#476 - Jessica Nigri Eats Lemons

Join Gus Sorola, Gavin Free, Burnie Burns, and special guest Jessica Nigri as they discuss significant others and video games, VR, One List One Life, and more on this week's RT Podcast! This episode originally aired on January 22, 2018, sponsored by Squarespace (http://bit.ly/290ucbK), MVMT (http://bit.ly/2vXl1zZ), Blue Apron (http://cook.ba/29J4MMj). 

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rooster-teeth-podcast-2018-476

Recorded: 2018-01-23 22:00:00

Runtime: 01:37:00 (5820.17 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Gavin Free, Burnie Burns, Jessica Nigri


    "gus sorola"
    "gavin free"
    "burnie burns"
    "jessica nigri"
    "video games"
    "rtx presents"
    "amazon hq"
    "amazon go"
    "vr chat"
    "one list one life"
    "bucket list"
    "final vlog"
    "violent video games"
    "die with me"


    "Squarespace" => "http://bit.ly/290ucbK"
    "MVMT" => "http://bit.ly/2vXl1zZ"
    "Blue Apron" => "http://cook.ba/29J4MMj"
    "RTX Presents: Live From Austin!" => "http://bit.ly/2DwmqS7"
    "Amazon HQ Coming to Austin?" => "http://nyti.ms/2DtpZIG"
    "Amazon Go in Seattle" => "http://nyti.ms/2DsGMvt"
    "VR Chat" => "http://bit.ly/2CUHSA0"
    "Seizure in VR Chat" => "http://bit.ly/2DuiCkp"
    "Chris and Dillon Reddit Bucket List" => "http://bit.ly/2DqoA5F"
    "One List, One Life YouTube" => "http://bit.ly/2DsjcPn"
    "One List, One Life" => "http://bit.ly/2DtnTZg"
    "Burnie's Final Vlog" => "http://bit.ly/2E2JBok"
    "Jessica Nigri Doc" => "http://bit.ly/2E3zZcH"
    "Evan Bregman" => "http://bit.ly/2E21rrb"
    "People Who Can Function On Less Sleep" => "http://bbc.in/2DuaNuX"
    "Violent Video Games Do Not Reflect On Behavior" => "http://bit.ly/2DqTLhi"
    "Die With Me App" => "http://bit.ly/2DqrJ5t"
    "The End of the Fing World" => "http://bit.ly/2DqSmHE"
    "Harold and Maude" => "http://bit.ly/2DqStmy"
    "Nolan 4K Collection" => "http://amzn.to/2CwWu8o"
    "Jon vs Alfredo in PUBG" => "http://bit.ly/2BqMI6m"
    "Becca Frasier" => "http://bit.ly/S55lnN"
    "Fireman Catches Kid" => "http://bit.ly/2E2CfRC"
    "Ryan" => "http://bit.ly/2E3H6SG"
    "Trogdor" => "http://bit.ly/2E2DbFC"
    "John Carpenter Lets Rotten Tomatoes Know He's Alive" => "http://bit.ly/2DuMvRi"
    "FTL" => "http://bit.ly/2E3BqYK"
    "They Are Billions" => "http://bit.ly/2Djal2l"
    "Attack On Titan" => "http://bit.ly/2E1bAVh"
    "Lab Grown Meat" => "http://bit.ly/2E3G495"
    "Dr. Pimple Popper" => "http://bit.ly/2E3AUKb"
    "Meg Turney PUBG Win" => "http://bit.ly/2E1rY8d"
    "Guy Makes Chicken Sandwich From Scratch" => "http://bit.ly/2E3GlJ9"


Transcript (in progress):

what are the receipt podcast this week brought to you by movement and Scarface sugar baby for $54 a month you can legally make me do and be stuff to pay me is it like I said never ending relationship once it begins finally doing it I know what brought about the Harvest in putting on an event here in Austin next month in February to be our checks presents live from Austin so weak of live recordings of some of your favorite RT Podcast and distance of course I wish you the best this is your chance to be part of the magic February 19th to 22nd special Community meetups last birthday bash on Friday the 23rd guess his birthday this guy meet up for your birthday if you get a chance to meet me just wanted to throw that out there at least $5,400 a month. Austin 2018 tickets sold via Universe ticketing at www.universe.com RTX live from Austin in Austin or thinking about coming to visit because I come around that time think about coming to visit. We want I got your six by Amazon potentially bringing their second headquarters here moving the only 50,000 we already have a same day same day delivery with no cashiers are the book did the name in the battlefield Amazon go they just opened they open the store today in Seattle where you scan a QR code from an app on your phone when you walk in and cameras everywhere watch what you pick up off the shelves and put in your bag Black Mirror all your dreams come out like people look like a baby sheep called floors clean itself up a lot of people are there when he gets the delivery with special instructions he says don't knock on the door just leave it at my door step anyone bothering you with people we don't have to hang out with people you can be a 47 year old man and be a tiny lolly girl to hang out with this great daddy about I didn't watch the whole way through but I thought the premise of a nice soon that's the way it worked out was one of the Avatar spell over a person was having a seizure and they all gather run over trying to talk them into it was like they were people in a virtual environment watching someone have potentially a life-threatening event in the real world but they didn't know how to get to the person that was a weird good. It was almost like something out of Ready Player one too so many licensed characters one of the people started saying was like oh Backup backup you'll need to give him room it's like giving virtual reality like a really big eyes and people, and don't know like hug me but they'll catch here and I'll feel it in real life and my brain was so broke it off you know but then like at what point is it like actually touching you it was like is that can send is it like if he hurt you can you can you block people in the attic and then they just disappear and they can't see you either so it's just going to hang from your eyes a lot you can or just wait a little bit longer enjoy it I'm out like a little Knuckles Brigade come through and then is it over yet but people are going to yeah the lifespan for a meme week is based on how bright it burns to write up super fast so quickly it was amazing though it was pretty cool like if you went to this one place in VR chat you can literally go in like a pro Avatar and you walk out the nebula clean and you be like a really good today Brooklyn Queen many times great too we have some other a lot of stuff on the counter I will find out about that but some of you may remember a few weeks ago on Reddit maybe a month and a half for a while and they had a bucket list venture to complete one of their bucket list Chris is here with us and his friend Dylan tell us about the project and how you guys went viral and all that stuff it was really a lot of his help I was not in the mindset of let's make this a viral thing that everybody can enjoy with me I was just kind of trying to enjoy my life at the first part of it and he was just like a document this because if you unfortunately passed there is a year of your documented fun having experience and everybody gets to see that and if not then it's still raising awareness to people and we need to document this make it a thing so we put the first video out on YouTube it took me like 8 hours to try and say three lines who was terrible and it started just one