#67 - Rooster Teeth Podcast

Rooster Teeth talks about stuff

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rooster-teeth-podcast-67

Recorded: 2010-06-23 22:36:21

Runtime: 00:51:25 (3085.53 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Geoff Ramsey, Jack Pattillo




    "krazyguy1313" => "http://roosterteeth.com/krazyguy1313"
    "enhanced podcast" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enhanced_podcast"
    "offside" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Offside_(association_football)"
    "Revelation episode 10" => "http://roosterteeth.com/archive/episode.php?id=1344"
    "RvB Season 1 episode 10" => "http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=98"
    "Burnie's cot" => "http://images.roosterteeth.com/images/4c225e8a03b86_photo.JPG"
    "New Xbox 360" => "http://www.xbox.com/en-US/hardware/default.htm"
    "Burnie's Best Buy picture" => "http://images.roosterteeth.com/images/4c2261c886ac7_photo.JPG"
    "Vampire power" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standby_power"
    "Jack spoils stuff" => "http://roosterteeth.com/members/images/image.php?id=2833763"
    "DRUNK TANK SURVEY" => "http://www.podtrac.com/audience/start-survey.aspx?pubid=g_ROJZsnGrk$&ver=standard"
    "Sigmund Freud" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud"
    "NCAA Football game" => "http://kotaku.com/5569266/alabama-is-your-pre+preseason-college-football-no-1"
    "Cirque du Soleil Kinect event" => "http://www.xbox.com/en-us/community/events/e3/kinect.htm"
    "Cirque du Soleil Love" => "http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/shows/love/default.aspx"
    "75 foot tall stripper pole" => "http://images.roosterteeth.com/images/4c227153cb9d0_dancer.jpg"
    "Flea" => "http://images.roosterteeth.com/images/4c2272a6b75db_1a2bd74.jpg"
    "Steamworks on PS3" => "http://e3.gamespot.com/story/6265808/portal-2-steamworks-ps3-bound-in-2011"
    "Geoff played Fable3" => "http://roosterteeth.com/comics/strip.php?id=1680"
    "Call of Duty Black Ops pyrotechnics" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6On-hM-wl4"
    "Old Republic Hope trailer" => "http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2010-star-wars/101162"
    "Mega64 Cosplayerz Costumery Crisis" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khzVwAtMggE"
    "Xbox Live Gold Family" => "http://www.joystiq.com/2010/06/22/99-xbox-live-gold-family-plan-available-this-november/"
    "Metal Gear Solid: Rising" => "http://kotaku.com/5560707/metal-gear-solid-raiden-has-changed"
    "Metal Gear Solid 2 E3 2000 trailer" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk7aBSUAozE"
    "I Am Alive" => "http://www.joystiq.com/2010/06/17/trailer-i-am-alive-insert-irony-here/"
    "Man goes Osama Bin Laden hunting" => "http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jun/15/us-man-quest-kill-bin-laden-pakistan"
    "Wharfinger" => "http://roosterteeth.com/wharfinger"
    "Fighting Cock" => "http://www.fightingcock.com/"
    "Virginia Moonshine" => "http://www.virginiamoonshine.com/"
    "Everclear" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Everclear_(alcohol)"
    "Flashover Games" => "http://www.flashovergames.com/"
    "Moonshine Grill" => "http://www.moonshinegrill.com/"


Transcript (in progress):

