do you catch a drink I guess you drink fish blood no I don't think you can survive on trinket for short amount of time no not for very long I have a great John yeah just be really bad for your crazy friend what you can do is rest in the Atlantic by 200 miles off the North Carolina coast we can drinking too much on his stricken but you say she could buy trailing dirty clothes in the ocean and catching rainwater in a bucket the stories change no what time is it in Florida if it's upside down bring up some more reading on a buck if you got it maybe you can decide whether to fly or what Galaxy his morale was we lost a few pounds after Supply 210 food ran out his diet was reduced to Ross and get some no apart as a God damn it over it someone else to drive here from our Dreams lyrics Taylor Stone Stevie Stone it's you eating your burger and we still in my dog in the bathroom Mukwonago in what is happening RT dream sequel reason I was running and I feel like someone is like in different dreams but this was a dream that left off exactly where the last had that it was like the whole thing was one dream that she told her about the spring before she dream of someone best party now so yeah no I wouldn't see them other people from seeing your own dream would be like unbelievably disappointed when you read something that you wrote back in like 6th grade feelings anchored and reactant side we believe this is real I think a lot of dreams that people just change so I'll be with this with someone the for the whole dream no stop it someone and finish it someone else and kind of the problem where I wake up in the morning and Katie wakes up and I was an asshole to her and her dream it so she wakes up pissed off at me and I'm sorry that dream was an asshole I didn't do that Jac as version of me that's going on Apple do what I have to make up for this dream version of me if I do that then I shouldn't you know what you think about me why was mad at you and Kelly so this past weekend I went down to Houston I'm sorry but on the way back I decided to drive I just like to drive up to 90 because he knows that supposedly the Bluebonnet the Bluebonnet 71 way faster than everything what are you fucking race from here you want to go to the Galleria you and I what we should do we should totally point-counterpoint we should totally race to Houston Drive the speed limit to Houston on Mills Road 45 minute to charge if I can think so so what's your in Houston on my way back to 66 and it's not your car I'm being pretty Frank about it there's not a road trip bright blue eyes are pretty clever now that I'm driving and I see where things are at and it's like cars on the side of the road and like it or not they're getting closer like this like something like what's going on no it was parked on the side of the highway it was a bluebonnet patch on the side of the road taking pictures in the flowers to look at them and them drop you off at 1:30 I thought we took 1:39 to 7 what's 1 5 p.m. I was there I was there almost faster than when I take 35 it was so fucking funny to the airport at 1:30 so around like everything is fine and then follows East parallel with I-35 and then around Georgetown comes over right now or what city or state or whatever that or someone is trying to make all the 18 wheelers that go through Austin make them take that around Austin just like Skip Austin do that no problem I 35 and ever since they started NAFTA years and years ago I 35 runs all the way from Laredo Mexico all the way straight Louisville Kentucky Vallarta Mexico all the way to the center of the us all the we can do that so that's the truck to go back at 4:35 all the time Faberge in the fucking Laredo yeah but you said you Mexico iPhone of Mexico text of the u.s. and Canada in Michigan over the service of a conversation then the m6 North in England about roads of a car 2000 over Black Ops 2 I got in the cab driver talk to me nasty no idea You're Still Into Me Right Now killing me and was like just get me out of the car for the first time in a long time because I was like do all the roads every year. Everything do in the past but overdrive is what whatever you just put in the destination on the app and then it we have before you can get in the car that you got in there already driving to your place technology technology no what comes out on Friday the 24th like a hair's breadth away from entirely leaving the Apple you can really get free clothes man I think I used Android phone very quickly Samsung Galaxy S4 the Google Nexus Tablet Nexus if you're going to go and I'll probably not and probably get one with an iPad I'm saying I know you to come back to bite me in the ass I'm not going in the first one but I don't stop we have a tablet that has lasted so long to connect to it so it's like I almost what secretly for the tablet to die so that I can just like you to file my No Label on it from like 2010 when it wasn't what are you doing that you can't what it was in the drawer but it is because I got a new iPad and I thought I'm going to use his computer control module bulbs The Notches on the we actually it's fighting me to do the same thing I had an old piece of shit Android tablet that was in my throat hurts like that and I'm going to pull that out and you keep the power on on the wall above Outlets or just plug it in and it runs on the wall behind the door electricity make those tiny little gold connectors on because they just rub off and actually just like it only works one way after while and then it stopped working on the final price I have of Amazon but my phone is plugged accessory may not be supported never watch anything that has anyone ever probably do I look ugly as hell in a plastic dump strapless summer watch looks pretty cool the mode oh yeah those are horrible to the one on the far right that it is the Gold Edition one that would cost like $10,000 just for the watch and then you get the band would you like another you know anywhere between 500 to 3000 or something if you're going up here let me