hour it was at like 10,000 views check another hour it's at 30000 and another hour at 60000 and then just got to 300,000 and trending on YouTube and it was was wild all of a sudden we have thousands of emails and just everywhere Twitter YouTube Facebook just blew up and I was not ready sing the entire time 5000 views we're going to crush 5000 views and now we have 10000 subscribers in 2 months is magnificent like we never expected this much show force from everyone and it's just did that absolutely blows me away it's just I'm not ready for the show force from everyone it's really getting to know you guys in person cuz I felt like I first got to know you through the comments section because people were sending me the link to the video so you should check this out your check this out and you talk about not being able to say three lines you're very nervous because I know it's not really something for talking the most for Chris and then Chris you came in and defended him and said you know I just I don't like to talk on camera I'm offline Sweating Bullets right now especially the first day of he's telling me five thousand people are going to see a video with me and if that's too much for me to let alone three hundred thousand rounds like people actually kind of carrots goes wild doesn't it. Unlike anything I've got to say I've experienced before it's one of those things too it's like we've been doing this for a while but that you never really stops either I really just want people watch your videos amazingly cool feeling a couple different Milestones you had that video that blew up last week and they just hit 10 million Subs on YouTube right ass hole yeah my man that went either what's that as well who has been in The Slow Mo Guys video from here to when I when I miss you too baby so much you guys had an addition you came down to Austin can you say what you did some other stuff in Austin can you say what that is yeah so we luckily we got a hotel donated to us which was Flat Branch which was really cool he was a really amazing guy he wanted to be a part of what we were doing so much and that was actually really big shock to me I'm just a normal guy and everyone keeps saying I'm inspirational and it just means a lot to me I'm just plain old dude and just be out and have all these people and you guys you know want to at least hear my story is just something wonderful to me something I never thought I would experience in life people love to watch other people take control of your life and do something amazing especially when you're in the middle of a crisis could go and do that takes them and I and then we did a thing I know thinking about that list that we attempted last night was The Lord of the Rings trilogy back-to-back-to-back we only got through two of them at like 11:30 at night so right week we did our best to try to get through some stuff you guys had an amazing appearance of Peter Jackson that left me a video and I was really touched by that I was not you're not running Peter Jackson killed recorded an intro for him and said he's never watch the movies himself back to back and he was giving Krista he's never he's never been able to do it you guys cool it it was just getting late with today was an early day too so we just you know it was it was 11:30 we can only this training room at at 4 and they had some stuff they had to do in the morning so it just seems like everybody was you know the regular the best 15 hours of Your Life Fellowship of the Ring is almost 20 years old it is it was he was released in 2001 is now 17 years old almost a generation ago was the same then the first time I have seen Lord of the Rings but just here and there just cuz it's such a long movie I've never seen it you know even close to like watching it one day one day one day I had just that's a lot yeah and you mentioned that it came out it's like 17 years old I'm 19 so that was really weird perspective because that's all by the way I found I found a bunch of old lol cats like invisible sandwich just gets lost another moment do you have like that that you realized oh my gosh how much time has passed today actually I have I have this weird thing is to have an intern that's working with me yeah he's been here a while you're 21 and I was talking him and I was like yeah you know what I mean to Austin 20 years ago wait a minute what the fuck legally drink for me in 20 years to close the door and this is older than both of us an episode of the Seinfeld series they never made one in the 2000 they stop the show before that so early in May 98 he said that you were born off the Ross and Rachel broke up whoops there's also something you got to working on for the future got a big date coming up so why don't you explain to all of us that because I think it's a little bit of misconceptions about what you guys are pushing for as well I just want to say thank you to all you guys because when Chris called me in and he told me that he had a year to live one thing the reason we started all of this was to document who he was you know it for me I've known him since 4th grade and so is important to me to have basically a photo book of who he was and now we have YouTube channel and in Bremen able to do all of these amazing things so just want to say thanks to everybody in the community all of you because now without saying too much there's going to be some Marty content with Chris in it and M that is incredible and it's just amazing to have so much support and then yeah so Chris has leukemia and basically the the way we saw that is a bone marrow donor and one of the things on the bucket list is to break a world record so on March 1st we are going to attempt to break the world record for the most amount of bone marrow donor sign ups in one day on our website and our websites one list one life. Com we're going to try and break the world record and we have some lemons today which is kind of relevant to Chris is weird and he came up with the idea that he wanted to bite into lemons and that was just kind of the idea and we are trying to figure out how to tie that into the world record but basically we came to the idea of lemons for leukemia and we're trying to make a social challenge where people can kind of realize when life hands you lemons how do you make the lemonade and and that's what it's all about making a lemonade and creative way while raising awareness for our attempt to break the world record so so like today Aaron Marquis he stomped on it in the kitchen Barbara bit into it Anna and some some really awesome things like that so the challenge we're launching that and we're just trying to raise awareness for what we're trying to do trying to inspire other people and of course from my perspective you know trying to save my best friend and for me it's it's really more important that we raise the awareness for bone marrow donation because people here all the times about