#424 - Batman’s Phone

Join Gus Sorola, Blaine Gibson, Barbara Dunkelman, and Bethany Feinstein as they discuss United’s bad year, awkward interactions, old school games, and more on this week's RT Podcast! This episode originally aired on April 10, 2017, sponsored by MeUndies (http://bit.ly/2aGm9yg), MVMT Watches (http://bit.ly/2n2cNFN), NatureBox (http://bit.ly/2n25cac)

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-2017-424-h74gjaf

Recorded: 2017-04-11 14:31:00

Runtime: 01:38:28 (5908.1 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Barbara Dunkelman, Blaine Gibson


    "gus sorola"
    "blaine gibson"
    "barbara dunkelman"
    "bethany feinstein"
    "social media"
    "video games"
    "plane incident"
    "wendy’s nuggets"
    "always open"
    "heroes & halfwits"
    "million dollars but"
    "comic books"


    "MeUndies" => "http://bit.ly/2aGm9yg"
    "MVMT Watches" => "http://bit.ly/2n25cac"
    "NatureBox" => "http://bit.ly/2n25cac"
    "United Passenger Dragged Off Plane" => "http://nyti.ms/2nWnINq"
    "United Leggings Incident" => "http://nyti.ms/2nWrZAR"
    "Nevada Teen Wants Wendy's Nuggets for Life" => "http://usat.ly/2nWpBdh"
    "Always Open" => "http://bit.ly/2cgHS55"
    "Heroes & Halfwits" => "http://bit.ly/2b4RoUp"
    "Million Dollars, But..." => "http://bit.ly/2nWAKup"
    "Lego Batman" => "http://imdb.to/2nWyqUo"
    "Big Little Lies" => "http://bit.ly/2nWFkc5"
    "Eddie Izzard" => "http://bit.ly/2nWwSK9"
    "Dude Skips Out on $600 Bill" => "http://bit.ly/2nWuwe8"
    "Soma Bar" => "http://bit.ly/2nWAr2F"
    "Your Name" => "http://bit.ly/2nWrwhR"
    "Master Pancake" => "http://bit.ly/2nWw4EY"
    "Atomic Blonde" => "http://imdb.to/2p3Vxhz"
    "Hardcore Henry" => "http://imdb.to/2p3N1PJ"
    "Chambongs" => "http://bit.ly/2p3N3qP"
    "Champagne Flavored Finger Polish" => "http://bit.ly/2p3ULkD"
    "Gus Leaves Post Show" => "http://bit.ly/2oamxuC"
    "Mass Effect Andromeda Update" => "http://bit.ly/2nWgQjo"
    "Nights (on Dreamcast)" => "http://bit.ly/2p3Zzqi"
    "Relationship Goals" => "http://bit.ly/2p3FNem"
    "Mastication Party Promo Video" => "http://bit.ly/2nWyuTW"
    "Bethany Gets Pranked" => "http://bit.ly/2nWyR0Q"
    "Mariel Messes Up Dates" => "http://bit.ly/2nWs8Eh"
    "Let's Play Live Tour" => "http://bit.ly/2paBRbb"
    "C2E2" => "http://bit.ly/2p3UxtG"


Transcript (in progress):

movie podcast this week about to buy & East Movement and nature box that response time Gus Bethany so I guess United is having a bad comic talk about any other spots are literally any other airline that isn't United they are not doing well this year who's the leggings thing at a time we talked about that already and then forcing a man to leave a plane and Destroy his face in the product was that United over book the flight by 4 people there was for staff members that needed to be on the flight in order to get to a certain city for another play I don't even know like flight attendant I don't know if their tenants but they had to get there and so they told passenger is we need to have 4 people volunteer to leave and to give up their seat for for and no one volunteered and they start offering more more money I think a few people have volunteer but there was one person that they had to like start randomly selecting people cuz no one knows how to get really needed one more but the guy was with his wife so was he that's what I really was with his wife and they were both chosen regardless of whether or not he was with his wife I guess he was randomly selected he's a doctor and needed to be in the city for like surgery or some lie cuz he's pitching for the day and he refused to leave and that's as much as we know and there's a video that I guess people on the flight had taken of him getting remove tons of people there from the flight for how do I get removed like wouldn't they take them off before they were dragged off to plane we're about to take off but we need a couple people you man can come with me like what would you do and I just feel like they pulled him out of his seat and a he hit his Selleck as you're pulling him out I mean they're not gentle at all he's facing the armrest I didn't know if you liked Lost Consciousness or or what happened she went limp after that why dragged him off that he was not going to have like a woman with the plane and then he ran back onto the play think that that's the case I think they let him back on I'm not sure about that to rid of the plane it was really point at him and at random or did they had a system was he the last one that book I use a computer to determine someone randomly that's uncomfortable which in my opinion they should have kept saying more and more money until more people said yes because at one point like if I probably could Lego up way past eight hundred before they could have offered more money to afford this would happen if nobody volunteers I've been in the situation I lost a lot of money what happens let's up not only giving you the money or the credit for the for another flight in the future but gift cards like I've seen them go up to $1,000 one time for I don't like Amazon or something you can buy leggings with a gift card now okay got anything but leggings sure that makes it even wear the shirt on the open but I have my own thoughts on this okay what are your thoughts something that I fucking hate about social media is that an incident like this happens and everyone turns into a hunt everyone gangs up on the entire like the company itself for what happened on this isolated incident on this one flight with this one passenger and they like I understand holding the company responsible and hairline in general and people like I'm never fighting United again but like shit happens sometimes and I feel like it's like I hate the idea of Blaine Tire Corporation for what I would say I think would in my opinion it's like they're fucked up I'm sure that United training manual does not say reprimand out of a sea plan his face in to check but I think you know what happened here is these people who removed from plane like almost didn't see him as humans actually thought it was like two cops and one other person I don't know if that was also attended or someone like a gate agent I got dragged out yeah it's really fucked up oh my God I'm really curious to see what they find for this scene I think they were what's the process I think there are a lot of people who led to this or like you're responsible who need to be punished for this after that like not having a good plan or a good process to get those seats available I think that's more like reason why I think United be Blaine for something like this where is like that the fact that he was mistreated obviously grossly Miss treated I don't think that's izzar little reflection on the airline itself to be fair United does fucking suck regardless of that and the leggings inciden I always if I have the option I would never book them and I also tried it your frequent Justice lie Gus and maybe one other person I can think of Nadya are the only two that I know that travel on are like what our company if on unite everyone else pretty much prefers American American live United like I've had so many real bad shit delays and missed flight sorts of crap at those guys just the always like expect the worst night when I go to him also there in plane on him it sucks book collections bad I want to help on American lie. Here we go but also like to think about the stuff happening on social media is no one knows the full story I really happened with the leggings thing exactly the thing as a whole another incident where I guess it would have been still wrong and a sense but there is a whole nother side to that story that people didn't know about so who was the person actually pulling him in the video that we saw that are no police jeans like maybe you to come cop who is that other guy that you don't have to volunteer you just have to be there somewhere Marshall me film I mean oh for sure you can't get away with anything with that she can look like Gus got very sweet today since it's my first time on the podcast he walked into my office and said I had this gift for your welcome and it was in a brown paper bag I thought it was going to be a really inexpensive bottle which I love cheap champagne but this is a very nice gesture I heard you were but I don't like popcorn popping champagne bottle face when I mean or Gus would do us the honor of your so I can I just yeah I just have my but my face is so close to Blaine Gus maybe like it's okay okay fire fire plane why are you doing this to me what the cork in my but it will explode the cream on me so excited exclamation guys I don't know why that's been in your fridge for hours I know you didn't want no absolutely no I really didn't I didn't fucking shorts up so the podcast everyone dude podcast on myself to the God damn it all over by new blond sleep on half shirt available now through the store and get another also that are new yes I'm wearing one of her new hoodies I could story now where do I go about something to talk about yeah I hit that guy little bit I don't think I explained the situation for people who might be living under God tweeted at Wendy's asking how many retweets to have on a tweet in order to get free nuggets for life with her not even that apparently is like a if you've gets the medium option and $650 pizza and I for one year for a year he said 18 million retweets so he did that and people picked it up include United it last week to respond yeah and I gave him a free flight to him and punch him in the mouth but now it's a 2.3 million no possible way they got me thinking a lot about Twitter is a platform and I think Twitter is filled with box Twitter a scam I think I think that you over inflate their numbers Gus sorola 27th so I started wandering River at the Oscars a few years ago they had like the most retweeted photo ever just deleted photo ever 3.3 million and up you would like I can meet at read about it how this is going to expose have no one uses Twitter your looks like million daily active users bullshit your Tweet about it this is something like everyone like grams if you were to retreat and they can't even get to 3 no one's using Twitter it's over like a teen