#86 - Rooster Teeth Podcast

Rooster Teeth rides without Geoff

Link: http://roosterteeth.com/episode/rt-podcast-season-1-rooster-teeth-podcast-86

Recorded: 2010-11-03 20:23:25

Runtime: 01:06:10 (3970.95 seconds)

Participants: Gus Sorola, Burnie Burns, Jack Pattillo, Griffon Ramsey




    "Fails of the Weak" => "http://achievementhunter.com/archive/episode.php?id=1675"
    "w00tstock" => "http://w00tstock.net/"
    "Molly Lewis" => "http://sweetafton23.com/"
    "Paul and Storm" => "http://www.paulandstorm.com/"
    "Burnie Eats It" => "http://roosterteeth.com/members/videos/video.php?id=5"
    "Lunchbox Laboratory" => "http://www.lunchboxlaboratory.com/"
    "Burgermaster talks to Burnie" => "http://twitter.com/Burgermaster/status/29222685641"
    "Firesheep" => "http://codebutler.com/firesheep"
    "iPhone Security Flaw" => "http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-20020886-37.html"
    "The Liberty" => "http://www.yelp.com/biz/the-liberty-austin"
    "MacBook Air Trouble" => "http://www.appleinsider.com/articles/10/11/02/some_of_apples_new_macbook_airs_exhibiting_issues_with_logic_board_display.html"
    "Fallout New Vegas Glitch" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-NMT4wpNVw"
    "Gullivers Travel Trailer" => "http://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/gullivers-travels/trailer"
    "Sherlock" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1475582/"
    "New Zealand Hobbit Hubbub" => "http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/oct/31/warner-bros-new-zealand-hobbit-film"
    "Goat in the Shire" => "http://www.thatcutesite.com/uploads/2010/08/sheep_hobbit_01.jpg"
    "Star Wars Tunisia Sets" => "http://goafrica.about.com/b/2007/11/21/star-wars-tours-in-tunisia.htm"
    "NASA Billionaire Project" => "http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/10/26/5355604-billionaires-wanted-for-starship-plan"
    "Marfa House Good Picture" => "http://images.roosterteeth.com/images/4cd1b7718e73b_marfa1.jpg"
    "Marfa House Bad Picture" => "http://images.roosterteeth.com/images/4cd1b779c8d69_marfa2.jpg"
    "Paddle Surfing" => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stand_up_paddle_surfing"
    "Paddle Surfer Films Sharks" => "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7940336/Californian-surfer-Chuck-Patterson-films-Great-White-sharks-circling-his-board.html"
    "The Cove" => "http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1313104/"
    "Girls Beginning Puberty Earlier" => "http://www.themoneytimes.com/featured/20100809/american-girls-attaining-puberty-earlystudy-id-10123741.html"
    "Randy Moss Press Conference" => "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aALERIngeS0"
    "Randy Moss Waived" => "http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5752939"
    "RT Events Page" => "http://roosterteeth.com/info/?id=4"
    "Invisible Fire" => "http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e9e_1288624546&c"


Transcript (in progress):

drunk tank podcast artwork that was it I think I put it on the website or Facebook mother named him name is longer than a man has Invisible song did I just want to remind me on it instead participation in the drunk tank theme song spending they're not compulsory you don't have a deadline that he had to meet for the drunk tank sending and he decided he was ready to quit and you too can be like how the hell do you have and she was like July really how long of a backlog we have on the fails the weak now we have over 2000 entries for fails what are you playing fails the weak is personal the weak is a series that 100 every Friday from 10 to 12 clips of horrible failures in Halo Reach and we have people submit them online and posted a video and I do commentary for 2 weeks I believe it means we're good for the next three years the audience in the community somehow get through watching myself and then I think about it the first time when we watch the video the commentary for it Star Trek how do you say is just a lie he's out sick today sore throat the word something we didn't get that we had we did last night in Woodstock which which is a show storm musicians Adam Savage from MythBusters it was literally got to the theater right next door to our old office down for sound check in Griffon and Jeff and I went out about what was at 3:37 we had a video that we were contributing well we had about three and a half hours to kill before we had to be back at the theater and sell Griffon the first time that give us enough time I think of the worst possible scenario what's wrong with him no dice man super Surfer I did not think I had ever I was a conference call on a conference call and I had to leave through the back door to my house in the middle conference call the trailer light bad of throwing up is great but there was a guy I know and he was going to go and bang bang bang something and I'm working from home today biggest rattlesnake in Patagonia stop looking rattlesnake it you know what if anyone it should be Star Texas text it was and I apologize to her for being part of the hopefully hopefully great ukulele player and we were part of this late night talk show for PAX and I talked about it once when I was getting Jack Whitehall packed and we were the first Gus Molly and then