blood drives his blood drives at high school right everywhere people's works but not necessarily as much for a bone marrow because that's even more important than what's makes that's what makes the blood so if I can raise the awareness at Nationals not even a global level to raise awareness for bone marrow donation and unfortunately I don't get saved that that is that's a life worth living because if I can make it something in people's minds that oh yeah I should donate bone marrow and I can hopefully save other people then that's that means everything was super easy I feel bad saying this but our website is one list one life.com I'm sorry about that but on details on Facebook what's a lot of people don't realize I type in your information your age your address cuz I need to send it to you it's free they send you a cheek swab and send it back and they'll let you know you know if you can save someone's life for the Mason had no idea for invasive then that had to be clear for yourself or someone else in your situation finding a match is absolutely critical right that's the difficult part series difference between life and death cuz right now I'm just on a year timer I have until you know it my body needs to cancer English words and so that's my time right now and obviously if I get a bone marrow donation it prolongs it because my leukemia makes really bad white blood cells that like attacks the body and eventually wanted to gets really aggressive and it will literally attacked my own hemoglobin red blood cells and everything and just kill me off and so the bone marrow transplant you know it's switches that white blood cells to good healthy ones that can actually help my body and not just attacked me so that that's the whole reason for the bone marrow is because you know the white blood cells are kind of bad right now and I need new good ones through someone's good bun and just got to find that person yep and this would be a good way to be able to find out if we get as many people as we can on March 1st and the goal is just to go to your website and then sign up for a kit on that day specifically or is it by that day on that day specifically but you know if you can't remember to do that March 1st just doing in general break a world record in that can hopefully she'll people as well like oh I didn't know there was even a real world record for bone marrow donations and so if we can do that that would be absolutely fabulous stuff also has a Catherine's asking can you donate bone marrow if you're anemic so I looked it up and I guess the requirements for blood and bone marrow donation are very different and if you're anemic you still can donate marrow look up regarding lemon peel and eat three lemons is 28.5 minutes 45 seconds Undertaker's yes so they get challenges lemons for leukemia and it's just a lot of people don't realize the bone marrow can save so many lives do you remember those berries that change the taste of stuff I like lemons how do you make lemonade it's up to you it's up to the people life handed me you know the lemon of cancer I decided to make the lemonade those The Bucket List and go and enjoy my life because you can't let the cancer win and that got it now you're lying to the bone marrow is the help we can get as many people as possible to do this so you guys have a solution or like for people who are international and how they can do it yet there are there's National Registries Global Registries a different one like Burnie is a really big supporter of us surprisingly and they have their own registry and they're all in contact with be the match I went to Stanford Medical University and they contact literally every single country is bone marrow registry like they are really looking Wicked all right it's going to go in your eyes Chris Dylan it's been a pleasure to meet you so far we have one more thing where you try to check out The Bucket List after the podcast tonight so we can figure out a way to do it if we can meet you both glad you can make the trip down to Austin look forward to Big Challenge on March 1st all the best you guys face very easily what's up do you have that little VR Palace infected with farmahini now though come on how's it how's it going to have it every time you come to the kitchen yes if I walk something which is a really nice thing to do but they ever get it but it's like being office if you hate kindness saying that you don't want anyone going out of their way for me if I want something I'll do it if I want them I'll say hey give me some of that shit significant other than I'll just take everything from Ryan of rides to work and we always got coffee every morning and you always bought me a coffee coffee so if that was done I just gave you a voucher for Starbucks and you like what's the score but I don't want someone thinking that I'm doing that with the ultimate effort looks like they have to be back I got the coffee like now I feel really bad like see you mean terrible my kind of gets reflected away IPA at RTX like my birthday he sent me stuff before don't send me stuff I don't deserve this why don't you want people be nice to yourself for me I don't do that though I did invite us to dinner the other night and Gus didn't show up for dinner and he gave us that we got the reason was we're at dinner and she was also know yeah he told me he texted me told me that you got accidentally drunk and he's not going to make it a drinking contest competing with drinks with your just your wife and that was why you can go out sounds amazing any other day to become a contest their shoulder bag casual drinking accelerating okay bolted did she leave the energy leave anything behind yours like coming to this thing on the podcast and then you wait like 40 minutes to do it free show Peter Hayes tweeted that he saw a lot of legs outside of the control room normal. It was busy a lot of gift-giving. So no not good I see I'm going to break it but I actually did I don't drink on here anymore self-conscious so what are you going to know where the bottle of champagne that's just came out just public but I'll say it's also for your 10 minutes and what are the champagne bottles with full and it's only going to be expensive to change the locks champagne in videos but I never talk to them when I was putting or producing that would get some something I'd had something sorry which one did I realize that's what I was producing this last blog I was realizing I was having fun doing it that I got to make the final video in the blog serious I'm like why am I so excited about making the final video for this thing I should be like Melancholy whatever. Happy about it but I realized I mean it's a weird odd side effects to the support that the audience gives us we have really ended that many shows there's like red versus blue is been going since day one you know we've had things that didn't work out they just kind of didn't come back but