million is impossible on to the fact that Ellen sweet only got to 3.3 million and that's fucking Ellen DeGeneres to the Oscars & X all those other people that were in it and that people were telling me that didn't make sense cuz Ellen I think million followers so your time is like she can't get more than 10,000 engagement that's a .015% of the people who follow her give her a fever do they have like to sing that you type in Soma username and see which one you use cuz we found one but it stopped working I sent it to me and it's pretty interesting I think I was sitting at about an 80 or 85% like obviously I would not go on my way to buy fucking Twitter followers does a even buy Twitter followers because I know some people that do that should someone who I should ask him where to do that why would you want someone now now would you want to would you be interested dude I was it like is it a person you talk to you or like a website you go to for my people and push your dick on you or something whatever that but since I wonder what they're like what's the largest amount you can buy from what I seen people have light connections in terms of Costco in there are they cheaper to buy like a bigger pack you said that you were buying like I don't know what you like 50 or something one time just to check it out what I did was dollar credit for Twitter ads always like I'm going to use it and see how it works so like the other Twitter app interface I just meant by $20 they gave me two seat and I think about me like for followers Twitter out its roots when you don't buy it you like advertise to targeted people who might want to fall a wink and I got like 4 or 5 hours out of it good to & Out it really is it not the one I'm sitting at 86% so you have to like allow access to your profile then I can type in a ba after all we were waiting at the other day we don't want to tax your profile you have a percent your Bethany are Tiffany tried mine but we try to on your time GTX at plane searching off it just told me that I have to be able to authorize it that's weird yeah someone on Twitter who is Christopher going to be on the podcast until later your keys over hopefully for as long as they were last year so he's trying to be helpful but it's up doing things that are really counterproductive to me when he still make laser teen like what like last week I knew ahead of time that bringing Gavin both told me they were still meeting or not be last week but something yesterday like Sunday night and Monday morning but he's like hey I'm trying to work out my schedule to see if I could be on the podcast already booked it the people that wait until like Monday afternoon of the term and whether or not he can be here sober need some trying I'm glad did he ask you the cash don't think so cuz I feel like if you're like yeah Blaine give me on you like about you the other day we were saying horrible horrible things we don't know why that you're so like self-deprecatio like don't think highly of yourself you're a great person that we were talking about this together to get Blaine meet up with on a Google Calendar I don't know I cannot for next week a common topic of conversation everyone the podcast and I don't want it to be just like the Blaine Sho finger doing it right now like I don't want to tell me that I'm completely different on off topic as opposed to podcast cuz on topic and just like me that's open I'm always up in somebody get to going out because I'm like whatever but on here she says I have just like the lowest self-esteem it seem like such a but I think I'll sit here and like I think I think Britney and Gavin have the ability to bring that out and anyone ever not here that's good to hear you got going on to do my heroes off luck today what happened whether happened at all I can just do whatever with it and she didn't hear this and he looks great I like to go to sleep out up when I was younger I would shave my head because I was so lazy I didn't even want to bother doing anything with my head so I guess I'll just keep my Motorola I mean if we can find you naked on the internet I probably could find that your fingers like that Blaine protected Birds book Gus one time came out I think he just finished filming Heroes and half-wits and he was wearing that big metal chain mail his hair looks like no Soma Heroes & how much volume your hair has that was completely button from it really bouncy when was all slicked back and I think there's a call to Rico Suave how to fucking try to wash it out in the sink here what do we never have clean towels in in this building I have used for those towels last week for a but oh yeah man I got some good coming out of like probably the best ones I wonder what the secret sauces you I think I'm good just going to have to do because I was getting wet constantly when I was being rained on anything is it Gus dude do we have to have her do I connect to it I can never tell if I'm connected to it black stupid so I'm trying to fucking share this photo with you because that doesn't work I'll send it to you I had to try to I have to do math scenario which was any time someone asks you about the weather it starts raining on you and you still kind of cold I was still early spring and then we have to do that thing where Max had my love child Diana let's get for the Jerry Springer Show out to like stop Max because he keeps wanting promo self into my stuff as a quote sexy lady always dresses up in a dress and a wig in his leaves like me back on pursue the clues that like if you enter the wrong address it would be him like you plan to you but I love looking at our the quality of our art stuff today as opposed to the first started when I first started 2 years ago not even compare you like I mean there was even I remember one time he put on it like a nutritional label if they just like put crazy Master detail it was like no one's ever going to see that you know but they like to pry that if they catch it it's even better than others your hair your killer that's the beauty of partment so that would have been like oh find quilt from Gus to that picture Gus picture Gus cuz you got like a decade more of off going on here you look pretty much the same as your member this but back at like right before our BBT out which is like the first pant event for Reese your teeth in Toronto I had commented on that picture of you and I said that I like your shirt and he said I'll bring it to a Toronto when I come visit so you were that should I think at the event because I said I lie also wore that shirt like everyday till 4:05 but missed the first one I think that you were at the first like the first official lie there was one before that but I didn't go I think I'm becoming like a cartoon character because I found out that American Apparel is closing down and then make the best T-shirt so I bought like I think like 15 pairs of the same shirt but you can give her extra small medium thank you I'm actually I've got your meeting pairs of shirts what size is that check this is a women's 15 and a half children that either your old or some variation of medium seats are there so we're not sure if you really can complicate your movie your like go to outfit I could promise I'll go with the black or grey slacks yeah it's changed over the last couple years you started dressing better your sneakers and dark blue short sleeve shirt Yeah Yeah Yeahs help that one a long time of our sponsors very cute floral a dress or Romper with like a nice cardigan and boots that you was that my cartoon character version on her first day at work Bethany came into our office cuz it's when you and I should not keep in her office and declared like I don't ever wear pants I don't know what that picture of you naked I like that's my boss it's weird that you never wear pants I just & yoga pant when I left a job several years ago on the on the last day the receptionist asked me she's like now that you're leaving I can ask you this are you like really religious and that's why you your pant leg do I act really religious or conservative I just don't like pant I don't like being constrained in the crotch region I want to be free I got that for anything I had any moment if it was it was more socially acceptable for guys to wear skirts and dresses I feel like they running Heroes have worn them before right for something you killed killed killed I never have what what's your what's going on you but I just one because it like I get that used to be a thing you know but now I think it's like one of those statements or it's like where to kill you know it's almost like woman where is it I don't know I'm not a lot of people wear it as like their common everyday fashion usually for a purpose or like they're that guy who wears the Kilt so I can send you guys a Board address for something like that your film I can think of I ever wanted your film times I'm pretty sure I put you in a short on Old RT recap of your dress up as a pretty lady I don't think I've ever wanted you should try it it's liberating and try it I do it I'm doing it again coming up soon it just feels free especially when we live in such a hot climate like it's just nice to feel free especially in the summer months because I'm so fucking hot when I went to Australia out that she have to and I went Australia I bought to have like these super small shorts they're like right up meds I remember that I bought like 5 pairs of those are the greatest thing ever I remember you talking about their shirts your just like I love the way you look in that million are there any shorts like my legs look really good and then they can I remember those shorts and short they were how how do you not gets super sweaty in your balls in your live but Christ up cuz I wear I wear like nice underwear like other athletic sliders or me ND you know what is funny you mention that because I like your mind up with this up so that she thought that is brought to you by me on the effect of your wardrobe but what about the stuff not everybody gets to see that's where my undies comes in up plan at all they're seriously soft feel good on these delivered right to your door Wendy's are designed to know they made from sustainably-sourced Micro Motel Effect 3 times softer than cotton Wendy's substance off looks on