drunk pretty good dude the funny thing about enhanced podcast we're doing we will have a link dump with images and links that go along as we talked about stuff I would you the recording format will continue to offer and if E3 in the lake don't like we always have people who still have no I don't know actually initiative and doing more work for you making more work for yourself that's very cool I gotta say I for one think that's works hard all the time I don't understand what I think I think it was someone trying to improve the customer experience very tired witches we had a couple people don't like sports but I just think about how excited we were for the World Cup soccer how to start an argument next to defender in the ball crisis for it is enough that I goes to the runner 1 things funny Outsiders digital I was talking about talking about I be needing any sports Rivers blue 15 congratulations working on it up stuff Barbie animation last stage which is the make it look like the game stage we were dropping and shot on the last day that I had version 13 of 1. And there about 2:55 shots that were in Cirque shot and I wasn't already working on that fighting when he was still working on the stuff and episode 3 and 4 your first hour we were you're crazy stuff that we can do the teleporters and the very first shot he made was the one where she just whales on grill I really like it could have been probably other stuff just rendering in Oregon 1 goes Super turning at stuff that some people considered to be the best episode makes you really happy and now it's like it's like a replacement new episode 10 to replace 10 because 10 text episode that's when she was first introduced for episode 10 in our I guess our of Canon I want to how many times text appears in those four episode July 10th episode number for some reason it's almost better biorhythm hero I feel like crap that you have I know you sleep really weird hours and you have a cot here and one of the closet in the door someone every morning and wake him up probably around 8 would probably 1 you can go to a 12-pack and not drink between 12 cock drink 1 Coke catalog useless facts Soleil black people what we do in the podcast 1 babes the links not work when you listen to the podcast on iPhone 3 upgrade album art but now it actually has leaks at work no problem there's a bug where at if you upgrade the phone or the S2 3G if it doesn't it doesn't apply the upgrade until you restore so it took me forever to download upgrade and I just didn't have her and then I had to restore and then that unlocked it and the background in Photoshop 3 n De Anza 10 stuff now if I were to run I would come on my location to his appointment Xbox Xbox One to get his Xbox and she said that every time the door Best Buy ticket to everybody the choir version 2000 I could hear it in her office what was on the power consumption of a current 340 van old 360 I can say that's pretty cool about the power converter Xbox vampire between that kind of energy crazy building metal where we've been for the last three years has made it absolutely paranoid about electricity first Gus New Hampshire get your computer to an external hard drive Kinect rendering personal in Burnie are neck-and-neck is more typically the Xbox One or PS4 Xbox for computers DU Power we have between 12 and 15x boxes on 10 to 15 hours a day in this office every day if we should if we converted to old new ones today you know you actually can I find me for taking a picture of all my controllers and putting it online 360 controllers hunting Jack California I man Jack am now black the other day we change the on Red vs. blue 2 like that attractive either but the text background of the team that we have today you know we have it we have this thing through every 1 category where you can write your likes and dislikes and I have the same sounding actually when I first started watching it I thought that a little bit Indian I guess I'm going to make sure to put the survey this week could have a few more so that we can send them Xbox Howard direct result of the survey and some of the stuff from the feedback we learned about the enhanced podcast who knows if we'll even power wharfinger from a bike ride Maybach I wonder if I could go if we could get lighter and the album artwork and I think God cares more about the customer and the user experience technology Nostrand Our Lives making each other or have done in the past 10 metal 3D printer new number what's the worst mommy sometimes before and it never like I don't know usually like talking to Griffin 3 million you know what's the worst thing you've ever with the worst name you've ever called your life early on in our relationship I called Griffin my ex-wife's name during sex I can't eat with you I felt so bad about it and it's just like you know I was here so just like that name was present in my head all the time I haven't said I call her my ex-wife or in other words I don't say her name anymore because she got 10 I've never done that in a awkward situation like that it would have been to call her mom at that point 7 new message to see when you've never dated anyone Sigmund Lara Croft husband number season pass when I was working 2 jobs you know the first three seasons of Red vs Blue and working really good and I was very very very reluctant to leave it 25 college rankings in the UFC Revelation when they're playing at E3 Texas number 3 number 3 number 2 metal I gotta say what you want to see highlights of 30 minutes on Xbox One like why they call it a Cirque du Soleil event because it was really like people doing Cirque du Soleil stuff like crazy and then they have people who did Giants living room living room and there was a family in sitting on the sofa playing Kinect and then they would turn the room upside down and family would be laying upside down okay but it was pretty cool person Xbox 2 with leaves attached to the Soleil show not live now hunting am I unliked DVD and all the other love show in La La in Vegas crystals 1 minute New York 2 Olympic gymnast live in your arms pole we saw a really weird pole climbing staying the night after Cirque du Soleil we got to go to the Activision E3 press event which was really just like they were done at the Staples Center and had a concert and we could see like Usher and Eminem and Rihanna