we've never had a show that ended with what you got both participating than you didn't Jessica because I know you would have something good and feels like a mental like like a bow like a knot on a something Jessica you are probably one of the busiest people I could imagine like I just talked with you stressed out hearing what you're doing all the things I think if I slow down and think about life too much I start getting really existential that's why you have your other life in VR I love being a man in VR so amazing so great does Mia Khalifa No but hell yeah I called her on the phone and it has a mic but doesn't have headphones that you use the headphones way more than any of those that you use for your wireless I guess but also if you have I've why wouldn't you have a set of headphones that also have a mic on my gums the first like four trips eat if she checked the bag at whatever we went for a day should check a bag packing a bag she didn't learn no no but she didn't set up currently in my office with a problem with it is that there's a receiver that sits on top of your head that we try to put headphones on there too short so we're trying to figure out like how to get the connectors that connect the car on the top of the Arts how far is it from how far is it from your brain when you sleep by the problem microwaving your brain so it was telling me that he read some kind of motivational lot sweeping of don't put your phone in your bedroom and you're outside your bedroom so we wake up in the morning you don't just let me go grab it and wake up hello wake up Mac the dock that's coming out later this week and you're like a nosebleed person in that thing there's some weird statistic that there's like it it's true you're like 5% of people in the world can actually physically run on 5 hours of sleep perfectly normal like you actually I do have you know you're one of the people that I need to hear from disability podcast is also brought you by Squarespace what do you need a domain website or online store make your next move with Squarespace Squarespace off his beautiful award-winning designer templates you can create a beautiful website or online store to order wedding template it's an all-in-one platform just messing with salt patch or upgrade ever in a easy to set up or transfer your domain on Squarespace instead of working with multiple vendors to maintain your online presence able to match all your domain and Billy said he's with Squarespace and take advantage of their easy to use DNS interface easier to sell products or services online Squarespace allows you to match your products orders and inventory easily Squarespace can also provide the comprehensive set of marketing tools to engage with your audience get found across search and social and grow your following starting free trial today at squarespace.com go to squarespace.com receive 10% off your first purchase squarespace.com who cheats for 10% off your first purchase now that you've heard how easy it is to make a website with Squarespace we want to see any websites you made using them for yourself you are purple you your business whatever to be sure to tweet at us with the hashtag RT Squarespace or share our favorite websites in an upcoming podcast thanks for sponsoring this episode of the receipts podcast 7 how do you spell Gus's glass so high in mine solo is inconsiderate sugar baby sugar daddy this is an awful idea wonderful thing that she knows how look at that is coming out here to the Block in Castle do you feel like it's a load off autostitch absolutely not having a document that's nice I'm sure I'll just be hoping it's for the last blog I did a different format then by the time this comes out on YouTube the blood will also be out so you could see it so hopefully no spoilers but I did a version of The Blog wear colored white Vlog where there's no one who references the camera nobody that talks to the camera in anyway so it's just like the camera just follows me and you get essentially the rule out your stablish is 15 seconds out of every 15 minutes and just like shut all the way to the day like his part where I play games with my kids for an hour and a half and it's like that's not me I can't show 7 days to die so that long enough so it's so weird sweet dreams. But yeah it's Ashley's like on the end of it so it's a good little Center that we have whatever family Gamers you know it's most kids grow up in a house where the parents aren't Gamers and our kids like they're in heaven because you know you're not telling them not to do it that it's bad for them as weird Behavior does not influence real life Behavior the things I've done and she also said he would go through his friends accounts and just watched her Xbox Live Clips then he gets the Gavin and Gavin had a gallery of about 14 or 50 Clips where he was just on the beach running over girls in bikinis with a car that's in it ecologically what was on the phone and I was that it was admission to the phone call so I just drove up and down the beach but then I realize that you can feed the Cinematic camera you can listen to put in slime and you can't really see what you're going to do just see how many people I can run over on the beach was a lot of women in bikinis display shitflute call Lindsay Lohan well you know mr. Brands safe over easiest place to drive in cinematic camera is the beach just up and down in this load in there was I saw there's a new app out for IOS and Android it's a chat app and it's called die with me and it's a it's a chat app that only kicks on you can only use it when your phones at 5% or less battery so you use it you can't send photos or videos is that you randomly connect with people and it encouraged you to meet up in person because you don't have long to chat on your phone that's like it's like the end of the world but it will the time whenever your phone dies such a weird idea how I want to download this and look at it right by look if it's a 99 cent money these days because of in-app purchases on the way to make money up front whenever they remove the ads I always do it just because I'm throwing the developer be paid for when raw WinRAR no I don't think I ever paid for pretzel time in France I said I would write more and more like an Australian I know I don't Melbourne Melbourne Melbourne pick up some Australians in Melbourne there was a somebody that I was talking with today got the whole sugar baby discussion me the app that said that it was fast sugar baby and I sign up for 1K can I use my diamond play button on the sugar baby website choke you out play Sweet World 3 story the other day about the the end of the effing World on Netflix because he loves the movie Harold and Maude definitely got a big Harold and Maude Vibe I went back and watch the trailer for Harold and Maude and the trick to racing it yeah a little bit or sometimes they don't have narrators in the 7D trailer and then