these come in every flexion of classic colors bowl-shaped and adventurous patterns to can tell you're a nice to your own personal style guess what you can save time and money each month with a monthly subscription and if you're not ready for subscription that's okay you can still save because me and he's offering you 20% off your first pair just use our special URL wendys.com slash which teeth get 20% off your first pair to go ahead revamp your underwear drawer you deserve it I said so let's meet at least.com / RoosterTeeth wendys.com slash RoosterTeeth you can wear the same underwear that plane and I were coming out exactly what but you can try telling me about me because he I think recently got some for the first time and he said the fabric is so nice that it almost feels cold when you put it on I know what you mean I feel the same way my balls are nice to dude yet I went crazy when but like one and go crazy about 10 pairs cuz it's like I wonder where to buy I would say I was late up shorts or underwear okay so super stoked about it but like everyone in the office gets free pairs of me on these except for me and it bums me out I may have only gotten one. I start your own podcast up your mind where is because you're free though if you in the early days I probably had like 5 I would propose that if I ever am on the podcast I would wear just me I need to know pants if they give me your supply for me I'm sure you would should I can work on that they used to have I'm looking on their website now that used to have a thing where you could buy 365 pair of underwear everyday or every day of your but that was like can I see on here to the kind of person that does boxer briefs they came out with a new like print that's like Indian like an American Arizona kind of style it was good I think it's because there's so few girls that get the underwear that like someone from sales will come in with like a delivery there like it's a great alright Barbara pick some underwear and then I like a pile that I get to like pick up your friendship as out of stock for Grand River for underwear nights appear watch them or should we go on sorry thank you mean this for someone that you wonder why you don't get free ones don't fit in a million days I don't wear them during my. Is he taking care of my take care of you I was going to say that I do but not not like as a knock on them because they're come true so like never use that audible met someone back home real quick someone to treat me they didn't the search for me for the fake followers and and it says 98% audit score good 400 400 s are fake that's a better cause you have like a 19014 Skyrocket dude that's a lot for Simon I'm not like really on anything so I felt like that was the one Bethany are teeth on Twitter go follow her remember are used to make Blaine upset we're at the office cuz I wouldn't call him for a long time and I followed like one of the Blaine parody account instead you would like you were visibly checked it when I told you that it was so petty of me to do that just like right now yeah it's one of those things were like as soon as & for me or if I like unfollow someone it does not matter to me it has like no power over me but people still get upset about it not understand dude so it's like Twitter's any liquid of the social media platforms at like you all are using more or excited about on Instagram like that's just what I love you for on these days Snap Chat it's fun but I kinda I'll use it for a week or two and then I forgot about it for several weeks bring you something really funny me at Snap Chat cuz he recently got Snap Chat and I guess follows me on it and he said I don't you to take this the wrong way but if you like anyone who follows you on Snapchat & does know anything about you would think that you spend all of your time at your apartment on your couch is so true because usually when I'm looking at Snap Chat when I get home from work or I got to work just hanging out and I decided to go search Snap Chat and see what everyone did all day and then I decide let me check out the filters and dude stupid post and just my couch and that's pretty much 99% of my snap but I can't do Snap Chat because there's always the risk that I sent a dick pic I propose to my trust me I've almost sent some of Bruce before this is why you're coming off of A1A underwear me I understand I know I'm going to text I'm scared about accidentally sending a dick pic to everyone who follows me on Snapchat I'm Blaine gets this I don't really dude yet Instagram every now and then but like Facebook what social media Facebook it has become overly complicated so many different things and I don't know like anybody who seems like Facebook is where your parents are social Lottery sand parents are let's be real I sent you my grandmother usually like about her bowel movement had the runs today and then the next one runs again and then runs I've liked screenshotted it several times and sent it to Gus or she would you like talking shit about someone her age or Sho talking shit about you just start talking like she should understand that the wall like you have to tag someone or send a message to talk to them directly and social to start talking usually my dad will go on and say Mom you got to like tag the person & Light or he'll just had it for them and save so that they know that she saying happy birthday or when I seen that there is a 30 can I saw that was an older woman and she her time line was just her posting messages that were meant for other people that like she just like hey Becky I hope like your son's birthday party went well and it just be all on her own time your status is are just go to Sho like how come you didn't complicated the plan I just think that it was fun I got you I wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole and I didn't know I read it and Gus was like your grandma I learned a lot about social media working at this company that have Twitter when I started Barbara computer I got a little confused what are the computer let's play live in LA or the computer right there where the computer so that there was an atom better than our computer is like yes and then it's like a computer monitor to separate from the computer laptops a lot that was when we were sharing office and you had my back on that yeah I know how I made that mistake before I was like 7 but you did point to this you pointed to this I was like yes your computer probably I got a new Macbook Air to work and I'm afraid to look at porn on it I don't think I will feel that I work on because I like you not taking place until you know when you take it home it doesn't become like the personal laptop nothing on it your windows still I'm pretty sure bear can work some Wizardry I'm pretty sure he never was on when he knows everything about I would have seen you because there was one time where I was logged on to have two different Wi-Fi through the gas and we have a normal one and I can so the names are the passwords to be wrong Blaine thank you for being so I could get my bank account in my PIN number or my Social Security is to be clear you're not to find out that information on this month so anyways I was on there and there's an email where they're like hey everybody's personal computers and laptops to the guest account and we're taking up too much bandwidth in the main whatever one and it's like I delete email him just you know whatever and then like later later on I don't know how they found out but there lie I need to take your phone off and that is the fact that they specifically he was my phone and then there's like something else that made it evident that like they'd seen something what is your foot it what is your phone named Plains iPhone I see how they might be found Helen Hunt look it up Siri what's my name is better that's really stupid it's really hit me in the ass couple times where I'll be like hey your call call call Lana and it'll be like at a Barnes know you like sorry for talking your phone in a Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble store Orlando like on speakerphone while I'm not that I do that I don't know so if we play like literally doing this if you're walking rent is the same thing as doing this you're still holding it yeah you just don't hear the other person with your from carrying something heavy to be down but you're not going to hold it down and stop it your biceps are too big for me to balance on these normal Siri voice don't know you tell me if I was the one that sounded like the British there's a like male British male Australian female British female Australian American male female female British for a while someone about the same that we see. Hold that way hold it that way in reality shows going to come so I can hear both sides so maybe that's why they may do that now I'm pretend it's not nearly as interesting when they have to listen to that shit either day really weird interaction at Best Buy course right we had a weird interaction at Best Buy I was going to buy some monitors for my office and he's Peterson Peters your monitors I need a monitor that have HDMI connections so I walk over to Best Buy and I'm looking at the monitors and I don't see any some like looking up on the shelf and I'm wearing like a pant like this I could do long-sleeve grey shirt I am looking up the monitors and this older woman approached me from the left and it's like hello good afternoon at her like she was talking to someone over on my time look around the car she trying some of the monitors and she walks up to me and it's like are you helping someone that's why I don't work here winter, no are you wearing a grey long sleeve shirt to wear the blue shirt that's why I was like I don't know I'm sorry and I see the modern looking for so I like call employee over and I paid you have any monitors with DVI HDMI and then I hear that woman behind you get like oh yeah monitors with HDMI are hard to find but I'm okay so I'm ignoring her and the employees like well I know what I haven't even have both of those that she's like you could use an adapter and plug it in dude you can't tell if I work your not why the fuck are you trying to help me buy this but she was the guy helping you is like by the way there was a woman who died here 7 