know it's been up to actually developed a new method of I don't know what the word is fabricating of developing a gold alloy so that it's still I think 18 karat gold but it has less goals and it's been what and 4 was the weight of the Roots & Boots and diamonds weight I got some new method of developing this week's t-shirt 213 seems like you're for old school telling us that he was in charge of taxes for sales tax nice watch that burni actually bring that for me for my 5 year anniversary so I can replace it watch it we can watch it I can't afford nice things so he bought me nice things so I love my watch in so I'm not very nice very nice guy was awesome I didn't know if the other guys like it also I want to say anything about it so it's not able to talk about it wrestle whatever maybe I'll give Your Vessel for your 5 year anniversary full-time Yea Yea baby I got pulled into a room and burni was like oh God this could be a little box over to music hello this is nice thank you very much again for the picture of Michael not buying the first one by the first iPhone because it wasn't like that kind of crap is that worse than they already had so if I'm able get better what is the current watch have that you're not interested in all that you what would you want on the watch didn't have anything I'm interested in some hoping that poison given me a reason to want it yet but every teacher that they tell them like I really let people argue that about like about the iPhone and the iPad the iPhone and iPad I understood the first I thought the idea was great I was iffy about but I can see this being useful and I really don't see we had to listen to audio clips in Blaine me and iPhone 4 and I haven't iPhone 6 Plus any iPhone for explain this thing I was like that's more convenient I can use it and it's like iPhone more than the 5 or the 5 wasn't having it for so long that it's nothing in comparison 6 and 6 plus the same as well what did they made it okay so I have an! It's okay so different to different people in terms of gold measurement is 2418 karat gold is 18/24 gold or 75% the next person D Massey Hoopes said carrot is the percentage of Purity related to primary metal and any impurities that start with a cake or carrot with A/C can we determine mass for diamonds this is crazy how close the edge of frame is too if you if you you like me too much what the purpose of The Parables what are you doing any word you didn't see that I Was Born This Way that's great it's like you're right next to my finger we should design the set so it was that way 2004 the Mad Magazine action Jesus that's for those of you guess your wiring real version We Are iPhone 5S 3G and do nothing so I waited in line for the very first iPhone and I spent $600 and I got them from my iPhone 5 to 6 of 9 iPhone to me and asked to see it I would say you just want to be friends that's all that's the only reason I saw anything like that you can't really browse the web on your phone the other day I saw it read it that was just like look at these first impression from the iPhone the first time out since like reading people's analysis of the iPhone announcement like a piece of shit and my Nokia n70 is way better even the Maddox had a special page on his website talk about how is Nokia was way better than that iPhone and he would never switch the jump from in no remember it before that I mean everyone had like it was at the the the razor right now those the phone or there while yeah that was like the big popular phone and then you can look at it as a piece of shit and it came out cameras on phones in the UK where I'm like five megapixels to have a friend come out I only had two of them would like to use that but then it was really behind a camera phone technology in the rest of the world for some reason and then 3 months later they dropped the price and I would like to make up for of everyone really like a hundred fifty or $200 gift cards the Apple store and then I turn around and use that to buy whatever the next operating system guy the next afraid to touch it was like why am I paying for this I had to for my iPod Touch for like 3 years anymore for awhile how many iPhones do you think they would sell it touchtone surcharge for my bill Telegraph 4054 to 7158 I am to the point where I don't even want people to call me for some iPhone if you call me and you get my voicemail that he'll play for delivering would you answer your phone ever going to call you don't write how to play Kanye making or making really good podcasts EG shut your mouth or I'll call you know I wouldn't play my greeting or treating that's a retrieve it what do dial your number I have is that what happened to me I don't like you always do Tucson where you at iPhone emojis 2015 hey sorry to leave you away I feel like we're in my priority list voicemail Falls that's really low what do I still feel if someone calls you and doesn't even voicemail that feels like I didn't give a shit enough to actually leave a voicemail to tell you that I've got to clear this notification how many seconds do you listen to it zero I mean really like 10 seconds my no guy some Antiquated that way I still I still leave voicemails every time I get a voicemail really weird like I told Matt he doesn't pick up cuz he never picks up when I call he has a voicemail this is me when I pick up pickup pickup pickup pickup near me my parents Katie whoever he like NE we still have a landline and they actually have a tape what are voicemail iPhone yeah that's always fun can you tell if your voicemail how many of them are Jac vs other people like your first 10 how many are first 10 voicemail voicemail Wichita regular check and stuff like what the highest property tax Texas the best way to reach you try another one I might be higher because I didn't get them so infrequently that it probably is just as effective as a text if somebody 70% of her voicemail from Jac does I love my wife and I leave her a voicemail when I call him voicemail split stack up bro I got to have it hopefully