I would watch the trailer for end of the world and it seems like a better trailer for Harold and Maude Harold Netflix looks like 18 to 20 minutes immediately if it's it is what it is from the beginning and never stops I think a lot of times now with media you've got to have something to grab people right out of the gate just because it's I thought you would this one I can agree with you I'm like three episodes in is that if you don't like it in the first 5 minutes you're going to hate every 5 minutes for you doing with these Netflix shows that got put out all in one go is they make the first episode of really really catchy like Punchy ones you watch that one in your like hell yeah and then the rest of them can be whatever phenomenal McAllister one yeah it was great the first episode of Siri is the one that normally turns people off like it's it's just like can you imagine being in that situation and having that happened I felt like that was the case with mindhunter like the first episode was like damn and then nothing happened what's happening I never seen it so that was at a contacts and I like that sound like that mindhunter started really strong got really slow but then ended up being like okay this is interesting and easy like wait that's it yeah oh really is it like open-ended open-ended it's just that there wasn't really a story to close and that was also add another story going on that clearly is going to be the next season but yeah it was A2 Illusionist movie that came out at the same time was Hugh Jackman and when we were Prestige and The Illusionist The Prestige did you Jackman benefit for Nolan but not the one with Christian Bale that's weird new Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman Aaron Paul Giamatti in the one with Christian Bale seems like a week ago whatever 12 year old movie but by the time I get to you like okay I knew that he liked from bumper 2018 filming 12 little roosters yeah that I was December of 2016 yeah I would wait a week to think about it cuz I feel like when you watch it and then you spend a week really thinking about the jewelry watch it like really think about it like delve into it and then like the next thinking about this procedure good maybe I just pulled the Nolan collection of it right you one of the only people can recover my video P tablet can't leave your question go. Will send you the one of the few people that company's been in this play my video yeah who else to meet y'all know we all know I have a secret I'll be okay with that I feel like it's good competition show you the Ruby play button Ruby 50 million is brofist did M16 of PewDiePie what's that in the last decade so the biggest lie Global things that come out of sweet because Minecraft was fucking huge still is huge they said it was crazy that's crazy and then yeah we all on one like 15 bucks each Arm BC I don't play on Xbox so it's garbage garbage look it up you don't like a book with your game just like if you started Minecraft that you didn't have the internet you'd be screwed maybe or in a fun experiment server no I didn't look up stuff right away the first time place man almost like trial and errors part of the game sometimes like maybe like one would block make it to forward plans to go to Crawford Sable things that teaches the general mechanics of like the patterns of stuff Subs in the tools what do you mean it teaches you wouldn't teach you how to make stuff back in the day it was supposed to be screwed any game Minecraft games you can have like a learning part like maybes not a horse Minecraft big Pusher of global culture but PewDiePie and Minecraft both came out of sweetened is your point by the Bay San Abba Abba Abba zabba li-fi pronunciation that's like the Hebrew pronunciation of like the name of God what which is what Abba Father is is like the name of God our Father Who Art in Heaven come on man all right after Christmas but Valentine's Day is coming up so you know you must find the perfect gift you've all percussive getting Valentine's gifts so I want you to change that this year our friends at movement the ones who revolutionized to watch game I put together the perfect guy to make your life easy where they go shopping for him or her want watches or their new fashion for bracelets sunglasses or any of the combination in our limited edition gift box movements in hair stylist have created their trendiest places for gift ideas for your special someone will love don't wait you can find the perfect gift now we're special someone get 15% off today with free shipping and free returns for going to mvmt.com Rooster that's mvmt.com rooster get the perfect gift now in time for Valentine's Day why not you got to buy a gift nice looking watch for a good price thanks for sponsoring this episode of The Rooster Teeth podcast I need to figure that out up in Minecraft we normally are not big why we already has Minecraft we played a lot of Minecraft together the past one of the few video games we've actually played a lot together and that we were able to split screen and like build all the shit I don't care snow Christmas day is like just for you with my wife is like she will take a trip will go somewhere if I can't wait to go and we'll hang out here and I miss it early on that you were going to get remarried every year on your anniversary we did it once and then I guess a lot of work it was a lot of work. honest with each other FIFA group of friends we have it since we're going to have a marriage ceremony every year anniversary to go do like we're going to Las Vegas was your second that for your first anniversary Las Vegas he told me the point of doing it every year and I just said I'm going to stop being your friend know when Becca oh yeah she had right good for her all right but you know what I did for her I went to her wedding in Vegas as a reciprocation Samesies really all about that I feel like I wouldn't be that song Burnie Burns accidentally drunk so I couldn't go to Becca's wedding but I still I feel bad about that as you can tell from my demeanor said on Twitter says I'm actually right in my pronunciation of Alba coming from someone who is Danish where does being Danish have to do I don't know if you get like a game like Google thank you waving their second-best I'm trying to figure out why I like for Lando more than that screen actually what time are you talking to me for second man to walk yesterday fireman the wolf like this I did to that what you mean by fireman lifted weight in like real life have you ever find me I don't think I have this is is it both shoulders or something like that that's a real wolf. That's a 9 month old. But she's probably what right how heavy was she in the 70s 80s yes is there a how did I like by your throat she was so damn she's actually with that project sanctuary oh my God it's really cool to me send that to them or get it right that way great I watch to the Final Cut of