years ago for hunting store she like what does she look like when she's older you know an older woman you know what you could be doing the things I think Erin's talked about him on the podcast I just was people that is just desperate for social interactions Kelly wasn't there for any reason other than to talk to people because we got to dude apartment and we call him next time guy because he's like sometimes for the always just ask do you have the time just like that every single time it's like I'm fucking voice recording you're a robot and you always just like us 290 and he's at all the days pass and by & in that conversation that was one time where I was walking out of the apartment with Aaron and he's like oh there's that guy and he like pulled out his phone and he goes it's for a 19 Mickey walking in a thank you let's be ready to go or is this account I was just the one time we were walking by and then there was like Hey you have the time in the guy was like program the time to share the elevator with him I saw him coming and he like bless his heart he's a very sweet man but he's very old and he's like literally at a 90 degree angle like how he walks he so old and I saw like I was waiting at the door to get into because then I'm sorry I'm walking from the other guy from the pool so he had no shirt on no shoes on and it just his swim trunks but one of his trucks the legs had ridden up into his crotch area so like I didn't see anything but it was very close and I was just like I'm like even if I get but then I'm going to wait a second so he could take the elevator and down to like be awkward and write up the elevator with him until like I saw him like walk past the door and I su-22 elevator when up stairs it so it a couple seconds and I went in and then as the elevator doors closing I guess he sees me to go so I get in the elevator with him and like I right up to Aaron's floor and the entire time we're just sitting there silent and he just goes well going up radmanovich was a little hard your so sweet but I don't know how to make small talk with you and I can kind of see your junk I'm sorry I wasn't meaning like old and wrinkly gray like there was one time where I was in a rush to get to work and I'll just like tired and shit and I ran into elevator in lie car elevators are like it's a box how do I anyways there's an elevator that the box to the doors like left Justified so then there's like this little while here right we got the corner in the elevator that you can't see from the outside so I like haul ass into the elevator cuz I got to get going to work and the guys like basically like pant up and in that corner and I didn't see him and I was just have my eyes on my phone he's like yeah but I'm at up and down all day what if he is Father time he's just an internal like being you just he doesn't die I please have been around since what I think 66 probably longer yeah he's been there forever always he's doing Lots in that pool yeah there's a lot of people Twitter your boy guzma said you should call him father time banana on date says he has no idea why don't use British male Siri pretended Telford do that are giving away like I got in the Batman Lego movie Ray Fiennes did the voice of Alfred but they also had Voldemort in there who did the voice for more because like Voldemort so it was like really weird for me what's Better Call Saul am I the only one I watch the first at Birth season 3 start again I'd like to catch up on to download this voice what did you end up starting to I seen it yet Bethany I finished big little oh good I think I cried the right you didn't you said he cried and cried I think it's because I kind of figured out what was going to happen so it wasn't too much of a shocker to me you're ok dude this comedy specials in the late nineties everyone loved kids these days but I'm on this podcast people who are younger than me apparently I'm over 30 at least so dude what's your name what's my name Blaine but since we're friends I got to pull up at 9 but your friends better that's great so Blaine if you watch big little lies the only exposure that have had to you guys tweeting about it and then I thought I'd be funny other really tired was like oh that's right I forgot big little lies I remember that I was actually really good what's the :-) a complete schedule of you guys know some I'm running on about 45 I was about to ask you I'm good with doing on Friday I am the worst procrastinator and it doesn't help that sometimes when I'm procrastinating I masturbate and I call it procrastination I just I literally and figuratively fuck myself when I need something you just do this how many times procrasturbate last night 2003 time do it back to back to back to back when you take a break break there's a refractory. Like I mentioned I was like 18 I could be like the time and then I had this week was like I was like super horny this week I don't know what happens like every single person I Soma sorry about your. I can suck you know what is there an out of town he is what he has that happens to women chemically that causes that sometimes that I know of situations that will cause that little horny as but I don't know why is it okay just can't get horny like to be like a process in Cambodia a girl can be around whenever a God I should be talked about women and I know I am. Probably knew more about the woman's anatomy like sometimes women can be more horny or whatever whenever they're like close to there. You know so like that's a situation right where hormones are coming to play chemically they are more out what's the situation with the dudes are like that is called being awake and conscious know it's it's weird because I'm not even close to my. So there's no reasoning for a but it just like literally I there are times it doesn't happen often but there are times when I get into a state of mind or I look at like anything that moves I'm just like you wanted fuck that I can put that Barbara I get them it says do you have the time even him have you thought of him that way mr. time old not a time for the time no not yet because aphrodisiac foods that make you say that it is that I have never known doctors oysters lavender that's what I heard that for guys like butts with no no no we already went over what is like a good sexual level so if we're always kind of in that stand ready to go I am some people are not there you said if there's everything about the store earlier that I'm looking it up right now but there was this guy in Australia he was on the Gold Coast who was at the beach I'm eating at a nice restaurant he had by himself $600 million $621 he ate two lobsters 2NE1 vodka oyster shot a baby octopus and a bunch of beers and then when it came time to pay here and down to the beach and swim out into the ocean what do the way from the white one vodka izzar Sho can you possibly gotten caught him in the car before you drown but up on my guy apparently he's like a rapper and his name is like to pack or something aside from the Vodka what else you say drink some beers have you ever what's it called when you dine and dash never done never ever there's even been situations I've been at work just like they would never know if we just like there's no no server hasn't been by & like yeah you know what I'm always nervous like trying to stop me now how to keep my copy I've been doing a thing where I make it a policy to wear if I go to a bar and closing out I'll send the receipt and I always take mine just so that they can't mess with because they do that because that happen to me during South by here really yes I went to the Snoop Dogg concert first and it was free alcohol first to begin with and then they don't tell switches over after so we all went to the bar and since I was upfront I order drinks for like 8 of us or something maybe not 864 something and she little be 45 dollars whatever it was I don't think okay I guess you're not free anymore so I paid for them and then when I got my bills I probably tipped 18 20% and my bill was over $100 but I never keep the receipt and I didn't want to fight it over what 45 or 50 bucks whatever the difference would have been I just was mad at myself so I started thinking I should start keeping receipts and I'm really mad about that and I'm drunk & Parks in the papers never happened before but I want starting my receipts out Express tracking system that we use for work for business related expenses I love it for that reason cuz we take photos or receive that yes I'm now wondering if you could use that personally that way you can save your receipt so I'm going to keep on the paper what you leave on the table in your photo album like I said you have to make special trip to argue it like if someone let's put it like on people if I was sober and I happen to me and I don't keep my receipt think of how many people you know where Tipsy or drunk and like they have a good night on your tab no I mean those the only thing I paid for and close out right away I know what the price was everything you know for 6 drinks was like $45 whatever like him snap a for and I can argue sure he poured them and then told me that there was the charge and says I'm just not going to be an asshole but then turns out they were the fucking assholes that you're still really lie series 24 yeah I try but what's your policy I was just doing book for drink oh yeah I mean in that situation it's a pencil difficult to make if it's like one of those really thick beard be a dollar per drink Jessica crafty cocktail usually do at least thing as I tip 20% cuz I felt like I was a lot of assholes on here like I feel bad and lie and then like they just totally screwed me over to drink some electrical bucket drink what what's an to drink would you get the fanciest drink I'll probably go to like a Moscow Mule maybe I will normally this dude like vodka soda or gin and tonic let's do something and some what does two things in a glass back as soon as I can go to to drink or go to every night every night to sleep drink I like for Virgin but I normally drink Vodka up a cheapskate and pantyhose and really I have pics if you're drinking Jen we want Hendrix thing I have more alcohol promote anybody that I know like I almost have like a full liquor cards worth out like that