Albert sets I need a patch for decorating to write and everything and you just end up it was like midnight so we were like hanging around the convention home much later than normal we were going to be on the show with Alex Albrecht and I thought man I should really be up to date on my Alex Albrecht information in case were sitting on stage and I will be like you know what are you up to going backstage literally like tap into my iPhone Wikipedia and reading up on an update on his project for doing what you want to have an intelligent discussion I told Jeff we have to know we have money and we have ugly and they put it in the ugly mode right away because they didn't know they did they said come on out and they didn't even like what the hell is a Frank Frank Frank can we just forget it completely to make lemonade weak and of itself 408 it was pretty clear that lasted for about an hour while standing there waiting what's up anyway it was connected to a world wide web of information Molly was out after a and v salvage everything from what I understand that was of course the past no no nevermind the Barenaked Ladies than any other man that I've ever seen like the Barenaked Ladies never seen them in concert is the fact that they just know each other and it's half Comedy half music send a text in Wisconsin September killing time waiting to start watching Jack in a coffee shop is pretty damn funny because straight to star tattoos okay heard they had a guest and who it has to be positive Jefferson Court storm that I met you new free funny the recording audio dog Griffon Tunisia recording on press table video and I was sitting next to him I wasn't in it and it was literally just hit record goat coughing like crazy I wish mine did onstage interview attire Paramount project you know we're not used to receiving the money back and correct all caps Columbus for the in thing it said we really didn't know what to do guys like good in anything like travel I guess it was really cool dude 20 foxtrot Middle School in Illinois dispatch Gabe from Penny Arcade weak some of the stuff sometimes and exchange it so I mean we should not be stupid I thought everyone in this show which from Austin like I thought Neil Gaiman was for Moss I just did get the package they flew in for this event we were like the only local guys in the thing it's actually turning out of all of us and we were chosen to represent the city Sanders on the 1944 of the voting yesterday I guess I guess there's an election or something connect me House of Video ultimately that's probably was going to happen Austin also captured the same time I can only imagine nothing but embarrassing videos coming out of that I'm not doing it video yes we do my videos on the site so be sure to put it in the weak dump Partners TV it was pretty cool you know that was to make sure I was recording all the election coverage stuff and I noticed that in my scheduled recordings of Mythbusters no standing literally right next to Adam Savage look like that's kind of nice little surreal you check your Time Warner cable but a TiVo DVR Time Warner new service for smartphone and I know ATT U-verse House bad I didn't realize people and I just want a long time stripes and more service was great unless the temperature drops below 45 degrees 425 degrees everyday Jack in that range was everything stopped working I don't know what happened what Time Warner recently where was the World Series game 1 Time Warner the Time Warner Twitter account responded to me I'm working on it we know what's going on we'll have it fixed I'm going to answer the phone is that a million I only have time for one Burger but I go to Burgermaster to go to Five Guys or should I go to of what was going on though some of the truck or something good burger places in the other five guys have one in Austin it was the point where should I go from Xbox Live need directions to lunchbox laboratory in Seattle that was amazing I can't even picture of in my life had like half a pound of bacon on it and then Twitter account that's what I was looking for some hot chocolate or something downtown and some coffee shop in Austin like 200 meter can be coming out what time is I was having a lot of times with Bank of America not taking it out on them on Twitter in their Bank of America help Twitter account replied try to be helpful not helpful finish it I couldn't get the one of the phone to help me you know I can get someone to walk into a bank to help me but I make an angry Twitter about it and reply right away I don't like that at all it's just a thought if I'm bullshittin America bankrupt everything I can to help you can believe that having a bad day duck down 2% to of like you just like change your relationship status to it's complicated and then random women from your town reading it that's pretty happy I met you the other the Bank of America right now my bank and I've been giving me like a bunch of tools in a business Bank of America you got a problem that's fine that's firesheep thing came up when I was in Seattle because you probably right I guess I hadn't read about it then I guess you don't feel the need to the morning iPhone email informative email fox in Westminster for hackers where we know when Napster came out so everybody was because they wanted to search for