it the other day and I was just amazed at how tireless you are at working and we know that is if they they highlight a lot to spend a lot of time highlighting your build up to a BlizzCon shout to run by the way for being amazing MVP in the early my rock helping out like every step of the way to get things done and it's it's it's so stressful to watch that and you know you have like one idea then you like to do this instead of all the work that goes into it I couldn't like if I if you gave me that project I said make a Charizard cosplay you have a year I wouldn't get it done and you had like 5 days oh my God no it's honestly I think I think it's when it's when you're so just into something and so passionate it's like you forget to you just forget to sleep because it's just something so you're So Into You know you can we first met you at son came up to the to the recording I was like can you say I love you Chris Ortiz and with a documentary you know if I really kind of I grew up with Rooster Teeth and being able to share this with you guys with the most like amazing it made me feel so safe enough because you guys are always just been such as a beacon of light and like your humor is my humor and like I grew up with that and everything in it I feel like you guys are such a huge part of my life be able to share that part but really really natural and really good and it's just I'm so unbelievably grateful to everything that you guys have done and everything or it's just fucking to look at the first person outside of RoosterTeeth to send her a dock around know and everyone just like so fascinated by what you do and the level at which you perform and so is it was easy choice I want to see your parents are also fucking awesome I mean Dutchess and Dragons with your father like at a really young age and height what day was telling me that there's a point where I was like I felt really bad because it was like so boring cuz I was just dancing and stuff but no it was it was incredible and I'm so happy I was able to do nothing LOL the process of the stuff you made by Seal of like the final product and it looks like an army of people made them yeah it's a little weird. The weird thing is though it's that's like low-tier will my talent is there are so many people that have infinitely more like talent and the stuff that they make an Incredibles 2 more on Causeway and like she's really delve deep into that Community cuz it's incredible that people can do it like this is just a small little part of the of the of the Class Type I like it doesn't represent everything but but I can't wait for everyone to see you like more of it you know I'd love to all your Cubbies that you have all the LEDs that you were trying to find for the email in like digging through and then Ryan had to go to the storage unit guide have to spend some time there like I have to look through all of it make it happen make it happen is disaster like literally was like that for two days and then just just I do have to say that I got super excited about fan suggestion to you you did a post this recently was on Twitter reposted your last three dragons they did and and Barbara tweeted picture of trogdor can you freaking imagine what you got to do but I got to work out what are what is your deck teleology sexy Charm doing yeah that was way back in the day when you guys are coming over at the animation Department who didn't know who trogdor was I feel like I feel like my parents were neutral door is but anyone who was he must not know that Serena character from bad I like strong sad 2003 original airing January 13th 2003 are they still do stuff well I mean for them to you asking me updated like 2 or 3 years at this point but every now and then but it's strong as inbox the series everything I supposed to the 20th anniversary show in Atlanta and other products besides Yo Gabba Gabba Gabba I think so you can offer freshly is they still you still do stuff so really but I would like to but I was like did you say goodnight to Matt Matt Yo Gabba Gabba and also work for the Disney Channel animated series Gravity Falls did you create the recently where Rotten Tomatoes did a whole article about John Carpenter and his best films and remembering about a John Carpenter applied thanks I'm not. I know they were reporting on his birthday they were like remembering John Carpenter on his birthday party was just too though so I think it's because what's the name of someone else that I could use the John Carpenter in the newspaper and like babe they see how they're going to be remembered because I accidentally get published cuz he will be late. Thank God at the moment you die though everyone is so nice about you like someone you know why not celebrate their mother still alive we have talked about like specifically the big example you and I talked about is Ringo Starr if you will always treat him like a joke when it comes to the Beatles right but he still like this amazing musician whose like one of the most the most iconic band ever be treated like a joke and at some point he's not going to be here anymore dude you can't remember everyone's lives are still alive get so many damn people I hope you can remember when they're dead because that one time every day since then are you coming to you want it I don't think so. Not cool okay thank you still have the things like a YouTube channel by then reinstated night it depends on less people of die every year than people who are of know who continue to live by several times I think relevant you I could still I really like this still Lara Ashley Graham and shoes and a bottle of somebody I liked it still alive Harrison Ford Harrison Ford she says the bridge lock taste good hey you got the unfiltered Ashley don't make the joke that Ringo Starr write the joke when you know when you're watching we love you very much call podcast Ringo Starr love Ringo Starr although I probably bring on a video film to video that point but I'm looking to treatment. So nice it is not true. True was ordered by British comedian Jasper carrott in 1983 have no idea what that is but I'm driving John from the office so the pilot pay the British office in office are nearly identical but the British wake up at the crack of dawn. British officer American office I thought that was really good but I think I like the American office more but not counting the last couple of Seasons people don't really like those last few seasons different way like season 2 to the American office of phenomenal stuff it seem like the office was ever as big as a show like friends or cheers it's weird it's like the whole show is geared around the title of the show is leading up to this moment and was like Neil Patrick Harris double the salary of everyone else and I feel like it's definitely maybe he should have got three times is an absolute machine a performance he's great I told him not to die right that's what I see