by 64 deleted messages my email and everything is I have my top level in box and that's what I work my in box is my to-do list when I process something it's gone people keep like fifteen thousand emails in the inbox I can't delete XBox what is mailbox I tell you about the mail app where is all of the billing process out of your inbox really just a way to try to help you to get 20 messages again box of you like either answer them and put them away or you delay them simulator what is separate to the rest of in box display used to do it that way if you do it right there was a matter of this still in the in box what can you clean in box right now I have 5 things to work on today guy who got done with it like I got it like 10 messages his wife do it flagit 7511 Lisa do you ever look back through the text and find something you can load earlier messages and you can do it and then the phone just chokes and dies and doesn't go back any further I just feel like spending that needs to be a way for you to search your messages app there is for its entire history what if I keep pressing back on some people because my flight 2009 you can download an app that will just dumb on the computer Apple Computers we what you do for your guy if you want when you go back and see what our first problem the first page of messages on your phone feel like pressing often to the point it says load more you can search that you can study history mailbox bothered by the fact that if I want to find a web page anywhere on the internet go to Google type it and I can't find it on my phone of the Battle of Hastings guy if I want to find a fucking email military 15000 emails total I can't fucking funny email on my computer so I can go to search for and everything else and I don't use Gmail with everyone tells me use Gmail Gmail what mountain are on Gmail it's so much better looking picture of your dick it involves Gmail is in an in at the office right now he thinks the Gmail the first text message I've ever sent to gavi recording to this was this must be like I said before this you need a ride for the Left 4 Dead thing tonight March 11th 2012 what was the number we recording through it the old one back with you probably yeah 12 o'clock at fucking meeting about that dude I just got out of a chat room we have like a social-media thing we usually I was talking with the funhaus guys I got you to leave and unsubscribe from the Channel with a couple of jokes while do you remember the shadow you left right after the thing after we did the best we do something with funhaus today is much better than what they were doing RiverCenter watching it in a minute hey guy well at least you got your over-the-top stereotypical Asian schoolgirl accent and Laura gavi video yet to come guy Charlie it's not shocking to me is like in Dead Rising 2 take photos of light sexy zombies and stuff so stupid before you in the podcast recommendation okay there four times over the past two months what we do in the shadows it is amazing it that said Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords and a couple of the guys like Barbies in there as well but it's it's still in the shadow New Zealand it's a mockumentary about vampires and it is a no think about it like this if you're going to eat a sandwich I'm just sitting down to eat a sandwich we have to think yourself do I want to eat a sandwich that's somebody else has sucked already what are the people who don't know if you watching live stream UFC no that I we do a sponsor cats no response you're only podcast Kimiko that you can listen to on the website and I think we have an upcoming one later this week maybe about movies we recording one on Thursday about movies so favorite movie the sponsor of the website you go to si.com / sponsor and get access to all this and it will put it out there but if you don't really iay Chris Joel Barbara and someone else will be on talking about the nineties even there like they were 11 and 12 dollar 93 John was talking about Colorado RT Jon Risinger the rise mangala BSO surgery 7373 730 million dollars worldwide you name all the movies titles in the Furious Tokyo Drift to fast for the Fast and Furious it's Fast and Furious actor dead the Fast Five Fast Five that was the shortest and Furious 5 shortened up at 5 guy and was texting Fast & Furious 6 at home but I thought you seen the movie talks about how great it is how it's one of the series Kimiko treasure hunter which is getting more and more screen releases it had a $8,500 per screen average and I figured out of the open on 3003 if they can hold up that averaged over 25 million dollar open what is it if they have that average which it would be difficult for me to put it on the machine or just take them like this but you should see it it's beautiful. You would think it was made by Two Brothers From Austin what of color and composition it's a really great actually that they used to shoot a bunch of stuff right we network camera to shoot stuff there for dinner and I just never got anything you got you got really good too I work at 1 8 generations of cameras ready to go at like 1 see it I'll just take the next off the shelf and release it that often so far ahead of what they want to put out there putting out of 1080p today a monitor that is in portrait so stupid it's not stupid what are the four Dell 24 inch but it was already going to strip it's like a story that has a mother with an aspect ratio I've never seen before it's like dual monitors but one monitor that is cooked and it's is it in his car for longer which is great for spreadsheets in about two months the same resolution it looks like 3841 that I actually saw him I went to Fry's and they had a demo with Tomb Raider the PC version of Tomb Raider and set up in support of that resolution and of your face into a room and it's going on everywhere because it's pretty right now streaming but it shouldn't talk and go over there everyday I'm fucking right thing I'm coming anyway no CU what we do in the shadows internet 50658