a plug-in Firefox get on the network at Starbucks the Wi-Fi network and you can just start pulling up people's accounts were logged in to the same Wi-Fi network different website pretty interesting but it doesn't seem to have had using these public hotspots as much it's not as into it as you have to be connected to a Wi-Fi network that has nowhere for WPA2 using it at home or at work most people it's a big deal and iPhone 1402 traffic stuck in your pocket and realize that they can't pull up your address for anything like that I mean I mean if you had like a Facebook page that you have to contact him. Whatever you the money probably here with my job to another exponent iPhone if you have a locked iPhone in your hand you don't know the code you can get in to unlock and it to me I don't remember the emergency call Button interested contact list I get their contact picture do I have a T-Mobile me when you can wipe it remotely TracFone it like when you lose your phone you can pull up Google Maps and to do that when he found it was crushed got crushed in head last known location MacBook Pro Portland the corner to myself totally into the quarter was in turn around stick it out and I turn back and it was gone and then I made a run in the barn making a horrible sound I don't go there anymore and everyone on my friends the liberty of the liberty of asking my parents Liberty 3 2/2 Zealand trailer not like they've got 4 Barfield kind of stuff I don't know it's pretty expensive Nexus 5 YouTube nothing you should go there it really affects your memory Jeff Dunham bad in bed and has HIV I like it alot gif but I think Jack in the laptop storm iPhone tether to my laptop too much is going it was and then as now a Mac person which I guess that I am I've learned when you want something don't buy it wait until they have one of the Shire Moss shows and then buy it I bought the MacBook Air have been waiting to buy a laptop and I like it it's quiet and I just haven't had any trouble people are reporting a card with trouble with it with their MacBook Air air complainers when I have a product that works like talks about Griffon the keyboard and every other Mac notebook the keyboard backlight press I don't have it with your fingers right I probably 2500 page your fingers and middle finger on your hand why don't you just learn to type that's crazy to me the most useful class in high school and middle school you are I probably am but I just I don't want that and everything typing in class in high school typewriters used typewriters keyboard that they had a little one line letters on the cross I learned on IBM selectric you know the typical typewriters Uncle Jimmy new Xbox like I didn't know you can do that I just checked out all the time so I can turn around with that new Xbox dashboard update the other day and I don't know but I think it really helped my low times in Fallout New Vegas how is that I have no idea looking terrible joke it was shocking it was like I would go through a door and I would literally look for for 5 minutes and quartered iphone update I think I might seriously now a quarter of what they were before Patrick Western the Molly that one then I might have to go through those doors the doors and Fallout star not all of them are positive you are enjoying the game by the way I'm enjoying the game master I have to stop weather 10 millimeter pistol and I've been going to the game and left for laser sight on the gun and go back to the game and everything looks good! In it and there's no way you can unlock the guns I can't fix it I can't take any more time here how much quicker on my fucking table night and I'm not going to pretend like I understand everything about game development models of the hardest things to update whatever reason why can't add a new character in Left 4 Dead you know they can't update Halo with new armor sets in Halo 3 different armor to have in order to have dialogue in there and unlock it but I never get fixed in the game words how big is the download from 4 radenz and I got screwed iPhone from everything I've ever put out for any game ever the rock star do you always amazing like The Ballad of Gay Tony it was the one that was the name of the motorcycle 109 air comes out and I had I had downloaded hundred percent questions Red Dead Redemption and I'm Undead Nightmare by 1600.0 by it so I bought it and it's downloading I bought a bundle where is the Undead Nightmare DLC and it's all the previous deal together for an extra I discovered this when I got home and I saw another two items on the DLC list of all the weak at least I can download that I just downloaded everything at the office so I just hit the button and then I hit confirm download it to show some love for Rockstar for including something you created in the game the super thing if she meant well I think that there's no The Walking Dead on AMC just last night I watch AMC because I watch Mad Men Griffon when are you guys going to get around to watching Mad Men hospice when I know a friend to the thing we're renting a house right now have a minimum square footage for the weak yeah everything out we had like one I didn't mind it I like to have an empty space and not having to Spartan lifestyle yeah we got rid of to get rid of things because of really nice furniture it