the light security this will hopefully he's working on that house on popcorn Ryan do you remove Ryan play the same kind of games do we play the same kind of games yeah pretty much so this is the Lament The Gavin is were both will live with that are dating gamer girls but they don't play the same games that we do so it's kind of like your criminal Play pubg Gavin that's on you last night Meg decided at like 1 a.m. just going to go up and get in play pubg she got chicken dinner and she came back down get a ringer from the community Let Me Be Honest by Austin this weekend if you want to do some other time yeah man maybe that's what I should to do yeah go so I guess you play pubs you want John play 7 days to die with his wrist unfortunate make a Minecraft server version of Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse Minecraft game is more like more like yeah realistic zombies are an actual threat and every 7 Days open the zombies attack your house to be cord and build up your house or your dumbass I was just like it's an RTS game your play FTL feels great but I would highly recommend so great but it's one of those games where the whole game from beginning to end last about 2 hours that's it that's a full run to the game and you never did save walk away if you want to start a session say okay how well did I do this time they are billion an RTS game but set like the zombie post-apocalypse and everything steampunk my God I don't even have those yet so it's like there's billions of zombies attacking your little settlement you trying to build Out Your settlement and just a friend from unrelenting horde of zombies and you're going to lose I'm going to lose you eventually but I can't with him and then that building and then your whole Collins building a building that building start spitting out other Zombies in Space zombies and whatever the fuck those things are beautiful naked Giants so creepy though it's so beautiful those blank faces yeah man that's why I pray what is a rat snake now I'm making blank space do you like that always boiler Cincinnati Cantina and I can't hear that you're going to look at the manga is crazy you should Miss Manga not basically Acura Speed Racer hell yeah and Ruby that's it we were talking, and we saw it we saw that there was a guy and I asked the guy in Japanese I was like how is this anime it's really good it's from America it's a really good anime and I was like oh my gosh like it's legit like everything on the menu is course and what's the name of the place if it's actually surprised it like it's not in like a Tervis Thierry like you have to go see bucks and it's like 7 courses of horse and all-you-can-drink that's amazing in Japanese it tells you what it is and if you don't speak Japanese there's a drawing of a horse on the wall with like all the different words to like all of this is on the way out really good flight the wrong person to freeze it so it's like kind of crisp she me if the animal could live through it what does that mean it was still be a horse have you ever have you ever seen I've seen videos where people eat fish that are still alive presented itself and like place it so it's like watching you eat it's guts that just outlawed boiling live lobster I don't remember where was somewhere near I want something else too I forgot it was but it was like really interesting why did they outlaw bullying in general or something like that give me the rising of the plates like to be there any cricket sound like nope I don't think I've ever killed a lobster couldn't do it I would really struggle. I don't think I killed most of the kind of thing I'm going to kill the chicken I mean a bunch of chicken and never kill the cow I mean I could if I was like if I had to do it I would kill a lobster sure I feel like I really need to proof cuz I'm like to stop by for like 10 years 13 years so what do you have for fun and always felt like we were in Japan we actually found lots of stuff it was really good I was so disappointed this weekend I went to Whole Foods and I thought I was buying a little container of like buffalo wings but I didn't pay attention I just grabbed one and I got home and I looked at it's like Buffalo Buffalo flavored tofu it was so good with it popcorn I mean it looks legit it's really good it was really good question what the Christ is tofu it's so I hate it why that's the backsplash and it's small so if you if you get it dirty and try to wipe it down the the cuts up napkins or paper towels or whatever and shred paper brush s Great Falls glass tile do you scrape it there's no winning in the meat out of petri dish and throw me what am I supposed to receive podcast is brought you by Blue Apron up with Whole30 to bring you delicious recipes for mini will feature to Whole 30 approved each week like seared steak 11 salsa verde with roasted broccoli and sweet potato and chicken and kale orange salad with spicy tahini dressing confront the new year was blue apron and Whole30 ingredients and step by step recipes right to your door I can be cooked in under 45 minutes how many changes every week based on what date in season and is designed by Blue Apron in-house culinary team Decker 12v recipes each week because we're could pick 2 three or four recipes based on what best fit their schedule Deliverance it's only non GMO ingredients and meet with no added hormones blueprints free and receive podcast listeners to $30 off your first order if you visit blueapron.com $30 free shipping blueapron.com RoosterTeeth Blue Apron a better way to cook I just got my email notification for my delivery for this week chicken and art kale salad steaks and warm lemon salsa verde honey mustard chicken looking forward to making delicious Blue Apron / sponsor read it back to the lab created meet it was me I would eat it Solace as me it doesn't grow as an animal that never lived and then they cut them right now just meet me if you had to cut off one of your fingers to eat a certain type of meat so like no chicken pork beef exactly so you can soak your work is the most versatile meat off absolutely meat ham bacon wrapped pork belly no it's not they're all different thinks pork is the most versatile meat chickens the last one you cut pork beef maybe chicken both pinkies and get beef and chicken ironically you get down to your like when you get time to Lobster you already like that you can cut it if the from strain the part I wouldn't lose a single digit I use this one this one on the left and the right is it love I've heard that we still get her ears cleaned up where they go in a mine at night pull out like unbelievable to a strip club in Vegas and got his ears cleaned right now but I've never heard of it in Vegas at a strip club like the most famous strip clubs our friend went there and he was like Hey I really like my ears being touched and she goes I got you so she cleaned out his ears with Becky G she was ready this