#443 - Verbal Government Approval

Join Burnie Burns, Brandon Farmahini, Gray Haddock and Max Kruemcke as they discuss float trips, dental hygiene, ranching, and more on this week's RT Podcast! This episode originally aired on July 20, 2017

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-2017-443-fj3io3f

Recorded: 2017-07-21 14:00:00

Runtime: 01:14:41 (4481.5 seconds)

Participants: Burnie Burns, Brandon Farmahini


    "Burnie Burns"
    "Brandom Farmahini"
    "Gray Haddock"
    "Max Kruemcke"
    "float trips"
    "graffiti park"
    "Hi How Are You"
    "Wallstreet statues"
    "Food Vlog"
    "Burnie Vlog"
    "Day 5"
    "Day 5 Season 2"


    "Day 5 Season 2" => "http://bit.ly/2uNSyzW"
    "Sunscreen" => "http://bit.ly/2uNKxL9"
    "RT Congress Office" => "http://bit.ly/2uNQKHl"
    "The Contractor Conundrum RTAA" => "http://bit.ly/2uO6dXD"
    "Tubing in Central Texas" => "http://bit.ly/2g7yj4g"
    "Airfloss vs Waterfloss" => "http://bit.ly/2uNAuWN"
    "Powerwasher Porn" => "http://bit.ly/2uNMCqv"
    "Brandon's Wedding" => "http://bit.ly/2tkjoLJ"
    "Elon Musk Hyperloop" => "http://wapo.st/2tkfIth"
    "Wallstreet Statues" => "http://n.pr/2tkkwyX"
    "Wallstreet Statues Pt. 2" => "http://bit.ly/2tko2Jp"
    "Austin Art" => "http://bit.ly/2tkAWqZ"
    "Burnie Food Vlog" => "http://bit.ly/2suZWeS"
    ""Hi, How Are You" Mural" => "http://bit.ly/2tkkyXD"
    "Austin Graffiti Park" => "http://bit.ly/2tkgruu"


Transcript (in progress):