and Jane's Addiction and Chris Cornell and nerd Andrea and DJs to ever be trippin I said no and then 75 foot stripper pole and they had to go climb to the top of it spin around the du Lac stripper moves on the stripper pole from a 10 minutes and I just got done playing music again it was terrifying I was so scared she thought she was over it was Pole is this something that never is eating with us tonight the next time the NBA Jack experienced before it's 324 flea watch the finals with mrs. Obama I hear you are you in flea had a moment be quiet and reserved the entire game and then when I left about 5 minutes after she took it and then he was like he was going to the game like everybody else could have been game of the finals we had money the prices start falling old guys I love the best buy a pair they started at around $1,400 and we getting anything for export fighting over who was going to print out tickets and come on paper to me when I left there with the most runs the Staple Center in am actually working I think it was in front of us just because they're am Austin & Ally not a fan of the home team at a family's house and everyone there is something 40 minute my house for everyone there was room for one I'm not I need became the asshole of the party is actually next up the other time you didn't last year at the championship game I know what your opinion Outsider reading the news point of view what happened to Duty 3 new Xbox tomorrow Nintendo has E3 and Rich has Space Battles would you say Kinect I feel like I'm more Xbox One consoles or console refreshes others I don't know that anything from the store for me what can you remember anything that Duty funny Teen Magazine version of Steamworks game was anti PS3 absolute on the PS3 Steamworks am direct sale through PSN make certain concessions in order to get the old valve making games for them I will say there's a lot of really solid game coming out I mean everybody knew that anyway but we got a Hands-On with almost every game there and every time I played some really good and really polished and this fable3 was great I got a lot of trouble for playing in the worst trouble with him buy three really reading everything I do the problem with E3 for me this year was there and it was like gear fable3 Fallout New Vegas Dead Rising 2 like something into it he not like it's a big deal it looks on people's attention new Wonder Woman action president on the show The Black Ops trailer with pyrotechnics going off in tank with the trailer today dude it was like they were so big and pyrotechnics the waves of heat every time the blue love Buzz explosion I never did get to try to match it Anyway remember last year for Call of Duty that was probably one of best trailer for a video game on trailer and it was probably Activision yet probably want to have that continuity bin 10 to remind people that it's also Call of Duty and it's no different in the trailer what time will you be 1 or 12 or 15 million The Big Show and then have a booth at E3 let's do that anywhere in E3 on the floor anywhere they have meeting room. Trailer Republic it was really good I don't think it was as good as the first trailer and I agree but it was good and I'm confused I could be there like it was no big deal Jasmine 2000 for the movie controversy Burnie Burnie had to go to the new last one 2 deception trailer more and it's gorgeous There and Everywhere We went we talked to you for awhile I know everybody's coming everyone had a wonderful time was had by all lots of alcohol is consumed PAX East of mega64 with recording after dance party thing there they will find it for that online Red vs. blue well that's awesome Morgan photos yeah did you see the new Microsoft Xbox Live Gold family plan for gamertags for gamertags on gold status for a year for $99 that's awesome for free the family all the time so she knows that after her birthday before Miami's next birthday okay so Kinect November 14th of right now they're leaning towards 150 is what everyone think of the hundred $50 to make them a little bit I didn't do much for blown away but have an in-house 21 new Solid 2 trailer where he's like sneaking around and there's on the PS3 second round in a box in a room full of do the same time I was mechanics in call that's interesting you can send data without having to rely on the live blog where you jack in I was out there I guess they push the release date in 2011 the game was to come out in like March 2010 trailer park or something good thing you're staying there for 5 seconds ago you said you got arrested in Pakistan for a hunting Osama Bin Laden in the military that's able to get in and out of Pakistan like six times over three years and make some real Headway towards finding it on the laden get killed because like talking about how they've tried to do that and they just get taken for a ride and all their money problems which language is dressed as an American running through the woods not speaking speaks like four or five words of Duty I just called and he's got major health problems and he was able to get fairly close to his on the 11th I think like he thinks he saw him but she wasn't crazy literally crazy because you know we're heading in the new a new format mean you're at a meeting format for the enhanced podcast everything we talked about was on your desk over there behind you I guess it's from the mountains because something very excited about it and fighting cock Kentucky straight bourbon whiskey softball and this one looks even worse this is Virginia corn whiskey and it's called Virginia lightning and it is 100% proof and the logo is a still Virginia and Culpeper Virginia we should have a percent alcohol by volume I did this one here the fighting cock is 51.5% alcohol by volume Duty insane typical typical liquor is 40% like your vodka or gin stuff like that I've had moonshine twice previously in my life and both were extremely memorable experience Everclear Everclear Everclear I think has a higher higher alcohol by volume 100 Proof New River man it would they also it was the 2 Girls and they keep giving me pills too and I love it every time with the pills or they just making me take them I don't know what Everclear on your kidney it wasn't there all the time because he likes to think of her on his way and he mentioned that's alright