you're just because it's like it she's been collecting I'll get it as a gift I don't drink for one of my going out tonight I don't pregame as much anymore cuz I fucking college kid I just like every cumulated reaction and Aaron are the events Office corporate office I'm looking but I think I saw like last year or maybe the year before I saw crowdfunding campaign for its like this giant box that you put all your liquor bottles into and it Big Biscuit can make any cocktail that you walk like you tell it what you want then based on the the alcohol that has in it it'll make you that drink cool I'm sure I look good funn bartender did you see that fucking asshole how do I look this up that guy who wanted to crowdfund an engagement ring for his girlfriend yeah $15,000 and he has what like $600 for work book it so what is this Soma ba robotic bartender for your home Soma ba people put his ass kicked out if you will give him over $300,000 on Kickstarter $50,000 man I don't trust case yours is much needed delivery January 2015 there it is like I think he does right by the people that back us on Kickstarter Indiegogo but I every time I followed anybody else I've gotten thought I got the only picture your project I backed other than anything from Richie's was unite comic with a dog that says this is find their missing plushies of that dog so I ordered one and I did like there was like the best was like 25 bucks for just a plus your $35 and you get like some stickers and like some of the post I did that and I game and it's great anyone that I was too. Yeah it's one of my favorite like internet memes your 40 bucks to a movie that a bunch of my friends making Soma sure I paid for movie take it last night I was going to go see your name we kind of like I was kind of bad and I want you to go from it going but how much fun is like isn't it time to go to your movie I don't think you're going to make it but I thought it take it for 7 o'clock Sho for a movie and I was out with Bethany and Patrick Matthews and some other people and like me Bethany Patrick and hanging out and they're like to have a movie at 7 and it was 6:30 and I was like yeah I'm not going to go I just as soon as surely it was at the closer new location I don't really we have to drive its kind of kind of blenders friggin tired it's great LOL that's like that is definitely one of the best parts of living in Austin they have him around in other places but we have six Selma theaters & Company fall asleep and they whatever with that I meant to ask yes baby I regret all of it boss baby because we've seen pretty much everything else there and that was the only thing no no no this was Alex and Carissa we have like a half a day events team building day and like bowling and other stuff at like gone by very quickly through like we could go see a movie this would be the last thing that we do for the day and there was just nothing else showing everything them all really the boss baby I like it maybe we'll just order dinner and like it won't be that bad that LIF let's just go to eat and if we want to leave we can leave but I like ordering food at Alamo we would talk about this like this if we want like something for dinner but we don't want to cook but we don't want to just sit where will go and just look feels like a treat to know it's nice to just sit there such as a new location so we went and it was a long day and I was tired and eventually I like dozed off and I fell asleep in every fucking movie by the way like it doesn't matter I just I fall asleep in movies and eventually someone came over and like tapped Alex and like you need to wake your friend up like this is illegal it's considered a bar she needs to wake up and I woke up and he looked at me in this really mean way and I was so disturbed by the whole thing lightworker yeah I mean technically it is illegal to sleep with like people talking with his although it was called the boss baby and there were tons of kids don't tell me that one of them was a fucking asleep right you should like or that parents something to take a break up you're the only person I'm so up I'm sure Mahendra Shah Zia Sho you can't be asleep at the bar you can because it is a lot of things that you're drunk and you shouldn't be served okay you can have kids at a bar so what what should you insert have you been drinking alcohol though but I mean I had a half a glass of champagne still left like I was tuckered out it was a long afternoon so you had ordered alcohol so you go but it's making more sense I guess but I'd like that movie all the time c2e but I haven't asked me to go to a movie that I want to see you make sure I could really use a nap Master me to 89 million dollars in the USA tou & your million worldwide I kind of dozed off in a movie one time have you ever out haha no I was just a with a 10 o'clock showing and I had been up since I think like 5:30 or 6 because we have like an early call time for a shoot social suggested but we already bought the tickets for it and it was I felt so bad it was a master pancake Sho and I fucking love those and like I think I was just like I just wasn't into it as much as I should have been and I was tired and it was 10 o'clock so late by the time things start going at 10:30 and then it was like what movie was it I don't even remember it was either because I was out that Wilma dude I fell asleep too or so times drinking. It was a great Master pancake if you're ever in Austin go see Master pancake but it's on one of the best parts of going to all men experiencing awesome but is just one of the reasons why I was enjoying it but I was just so fucking tired so I like I feel like there's a million everyone and then we go back to make sure no one is looking at me but if I was laughing I would start laughing to make it seem like I was text you in a Min toxicated Wendy's the perfect disguise I'm not saying you was the main reason we broke up but there was a young lady that I was dating and it didn't work out and it didn't help that she fell asleep during both alien and alien are you dude was it back to back over there at different times your given times I was like what you see and I lost you anyway here's the best take a look over these years ago they're going to watch Aliens then come on there's some people who get I'm one of those people who if let's say I'm like I let's watch this movie and I'm with Aaron and he falls asleep or watching that movie off it's so fucking angry and like now he never falls asleep but there's some people who get really pissed off at like their friend mercenaries on the phone falling asleep in your sleep no I want you to experience this really want someone to see them it's a pretty like it doesn't ruin my experience of watching it cuz I'm not make noise are bothering me but it's like the fact they're not paying attention or watching and I'm just like this I'm so annoyed by that wants to self movie was the premiere for Atomic blond & and I can see who was but I always with a Rashid employee who's on his fucking phone and the cast and director and the crew or sing like two rows back it was burning one Burnie sales carbon song was just like I was just in the middle and in the middle of it he gets up and he like her Bethany he acts like started walking over to get to dial to take a phone call it was the most embarrassing thing ever I was just like it sounds like you got to get called out when it's like this is the premiere of a movie your like it's a big deal if you're showing a movie there and movie theater where they was at Paramount Paramount hardcore Henry but I'm busy like that movie too I love you like I don't know like I kind of got a little motion sickness I was like off to the side to get with each other because you can't up my dick right now remember that magical moment I was attracted from the theaters are perfect for handjobs how do you know I mean I don't I'm just saying it would be I know it's late so I don't know if you little bit of that I don't think I've ever done anything social movie theater before I think I movie theaters like most people charge like it's like that to me it's like a museum on us I must take a really fucking bad movie lie wants to the dogs out if you wants to do it doggy-style I'm totally fucking Barbara. Do you believe it was really little misdirection I ordered the other day was it yesterday but I had it happens I was I was watching TV and I saw a commercial for rogue one out on Blu-ray not right like I want to buy the Blu-Ray so I gotta load up Amazon on my phone and I was going to buy the Blu-ray I'll be shipped here to stock the same thing mine is on backorder right now I don't know they did a week previous of just digital & and you can buy a digital but I can't stand it or maybe I have to on physical but I'd like I prefer physical cuz it looks better lie canistreamit sure fine whatever but it was really good always looks better I don't ask anything on this is brought to you by movement watches absolute love to watch they sent me it's Sleek stylish and I was gets compliments when I workout was started by two broke college kids wanted to wear stylish watches but couldn't afford them so they started their own watch company watches start I just $95 at a department store to the can a 400 to 500 bucks movie figured out that my selling online that we will cut out the middleman and Retail mark-up providing the best possible price get 15% off today free shipping and free returns we going mvmt watches.com / rooster that's mvmt watches.com / rooster join the movement I got the black one with the round Beverly's gold one with the pink band I've just loved it I kind of wear it like everyday it's very you I've been told before the is very like beautiful long finger you can play the piano because my blond finger what would you be a model of if you had to like designate certain like thing that you champagne champagne bottles by Penny champagne product I could model model model that bottle but I don't think about I mean I could do that for you think I'm some kind of my parents like in a white it's like I mean like any product like you got you give me about you Barbara and I are first chambong your constantly if you see something a new article about champagne always sending them to me we tell me the