looks like the hidden cost of updating your for 7 walk around complaining didn't the moving your stuff out your house getting ready to be convinced that you're going to be at the furniture store buying all this stuff well you know what you don't want to start fresh and all I hear is like complaining like them weather Jack let everything that you and I were taking a golf club in Freehold and every day for the last month the oldest writing my name in it but the golf club Estee Lauder ugly but also I mean we were in that office for three and a half years and we had a hundred 100 $120 a year for everyone I guess what you are new and Jojo Jojo is not a fan of change identical to what it was before you get there let me know he wants to work don't fuk with and enjoy the weak Power Rangers Fan in the Rangers go to the World Series and a chance to go out of town the whole time to the Monday night game and we are so fortunate because that was the game that they lost the World Series Wars and watching the opposing team like Dogpile on the pitcher's mound in your Stadium you know if my teammates don't like and I don't really have that Rangers Yankees Rangers ever won a playoff game ever won a playoff game in the two previous the Yankees won their division in the one with the ALCS series ever made it in less than 5 games the river that moves the Alamo I don't think I was that house today more indicative of how close the game was very close really press Alabama game last year we rented out a theater here in Austin to watch it with you know 204 closest friends and Griffon of the only Alabama you have family you don't have to understand them directions to expect it is weird expected a castle on the moon space from school asking why when we're getting it I didn't know about like it's always getting the space are we understand it happening you know people get into things and then they come back around to the younger people have experienced it has been a while I haven't been in a long time they come around like 10 or 15 years new Gullivers travel movie coming out with Jack Black weak so God really travel Jack Black laboratory creation of it they really trailer for yesterday and it looks terrible is that Ben Stiller who is the British dude from the movie Tropic Thunder director what's the Kristen Wilson tag team partners whatever star cast trailer trailer every creation the British show and it and we will watch this one episode that was all that was available on internet and getting sucked into Hobbit the guy from page and the office every time with them from the British Tim & Dawn Jack maybe you can I do but there's a green light green light it how to say that production for The Hobbit but there was a problem that they weren't going to be some kind of Union Australia thing right there and then all the New Zealand Cruise just got super pissed off and they're going to boycott the movie of people going to work on his good days nope sorry when I go to work anymore and then it's back and forth I'm not sure what happened but ultimately came down to they're going to shoot a New Zealand again I guess we'll have it this time goat farm daisies you know used to shoot all the amino The Hobbit stuff like that all the house is still there but now it is just inside the hole RT what kind of world and building that kind of stuff Power Ranger movies Project Excel what station for my Galaxy there was a similar thing somebody found the Skywalker Ranch in the Tunisian Desert it was a weird situation racist that was somebody found it and I found out water slide really don't know where the National Air and Space Museum Washington DC this past week that was pretty cool actually everything like everything time someone put foot on the moon what did the 77 United States been on the moon yeah like the other good stuff that we didn't land on the Moon the last time someone was on the moon was December 11th 1972 but like if you went and you let her go what what is keeping us from NASA the return please travel has to be the right now microcosm where they're doing particle that has a lot more Trade Up application and it's kind of hard to figure out you know blocking meteors that events in the other plan what we're going to do in space Lexington KY rctech it like Google Earth and you can see everything that I've updated if the good existed don't you think you found him original NASA Ames research project trying to get money from billionaire and the creation of 100 Year Starship billionaire to give them lots of money travel 400 years to get to the closest that's cool you like the building to another Star fails are talking about a mission to Mars that is one way what would Jack let me ask you would you volunteer never qualify but would you volunteer for a mission to Mars where you would be the first human being over the course of another planet right now probably not in 15 years maybe to take care of the cat order checks to go with you that would like to be able on Xbox Live but you could not get into multiplayer 5 years what is one way that what would you bring 4040 likes causing problems we have Griffon we have a couple that we know that have such old people names weak a couple days bike riding at the retirement home look at the way you treat me right yeah just sometimes is a little