is pretty girls named Neil and he put your head in your lap and they clean your ears in other countries is not a big deal here is this dude nothing at this is interesting because I feel like we were going to TSA earlier this morning and the lady like she was like cutting down my head and stuff and it felt nice and I was like imagine someone who doesn't have human interaction and they don't have someone to like put their head cut the shoulders and it's probably something that's so so good for their for their mental and help mental well-being and my physical well-being. I just have someone go yeah so are you saying I can't look it up I used to wear an earpiece on the podcast I'm packing stuff in my ear so I have to go to the doctor and ask them to look at it and he said yeah you got something in there had a baby yeah like a bell day when I went in and then like expanded on the inside of the doctor like you tried to use like a suction thing to get it and he's like nope nope nope I can't get it you mean you tried like tweezers or some other things this is like I think so immense sense of relief oh my God I know. But I love watching people popping and whenever Ryan hasn't been able to talk to him or whenever someone has feelings and she's picking at me all the time she would do it in a heartbeat yeah she doesn't I'll just be sitting there for walking by and then she like comes up to me because I just feel like a monkey and let her groom you, Terry is amazing he's been recording a few of them but she was like pushing the mic away record every match on audio but I record every game of up to you that I play cuz I'm like you never know what is always something different happens or something weird and I I I had an issue I had the sinner the last night where I was running towards the hill someone saw me and started firing on a hill so like I feel like I'm going to go this way to find him go up there he's gotta look around whatever what happened to that one guy that can I watch the replay and it was the weirdest thing where I'm healing and then when I decide to make my move I go this way he decides he's going to fuck me out and he goes to that way opposite will it right next to each other and we're just like moving around as hell at the exact same moment and I'm like I turn right to look for him you like turns left we just missed each other what the fuck how is that possible connections on pubg shooting at me I went looking for you you should have messaged him crazy connection to do when you're playing pubg have the headphones on I'm going to be like all about this Gavin and Gus Human by someone else I'm Dreaming JD to talk but it's another fucking thing I got to run sign out he's really mad about this card is fine but then you can't talk between rounds what's the best thing about Xbox parties is that you do is kind of irrelevant from the game you just took him to the loading screen looks like generational nepotism higher he's going to come work at the company he's going to run Community servers Lazyron Community servers for you because you run just vanilla that's the best go play in the fucking I want to play with people from the community 10 minutes is the worst it's unmanageable why because too many people talk there's a communication problem where I planted 10 man with you a couple weeks ago and we referenced in the Ville I have an important information I see enemies but every one of my fucking team is talking and I can't tell everyone for the fucking enemy that's why we could clear the leader everyone listens when you talk and use the only person that you talk what it says does not work out that way if you hold it down everyone has to listen to you it's really important I know that 95% of all I'm saying is that's how do I got to be able to hear footsteps stuff like that crossbow ammo here I even like 20 minutes and people aren't you just listen let's go we're about to die I bet I had one of the best ever pubg ending to play the squad it was a me JD Pete of the scary play with and we got down to one of the rare times when the circle ends in a building it was me and Teddy it was three laughed at me and said you're in the building and we have to pick the right building like 10 minutes for the match we're just going to keep coming closer and closer to us and then we ended up in a bathroom with a Pencil Thin Zone and everybody was crying in the bathroom while firing the doorway 73091 Miramar to never fucking Windermere chicken dinners with your kids it's great. Winner chicken dinner with your kitty was alright shut it down here for something we went by the official video and there's going to be a sexy chicken I think I'm going to be. I don't know if you figure it out on my hands and my feet feel like they're burning bush people start in there anyway right on that utility belt that every has every throughout the utility belts you just lose all of your inventory. It's a nightmare everyone is like available come in sit down if I was playing he will bring in his mouse mat and his did you watch the crazy coincidence the mash-up between John Reisinger in his personal switch channel and Alfredo and his personal. And they got done about 50 people I think the viewers on finishing point it out to him and then they pointed it out to John somebody cutting together in like real time at but edited then the end up they were the last two people in the whole match if I let John kill me because there's no way you can so you can really kill John you know I feel like a bitch switch Mario Kart actually lost my switch where's my Super Mario Kart in VR chat you did not you lost this it's missing a piece of this meat made it to the whole thing about it and it's amazing how do they decide where the meat ends beef right I'm growing a cow you're right to cover up into different cuts of meat so they just like will just grow a sirloin and it knows exactly how does it work just go to the meat protein like a piece of meat it's not like they're not building a part of a cow like a sirloin that is building meat cultured meat also called clean meat lab grown meat test to meet Tuesday instead of inside of animals it is a form of Sun Cellular agriculture I just got corrected on Twitter and I'm a big enough person to admit it's okay who is this Pat ice case to says the utility belt increase the weight capacity by 50 with utility belt 70 hole capacity without utility belt 20 hole capacity myself over call Mike 5 shotgun shells no no no no no, I'll pick up some meat like grown out Justin Green when do a little chicken to the video of the guy who made his own chicken sandwich months and thousands of dollars in there and then what's the best make sure you check out our live week next month we should check out our dock which comes out this Friday can I show you my dad so if you want to do it. Just go I'll get back with you guys next week maybe the five buddy recipes John Carpenter