recently had the champagne flavored nail polish was just fucking his goal but if you don't want to like why would have out on flavored not sending no flavored a stupid that's like your fingernails underneath them are dirty as it is and like not clean all the time and then like why would I want a bite off the color but just to have a taste of champagne glass always kind of confounded like dr. pepper flavored lip gloss that I was the doctor that you like the tape and it is really good she from lip with the clicker no you don't do that it's more of just now put her on smells good every time you happen to be talking and like a little bit your lip goes in your mouth under one of the funny when they sent me was that champagne gun Oregon but I was a lot more intense like what just happened earlier when I open that bottle I have a first for the podcast have to pee real bad you know this is going to head out earlier today never have I've never left the puffer have to get you the diapers Bethany is going to buy me some depends before I wanted to do a challenge to see who could last the longest or P the Furby first in the diaper I have to leave a post Sho there that we can just give you was here cooking to ship my pants and I was like dude yeah long as I can about to brush your teeth and as lie she like the LIE your not to be in the way through only have 1 bathroom yeah my old house was like I have one bathroom when I moved I was really happy cuz my new place has 3 toilets in it oh my God I like I'm set I have to worry about anything like that ever again let's go to the bathroom or something other day that I hope you and Esther it like a ready to buy a new house soon that I can rent this one from you cuz I love the location and I think I would love the for you I know where it is and I just I know how it looks like I've never been so well Washington I got a quickie master I know you have Master but have you played any Mass Effect Andromeda people keep asking like I finally finished it I'm going to talk for a few minutes about it with us there's already an ounce like long-term plans to address lot of issues that game has I am biased because I'm a huge fan of the mass effect universe and I thought it wasn't a great game I think a lot of the criticism of it is over blond wasn't it just facial animation cuz I know there's this other game engine and the combat looks really pretty and pretty dope gets facial animation sometimes characters book out the camera bugs out shit doesn't load right but some of the writing This ferocious but I mean I think I was not a fan of the first mass of a game by think that they did something really good with two and three and text at like 3 in the people hate that but I think that they have I still think they really said game too early that another couple months to polish it it would have really been a lot better to take an example of another game that that that they did that to you probably also like I mean no man's Sky what came out but they're going to fix that the Battlefront was the same way as like I said that the first thing was they said they're going to delay Andromeda as long as I needed to in order to fix it and make it right it's still ship fairly bro can you put any games at all Bethany here just like I look 10 years lie I know I fell asleep for a second I thought it was another movie that you've been drinking you need to stop doing the bar there's a bar right behind you I don't play any videogames but I stream the Bruce recently and I think what I loved about it will he was playing Zelda he's pretty upset so that lately but what I like the most about it was interacting with the fans try to be released it like they were going to see you I like interacting with the fans the most like it was easier for him to focus on the game and I could read off what people were saying and like it rest in our checks and all sorts of events but it's cool I don't know I get it I get like what the hype is about I just never I mean aside from being a kid playing like Mario and I play The Lion King on Sega that was something I play I have to play Aladdin Sega think so hard blond my favorite game to the kid and cool spots but & toejam & Earl were like my Spider-Man game the continent of freedom and that fucking X-Men game to that brawler who's the console Port of matter with arcade console for 2000 s Sega because her play nights on the Dreamcast remember that guy that likes it that had the weird little window on the controller right piece of shit glorious console I like I remember playing nights as a kid and think I was like 7 or 8 maybe or maybe 9 I want to put the Dreamcast and I remember thinking 21 customer everything this is probably what it's like when you're like older and you do drugs dude like a gateway drug free as a kid who's just like I can't wait to do drugs and I'm older so it's nights we can he has tomorrow your stuff in him your episode of Bones come out comes out this weekend I think yeah I know I didn't know when I was coming out in your monthly yet but that's happening for sale and they have a nice to play this I don't even know I didn't know when I wish I was coming out I don't keep up with this stuff I'm horrible the 14th of every month of May 14th of every month so this month yes I think I know on Friday if I mass is correct another one of our food streams tomorrow what are going to barbecue it called a mastication party do those people can't drop I absolutely do the Mexican food thought we film the little promo video for it United lie upload it to our social media today is to make a video sure in a liquid to do like I talk to hit thing we say you know what it is we're doing it and it was like I hate that we need to do something you want to do with a bunch of ideas and we settled on Truckin gray rocks and minerals is like minerals sorry really cool pictures your mine I'm signing yes she just has like some macro lens attachment but she puts on your phone for that stuff so like where do you guys store those you got like a little display boxes that are on the table in the living room you go to that place in Austin the minerals play one real close to here we went there once and we couldn't figure out why anyone would ever go there usually just not like Sam's for like holistic healing I just went through like a but like a list of names I would call my store if I sold the Rocks your socks off I'm sorry I asked rock and roll virus that sad your dollars the queen of the joke's not like it's a weird place I don't know would go there crystals in shadow palette dreamers dreamers it's like a couple blocks dreamers what's your name at the tech shop I do need to go to a section haven't been to a sex shop I've been to a sex show me if I just never have. Oh okay we'll see you after the things I want to go to dinner and talk about where you want to go so don't think if you walk in there and you think holy Shouldn't Judge this is going to be like so awkward the first time going in and I was just like this is professionally nice but I did go in there and I had a really bad experience at the sex shop so I went in and I was buying a gift for my girlfriend at the time and how big was it I was looking for well what color was it as good as up in the colors I was open to for reals know so like I didn't want to give a dildo just because like that's that's from me that's that's my area but you know if he won't do somebody doesn't like the one you know that I don't want the other one are you thinking of me I'm thinking the things in and then her things so I would rather give her a dildo because that's for me that's literally I don't want that hole plug by dude cuz that's what that's my job plane that whole other hole fair game that's why I was there for as I'm not home yes the butthole so I went in and was looking for some specific things you know like anal ba okay so you want someone else so I got the but plugs but I was too shy to ask for help and Lady saw me like wandering around the losers like you probably should you need some help in and then I went out that I open up mass and I realize she's going to think that whatever I'm buying is for you who cares be nearly went into oh yeah this is this is for my girlfriend and then she was like okay and if I guarantee the great thing about sex shops in anywhere you go honestly there's always going to be someone weirder than you were before who that was funny that you're talking like you're some fucking live it was by selling for a boyfriend I probably like yeah I'm looking for this week if you have to follow it up with all these reasons but he went down that day but book that are the but it went down that path Road she's like oh I'm looking for this for her you know what I kept on like it adding that in and then he knows you like okay will let you know that I found the perfect setup up plugs who's great saying look like they're like two rivers while ago they're like you know little will spin tops thank you so I got a pack of 3 of various sizes and end of inhale crystals on them nights with Crystal so it's fun sometimes fun mesmerizing to look at when I'm doing it so then I get out there and she was like you know we have a student discount if you have your ID and also it's in my car so I like ran to my car and I couldn't find it and then I came back and was like I don't have my ID but I promise I'm a student and let use just all of it was fishy I watch what was the discount for Venus to dude its like 15% off like $60 my treat I know it six hours off a good deal for student I get the nights is calling but plugs I never got a text with a gift I have you have from someone who was not my boyfriend I have a friend were you doing something when he gives you know this person it's a it's a person we know who I've known for a very long time who works at Playboy and this person had access to like all these things like inventory of stuff that they would get at the company that was like still package still new but like nobody wanted or they had nothing to do with it so he message me when Heroes do you want any of this stuff and he like was it off a few things like yeah sure like send it over so he just sent it to me in the mail it wasn't like you like was like tell me about this when you use it I was so that's totally