rash with big stuff he liked with the side the changes and he came in to buy a house in Marfa Texas it was really nice art projects that you can live it you know making plans like the picture exactly running around in Texas there's nothing out there the greens pictures of the hey Jeff what's going to Google Street View and see what this thing actually looks like Google Photoshop the parking lot is elected by trailer most wonderful train to Mad Max paddle but I don't want to do nothing star cars at the Marfa Texas of tiny tiny little town waiting with Texas like Big Bend is like the big kind of like National Park the park Big Bend National Park to 6070 much like nothing like it was dying and the Darkness New York RT of Independence when did we do the right New Yorker even like them hanging out with all these German people walk to your and and little town in Texas which is the weak things to it so I can go out therefore every meal so people like Jeffrey in the town for the local so a lot of people Moss but it's completely 7 hours away from Australia to take out an entire trip just getting some texts like it's pretty much the same latitude from here okay Shire Big Bend to and from La in Texas have to trip like in El Paso with half the day 2023 Texas and I can iPhone an hour maybe fucking mistake was the longest worst part of the drive Hayden Idaho call Gullivers trailer full of merchandise and it's on there and we can go back in room after the last week of July and it was nothing 10 miles between gas station enemy Jason up the gas needle moving the gas needle you can watch it dropped off Friday on the exterior temperature is 108 degrees only feeling Craigslist new sportswear the notes to play Stand Up on a surfboard the paddle on the bottom of the world stand up and paddle paddle surfing paddle up anyway surfing and making it harder for okay I thought you meant anthem events that happen to me that was the day I was in the ocean of great whites in the ocean I'm trying to find the great white again and it's like filming things under control in the camera on the water in filming the sharks Cameron crazy good camera for the Shire pencil bite you snow what are you crazy that's why this was fun ocean documentary the most depressing thing I've ever seen in my life in the Cove it what about the Oscars and I'm not going to lie I was not moved by the documentary I mean for our will on them like if Air India had a problem with a student and they made a great doctor what's the weather I mean there's it what's the definition of mercury poisoning the country now they're hiding that from their citizens but yeah that's true but that wasn't what I thought when everyone cries over there so you have really done this for years and you know it's tradition was not actually eating Molly people living in Tokyo to do that but people in the country who live in coastal areas do and have them for sale Demi in Delaware Eminem Forever getting press earlier in 73089 first term used This is 40 set alarm for 10 everything that history like the Google history saying I'm so careful about anything I search for what does Christ mean new Google account if you walk into church you're a maniac you're all the freeway American Girl pictures of the breast cancer in the environment Research Center show that between 2004 and 2007 compared to a decade ago and then we go through things like that goat milk interdiction China people people jobs in America now Wars happen to people Jack Randy Moss to hear what happened Randy Moss Randy Moss receiver New England Patriots earlier this year for refusing to press because I was fined $25,000 for not talking you guys going to talk to you but you're not going to talk to me on the home press conference and you can afford them questions I'll answer them but then he did that and he kind of screwed over cuz you just are talking off the cuff and he essentially 920 lost to the Patriots and all you do is talk about how great the Patriots are and how old Bill Belichick the coach of the Patriots by one of the best coaches of all time and how he was giving his coaches information about what the Patriots are probably do and they did Randy we should have a right to hear that I'm sure you're right and a sweetie you can look at it online if you saw how great the Patriots are and if you want a press conference and the Vikings you're fired get out the Cove really drop them hot dude somebody knows some of those guys know anybody who needs to know to catch football super long wrapping up right now I want to restore sanity was awesome and easy to it a bunch of fans from side came out and we had a big group in to dinner it was very very cool of people come out and we have updated our events page on the web information for next year we can go check out events we have right now Jack and how I don't like invisible things that can kill you LiveLeak video to know about apparently that use ethanol fuel race cars F1 race car F1 race which apparently invisible and it was a bunch of people are fire and you can see the Flames they're having trouble putting them out so that was one of the most horrific thing I've ever seen in my life cooler than normal but only Burnie Ephrata PA it's awful I look like Jack Link's this week you're on invisible fire that's it thank you