different scenarios in the mail like 3 Fan have your two three four years it was someone in my department I won't say you anymore I know who it is Heroes of something that she just ordered a new chest like a like a chest like them to open and put things in & lie close it because her drawer hurt her like nights 2 drawers too heavy that things are falling out of the bottom because of the sex toy you don't get this & and this is just speaking from personal I know and I'm probably agree with you how many teen that's why I said I was like you after one thing maybe two things like they're all the same yes I mean that gets the job done but I guess it's like maybe I don't know cuz I have something that has like different power settings space finger and different Lake motions hurts so it's like it's kind of like I would say that he won the most experienced person live seems like plenty so I don't know how many things that you have done whatever so I had a girlfriend a while ago and we wanted to it we're in the relationship that level and a relationship or we want to start incorporating poisons like that you wouldn't growing stagnant we just wants things up so she had a dildo but it was like he was a hard plastic ones I was like small is Comic is based like a toothbrush motorized toothbrush but then it was it was like a thing than hell bowl bowl but that just a vibrator it wasn't of this is a vibrator what is it hard plastic one right now so we're in the act of making love as as you call it and make love with sex toys why was making love with my mouth so I am doing that and I have it and then I was like yeah I'm going to spice things up I'm going to I'm going to like get this thing ready for her and then while I was gone I took to lubricate it I feel like I hurt my teeth oral sex yeah I play the off like a champ she didn't even know that broke up with your mouth they were the video that we film I meant talk about it's been so long since you film that it's a video that never came out where a bunch of us had to like we were given sex toys and had to explain what it did we remember that I never came out and there was one which made me think you didn't know to get to guess what you we have to like talk like that would like there's promise that the person filming it would ask Gus like what is this dude what do you use a song a bunch of other things like what hole does this go and stop and there was one that armor with my favorite one it was of mustache and it like hell like a rubber band around your neck and it would vibrate I guess good like it's to eat like for Gatti's when he's eating a girl out I think I said we'd like to go your know everything is awesome but I'd like to remember you are never in that wasn't here there was a couple years ago I remember to like my dad my running gag was if I didn't know what it was that I automatically assume his pipe smoking weed so I can stick in my mouth let me we've been here 3 years now it was one like Aaron already dating and I remember cuz I got him and I doing it and like you were with no Brandon Brandon Star John R Tyler Tyler Tyler and they have people in life such as to who would like to give them the object in they would do it or like test out there was one of those hanging monkeys that you have a kid there's one that was like a black one and it I think was supposed to go like in the prostate could you show me I don't really understand it but there was like her it was weird I thought it was like a butt and vagina in like at the same time you kind of just like to meet somewhere or you can like to know hang your keys on it if you got to go out and about and you just dangle it there a joke it somewhere and watch it looking around and random holders for production just to see stuff that people to film their gets going out I forgot that we can do that sometime so you can see stuff it's being made as pressing dosage to see you do that a lot and I and sometimes I don't like it cuz I want you see like a fine finish product and you'll see the rough but that's the first time I ever see ya there at the day 5 sexy and they had to film for a when Aaron was the doctor Network videos on the network like not even like when it's small on the screen like & A 5 but just full looking for call the rough police to search this is woman let's just talk LIF on our Network just pretending to get fucked by boyfriend no big deal so she was who she was I heard she was a very nice lady and I have no problems with her look at the fuck away from my boys Barbara comes out here eat this or not you have to the podcast by Nature Box what to do when you want to snack but all I can find is junk food relying your self-control to resist the temptation thing please eat the junk food start snacking healthy with nature box interbox make snacks that actually tastes great and are better for you pretty with high-quality ingredients that are free from artificial colors flavors or sweeteners you can feel great about snacking a great ones like sea salt pop pops cherry berry Bonanza we all have their sweet me some of those peanut butter pretzels and Big Island pineapple smell really good turkey strawberry lemonade fruit Stars they smell really good too soon as I opened it really good paper service even better I can order as much as you want as often as you want no minimum purchase required you can cancel anytime it's simple go to naturebox.com check out the Snap catalogs over hundreds nights of choose from and a crusty adding delicious Newsmax to the snacks you want to deliver right to your door when Nature Box I'll never get bored there's new Stacks each month is barred by real customer feedback if you ever try to snack you don't like me too much to replace it for free right now you'll save even more box offering off and 50% off your first order and a nature box.com / 54 box.com / 64 50% of the first order naturebo.com / Rooster Teeth and they also provide some sex with the office so she's like the wind when you first hired me this was always in our office like we get them every month or so how often do they send them to us so good every month we were getting something different every really like for the little Waffle lemon cake so thanks guys would you like any snap wood but we got some strawberry lemonade fruit stores Big Island pineapple turkey was really good to look upon a block everything is good that's why I got that one thing dude you don't pick something not that kind of pescetarian there was no I said I didn't have the chicken but people say that we get catered lunches every Monday and I didn't like what we had for the vegetarian option but the force and the chicken was good falafel but right now I really do like a really good today either so I've never heard of before that one thing that looks like a lasagna and who is this something Chopper chop trip I never heard of it either but I can because there's meeting that so let's always interesting to see like what the different things that we get every Monday I think we started we started. For all them play some buddies to help actually Nights & Company does and we don't have the meeting every Monday anymore but she continues to do a catered lunch every Monday teen that line form because it used to be like if I should come in around 11:45 we have the managers meeting at 12 o'clock and then the All Hands at 1:30 I believe and so since we had to do the manager's meeting basically was told manager is gets to cut lie about food cuz I have to go to the meeting so I'll just stroll in and she's like it's going to get my plate of food and that was at the time where animation was still here so there be like 200 people if you don't know it was like that the line would go I mean you have been here to say hi before but coming from the break room all the weight like almost like a letter back out here behind the podcast 65 x 60 yards or something Broadway could come down and then come across it wasn't love their food free food I love you know has their own building so they have like they're on something a difference we don't know why sometimes your food better I got to go eat over there sometime over the email that says like the service that we use it it sends an email to everyone saying like this is one of the places you'll be getting food from in this is the other place but I never know which ones for stage slikhaar States the one the one who can find I know how do you know the trick though which everyone says for a ba that's one here also for Lauren is the weather there for the check cuz they're the ones that have like the food specific thing that Note 3 animator so if you walking in the unite who knows I may need a much more miles carry in polis off on two hands the atlas and I was there I made a bit of a scene Jordan who's got the long hair you want it is a guy with the long hair in charge of like a scheduling the recorder sweet dude super nice one time when I was drunk I gave him the longest hug and I would like he was totally freaked out so I know you also grab him by the shoulders anyway he works so hard Los Alisos video so I'm looking for the door to get into our animation building and I found it just as he notice that I was there so I reach to grab the door and as he was opening it in my finger basically about snow just like a ripped off like a chunk of my fingernail and I'm just like anime shows like you can't forget his name since you work so hard that's so funny I finally got a key to that other building and to this building used to be so I don't work in Stage 5 work in another building didn't have a key to that building and I was get here early I get here before any building that building so I would have to wait in the parking lot for someone to show up with the key to let me into my own office but luckily someone one of Bethany employees got me to keep it out of the girls I love them and I can't do anything that I do without them or date of & Ruby we're talking about meeting as I said your calendar invite Lego door my stats are taking care of it yeah we were talking about getting lunch because we have homes and so we haven't been in a while and we would like Gus and I always go together and so we like what we should set up this up and was like okay should I invite like on the team like we should I send it to I'm all star to counter and I was like Alex is already about to hit said he's like must be nice to have the staff is looking really really is and I used to be your stuff and your for like no but I would never make you do stuff like that it's like send a calendar or something like I felt bad because when we shared it off he would come in looking for me if I wasn't there and then I feel like up date that I was always told me was like you're not my secretary shouldn't have to keep track of me to tell people I mean the same thing to me once when it when she left our office and I was just people just assume that I know where you are at all times because we're so closely connected and even though you're not my boss anymore that I report to people still ask me hey when's Gus going to be out where is Gus and I don't know anymore the lot of times I still do tou social guilty that like that was something that you would have time to come in there like have you seen Gus I would always say it's right behind you cut out in your office now oh yeah that's Mariel scare the shit out of me by setting up for my fucking office I knew with you I honestly the two people I thought of that pranke was either Mariel or Gus I thought either of them would have taken you know is big cut out thing I think it's me or Blaine you're probably the 3rd I would think but I thought I would think that Mariel Gus would want to do it first your screen with the public aid office when was in the bathroom when the old office to be in you have to go into the bathroom close the door in the turn on the light just like the way it was set up as weird play by the time I close the door and turn on the light and I turn around someone had put the Gus cardboard out like right there to point looks like there are you can open the door when it's still dark first when Mariel first hung it from the center that's a am I screamed when I saw Gus his face like big face and then was last week when out loudly and the people across the hallway you know who are not seem like looking over but so embarrassing ice cream is off to go to let somebody in overnight doorway over there and someone actually hate it that's Mariel yeah fuck Mariel dude cuz like I was running to get to the door and I had to like stop and I like fell down scary Yellow so if you happen to mail this week I have an idiot she fucking idiot we love you mare but she bought tickets to go see Hamilton in Chicago on April 30th but the tickets were for April 30th and she was there this week thinking like I don't know how nights somehow those make sense was convinced that the tickets were for April 9th I don't know how should out there so she like plan a whole trip with her girlfriend where in Chicago to go to the show and realized I think that morning but they were for the run just imagine it cuz she was telling us this morning & R & R group messaging channel that like but Laura her girlfriend had been like hey like just make sure that you for the 2 p.m. showing today like they were on their way out of there being Air B&B for the day and then may I said that she checked her phone for the confirmation and her heart sank and I know that feeling I haven't fucked up that bad but like when your heart is just like you thought something was going to happen and it didn't and you're so off in like oh my God like we came for this reason and how do we get out of it and if your fault and your email and you have to fix it likely were able to get tickets somehow for that day still go see the show but she still I think has to sell her old tickets also be able to sell them cuz like I but the plane flights before flight before now I just consider that stupid Text stupid taxes any time you spend like something is just money that is just wasted my movie last night I was kind of lazy town you got it back like a billion because you're with me I'm sure it was worth I also consider the things that I get back and returns like well yeah I fucked up a flight to see Cisco but I get to get Australia through the company looks like I found out it was Blaine if you mess up your flight you get like Airline Credit anyway it's a flight through American animals I got them how did you mess it up though so I was like I needed to get there like if you was $400 credit with the airline I was too late like I think by the time that it happened I think I fucked it up to where I couldn't do that if I didn't look into it so you got you can have to do that you have a credit somewhere how do you know if you didn't if you never checked in your checked in if you did not get on that plane you have Airline credit how do I get to this I think you're full of shit if you show me your love and I can show you if there's one that's good news but don't ignore that I'm so excited that you're probably right you're probably got them unless you book it with Airline right not like orbits are some of the third party site it was directly with the airline you should have it your upcoming show but I'm plan right now if tou more levels to get there who eats and Bethany surgery plug them in so they got coming up your people what's what's the events are coming up in the most excited for which happens to be the one that's coming up the closest is the let's play fucking live to work that's actually called a fucking life let's play live tour you can check it out you can get tickets be our website the rooster teeth live.com website we're heading for cities in one week we go to Newark first then Baltimore then Orlando and then we end in Tampa and it's going to be so much fun last year was fun when we did just the three one off shows do you want to come to the New York what was that bad it was amazing I'm inside from Bruce shave his fucking head and let me know which one of those even like I dude so fun and I'm not just saying this because I want you to buy tickets lie gets so much fun and we're going to be on three tour buses Madness on house said on their podcast today that they are thinking about doing like a whole life story line through all the shows like something that happens they will it might have to do with those green emerald like anal beads that Bruce post earlier oh God I don't think they really ain't over you Mariel for selling two tickets to job your redeemed anyway you should check out the let's play live tour going to be so much fun coming to Rooster Teeth live.com check it out you can always treat me if you ever have any trouble on people do that a lot I'm happy to help so that's kind of like the most exciting thing leaving in less than 2 weeks are all getting on real flying to Newark and then we're getting on tour buses from that party going on and I'm sorry TX event coming up we've also got our check Houston coming up by 7 to 9 here in Austin and everyone knows where to go for that at this point our checks austin.com we are going to be launching a new events like a Live Events website soon so that everyone keep you know of this has been an initiative of mine for 2 years now it's been forever since I started that we have one place for people to go to look at all of our Live Events like What's Up & coming it's just on one page different links two tickets so I'm really excited will probably in the next month but it's been a big undertaking because we just want like one main Hub yep so our checks Austin please check it out we have really crazy stuff happening this year really fun stuff this the same program programming that your kind of used to seeing but also some new cool things will have an interactive portion like we have we're doing a really cool concert on Saturday night that we have not announced yet but dude I'm going to think in a week or something yeah we're setting up the soda station for that and then also we have you know RTX London which everyone knows about Gus is raising his hand I'm looking at your checks on the website right now and then I know it's sold out but I'm looking at the map show me where the event is & but. Isn't in the right place I'm fired I'm at the hotel just close to the cloud will check it out we'll fix that but at least live in London know that Excel is in this kind of weird like how to explain where it is weird strip that it's really the hotels in Excel that are just right there in a couple restaurants I will fix that our checks going to be really bad ass where Eddie sold out of tickets but there's a chance we might be opening up some more in a couple months we got to like work out a couple of Kinks see if there's any extra space but no promises but there's a chance we might open up a few more different those open up it's not very many at all if we open any up it will be very limited and we sold out in 14 minutes this year I don't like a gimmick let's go to take a lot of work to try to free up you and what little we can and I know you going to do your best to try to I'm really going to work hard we really want to have his money like fans come out as we can get so if we could open them up we will open them up if they want there will not be very many so please keep an eye out we will make a lot of announcements about it to make sure it's fair and everyone can get on the same time and all of that but we sold out in 14 minutes and then we released another another bunch and we sold out with out of those in like 24 hours so it's not a joke we're not doing this so to make people buy tickets and whatever we just if you want to go and you Heroes say that were really see more do it follow at RTX event on Twitter RTX Nevada I'm also tweeting out a lot will post up on the are chicks website ba Journal post like we will we will put it out there and let people know that we will have cool stuff and then they carry gray and Jordan will be at c2e tou in a couple weeks your son ever what are the date it is April 21st to 23rd but we're only going to be there on the Friday so if you're there or if you're in Chicago near by come by and see if maybe plan on signing so it's cool I will be at the gym tomorrow let's go Supply in come and pump in a row if you'd like big big event that just are you sticking with it nothing porn but that's what everybody will see you guys next week it was getting up and love you don't do it I'm go on Gavin I'm Barbara on Bernie and I'm going I'm burning goal